Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 165: Battle to break through the timeline

Everything started because of Savita.

He created the Speed ​​Force in this world, disrupting the timeline and giving birth to the Paradox Bat.

The whole world is in crisis.

Bruce really couldn't think of a reason to forgive Savitar.

Although Katum had mentioned the idea of ​​driving tigers and devouring wolves before, Bruce was not interested.

The memory of the worst ending was still echoing in his mind.

Even if Savitar is not the culprit of bringing carnage to the school, he is still involved!

Especially now, he remains unrepentant.

Bruce looked at Malfoy. This usually annoying guy was so confused that he had completely forgotten who he was.

Paramemory is created because of the Wall of Speed ​​Force.

And the Wall of Speed ​​Force also appeared because of Savitar!

"Guys like you can no longer be called human beings!"

Bruce's eyes were cold and his chest was boiling with anger.

Malfoy is Malfoy. No matter how annoying he is, he is still Malfoy, not Julian!

He has his own life!

The moment Bruce appeared, Savitar already realized that the situation was not good.

In an instant, blue lightning flashed all over his body, the whole world stopped for an instant, and he entered the Speed ​​Force time.

In fact, the world isn't slowing down, it's Savitar moving too fast.

It was so fast that everything around seemed to stop.

Savitar jumped up from the soft stool. He did not choose to fight, but chose to escape without hesitation.

His situation is so bad now, and the Paradox Bat doesn't know when it will appear, so avoiding the battle is the best choice.

Escape to a safe place first!

However, just as Savitar started running, something unexpected happened.

Bruce stood there, seemingly motionless, but Savitar could clearly feel that the other party's cold eyes had been following him.

Follow yourself! ?

An idea suddenly appeared in Savitar's mind.

Could it be——

Before he could finish thinking about this thought, the next second, reality told him everything.

Bruce moved.

Behind Hell Bat, a pair of wing claws suddenly opened, and red lightning intertwined with Bruce's body.

No, not intertwined.

At this moment, Bruce turned into a red lightning and rushed in front of Savitar.


Although Savitar's speed has slowed down due to his injury, he is still a speedster.

The speed of ordinary humans is no different from standing still in front of him.

But this time, he didn't even have a chance to dodge.

Bruce suddenly swung his punch and knocked Savitar away hard, crashing through the wall and falling outside the manor.

At the same time, he will also be knocked out of Speed ​​Force time.

"How is it possible-"

Savitar's eyes widened, what kind of ghost world was this?

Either one or two, he has just arrived in this world, why are he being surpassed by others one after another?

He is the God of Speed!

The figure of Hell Bat appeared in front of Savitar.

"Isn't this a very uncomfortable feeling?"

Bruce's deep voice sounded, "Being crushed at speed and played with like a toy. This is how you treated me in the last timeline!"

What the hell is this timeline!

Savitar had no idea what was going on!

How many enemies will my future self make?

"Wait, wait!"

Savitar lay on the ground and said helplessly, "We can discuss something! We can talk!"

"No one wants to talk to you!"

Bruce suddenly flew up and kicked Savitar off the ground.

"Isn't this your true strength? Savitar!"

Bruce shouted angrily, "Aren't you able to travel through the timeline freely? Don't you call yourself the God of Speed? Why are you so slow!"

"My speed was stolen..."

Savitar's abdomen was twitching continuously, and Bruce had no idea what kind of enemy he had just faced.

The Paradox Bat, a monster born in the world of Harry Potter.

He has the memory and knowledge of the God of War, and the blessing of the Speed ​​Force. What's even more frightening is that he is also Batman.

He had already thought of all the backup plans before facing Savitar.

Since Savitar is too fast, wouldn't it be enough to make an instrument and take away his speed?

"Speed ​​stolen?"

Bruce nodded, not surprised, because before coming, Katum reminded him of a problem.

"Little Buzi, you have to think about something clearly."

The owl was feeding the baby Celestial Comet with metal and stones.

It eats this.

"For us, though, it's only a matter of days before Cedric becomes Paradox Batman."

The owl said, "But what about Cedric himself? Have you ever thought about how long he has been running in the timeline?"

For Cedric, years, even decades, may have passed since the day of the worst ending.

This time was enough for him to fully master the Speed ​​Force.

"What should we do?" Bruce frowned, "Are we going to run in the timeline too?"

Like Cedric, running for years?

What's the point!

Bruce might as well choose to leave Harry's world, travel to other worlds for a few years, and then come back to solve the Paradox Bat.

"No need to bother."

The owl said, "Cedric can't run away from Harry's world anymore, because other worlds don't have the Speed ​​Force.

"He also didn't grow to a terrible point, because the timeline has the ability to correct itself."

Those who disrupt the timeline will not end well. There is a being called the Time Undead who will hunt down those who disrupt the timeline.

