Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 91: Metamorphosis

"come on.""

Gryce steadily returned to the sword defense. Even at the same time facing Cecil, Jelena and even the three-door attack in the distance, Gry's expression was so quiet and quiet, and it was a sigh of relief. President Radley is also showing the expression of appreciation, how good such talents should be in their own schools.

The gaze that can follow him is a condensation, not good!

The gate turned the muzzle, and Cecil suddenly turned to the middle of the balun! Glye realized that it was not a second, and he was about to support it. But after that, Jelena’s sword shadow had been entangled, and it was ill and ill, pointing to the key, and could not ignore it!


Qilian Mountain has been smashed with Barron!

As Adolf's substitute reloading, Qilianshan's overall strength is worse than Rosenberg, mainly because the attack is slightly worse. He is still the number one heavy backup substitute in the team, not because he is taken care of, but because of him. Has almost perfect defense skills.

If he is defensive, he is not inferior to Rosenberg. For a team, the role of a qualified meat shield in a group battle is stronger than that of a heavy reload that is called a strong attack. !

Therefore, even in the face of the opponent who killed Rosenberg, there was not much confusion and timidity in Qilianshan's heart. Only a trace of tension was broken up by Cecil's encouragement before the game.

Qilian Mountain gritted his teeth, and the whole face was quickly turned into a pig liver color. He did not demand himself. This is his virgin battle in the Adolf team.

Hold on, just hold him, drag him for three seconds!

As long as three seconds, Captain Cecil’s attack and the captain’s shelling will surpass his own greetings on the opposite side of the reload. No matter how strong he is, the two masters will surely gather at the same time. !

At this moment, the opponent's remote support is very limited, which is the time difference between winning and losing.

Close to Barron's moment, the Qilian Mountain, which had been prepared for a long time, was turned into a guard, and both feet were smashed, like a root on the ground. The soul of the whole body was also poured into the legs and arms at this moment, and the defense was completely complete. attitude.



The other party reloaded the horrible force and then stopped as scheduled!

how to say? To be honest, Qilianshan feels that the power of this collision is not even as big as when he gave Rosenberg a sparring, but there is a sense of stagnation, as if his defense does not exist, and the whole rushing power is here. Instantly passed through yourself.

Then the whole world stopped, just his world.

He felt that all the nerves in his body were paralyzed at this moment, his hands and feet were stiff and hemp, and his whole body was out of control for a moment. He even couldn't even reverse his head!

This... What is this trick?

Didn't wait for his already rigid consciousness to react, followed by the shield in his hand actually slipped from his hand, seems to be lying on his own feet? Anyway, the foot surface is numb, and I can't feel it. Then he saw that a sharp arrow has appeared in the position a few inches from his forehead.


Qilian Mountain only had time to turn these two words in his mind. Li Jian has hit his eyebrows, with a violent shock impact effect, directly exploding his body protection soul, still not responding, another arrow into the chest, I didn't breathe in one breath, and I fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"Fuck!" Cecil stunned, with his level and eyesight, naturally seeing the moment when Qilian Mountain was in contact, the shield slipping is definitely not a funny mistake, but by Baren. Suddenly stunned or paralyzed, and then it was as if Wang had already calculated all of this and seized the opportunity to hit Qilian Mountain.

What the **** is his ghost reloading, how can such a powerful monster appear in such a weak college? ? ?

But now obviously not considering these times, first smashed each other's reload! As long as it can be changed, it will not lose money!

There are a few counts of sounding arrows, a few white rays coming from a distance, pointing to the vitality of their own body, the power of the arrows is not big, but they are all rhyme arrows, full of penetrating power, hard to resist with the body To die, only forced to return to the sword block.

Cecil was shocked and angry, and the opponent's archer reaction was too fast! Did he have an insight into his plans from the beginning? Otherwise, how can you make a spike between the electric and the flint? Only the Qilian Mountain, which is instantly lost, also blocks its own attacks?

At the same time, the sound of the heavy guns at Simon has already rang!


That is the long-awaited Cannons! The football-sized Cannon energy bombarded the baron's shield and slammed him back and forth.

The long-awaited Cannon has a strong gunpower, and even with a shield, Barron can feel the horrific impact of the shell.

The first shot he took a step back, the second shot retreated three steps, the third shot spit out the blood, the fourth shot, the arms and legs and even the whole body up and down, the blue veins that have been soaring to the extreme have been faintly accepted. The confrontation of this power, oozing out of blood, almost split!

However, it was finally resisted.

Barron Kankan stood, the white energy current sizzling on his shield, lingering.

Cecil knows that after the battle of this battle, he wants to have an attack interval. Which will leave time for Barron to recover, and the body is twisted, like a spinning top, and Patrof spirals into it!

Hey, you are sick!

Yes, that **** bow and arrow is coming again...

In addition to killing the dizzy Qilian Mountain in the first place, Wang Zhong’s bow and arrow only stared at Cecil one from the beginning to the end. The strength of the bow and arrow was not great, but it was exceptionally precise and purposeful. He could not kill Cecil. Even Cecil’s attack on Barron could not be completely broken, but it can always interrupt Cecil’s tricks one after another.

These **** arrows, of course, he can easily block, he even has one hand to hide the unmoved ability trick, you can directly immunize such a long-range attack!

Yes, whether it is to block or use kinetic immunity, you need to do the action, and as soon as you do the action, your own attack on Barron's attack is naturally broken, and Wei Wei Zhao is not too easy to use.

Of course, he can also choose to resist or ignore, but unfortunately...

"Patroff spirals in!"

An arrow shot, Cecil ignored, and then just shot on his spiral node, then the progress was slowed down, and at the same time Scarlett's frozen double gun, this distance is really powerful, but upset Cecil's sudden rhythm.

"Spiral steel smash!"

An arrow shot, Cecil ignored and then just shot on the hilt of the sword, and then squatted down, the posture deviation, the soul force conversion was stagnation, the power is half.

An arrow shot, Cecil continued to ignore, a shot, and then .........

Cecil has a feeling of vomiting blood. The power of bows and ice guns is not great. Of course, it is not enough to threaten himself. If it is singled out, such an attack will block himself at most. The head of the archery guy will have to be Cut it yourself!

But this is not a single head.

The obstruction of the frozen double guns and bows and arrows made Cecil's attack on the baluns not achieve the maximum killing effect.

(I played a half-hour ball yesterday, and the result was fried at night, rolling like an egg fried rice. As a result, mosquitoes have been blaming, tossing until three or four to sleep, need to see an old Chinese doctor.)

骷髅 family: 12962o47

微's WeChat public number: ku1oujing1ingoo

Sina Weibo: 骷髅精灵 (to be continued.) 8

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