Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 233: plot

The four talk about the changes that may occur in the future, the temptations in the language, the collision of thoughts, and the fact that they are thinking about whether to reach another alliance on this matter, if the things they requested here are not allowed and helped. This incident just happened may be another breakthrough for them.

At this moment, a sweet and not glamorous woman came over and bowed to the four of them. "The four adults have waited for a long time, and the adults are waiting for you."

"No, we have no appointments, we can give opportunities, we have been very grateful."

The four people changed their faces instantly, and there was no arrogance at all. They released the charm with great modesty.

"Thank you for understanding, then, please ask four people here, Gongyi adults have only 20 minutes of rest, so you have to hurry."

The four men nodded, and the pace was not accelerated. They didn't feel guilty because of the time limit. It is not the past. They are no longer the top ten families. People are polite to them, but because they are thin. Dead camel only.

But they are not dead, now they have to get the chance to prove it.

The people in the corridor came and went busy, and it seemed that they were not affected by the outside attack. Soon, they saw Gongyi in a conference room.

Gong Yi looked at them, young and uplifted faces, these four families are also really desperate, if possible, he does not want these families to regain opportunities, they are the rulers of the old world, just give them a chance, they You can get power faster than others.

It is only the human civilization that is least needed now is the political mutual restraint and consumption. The balance is important, but unity is especially important. He believes that change can no longer be stopped, and it is impossible to drive backwards.

"I have read your plan. Regarding the cooperation and development of New Oceania, you have considered it very well."

The excitement emerged in the eyes of four young generations, and Gongyi’s opening the door is undoubtedly a good beginning.

On the five continents of the Earth, after the Cataclysm, the entire Oceania was fragmented and turned into a misty sea. However, just a month ago, a severe earthquake occurred in the Oceania region, the misty sea disappeared, and a new continent floated from the seabed.

The new continent, new opportunities, for the four major families, this is an opportunity that must not be missed.

"Please believe us, the new world will certainly benefit, and the unknown represents more future."

These four people are obviously not a child, from the expression, to the eloquence, and even the character of Gong Yi is clearly understood.

Gong Yi loves adventure and likes to stimulate.

Gong Yi smiled. "I agree, but there is a clause to change. The new world needs 60%. Others look at the points yourself."

The four people face each other, they are out of money to risk, the new world directly take 60%?

Looking at each other's eye-catching associations, I tapped the table gently, "70%."

"We agreed!" Angus stayed up late at night, and they really understood their status at this moment.

"Very good, I hope you will succeed!" Gong Yi laughed more happily, and young people were always so naive.

The fifth dimension of the Holy Land...

On top of a trust carrier, the money is more excited and turned to the west. This is his first time riding a trust carrier, the peak weapon of mankind. How long has it been, and it is close to the edge of elimination? The first ten strategies The aircraft carrier, which has been manufactured from Alchemy City, will be delivered to the Holy Land for service.

I think a lot of money, if I really get rid of it, I don’t know if he can afford such a huge warship to be his own private palace.

A lot of money thinks that he is whimsical, but for a second he is seriously considering it... this is not a possibility!

Through the tentacles of the Tianjing and New World empire, his business is getting bigger and bigger. Even if he doesn't want to monopolize, no one will want to compete with him. He likes to look for money and always find a win-win idea. He also made his business more and more broad, and when he was tired and tired, remembering his personal wealth, he had reached a number of astronomical values ​​that he had to count.

Seriously, I wanted to help Ma Dong to be "young and sturdy". I didn't expect that the friendship in the snow made him a success. I didn't even think that the background of the new world would be so deep. I can win the support of the Presbyterian Church. Wang Zhong can not reach this level.

Of course, such deep-level news also has a core circle to know a little. As far as he knows, the veteran will not care about the common things, but mainly responsible for the core of the new world, but it can be changed in the suburbs of Tianjing. A woman.

Soon, the Alchemy City appeared in the front, through the glass window of the aircraft carrier, you can see the low-rise buildings below.

There are no high-rise buildings here, and the standard is a standard alchemy workshop with two layers of high-white walls and gray tops.

This is the new district of Alchemy City. With the study of Star Alliance, the development of alchemy is the most prominent, so there is a huge new area.

From the aircraft carrier, the money was bright, and he actually saw Scofield Potter!

The rune science master, I heard that he has found a way to integrate the Rune and Star Alliance's new technologies!

Thanks to those Coke orders, Scofield, who was commissioned by Ma Dong, could not have imagined that the "Star Coke" available in the developed star field turned out to be a breakthrough for human beings to break through the barriers to trading.

The goal of a lot of money is another batch of new cola. His biggest business now is to deliver goods to Ma Dong. The money is much more express, and the dimension must be reached. He thought, maybe there is one thing that can really do this.

Looking at everything around, remembering the night that stuffed the note to Ma Dong, the money was full of pride!


The Tianmen Street Night Market, known as the Night Zone, is as formal and serious as the rest of the Tianmen. It is always a feast, bright and colorful.

