Player: So, where is the krypton gold interface of this crappy game...

But it may become like this when it is drawn↓

Batman: You can't kill

Player (has shot the enemy): It doesn't matter, I just let him go to see God, I have always been merciful

Batman: (said the plan abcde)

Player: (dazed throughout the whole process) (started all kinds of extreme operations when the time came) jumped up and down, left and right, front and back

Batman: Why didn't you follow the plan?

Player: But he just punched me, I will not be happy if I don't chase him and beat him up

A "Bruce Blood Pressure Simulator"

Chapter 43 Head-on attack

[Confirm that the character card has been used]

Entering the universe...

Please wait patiently...

Entry failed, re-enter the universe again

Special identity has been successfully covered...

Enter successfully-welcome to the universe, welcome to the Hydra base, dear player, Unit-01.



When the mechanical electronic sound beside the ear disappeared, the pupils of the player who just came back to his senses and heard such a place name and location trembled.

It doesn't have to be so exciting! You have to know that he had just tricked those guys in the last universe.

In the field of vision, the first thing that caught the green eyes was the gray-toned dilapidated base, with tilted instruments and objects, thick dust on them, and even a lot of broken guns on the floor.

But the good news is that it is not as expected that the Hydras are gathered together, with all kinds of high-security technology, and then he needs to perform an extreme escape.

This made the player breathe a sigh of relief at the first time. He first opened the character panel to check the degree of fit with the vest.

[Tyrant synchronization rate 0%]

Although there is no sense of obstruction between actions, such a synchronization rate cannot fight normally. Even if you have experienced a universe, it does not mean that the player can punch a Batman without the assistance of the vest. Maybe he can't even beat Titus. It's sad.

After all, even the minimum requirement for the battle in the tutorial map is a synchronization rate of 20%.

Resurrection may be a miracle that humans dare not even think about, but for the game system, it is much cheaper than directly selecting a living bat that still bears the fate of the world.

But resurrection does not mean no cost, or that anyone can do it.

Even if the body is alive now, the spirit may not be. When falling into darkness and sleeping in the embrace of death, human consciousness will begin to dissipate.

Just like Red Hood, the body is first revived, and then the spirit gradually returns to normal.

There are special talents in this regard, or people who have been resurrected from the dead will be more likely to wake up, but it also takes a process.

——These are also the main reasons why the synchronization rate should be raised first.

The space of this base is not small, and the scene is empty and there are no other living people. It is indeed very suitable for relaxed and happy actions.

However, when the system screen that only players can see was put away and the attention was put back on the vest, I found that I was actually in a closed culture chamber, immersed in nutrient solution, and bubbles would float up with breathing.

Looking down, I can see that the most fatal wound in the chest has been repaired by the system, leaving only a scar that penetrates the heart, and other small scars on the body are scattered on the exposed body. The muscle lines after rigorous training are smooth and full of explosive power, showing extremely dangerous aggressiveness.

The nutrient solution in the closed warehouse of Hydra should also be classified as a special medicine. I don’t know if it has expired, but it seems that the touch and taste are no different from clear water, but it looks thicker.

After all, it is a closed space that has been placed for a long time, and the oxygen will become thinner and thinner as the player breathes.

Responding to this, before suffocating, the player raised his arm and put his palm on the glass and gradually applied force, easily pressing cracks, and water flowed out of the cracks in large quantities. The impact expanded the cracks and broke a large hole.

Losing buoyancy and obstacles, he finally stepped on the ground. When he looked up, he could see the broken glass shards scattered on the floor outside the warehouse. The player didn’t want to try to step on the glass shards barefoot, so he continued to stay where he was and put on the equipment.

The water drops on his body flowed down with the movement of his limbs, and his hair was the worst hit area, wet, but fortunately Damian’s hair was not long, and it would probably dry after a while.

Opening the backpack to use the suit, the player thought about it and equipped it with the hood.

This whole set actually contains lead, and it is obviously not the one Damian originally wore.

It seems that the uniforms in the card pool are newer and more comprehensive than the original ones on the character card. Perhaps the uniforms before death were too damaged, so the vest used this time is, uh, nothing to wear.

He quickly changed into a bat windbreaker, and the combat boots gave the player a sufficient sense of security. He came out of the incubator and explored the base directly.

This wide space is also suitable for players to do some parkour, jumping and jumping, and even mumbling some lines seen in the eight o'clock drama in the last world, and no one would know.

He said to the incubator, "Hey, Rorona, do you really want my love? But you can't keep me at all. Even if it hurts you, I will leave in the end."

The player is very polite and even remembers to name the instrument that he broke.

Of course, he was also very cold and ruthless when he left.

The grappling gun is fixed high, and the player uses the ground to pull himself up to a higher place. He steps over the railing and walks in the corridor. He searches every room he passes by. When he walks into the guard room, the player does not forget to apologize for the half barrel he accidentally stepped on.

[Tyrant Synchronization Rate 5%]

It seems that moving around is indeed useful, but the player does not run around blindly, but uses clues to simply judge what happened here.

However, it can be guessed that it is nothing more than being exposed or attacked. In fact, the player knows that what he lacks most now is the understanding of this universe.

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