Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 182: Silver heart

"This guy is my bodyguard, we are a group, kill me and kill him first." Zalli said without hesitation, pointing to Aeolos, "Brother, stand up, give me some time to change, minute minute Kill them!"

"Roll, don't pull me into the water, I am not familiar with you, really when you are immune to all the state of the sacred Titan? This nine-headed holy dragon brother, I really have nothing to do with this silly big man, he is mad at the dojo every day. I am not familiar with him. If I can't beat him, I can help you step on both feet."

A group of killers and Hydra who are about to shoot saw this scene, but they couldn’t help but feel a little slow. They all laughed at each other and saved the thoughts of watching the opera. It’s ridiculous, this human being witnessed them, actually thought they could stay out of the way? Moreover, they can ambush here, this human being actually can't think of how long they investigated? Still not familiar? Are you fooling?

"I killed you first!" Zali was furious and slammed into Ayros.

Aeolos flashed, but he took a slow shot, grabbed his arm and grabbed it. Then he pulled it up and slammed forward!

A night-time killer frowned, and Ayros’s position was exactly his direction. He was light and let the knife in his hand hesitate to harvest it on Aeolos’s body, if not a last resort. They are also reluctant to kill free people at will. The most important thing is that the other party has not paid.

However, Zhali’s fall was really exhausted, and his knife was slightly closed. However, just as his knife swelled, the look of Ayros’s face was suddenly stunned. The iceberg was calm, his right hand was golden, his arm jerked up, and he grabbed the shoulder and neck of the killer in a strange angle.

Looking at the arm that Aylos grabbed, the killer smiled, "naive!"

"Innocent is you!"

The killer's hand has already been put on the hands of Ayros. He turned his head and looked cold like an ant struggling to survive on a hot pot. If he fights back, he wants to kill his opponent, even the worst. The situation was discovered by the patrol team and it was enough when extracting the memory evidence!

However, the Hydra was suddenly thinking of one thing, and there was a shock in his eyes. Then he shouted loudly: "Don't touch him! Don't touch it, there is something in his body..."

Ai Luosi smiled slightly, hehe! A crisp bone shattered, the ice-cold face of the killer suddenly twisted and twisted, and the cold sneer in his eyes turned into a strong fear. His twisted open hands were covered with spiritual lightning. These lightning bolts Squatting into his body, his physical strength madly surging, but still driven by lightning, and broke into pieces in the next second.

This is the power of Titan!

Hydra does not seem to be in a hurry, just watching it coldly, anyway, he spent money, the killer's life is his.

Aeolos faced a noodle-like killer and seemed to run, but the backhand slammed out. The other side apparently stunned the combat power of his lower civilization, but Ayros was also uncomfortable. This strange physique, Let his fist head be on cotton, but the main goal of the killer is to tie the ball.

Although Zhaoli Luo can not be transformed, but the silver-powered Titan that completely released the killing machine is still a big kill, and he has a lightning sword in his hand, which is fatal to the killers, and Aeolos is also envious. It is also why the refining of the domain is also very important, just like the shadow of the noodle body, so that he can not start, it is very embarrassing.

The opposite side of the tie is very slashing. Basically, these killers will burst as long as they hit a sword. This guy doesn't have the strength to play with himself.

The noodles have been completely entangled in Aeolos, and he did not expect to waste so much time on a lower creature. This guy's body is very tolerant, the aura is also unusually abundant, but a fool who only fists.

The slender shadows of Aylos, like a mummy, the two years of life in the field, and the fact that human beings are more cowardly in this world, have taught him many means he once disagreed.

In two years, he is no longer the invincible **** of war in the past, the omnipotent king, the infinite power of Aylos, here, he is nothing, he started everything from scratch.

Seeing that Aeolos was strangled, a breath, the power of violentness broke out instantly, and the shadow of noodle was too late to react, and it exploded completely under the impact of this fierce positive and negative force.

Aeolos looked at the many injuries on his body and couldn’t help but say, "You can't kill it slowly?"

"Haha, I told you that you are still tender, swearing, now the first one is left!" Zaloli swayed with a lightning bolt and said with a good smile. "I still have a craft called a facelift!"

At this moment, a whistling sound of whistling sound came over, almost in the blink of an eye.

"Do not move!"

Just as Zaloli pulled up Aeolos, suddenly a cold mechanical sound came. This is not a sound, but the same cry that more than 20 mechanical families issued at the same time.

It is the patrol of the mechanical family here!

Zhali sneered, "still killing."

At this time, the demon face in the middle of Hydra smirked, "I ate a loss, still not so long-term, and once again murdered during the prison sentence, and still free people, stupid big, you are finished, rest assured, I will be good Take care of your sister!"

Saying that the other eight sarcomas also made a crying cry of the baby, obviously the other party waited for a long time, specifically to find such an opportunity, and from the beginning to the end, the Hydra did not move.

"Zaloli Luo, suspected of murdering the free people, in accordance with the sacred law enforcement power granted to me by the Star Alliance, I have the right to arrest you, your accomplice, any resistance, sin plus!"

