Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 83: Let them see and see

"Look at who the idiot captain is in the fourth game!"

"Only Gregory," everyone is sulking, but finally has not completely lost his mind: "The strongest deputy captain of the other side has already gone through the game, it is a great fortune in the unfortunate, if Gry can win the first In the fourth round, we have a chance to play in the fifth game, so we can do some articles about the career of the other party."

"Yes, except for the Gregory, there is an assassin-type Emily, who can restrain the remote occupation, or the same Milamis school sister who has the same cannon. The remote Wang Zhong can restrain the other party's reloading... Speaking of the words Wang Zhong, how do you feel so disgusting!"

"Silly is stupid, but his bows and arrows are still very good. The last five shots of the land warfare were above the level. Compared with the hot weapons, the arc-shaped ballistic bows are more effective in restraining the defensive reloading... If you can go to the fifth game for a targeted appearance, there is no chance."

Everyone has also discovered that the deputy captain of Adolf College has already passed the game. The other few players who are more familiar are not in the ranks of Cecil and Simon. Compared with Tianjing. Although Lamy is slightly weak, but there is a battle, the opponent's strongest assassin is that Elena has already had a hand, and if it is only the second assassin, Mirami definitely has a chance.

As for Heyman and Barron, who was automatically ignored by everyone, Barron collapsed two months ago. When he first chose him to join the team, he only gave an honor. This thing is known throughout the school, although I heard that it is miraculous now. It has been restored, but it is obviously not qualified for such a game in terms of his previous performance. Heyman is a water-based abilities. Although it is essential for a team, it can often only act as a quick-recovering nurse in the backstage of the team. If you encounter some special team maps, you can certainly play, but definitely It is impossible to go to the heads-up match.

"... Well, if you say this, there is still a chance. Just look at this, Shangle!"

"Yes! Upper Grae!"

"Gray! Gly! Gle!"

"Lyle! Look at you!"

The voice calling Gly's voice has been a wave higher than a wave, a wave breaks through the waves, but although it is Gry, everyone's eyes are still staring at Wang Zhong.

Although it is already the last and only way to choose Gleet to play the fourth game, what if the guy’s second child is guilty? I have already committed it three times before!

Everyone tried to create a little pressure on Wang Zhong in his eyes and voice. Even if this guy is idiotic, can this naked threat and the tsunami-like sound of the mountain always have no way to ignore it?

Then, Captain Wang Zhong moved.

Captain Wang Zhong stood up!

Captain Wang Zhong reached out!

Captain Wang Zhong appointed the appearance of the candidate!

It is Gry! Thanks to the Buddha, thank God, thank the Federation and the Empire, and his second illness has not been repeated!

and many more!

The finger moved a bit, next to Gle! My God, are you sure I have no eyes? He, he, him and him, he pointed to Barron? ! That first grade balun? !

The scene was dead, everyone was waiting for the finger to move back to the left, it must have been too excited when he was pointing, and must be a little more tolerant of this idiot's abnormal behavior!

However, when Wang Zhongyi opened his mouth, he sentenced everyone to death: "Baron, this is yours."



"This person is crazy..."

A gentle voice burst into the audience inadvertently.

I chose Barron! In the most crucial fourth battle, let the first-grade Barron, let the balun that collapsed the soul of the sea two months ago, let the idiot who heard that in the first two rounds of training has been idiots Barron is playing!

"Hey? Is it an abnormal human research center? We are here at the Tianjing Spirit Society. I found an abnormal human with a severely deformed brain. Please come and send someone!"

"Hey, the Tianjing parliament? I found a traitor in our Tianjinn city. Yes, I am at the scene! My eyes are staring at him, he can't run!"

"Hey, hello, Tianjing Central Hospital? Please prepare an ambulance, there may be dead here! En Enen, not yet dead, but I think he is not far from death."

"Look and see, just know, look at the fart now, it's over!"

"I don't think I have to play this fourth game. I still have to pick anything up and go straight to the group! The whole school is playing the king!"

"Go! I can't bear it!"

The frying pan was directly on the scene. It couldn’t be played. Can you watch a game normally?

Before you were stunned by Perry Lee, Kaulby, or you sneaked Scarlett, it can be said that it is purely because of IQ, but now you let the most crucial fourth game on the Barron. This is not only an IQ problem, it is a spy, it is definitely a spy! Yesterday, what I want to bet with Adolf is this kid. How much benefit do you receive from Adolf? After a game is over, you can't kill you!

Not only the students, but even Green’s principal did not know what Wang Zhong meant.

However, the inside of the team of nine people is unusually calm. No one doubts the decision of Wang Zhong. The tacit understanding cultivated during the two months of training together and the conviction of Wang Zhong can never be said outside. The idea of ​​a traitor.

Let him be the captain is the decision of everyone, since it is decided, trust it, and never regret it.

Barron did not have too many surprises. Yesterday, Wang Zhongsheng said that he was ready to play, but he did not expect to be in such a critical and inferior fourth battle. He thought that he would be Wang Zhongsheng and Glei. Personally, it’s absolutely foolproof, but you can go on your own...

He understands that some changes in his body over the past two months, the healing of the soul sea seems to be more than just a cure, but he is still a little nervous, training is training, actual combat is actual combat, experienced the last violent red-footed spider war, Barron knew this very well, and the students at Adolf College looked good.

He is not afraid to go to shame, not afraid to lose, not afraid to help the back pot, but he is afraid of disappointing the seniors, the seniors have paid too much for themselves.

Barron looks at Wang There is a hint of inquiries in his eyes.

Wang Zhong just patted his shoulder: "Don't care what others say, and play the level of training."

Barron nodded. People who have experienced death will change a lot. Since coming to Tianjing, he has experienced too much, and he has not come to himself. He never imagined that life could be so wonderful. I never imagined that the communication between people would be so interesting.

The various help of the seniors made him no longer alone. He was grateful for all of this, but among all of them, one is the most important. He has never said that even this is something that he used to dare not want. !

(Three more, friends, come and have a happy weekend ticket ^_^)

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