There is never a lot of enjoyment in Tianmen. Here is the most famous entertainment area and sales treasury in the whole area of ​​the gods. You can find all kinds of women here, and you can enjoy anything you can think of here. delicious. Eat, drink, and play, only you have money, it is only you can't think of it, there is no place here, there are many high-order civilization disciples in Tianmen who like to gather here.

In a bar that looks very upscale, Barlow and Worcester are drinking.

Yesterday, the things in the class of Xiuwutang made both of them quite uncomfortable.

Worcester is better. After all, the ghosts are afraid of the Thunder. They are naturally restrained. No one will laugh at him. Although the supervisor has adjusted the power of the instrument, Wang Zhong’s idea is correct. This class is to tell everyone that it is very hard. The most stupid thing, when you encounter anything, you have to use your mind to control the aura instead of the aura.

But the whole thing seems to be particularly stupid.

The people of the earth have been face-to-face, especially Barlow. They used to be their own people. Now they have already hit their faces directly. There have been many rumors in the Xiuwu Hall, questioning the blood of this session. Devil, even the family has begun to have some comments that are not conducive to themselves, blood Luo feels that if he does not do some counterattack, it is already a little faceless in Xiuwutang.

As a higher civilization, Barlow came with honors, especially in places like Xiuwutang. It is not a place where higher civilizations like the Dantang Church gather. It is just a group of lower civilizations. If it is still suppressed, That is the real face of the Gorefiend.

Today, he invited Worcester to come over, because Worcester released a goodwill to him, wanted to establish a foothold in Tianmen, and needed an alliance. The ghosts were the best at playing with Yin, and they wanted to help him out.

"There are many ways to kill him." Worcester opened the bow around, each holding a female slave of the elves and a female slave. The powerful negative energy in his body was extremely cold, but the two female slaves could easily bear it. If you can live, you can obviously be a slave girl here. Not only do you have to be beautiful, you have to have some strength: "Look at what level you want to get, and where you want to get it."

"Of course, he wants to die!" When he mentioned Wang Zhong, Barlow had some words and did not evade the female slaves in the room. He could open such a place in Tianmen. The guests could not inquire about it. The ear will forget that the most basic quality is definitely guaranteed. What's more, he is still a regular customer here: "But you know, the supervisor is now favoring him. I think it is difficult to have direct opportunities in the classroom. It is better to be out of class."

Worcester smiled and said: "I heard that your messenger from the old bus recently accompanied a very good saddle?"

Barlow's messenger is a group of Hellfire horses. The Gorefiends are famous for their generous spending. The saddles are often changed. They just took a luxury item of more than 500 Venus.

When I heard Worcester’s point, Barlow’s brow wrinkled: “You think... I’m afraid it’s hard, don’t forget, that kid is a law enforcement person.

"Nature naturally needs some arrangement, you are so, like this..." Worcester smiled and sneaked a whisper, only to hear Barlow brows gradually, and finally Worcester said: "Ba brother You can't be deceived by the law enforcement society. What about the law enforcement? Tianmen is a place to pay attention to evidence. This is especially true for law enforcement. As long as you do what I say, the last person’s evidence is all right, even if I know that there are doubts about the matter, and even know that he is embarrassed, but the law enforcement will not be able to turn over the case for him! The mechanical family is a dead man, huh, but the rigid side has the advantage of being rigid."

"Good! Just like the brothers said!" Baroha laughed, and Worcester's plan couldn't be said how strict it was. It was wonderful to have the direct participation of Worcester, the ghosts, doing something to steal the chicken and touch the dog. One must: "But it is best to wait a while, wait until the impact of the thunderstorm is over, and the people in the province say that we deliberately set him up."

There was a vicious light in his eyes: "I want to see what kind of tricks he can bring out this time!"


After only waiting for a day or two, the batch of materials on Tianbao Street was sent soon. The nine-product supplement Yuan Dan's medicinal materials only needed to be a rare piece of Qizhen, just cumbersome.

After that, Pharaoh went to the alchemy area several times. There was no refining for five days as in the last time. It was mainly because Xiuwutang had courses to go on. It was really a slap in the alchemy. The effect was not bad. Although this way of alchemy will inevitably make the newcomer's approach a bit strange, but the victory in its own talent is really strong, Dan and medicinal materials are top, and Nini assisted, Cheng Dan rate not only declined However, there is a slight improvement.

The material of 10,000 Silver Stars is separated by three and five. Sometimes it is sometimes refining for two days, for a total of nearly one month, or Titan’s supervision and several times of leave, it will be considered The materials of these nine products, Fu Yuan Dan, have all become medicinal herbs. This time, it was a full-fledged furnace of more than forty furnaces, more than 700 in Chengdan, and there was almost no such thing as four or five percent of the Yuandan, and more than six percent of the water was cleared. Even Jiucheng Dan was full. Two furnaces.