Hearing this, the sarcoma smirked more joyful and harsher, and at this moment, Aeolos took the lightning sword and the tingling of the hand did not affect him. In an instant, the lightning sword was thrown away. Go out, like a javelin that the Pampas Warriors are best at.

No one reacted. The lightning sword was inserted directly into the biggest head in the middle of the sarcoma. It was inserted directly from the mouth, and the next second was electro-optic and fleshy.

And immediately followed by the mechanical family, Aylos was hit on the ground, the bursting energy column slammed on Aylos, his face pressed against the ground, and Aylos died biting his teeth, "Zhali, on our planet." The words are all villains!"

The Titan giant was also overwhelmed, but he always laughed. He suddenly discovered that the people on earth are really lords. In the case of the mechanical law enforcement team, they dare to kill, oh!

The efficiency of the mechanical family was amazing. On the day of the arrest, the trial was started. Zha Liluo judged that the mechanical family was not bought, but the people of the Hydra control field saw that the killer was dead and dismantled. Shielding the patrols and using the mechanical family to control them.

The trial is the key point, but the sarcoma blame himself did not expect that he himself hangs up, causing the presiding judge not to manage these things. This kind of thing does not happen hundreds of pieces every day, there is no ghost, no The bitter master, the quick judgment, will tie Zaluo Luo and Aylos to enter the arena for five years, Zha Luobo and Ayros have lost the qualifications of free people and become slaves.

The arena is definitely the cruel penalty after the direct execution. Is it five years short? But no one can actually live for five years.

Temporary jail, looked at the honesty lying on the prison bed, Aeolos did not have the idea of ​​jailbreak, and also lay down on the other side of the bed, thought, and asked: "Where is the gladiator, very serious ?"

The Qiu’s enemies used such great strength to push the force into the arena from the battlefield. Obviously, it was not for Zali to change places to continue to eat, drink and play.

"Dear brother, there, don't say me, even if it is a sinner of the eighth-class civilization, once you enter the arena, you will face the most severe life and death challenges."

If you are struggling, let Aylos sneak a bit, because, after getting along for so long, killing and killing, they have tried each other so many times, and Zhali changed his name and changed, from the beginning of the "small bug" to "Human", then to small, big, old and new species, today, is the first time to call him "brothers."

"Please, don't use adjectives, there is a sense of skin in cheese."

"You!" Zha Li’s eyes stunned for a second. "What is milk cool?"

"Oh, human food."

"It's not good." Every Titan is a hidden food, provided that you are familiar with them before you can see their hidden side.

"I hope to have the opportunity to take you to the earth to see, you will understand what is the world of food, not that I look down on you, everything here is rubbish."

Laughing, "Brother, dragging you, maybe we really can't go, but it is not so easy to want our lives, and even if I am dead, you may not die, a human cultivation of the power of Titan What will it be?"

Ai Luosi stunned, sat up, and put his hand into the trousers. He groaned and groaned. He seemed to be licking something, and he was picking something. Then, when he took it out, a small silver page. The scroll was taken to the bed of Aeolos.

"This is the eternal school of our silver-electric Titan, your physique should be able to accommodate, even the Titans have only a few geniuses to learn." Zaloli said proudly.

Silver heart? Aeolos looked at the ancient words on the silver page scroll. He stretched out his hand, but stopped quickly. "Where did you just pick it up?"

Zalli’s face was blue, then red, and then the Titans ran away... actually the thighs.

The haze left with the slowness of his hand, and he did not forget to say hello when he left. The discussion outside the door was constant. Although he sympathized with the old cow, he was more worried about the next movement of Yan Yinzong.

It’s all the neighbors’ neighbors, and it’s no secret that Yan Yinzong’s acquisition of Tianbao Street has been a secret. However, because the major shops have become alliances, they have been in trouble for more than half a year. After all, there is so much freedom. People, everyone thought that the Yin Yinzong may not really dare to take everyone, but the haze became a sequence of Tianmen, and the situation has changed.

The old cow garden quickly cleared down. It seems that the people just now are hallucinations. The three people in the house are all swollen and bruised.

The little fox looks like a wolverine, but it is the lightest one among the three. After all, it looks weak. The singer is not trying to kill directly, but also afraid that the shot will kill the scorpion directly, but it will destroy less. The Lord's plan, even if it is to kill, will not be in the face of the mechanical family, the gods are not so stupid.

Wang Zhong’s injury is heavier. The spider enchanted his leg can be really light, the back of the back is swollen with a large piece, and the back bones have signs of bone fracture. Fortunately, the pharaoh’s internal organs are strong enough, small The fox is helping the king to apply the wound medicine on his back. He accidentally shakes his hand and hits the wound. Wang’s forehead immediately has a big sweat drop.

"Wang Zhong, hurt you?" The little fox was in a hurry, and she could see that her heart was very tormented.

