Battle Frenzy

Vol 4 Chapter 94: Whipping up!

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No matter how high the level of both sides of the war, it is certainly not a few people here. It has been a long time without a battle to attract them, representing the peak of power and the peak of power of the younger generation of the Federation. (a)?

Papada's offensive is getting more and more fierce, and it is getting more and more intensive. The essence of the war of attrition is to exchange the biggest result with the least cost. The defense of the mouth of the king is dripping, but it seems to be wonderful, but whether it is a heavy epee. The physical exertion is also eroded by the attack in the flame scene, by the high temperature and the match of Papada. No matter how you look at the strong king, it is extremely disadvantageous, and even if it is a master of the palace, In this case, there is only passive defense.

As for Wang Zhong... I have seen the hunter, this opponent is very different from the general flame abilities. The understanding and control of the flame is obviously too high. Emily’s flame ability has seen him, frankly There is no activity, just add a little damage, to say the essence of throwing away the power, there is no value at all, but Pappada is different, obviously the fast sword, but gives the effect of unlimited strokes, killing amazing, such attacks have The advantage is that it is easy to move forward and backward, there is no break, and it will not let the opponent catch the flaws.

All of this is based on the fact that the power of the attack is sufficient. This is the true understanding of the ability.

Wang Zhong’s eyes are like a torch, and his spirit is highly concentrated. Greed absorbs and digests everything he sees and feels. Whether it is the trick of the power or the trick of the soul, the video can only see a surface shape at most. The truly talented warrior can figure out the starting principle of the opponent through the personal experience of the war.

Defence, tolerance, re-defense, and tolerance, the more meticulous experience can figure out more, the simplest way to learn is to absorb the opponent's attack. Of course, the king is important to grasp the scale, otherwise the opponent's strength can easily end the battle. .

I have to say that this angel sword is tailor-made for Papada. The warrior is too slender and the shape is not conducive to stinging. The general abilities fighters will use insufficient attack power and will be crushed by the soldiers, but they will arrive at Papada. The hand is like a sword of judgment.

The first thing I can't help but is Papada.

The soul and patience of the other side is almost imaginary, and it lasted for seven or eight minutes of bombing. He didn’t mean to weaken it at all. He still kept the water and kept the breath, and he had a strong confidence in the war of attrition. This point, Papada is also psychologically prepared. This person is like a viper. In the patient and tenacious defense, if you find a chance, you will have the most deadly counterattack. You must not rely too close.

Although he is more confident in consumption, what makes Papada a little unacceptable is that he feels that the other person is actually observing him...

It is not a normal hostile observation of the warring parties, but an attitude that is more than enough in a fierce battle. This person is observing... stealing him!

Choosing this battlefield actually has the limit of Papada's self-respect, but in order to blaze the glory and fame of the city of angels, he is not old-fashioned, knowing that only victory can revive morale. At this time, the Angels of the Soul Academy, surely all the students In watching, the king is defeated, but the problem is that this does not mean that he has paid so much, but also allows the opponent to be so calm!

This is the bottom line!

This battlefield is the glory of the city of the blazing angels. It is the land of faith that must win. It is not only the strong king of the mouth, but no one in the federation!

The fast sword suddenly received, and the lightning-like figure of Pappada suddenly appeared in the oblique front of the strong king of the mouth. The angel sword in the hand slightly swayed backwards, drawing a strange arc, a circle of flames from his body. Ascending, I saw that some of the flames that had only been permeated on the surface of the sword of the angels changed instantly. They all fell into the blade, but the sword of the whole handle suddenly became more dazzling, releasing the white light!

Wang Zhong’s eyes also became jealous, and he actually felt a similar combination of soul force bands!


Papada’s voice has become high and thick, and the confidence contained in the voice is unparalleled. “Whip~挞!”

The angel sword burning with flames hits again, but beyond the distance of four or five meters, the pupil of the mouth of the king has suddenly burst out of the light.

Invisible, the sword is still in the distance, the attack has arrived!

A horrible explosive flame energy that is invisible to the naked eye has already rushed to the chest of the strong king of the mouth, and the horrible flame energy suddenly bursts.


The mouth of the king is repulsed, and the protective performance is quite good under the soul of the blessing. It is directly blown up by a brain-sized hole.

Pappada’s eyes are soaring, the surrounding flames seem to be getting more excited, the temperature rises unconsciously, and Pappada’s degree is not diminished, high follow-up, the angel sword in the hand is in flames. The blink of an eye is incomparable!

"It’s finally going to start,"

Next to Mario's martyrdom, with deep painful memories in his eyes: "Fatal cockroaches... shameless tricks!"

Shermi is also slightly frowning, and each flaming person has his own uniqueness. Her flame ability lies in high-explosive and persistent killing, which is displayed in the form of remote output, while Papada is The most terrible melee nemesis It can be said that any form of melee is a cloud in front of him, that is, this hand flame whip, the attack distance is about five meters, almost invisible flame explosion attack, but also a range attack.

This kind of attack, if it is in a battlefield full of flames, is even more powerful.

The mouth of the strong king is squatting, but the angel sword is raised again at this time, and it is a swing far away from a few meters away. In the air, because of the smog and dust that has been filled by the blow, people can’t see the angel sword at all. The wave of the trajectory, the strong king of the mouth swayed, like a drunken sway, the ghost step of the famous shock p has been cast to the extreme! but……


The continuous explosion sounds, the ghost step has failed! In the invisible range of bursting attacks, the small dodge skills are completely useless, this is an indiscriminate shock.

The horrible whip is like the whip of the devil, the flames are splashing, and even the underground magma of the coming land seems to be excited by this horrible offensive. With a few landslides, the ground turtle The crack marks are heavier, and the smoldering magma overflows to the surface, illuminating the entire site with a fiery red!

Booming and banging ~~~~~~~~~~~~

The smoke is filled with smoke, and the dust that leaks from the ground is mixed with the help of God. The fire power seems to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible. All the people in the onlookers are silent, and they are deterred by this horrible power. This is the blazing angel Papada. At this time, he is like an indecisive trial angel. It is simply invincible in the world. The king of the mouth is completely invisible, and there is no power to fight back. The so-called invincible skill is in this way. There is no trace of use in front of the attack. It is no wonder that all colleges have a saying that the ultimate invincibility is still the power, the soul power is the limit, but the power is not.

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