This is also the reason why Injustice Superman is in a hurry to deal with Injustice Batman. He must ensure that he has no worries.

Tyrant knows the general plot of the Injustice Universe and the Lord Universe through the players, and he is not going to continue running around like a headless fly.

He decided to find Gray Bat first and find the rebels in the Lord Universe, which is better than taking Injustice Damian to find Injustice Batman.

Although Tyrant had knocked Nightwing unconscious before falling into this universe, he is an assassin who has undergone rigorous training since childhood. After a while, the awakening of the homonymous body helped Tyrant to find clues and increase the difficulty of the journey to the rebels.

When he realized that the other party almost subconsciously wanted to shout the word Superman, Tyrant let go and let him fall to the ground, raised his foot and stepped on the other party's lower abdomen, and his palm was like an iron clamp holding the lower half of the homonymous face, directly stopping any subsequent words.

"You know I don't mind cutting off your tongue."

Tyrant spoke in a cold and threatening tone. On the other side, holding the arm covering his mouth with both hands, the unjust Damian, who was trying to break free from the shackles, had a fierce look in his eyes, and the ruthlessness of wanting to tear any enemy to pieces was not reduced at all.

The two of them were only in a stalemate for a while, and the Tyrant almost took Nightwing's head to have an intimate contact with the floor, using the simplest violent education, but it was the player who spoke online.

"This is not your universe."

Facing Nightwing's unbelieving eyes, the Tyrant sneered and added. "Even if you call your master over, he is not the guy you know."

Of course, Nightwing would not believe such inexplicable words. He continued to struggle to break free from the Tyrant's shackles. Suddenly, the player asked again.

"Do you want to meet Grayson?"

This sentence was indeed lethal enough to Unjust Damian. Nightwing subconsciously slowed down the strength of his struggle. He should not easily believe such inexplicable nonsense.

But this was the deepest thorn in his heart, and such a key point was said by a guy who was obviously the same as himself and knew a lot of things, which made him hesitate for a moment.

"This is indeed another universe. The world of injustice and this universe are merging with each other. Now the two worlds are still overlapping but not involved with each other. As time goes by, the two worlds will begin to collide and affect each other."

"But at least before that, don't you want to see Grayson alive here?"

The second question obviously made Nightwing more shaken. He hesitated and entangled for a long time, and even wavered a little. In the end, he gave up struggling as if he had given up on himself, and did not continue to try to call Superman, but the young man's eyes were equally sharp. He immediately asked after the palm covering his mouth left.

"Why should I believe you, and who are you?"

"I am your homologue."

Compared to the player, Tyrant's self-introduction is more concise, and he doesn't have the energy to talk a lot and analyze a lot to convince him. It's just an arrogant attitude that you can believe it or not.

Nightwing was annoyed by this attitude, but he did learn a lot from Superman, at least how to read people's faces. After all, the Kryptonians' mood swings from time to time represent extreme danger. If he doesn't want to become a corpse inexplicably, he should know how to judge the situation.

Next, Nightwing will follow Tyrant without being threatened, watching his every move, and also observing this other self who feels too strange to him.

In fact, the first reaction when seeing that face is that Talia has created a new Damian.

Now it is not difficult to make clones, and the technology in the hands of many people is already very perfect, it's just a matter of how far they can go.

But this idea, which was so sure at the beginning, was quickly denied when it appeared here. Even with the most advanced cloning technology, it is impossible to copy a clone that is more powerful than the sample.

In addition to paying attention to Nightwing next to him, Tyrant must also pay attention to the situation of the universe lords and the corresponding intelligence of the resistance army. Fortunately, he is indeed an excellent detective taught by Batman.

Directly track the current intelligence to the battlefield where the lords and the resistance army are currently conflicting with each other.

Ah, how come this is also the scene of the war launched against each other? Sure enough, the supermen on both sides have noticed the strangeness of the fusion of the world?

Messiah kept thinking in his heart, and he knew in his heart that it was indeed very dangerous to let Tyrant deal with Superman alone, so the superman medicine he brought from the Assassin's League was also an important trump card, but it did not mean that it was foolproof.

The player felt that he could no longer wait to be protected passively like this. Next time, if conditions permit, he can use the bat computer to help see if he can hack his game system.

After all, they are not in the same universe. Tyrant is not worried that Nightwing is so stupid that he can't tell who he is loyal to and then stabs him in the back. However, his thoughts are quickly interrupted. The scene in front of him makes the player's mood, which has finally calmed down, excited again.

The white, high-ranking Superman and Wonder Woman who strangled Batman's neck and wanted to break it.

Compared with Nightwing who was a little stunned because he broke into the center of the battle with him, Tyrant, who reacted faster, threw the bat dart directly at the back of the short-haired woman. The small prop did attract the other party's attention for a short time.

And Tyrant, who had taken out the Superman drug from the universal belt and swallowed it into his stomach, left the place instantly, and rushed to the face of the Lord Woman with a long knife, forcing the other party to let go of the seriously injured bat and retreat to avoid the sharp blade.

Gray Bat coughed violently on the spot, his throat still aching slightly, and the feeling of near death made him unable to tell where he was for a while.

However, he soon noticed the Tyrant who broke into the center of the battlefield and Nightwing who was obviously shocked by this scene not far away.

For Injustice Damian, what he saw was that his biological father was almost killed, and the white Superman was indifferent to it and acquiesced to the woman's behavior.

It is hard to say whether his worship of Superman has collapsed. He can only react in a helpless way. Faced with such a chaotic battle situation, facing Gray Bat who slowly got up from the spot and prepared to join the fight between Tyrant and Lord Woman.

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