Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 102 Gotham!

Scenes of Bruce's good life unfolded before Katum's eyes.

The scene changes quickly, just like watching a boring family movie. Ten years in the dream passed by in the blink of an eye.

And Katum felt that less than twenty minutes had passed.

Eighteen-year-old Bruce Wayne, who has both parents, embarked on a completely different path.

They say they are different, but they are actually the same.

Bruce Wayne still looks like a rich boy, but in his heart, there is missing a core called Batman.

Now his daily routine consists of driving a luxury car, drinking famous wine, driving a luxury car, dating young models, and driving a luxury car...

Katum was almost tired of watching it.

The entire Gotham has almost become Bruce Wayne's playground.

He drives on the road every day and looks at the poor people outside, as if he comes from two worlds.

Gotham City is still the same, with a high crime rate. Bruce doesn't understand why these people are robbing, smuggling, killing and setting fires.

Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy life like him?

Katum felt that Bruce might be like this for the rest of his life.

Growing up under the protection of his parents, he is only a son of Wayne Group, not a son of Gotham.


In the early morning, the brakes sounded in front of Wayne Manor. Bruce opened the car door and threw the keys to Alfred.

"Help me park in the garage, Fu."

Alfred took the key and did so without complaint.

He is not afraid that Bruce will live happily ever after, but he is afraid that Bruce will suddenly want to prove himself.

Then there will be many more headaches than now.

"Mom, I'm back!"

Bruce's voice echoed in Wayne Manor. He threw his coat to the maid and went upstairs.

When he returned to the room, he lay down directly on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep with exhaustion all over his body and a slight pain in his lower back.

When I woke up, it was already dusk.

Bruce was the only one in the huge room. The dim sunlight filtered into the room through the gaps in the curtains, forming a sharp contrast with the silence inside.

Bruce suddenly felt overwhelmed by endless loneliness.

He lay on the bed with his eyes open and refused to get up.

What can you do when you get up?

It's still the mechanical repetitive enjoyment, the endless emptiness.

My waist still hurts.

His eyes fell on a stack of newspapers on the bedside. This was arranged by his father Thomas, hoping that Bruce could pay attention to current events, but Bruce had never read it.

This time, he unexpectedly took the newspaper and opened it to read.

The news above, about the recent emergence of several fancy vigilantes in Gotham City, caught his attention.

Bruce regarded several pieces of news as stories and read them with great interest.

Read and evaluate.

"How silly!"

He saw a report that when a vigilante was chasing a criminal, he couldn't distinguish the criminal because he blended into the crowd.

Bruce immediately thought of a solution.

"Catch all the people present and torture them, then we'll find out."

In addition, there is news that vigilantes struck too hard and severely injured criminals, forcing them to pay huge medical bills.

"Another fool."

Bruce said, "If you cover your face and don't reveal your true identity, who can find you?"

He even saw records of vigilantes being openly laughed at by criminals because their uniforms were too funny.

"Black! You have to use black!"

Looking at the ridiculous red and green uniforms, Bruce has completely defined it as performance art.

"You have to be shocking and unforgettable, not make people laugh!"

He cursed while reading, and finally threw the newspaper directly to the ground.

Is this really a group of vigilantes rather than a bunch of circus clowns?

Why are you doing something so ridiculous?

If it were me -

At this moment, Bruce suddenly froze.

What if those vigilantes were replaced by him?

How could I have such a ridiculous idea!

However, even though he didn't admit it, the idea of ​​becoming a vigilante still took root in Bruce's heart like a seed.

Maybe one day, this seed can also bloom into flowers.

The variable that Katum was waiting for appeared on this ordinary evening.

Bruce finally chose the path of becoming a vigilante and a superhero.

He began walking at night to fight some visible evil.

After a few successes, he gained some fame.

This gave Bruce even more motivation to continue pursuing his career.

The Waynes suddenly discovered that their son, who only knew about enjoyment and squandering, had changed. He began to exercise, exercise strict self-discipline, and take the initiative to learn new knowledge.

At first, Bruce was dressed in black and masked, and at first glance he looked a bit like a robber going to kidnap.

Later, he also realized that this was wrong and chose to redesign his uniform.

For a reference to the uniform, Bruce chose an owl.

He believed that that night when he was eight years old, it was because he saw an owl that he and his parents were able to walk out of the alley safely.

Katum has also been paying attention to him silently.

Bruce lived up to his trust and chose to follow the path of a hero even without any external push.

Because this Bruce is ultimately just and kind.

