But this is also a more optimistic idea, because Spider-Man himself is not very clear about the other party's position, so it is always right to be cautious on both sides.

In this fight, the older man is firmly in a position to suppress the other party. The eight-year experience gap between 25 and 17 is indeed insurmountable, not to mention that in the eyes of the tyrant, the isotope has not made any progress at all.

It is simply spitting out the teachings of the Assassin's League and Batman, and then forcibly imitating Nightwing's attack mode, using this technique that is not for the purpose of killing to kill people. It looks like a decent one, but it is actually neither fish nor fowl. The more you imitate, the less your own things are.

If Spider-Man had not been injured by Superman before, this kid might have been killed directly by the other party.

Thinking of Talia's words that the other party wanted to resurrect Alfred, the tyrant was really getting more and more angry, but he was also rational enough. He still had enough patience to set up flaws and traps, and the moment he lured the prey to take the bait, he strangled the other party's throat with his palm wearing a black glove.

The kari stick used by Nightwing to attack the enemy fell into the opponent's hands and became a weapon to hold him hostage. The Tyrant did not stop there, and continued to punch the opponent's face again and again. The brass knuckles brought heavy injuries and pain. The bloody situation on the face and body of Injustice Damian made the onlookers Spider-Man a little fidgety. Peter tried to go up and separate them.

"Get out of the way, this is a problem between me and him."

The Tyrant scolded coldly, moved his hand up and pinched the cheek of the homotope to force it to look up, so that the face under the broken domino mask was more clearly revealed.

Ignoring the other party's fierce eyes with unconvinced, he also raised his other hand to take off the bat-bat mask, and the two too similar faces were exposed to each other's eyes.

The other pair of green eyes shrank violently, showing doubts and confusion, and then turned into deeper anger. The other party's resentment was so obvious that the Tyrant didn't need to spend too much time to guess what it meant.

"Do you think I'm your replacement?"

The Tyrant narrowed his eyes, expressing the sneer and disdain on his face clearly. He pressed Nightwing's back against the wall. This was an abandoned base left by the rebels. The building materials naturally contained lead. There was no need to worry about Superman suddenly appearing at this time.

"Who are you then?" Injustice Damian gritted his teeth and asked

"Do I need to explain it to you so clearly? You don't deserve it."

They are the same person, so they naturally know how to step on the sore spot, and the effect is really good. As soon as the words fell, Nightwing's struggle intensified, with a hysterical anger, looking like he wanted to eat flesh and drink blood.

Bluffing, because being controlled by others makes him more dangerous, and because of the Tyrant's face that is exactly the same as his own.

But the Tyrant who understood this was not much happy, but even more annoyed. This universe made him feel bad from beginning to end. This is not just about the emotions of a certain person, but he really felt disgusted after understanding everything that happened in this universe and all the current situations.

Stupid self, blind Batman, Superman who is totally unlike Superman, messy Injustice League, ha, the Resistance, what a lively universe.

Peter, who looked a little demented not far away, could no longer understand what was going on. Spider-Man looked at the two faces and fell into confusion and puzzlement, but things did not go as everyone expected...

The player felt abnormal at the first time. The system kept beeping with a harsh warning sound next to him. Tyrant subconsciously knocked Nightwing unconscious and wanted to take him away from the place, but he was still a step too late.

So from Spider-Man's perspective, the two people who were fighting suddenly disappeared together, and the place was empty, as if Peter had just woken up, if it weren't for the traces of fighting.


Entering successfully...

Overwrite identity has been cancelled-welcome to ■■■■, welcome to ■■■■, dear player, Unit-01.

[System notification]: Warning, this universe partially overlaps with the Injustice Universe, and the two universes may swallow, merge or destroy each other.

[System Notice]: The fusion of the two universes has caused the effect of repelling outsiders. Now the effect has been invalidated and the covering identity has disappeared. Please enjoy the game.

[System Notice]: Warning, due to the vicious competition of nutrients in the dark multiverse, please leave the high-risk dungeon as soon as possible.

Feeling like being in a drum washing machine, the tyrant pressed his throbbing forehead to get up, and the coma was pressed under him.

The screaming groundhog player was looking at the glaring red warning on the operation screen and was about to be dumbfounded. It took a long time for him to calm down slowly.

The player and the tyrant began to analyze the current situation subconsciously. It was obvious that the player not only had bad luck in drawing cards, but also had terrible luck when entering the second dungeon. He directly broke into a universe that was overlapping and devouring each other with a vest.

This is the multiverse controlled by Barbatos. Countless universes that should have floated up were forced to sink to the bottom of the darkness and become part of the breeding ground for misfortune and despair.

So in such a place, either destruction or starting to devour each other in order to save themselves, these are all normal in the normal.

But apart from the initial panic, the player's ability to adapt was also extremely fast. After all, he was just an outsider and could leave at any time. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief at the thought, the player heard a new notification from the system.

[System Notice]: Warning, dear player, I regret to inform you that you can no longer return to the system personal space with your character card.


The Messiah, who had just heard this nonsense, cursed in shock and anger. "Do you want to listen to what you are saying?!"

If you can't take the character card away, will he just leave the tyrant in an unknown place?

[System Notice]: Dear player, I'm very sorry, your character card has been forcibly left in the universe, and you can't take it away.

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