Although there is no perfect tenth of refining, Wang Zhong is already quite satisfied. The two furnaces and nine Cheng Dan were made on the last day, and in that day, the refining of the six furnaces, two furnaces Jiucheng Dan, three furnaces and eighty-dan, only one furnace Qicheng Dan.

Cheng Dan is such a thing, if you want to achieve Bacheng Dan, you have to at least do not make mistakes at all, better quality, not only do not make mistakes, but also have many individuals in the process of refining the sentiment of Dan Dao, perfect Guiding and the composition of all aspects of the world, such as the righteousness and the like, are beyond the control of the alchemists, and are unquestionable and indefinable.

Six furnaces, three furnaces and eighty percent, two furnaces and ninety percent, it can be said that even if some masters are refining, the single rate is nothing more than this. After all, it is only a low-level introduction to the spirit. Even if the master has any good skills, he will not be able to play it on it. Wang Zhong now has some feelings, and he has the effect of refining the nine products to supplement Yuan Dan. It is far from the beginning. In addition to selling two hundred Qiucheng Dans to Jonas, the rest are in their pockets, and should be enough to promote themselves. Pharaoh feels that he can start to try to refine some other spirits.

The best order is of course to find some Dan Pinfang of Ba Pin Dan. This is not a big problem in terms of money. There are tens of thousands of silver stars in the pocket, and there are hundreds of old kings who are now worthy of the Yuan Dan. Xiaofu, the key is Dan Fang's stuff. Most of the products circulating in the market are nine products, eight or more products? It belongs to the priceless city, and it is basically controlled in the hands of some sects. It must not be sold outside. Lao Wang also has no way to go, and can only let Jonas first inquire about it, it is not good, and then find another way.

During this period of intermittent alchemy, Wang Zhong’s life was quite regular.

The activities of refining Yuan Dan, Xiuwutang, and the activities of the Law Enforcement Association are regarded as the standard three-point line.

Since the beginning of the pioneering law enforcement game, the activities of the Law Enforcement Association have become more and more interesting. A simple law enforcement game has been played by this group of people with a variety of new tricks, simply These guys have already entered the devil, completely entered by the Lao Wang circle, and more and more tricks.

For example, under the strong request of Rowling J, both the civilians and the three major priests in the law enforcement game have been forced to assign gender. The reason is that the male way of thinking and the female way of thinking are fundamentally different. The addition of gender can give law enforcement. The game brings more real experiences and more complex psychological changes...

Rowling J is a very interesting mechanical family, and it is also very special. The mechanical family itself has no gender, but Rowling J is extremely stubborn and thinks that she should be a woman, not only her own standard name of the mechanical family. More inclined to be feminine. In daily study and even life, I also try to imitate the habits and ways of thinking of some female races. In her words, the mechanical family wants to change the rigid impression in the eyes of all races in the gods. Let flexible law enforcement and humanized law enforcement become a real reality. It is not the adjustment of law enforcement strategies in some general directions. Instead, it should be integrated into the entire Star Alliance from more subtle details, and understanding women’s ways of thinking is one of them. One.

Unfortunately, in the law enforcement meeting, the mechanical and zerg who agree with her thoughts are really rare. Even in the mechanical family, she belongs to the metamorphosis, not to mention other races, natural ethnic obstacles and Alerting against hostility, directly let Rowin J's research have been in an indefinite stagnation, can only rely on some case observations for a shallow analysis, but only by that little bit, how can we try to understand the complex thinking of women?

Fortunately, the arrival of Pharaoh gave Rowling J a new beginning. She quite recognized the phrase "woman's heart and sea needle" that Pharaoh said when she first met.

"The woman's heart is under the sea, Wang Zhong, this sentence you said is really right." Now, every time Luo Lin J sees the pharaoh, she will first feel this way, always remembering that she strongly expressed her concern for Wang Zhong. Recognition: "This is a profound understanding of what it takes to be able to say such a philosophical word! Yes, I heard about something interesting You help me analyze and analyze Said two women in the same dormitory, the so-called girlfriends, they..."

While helping Luo Lin J to analyze the case, Wang Zhong is also feeling that the mechanical family is actually very individual, seemingly identical appearance and indifference, hiding an independent thinking and soul. After in-depth contact, you will find There is hardly any one between them. The outside world is only misled by the lawful power and appearance of mechanical civilization, and the rumors that all mechanical families share a mechanical heart. They are not machines, but very high-minded. race.

As a moment to study and even learn the various details of other races, and constantly learn from each other's shortcomings and seek breakthroughs, they have already reached a real bottleneck in the form of civilization.

It took a long time to stay in the law enforcement society. Not only the interesting individuals of the mechanical family, but Pharaoh began to find those Zerg who looked more serious than the mechanical family. In fact, it was quite interesting.

Like the mechanical family, the Zerg is in the same eyes as other civilizations in the domain of the gods. They are also rigid and stiff, because they are most often hanged on the word "how to do according to the insects."

(Partners, happy weekend, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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