"So, we are never alone!"

Katum smiled his classic grin again.

He himself might have thought this smile was witty, but to Bruce, it only felt sinister.

"I have already thought of a way to deal with the Paradox Bat!"

This speech was so heroic.

But Bruce found it strange, because when he and Katum saw the Paradox Bat appearing in this timeline, the owl also showed a shocked expression.

Apparently he didn't expect this either.

But now he says that everything is already under control.

"Wait a minute..."

Bruce suddenly realized a problem, "Katum, tell me honestly, have you ever seen other speedsters in this world?"

"I've never seen it, but I know there will be one."

Katum said, "When I was reversing time in the Tunnel of the Universe, I saw something was wrong with Harry's world. I'm afraid something big is going to happen. Bruce, let's get ready for battle!"

Owl has said before that he doesn't understand the Speed ​​Force or the timeline.

But he understands the heavens and the universe very well.

Cedric races through time, causing countless paradoxes and disruptions, all of which are not without cost.

If you switch to the Marvel or DC world, their world is relatively stable because they have a multiverse.

The result of the perturbation of the timeline is nothing more than the creation of several more parallel universes.

But not Harry World, it's not that solid.

If the timeline is disrupted, problems will definitely arise.

"Solve the Paradox Bat first, and everything will be easy to talk about after that."

Katum took one last look at the newly born Celestial Comet Dragon Halley.

The trouble caused by the Speed ​​Force must be solved by the Speed ​​Force in the end.

"Bruce, put on the Hell Batman armor!"

The owl flew onto Bruce's shoulder, wings spread.

"We will fight side by side again!"

Back in the present, Bruce has beaten Savitar for several rounds.

"If you hadn't shown up, everything wouldn't have been so troublesome!"

Bruce said angrily, "The debt you owe to this world, what should you use to repay it!"

"I just came..."

Savitar said painfully, "I don't even know the specific situation!"

Bruce raised an eyebrow.

If we don’t know the specific situation, can we just pretend that nothing happened?

It’s time to fight!

He suddenly raised his fist and was about to hit Savitar in the face.

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in his ear.

"He's right, he really doesn't know anything."

Bruce turned his head, and an unexpected person appeared in front of him.

Cedric, or Paradox Batman.

"Bruce, long time no see."

He smiled and said, "Speed ​​people will attract each other. When you use the Speed ​​Force like this, you are almost telling me clearly that you are here.

"Let Savitar go. He doesn't know anything. It's useless to hit him. Why don't you leave it to me and let me become the master of the Speed ​​Force."

Cedric seemed confident.

He has made sufficient preparations to integrate with Savitar.

"It didn't take long."

Bruce dropped Savitar in his hand and said coldly, "For me, it's only a few days."

"In a few days..."

Cedric nodded, “But for me, it’s a whole ten years.

"Bruce, you can't imagine what kind of life I have lived in these ten years."

"I don't have to understand."

Bruce shook his head and said, "After all, you will disappear from this world soon!"

After the words fell, the speed force time started.

Everything around him stopped instantly.

Bruce burst out with red lightning and rushed towards Cedric.

Cedric just stood there, the smile on his face not even changing.

"You also have the Speed ​​Force!"

He sighed, "It's just a pity that it's still a lot slower than me."

After saying that, black lightning appeared everywhere around him, and the Speed ​​Force enveloped Cedric.

One red and one black, two bolts of lightning intertwined and rushed toward the distance at extremely fast speeds. They crossed the city, crossed the plains, and even came all the way to the sea.

They were running and fighting on the sea.

During the battle, Cedric gradually frowned.

"Very powerful, Bruce, it seems you also lied to me just now."

He said, "How could your strength break through to this level in just a few days?"

It’s like it’s been enhanced tenfold!

"I should be the one surprised!"

Bruce responded coldly, "You can fight to this extent with me now and still not fall behind. Cedric, you have made a difference in these ten years!"

Now Bruce Wayne is no longer the poor guy who can only escape with Hermione in the worst ending.

He merged with Katum and became ten times stronger.

He wears a hell bat armor and is blessed with super powers from the world of black robes.

He has the speed of the Sky Comet Dragon and has the capital to compete with Cedric.

Bruce is now not weaker than the Paradox Bat!

"I see."

Cedric and Bruce ran forward all the way. This is the way the speedsters fight.

The faster they are, the stronger they are.

And in order to maintain speed, they need to keep running.

Bruce no longer remembers how far he and Cedric ran, but he only knows that they returned to Malfoy Manor again.

When they appeared in front of Savitar, Savitar just blinked once.

"Cedric, you are not bad."

Bruce pointed at the Paradox Bat and said.

"Good, good, good!"

Although Cedric still wanted to keep his calm appearance, the seriousness in his eyes could no longer be hidden.