"It's almost time to wake up Bruce, or else-"

The owl said to himself, "Something big is going to happen!"

Bruce Wayne, the Owlman next door, slowly discovered something was wrong while fighting criminals all year round.

The evil in Gotham seems endless, always growing and never going away.

The harder he tried, the more he got himself into trouble.

And danger is approaching him step by step.

Bruce was starting to get scared.

He suddenly realized that as he deepened his fight against crime, he had more and more enemies.

This gave him endless pressure.

"don't want!!!"

Bruce sat up suddenly in bed, covered in cold sweat.

He had a nightmare.

He dreamed that his parents were brutally murdered because of his identity being revealed!

Almost without thinking, Bruce immediately ran out of bed and opened the closet compartment.

He took out the black hero uniform inside and tore at it like crazy, tearing it into pieces.

"I still have a great life, and I still have people I love. I can't lose all of this!"

He gasped and said to himself word by word, "I don't want to be a hero anymore! I just want to be Bruce Wayne! What nonsense Gotham has nothing to do with me!"

Just after he said these words, Bruce suddenly felt something strange.

It was like the whole world stopped for a second, and then time started flowing again.

Along with time comes the thing that Bruce fears most——

The manor outside the window suddenly burst into flames, and several demonstration-like gunshots announced their arrival.

Bruce quickly came to the window sill and looked down. A group of thugs dressed in black had broken into the manor. Alfred fell at their feet, bleeding.


Bruce roared in pain.

However, this was just the beginning. This group of people broke into the manor, obviously not just to kill Alfred.


Bruce suddenly realized the crux of the problem and ran out of the room quickly, trying to prevent this as much as possible.

But it's too late.

Blood, two pools of bright red blood, spread in the hall of the manor.

Thomas and Martha had fallen to the ground, and a dark figure stood in front of their bodies, with his back to Bruce.


Bruce's eyes were red and he completely lost his mind.

He pounced on the black figure, desperate to avenge his parents.

But the other party just waved his hand and knocked Bruce away.

He stood up again and again, but failed again and again, until he could no longer stand up.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Bruce was helpless and furious, "Body, I order you to stand up and avenge your parents!!!"

There was anger and pain in his voice, and... a hint of pleading.

But he really couldn't stand up.

A rich man who has been pampered for eighteen years cannot become a truly strong man even if he trains for a period of time.

"Is it painful?"

The man suddenly spoke.

At this moment, Bruce's heart trembled. Why did this voice sound so familiar?

The man slowly walked out of the shadows and revealed his face.

Bruce was completely stunned.

That black figure looked exactly like me!

"I was in the same pain as you at the beginning."

That 'Bruce' looked at him with cold eyes.

"But this pain eventually became my source of motivation."

The other party said coldly, "Bruce, you shouldn't say that Gotham has nothing to do with you!"

Bruce's pupils shrank instantly.

Didn't he just say this? Why would this person know!

Puff puff——

There was a sound of flapping wings, and Katum landed next to Bruce.

"Alas, it's still too late."

There was a sense of guilt in his eyes when he looked at Bruce, "I'm sorry, but I have to let you see such a scene again."


Suddenly, Bruce recognized the owl.

Real memories flooded into his brain instantly, and he became the twelve-year-old Bruce again.

At this moment, the entire Wayne Manor disappeared into smoke, including the bodies of Thomas and Martha.

Only Bruce and Owl were left.

"who is he?"

Bruce was still frightened. Although he already knew that everything just happened was a dream, it was still so painful to see his parents die in front of him again.

"He is you."

Katum said, "Or, it's your subconscious."

Bruce didn't understand.

Owl could only explain further: "Bruce, you may still not know yourself very well, and you don't know how important Gotham is to you.

“In a dream, you can have both parents, you can be pampered, you can even stop being a hero, but you can’t give up your hometown.

"This dream gave you too many illusions and made you feel confused, and you even chose to give up Gotham for the sake of your own life.

"Then at this time, your subconscious will come out to correct you."

Katum looked into Bruce's eyes with a hint of sadness, as if he had seen his godson's future.

"You would rather choose to strangle yourself when you could be happy, and return to Gotham again.

“Bruce, ask your heart.

"What does Gotham really mean to you?"

Bruce stood up again, his strength returning as he realized it was a dream.

He put his hand on his heart and shed two tears unconsciously.

What does Gotham really mean to Bruce?


He said, "Everything."

I looked for seven or eight translations of nothing and everything, but none of them were very satisfactory, so I simply posted the original text.

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