Wang Zhong smiled slightly. "Small meaning, what is this? I came from the third-and-a-half world. The Yin Yinzong is deliberately looking for you. It doesn't matter to you. The boss doesn't sell the store, they won't give up."

Seriously, this injury is simply drizzling. The bottom civilization does not say anything. This experience is quite rich. As for the face... it has long been eaten up, but the appearance of the haze has indeed increased the crisis of Wang Zhong. Feeling, I thought that with the secret garden of this shelter, he could have more time and more insurance, and now it seems that he wants more.

"What are your two chastity?" A loud and squeaking noise, the old cow came out from the inside with ice cubes, and the whole face was swollen and red: "Today is his luck, he wants There is no law enforcement team, how do you look at the old cows? How do I say that the old cows are also the people of the Yaozu, the seven-level civilization, and they are only six levels of civilization!"

Wang Zhong and the little fox are all staying. The little fox has a teardrop on the corner of his eye. You can see the old cow like that but can’t help but laugh out: “The boss is fat...”

The old cow is also crying and laughing, looked at Wang Zhong, "boy, can you still live?"

The king nodded. "Boss, I think I still have to think of a way."

He can see the bitterness of the old cow's smile. What is the method of 80%? Although the family is a 6th-level civilization, the talent of the haze and the power of the place determine the status. The old cow is only an ordinary member of the numerous members of the 7th-level civilization. No one will give him a head.

The old cow’s red and swollen face was even more brilliant. He came over and patted Wang’s shoulder. He was still very optimistic. “Don’t care, live, laugh, don’t cry!”


After cleaning up the old cows in the store, he went out. His optimism is not completely self-contained. He has a sigh of relief in it. Today, this is obviously only the beginning. Since then, I know that the prince of Emperor Yinzong is a shop. The matter comes, it is no longer a mere accident, but the whole business of the entire Tianbao Street. The other side chooses to start the old cow, because the old cow is one of the leaders, and the second is to differentiate the so-called chamber of commerce. If everyone is not united today, then tomorrow, don’t think about uniting, but with separate strength, In Tianbao Street, any business is obviously unable to compete with the Yin Yinzong.

When the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce was established, it was a glory and a loss. All the businessmen who joined it clearly understood this truth. Whether it is spending money on the mountain, using their own background and influence, or finding a star. The law enforcement team provoked the fault of Yinzong. The meeting tonight was to come up with a plan to unite and boycott. In the following period, I was afraid that the entire chamber of commerce would be busy.

However, these have nothing to do with Wang Zhong. This kind of thing he can't intervene at all. He doesn't even have the qualifications to help the old cow to make an idea. What ideas can he make? Even Star Alliance does not understand the basic policies of major businesses. For the domain, he is a three-year-old.

Lying in the narrow attic room, Pharaoh is also self-reflecting. The gods are not a paradise for the weak to grow up slowly. The earth people are worthless here. Maybe luck can drag the time, but the danger comes. Today, if it is not the other party who does not want to kill in public, he is probably a dead body, and his only way to change his destiny is the world of debris, and what kind of Luo Yingguo he raised.

Just stepping into the world of debris, Wang Zhong felt that there was a strong fruit fragrance floating in the space, surrounded by a dazzling array of gold, almost let him think he was in the wrong place.

Looking at it, I saw the ground that didn’t even sprout out at noon. At this time, I had grown a half-foot-high Luo Ying fruit seedling, each of which was covered with a fist-sized gold. fruit!


Wang Zhongyi, remember that when he used his own consciousness to inspect at noon, these Luo Yingguo did not even sprout, just just one afternoon, even the fruits grew out?

Normal Luo Yingguo, the longest process from seed to germination, takes about a month, and it takes about half a month to bloom. These seeds in the world of debris can be germinated for two or three days until the flowering results, but only for about half a day.

The faster you go back?

Is this a unique growth feature in the world of debris? Still some other special reason?

Wang Zhong did not know for the time being, but it did not hinder his At this time, I would like to take a closer look at the thirty-two Luo Ying fruit seedlings. No one died, all survived, and each plant was about One foot high, the body is soft, and the leaves that were originally full of gold silk have also withered, showing a grayish shape, but a golden fruit of fist size is formed on its head!

These golden fruits shine with fascinating light, and the heavy hanging on the dead branches, it seems to absorb all the nutrients of the whole plant Luo Ying fruit seedlings, it is very beautiful, it is too rare, the fist-sized golden Luo Yingguo, this More exaggerated than Wang Zhong’s expectation.

The normal Luo Ying fruit is basically only the size of soybeans. Many Dan Pharmacists are throwing them into the Dan furnace when they are alchemy. The biggest Luo Ying fruit that has been produced in the old cow buds is just a pigeon egg size. Only, and unlike the ordinary light yellow, these Luo Ying fruit are all golden light shining! The thin golden peel exudes an irresistible temptation, and the juicy and juicy fruit has a scent of aura that floats out, filling this small space with fullness, just sniffing Feeling refreshed and mouth-watering.

Wang Zhong couldn't help but swallowed directly.

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