Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 67: Where is the light bulb?

"Ah! Wang Zhong brother, you are too strong! I like it very much!" Emily throws the broken scorpion, screams the first one and rushes up, directly licking Wang Zhong’s neck, little girl It’s so happy, she always thinks that Wang Zhong will have a blockbuster day, and now it’s finally here.

"Wang Zhong..." Scarlett was shocked. Regarding the strength of Wang Zhong, she knows more than others. Most of them are usually felt when chatting with Wang Zhong, but I have never really seen him out. I think that it will be stronger than this. It has been a little beyond the scope of cognition. The wave attack is obviously not all of his strength. Keep it, otherwise everyone is definitely not just a weapon that is destroyed.

Haiman’s surprise came again and again as a slap: “When the last time in the grove, why didn’t your kid bring your crosswheel? It’s so hard to fight monsters!”

"Wang Zhong, is this guy hiding too deep?" Milami opened his mouth: "Playing pigs and eating tigers? What is your position in the OP?"

Wang Zhong smiled and said: "It’s still in the cannon ash section. It’s also some recent insights. This tactic is not mature enough.”

Everyone stayed, this is not mature, you have to mature, what other people do, but think about it, is a teammate, not an opponent.

"You are really a guy who loves to create surprises," Scarlett said with a smile: "When Grace is leaving, let me manage the team temporarily, let everyone know each other and then vote for one." I am now elected as the captain. I am now nominating Wang Zhong. Personal strength has just been proven, and I think he is the best tactical score among us. What do you think?"

In fact, Scarlett’s captain is also a bit of a misnomer. It’s not that she is not good, but that she lacks domineering and training. The decisiveness of Wang Zhong has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but his strength is problematic. Now the problem has been solved. No matter whether it is Kelby or the Kiosk, there will be no problem. Scarlett offered it and the matter passed smoothly.

Emily is screaming, everyone is squatting and agrees directly.

Wang Zhong also has no sentimentality. To be honest, he really wants to be the captain so that he can really play out what he has learned and practice is the best teacher.

I have to say that the Tianjing team has been pleasantly surprised recently. Although it has been practiced by Reeves, it has resumed its status since today. Everyone has a clear hope for the future. Wang Zhong, Gleiga and Scarlett can form Tianjing. Trident, do not ask for a good record, but at least not too shameful, Tianjing's lineup is officially neat.

In the morning, I went to the library with Scarlett for a while in the afternoon. The two discussed the team's division of labor and future training. At night, Wang Zhong continued to practice the crosswheel to master the feeling. The Tianjin team has already regarded this as a Secret weapon.

In the evening, Wang Zhong went back to the dormitory alone. This guy in Ma Dong had not gone back to the dormitory for two weeks. His family was in Tianjing. He didn’t know whether he was going home or going out to fool around. Wang Zhong also asked him if he knocked on the side. Secondly, I couldn’t ask one out of the fart. The voice of President Ma Da is very tight, very chicken thief.

Before going to sleep, Wang Zhong still stunned, but he couldn’t keep squinting until dawn. As soon as he fell asleep, he felt bad. He felt a sense of drifting, and he was a dog!

"Rely, how come?"

He quickly blinked, and then he saw the familiar island, the familiar vortex, and the innocent white Xiao Sim.

Simba looked at him with a sorrowful look: "Cough, Simba can tell you very responsibly, it doesn't matter to me, I am innocent!"

Wang Zhong’s head is big. If it’s a dream, there’s absolutely no such thing as two nights. It seems that this is true? Looking at the vortex that seems to be gathering at the top of the head, Wang Zhong is a little bit chilly, and no one can stand this inexplicable thing.

"This is not over, why do I sleep like this?"

"Cough, according to the analysis of the great Simba, should be the problem of the human consciousness plane. When you wake up, it will lock in the four-dimensional world. Once you fall asleep, it will increase a dimension..." Seeing Wang Zhong's face is not good, Xin Ba is busy with his hands. "But this kind of cross-dimensional calling is definitely quite worn out, it won't always be like this, so we just have to stick to it."

The king nodded. "You don't run for a while, good brothers have to share the same pains!"

Simba’s nose trembled. “This is not good. You see that I am so weak, should you protect me?”

Wang Zhong cried and laughed, but there was no way. His fate seemed to be out of control from a very young age. He thought that he had returned to normal life this year. It seems that he is too young and too naive.

However, the experience still has to be experienced, and there will be no less. Wang Zhong and Simba have just felt the overwhelming pressure when they landed. The name of the king of the king of the mouth should be given to Simba. move.

Just not far from them, there has been a huge dimension of life that is sleeping, and it looks like a big turtle made of rock, but this guy is 20 meters in size, and still has a strong pressure from the seventh-order creatures in his sleep. That is, the soul of Wang Zhong and Simba is "too weak", like two transparent small glasses. In this dimensional life with a strong defensive attribute, their threat is about zero.

After all these years of tacit understanding, Wang Zhong and Simba did not dare to breathe. They were keenly aware that this luck was good. As long as they quietly and quietly left, they might be dragged to the summoning power to disappear.

After all, normal people are not interested in dying, Simba is holding tightly on Wang Zhong’s hair, and Wang Zhong is careful, slowly, slowly, for fear of disturbing the rest of this dimension. It's a bit like the rock beast dimension creature in the database, but this one is definitely the ancestor of the rock beast. The strong earth power fluctuates with its breathing, and it feels like this guy can squash the enemy. Fragmented.

If you are watching a video picture, Wang Zhong will definitely study it carefully, but in this place, I really have no feelings. The taste of the last death is really unforgettable.... I hate it.

This time, the two of them really have experience, and they are very Xinba, who has always been arrogant, didn’t play a lot of time, and gradually opened the distance of more than 20 meters, just go out again. One point, they can speed up the escape from this dangerous place.

Suddenly in the place more than five meters in front of them, there was a blue light, and a coffin burning with ray of light appeared out of thin air.

Wang Zhong and Simba’s eyes are widened. What kind of ghost is Nima? ?

The two eyes are blind and have no idea what happened. According to Simba, this should be the place where the fifth dimension is more tyrannical. How can there be such a thing, is it a high-dimensional life? ? ?

Immediately afterwards, the coffin board was gently pushed away like a door, and a small bare-headed head came out from the inside.

(Thanks to the "Black 袟 袟 修 修 ” , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七 第七

Ask for a monthly ticket! (To be continued.)

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