He ran in the timeline for ten years and learned countless powerful spells.

He even learned the power of this world besides magic.

He thought of various situations and left various back-ups. When facing him, Savitar could only run away in disgrace.

But Bruce overturned all of this.

Cedric didn't know why Bruce's power suddenly became stronger. The last time he saw him, he could only run away helplessly.

"Bruce, you opened my eyes."

Cedric finally stopped holding back, and black lightning burst out all over his body.

"Then please taste my move carefully!"

Swish --

Cedric's speed finally exploded to the extreme. He appeared in front of Bruce and punched him hard.

It was too late to dodge, Bruce stretched out his arm and blocked his chest.

Boom --

Suddenly, Bruce felt a huge suction force coming from behind him, and Cedric took him and rushed into a tunnel!

"Here we go!"

In Bruce's mind, Katum suddenly reminded loudly.

"The real battle starts from this moment, Bruce, do as we discussed before!"

Bang --

Bruce was knocked back dozens of meters by a punch, and then his body suddenly hit a huge creature.

This creature couldn't withstand Bruce's impact at all, and was directly smashed into a pile of meat paste.

Bruce recognized the remains of the creature.


At this moment, he and Cedric were completely in a world of ice and snow, and the biting cold enveloped Bruce.

With the Hellbat Armor, Bruce did not feel the cold, but the low temperature around him continued to erode the armor itself.

Under the severe cold, the surface of the armor began to freeze, affecting Bruce's movements.

This effect can be ignored in ordinary battles, but in the battle of speedsters, it is a fatal flaw!

Cedric suddenly appeared again, condensing a punch of countless black lightning and blasting it suddenly.

Bruce was still at a disadvantage.

This punch hit the Hellbat Armor, Bruce's body was not injured, but his brain suddenly felt a confusion.

When he opened his eyes again, everything around him changed again.

It was no longer the ice and snow, but a hot scorched earth.

The sky was dark with volcanic ash, and countless creatures were running in panic.

Bruce already knew what tricks Cedric was using.

This is the power to break through the timeline.

The ice and snow just now were from the long-ago Ice Age, and the current accumulation of volcanic ash is probably from when an asteroid hit the Earth and triggered volcanic eruptions on Earth.

These are all disasters on Earth.

"You don't want to leave me here, do you?"

Bruce sneered, "You know I can go back by myself."

"I never thought so."

Cedric stood coldly in the distance, "Do you still feel it? Bruce, there's something wrong with your body!"

Really? ---

Bruce still wanted to hold on, but the huge sense of confusion in his brain made his legs tremble, and he almost couldn't stand steadily.

"People who disrupt the timeline will indeed be punished."

Cedric said softly, "When I first traveled through time, my mind would be confused for several days every time I traveled through time. At that time, I realized that if I traveled through time frequently in a short period of time, it would cause irreversible damage to my body.

"But at the same time, this is a very good means of fighting.

"As long as I can adapt to this chaos, I can continue to travel with the enemy until they completely forget who they are!

"Bruce, with your body, I'm afraid you will be lost in the chaos if you travel through time again! "


Cedric moved again. He was going to throw a punch that broke through the timeline again and put an end to Bruce completely!

It was at this moment that a cold light suddenly flashed in Bruce's eyes.

It's now!

Just when Cedric's fist was about to hit him, Bruce suddenly said——

"Cedric, do you remember when you died?"


A thought suddenly flashed through Cedric's mind.

As a time traveler, he certainly knew that he would die in the original world line.

At the end of the Triwizard Tournament, he would die at the hands of Voldemort, who had not yet fully resurrected.

"Not good!"

Cedric suddenly became alert. Bruce's words were not meaningless!

Just when he threw that punch, because the scene of his own death flashed through his mind, this time, he would take Bruce and travel directly to that moment.

That moment when Cedric was about to die in the original timeline.

Although he didn't know what Bruce wanted to do, as Batman, Cedric believed that Bruce would not waste his energy at this moment.

He must have some tricks!

However, time travel has begun, and Cedric took Bruce to the time when he would have died in a very short moment.

The fourth year, the end of the Triwizard Tournament, and the resurrection of Voldemort.

Harry felt his feet hit the ground, his injured legs softened, and he fell to the ground, and his hand finally let go of the Triwizard Cup.

He looked up.

"Where are we?" he asked.

Cedric shook his head.

He stood up, pulled Harry up, and the two looked around.

They stood in a dark, weedy cemetery, and could see the black outline of a small church behind a tall yew tree on the right.


Cedric was about to speak, when suddenly, a strange passage opened in the sky.

Two figures entangled and fell out of it!

"You're dead, Bruce!" one of them shouted, "After three times of traveling, you will completely lose yourself!"

"Fuck you, I'm not Bruce!"

Another suddenly shouted, "Remember my name, Zur'en!"

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