Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 29: New and old dispute

The night sinks like water, this night, for the s-class team, it is extraordinarily heavy, and the elimination of Beira Dean is really unexpected.

For Caroline, it is even more embarrassing. In the news, Tiweilan smiled very happy. "How do you feel, the king is heavy, it should be the king of the mouth, you haven't told me, you and him. In the end, how did you know what happened, I remember, for a while, you are in Tianjing City."

Caroline licked her lips and wanted to hang up the news. The woman’s gossip was really troublesome. She shunned and said lightly: “Even if he is a strong king, this is not necessarily a good thing.”

Tiweilan knows what Caroline said. Everyone is the peak of the soul-making period. The one that decides the outcome is the depth of the combat skill. One is the ability. It is obvious that Wang Zhong has all demonstrated, and the ability, The strong king of the mouth is not particularly strong. The only thing that shows is that the fire is extremely resistant. This is already dangerous in the battle of the master.

"Don't say him, compared to Tianjing, I think we should pay more attention to the giant peaks. At least, the strength of Tianjing is tangible." Tiweilan also transferred the topic of interest, which is also The real reason for her contact with Caroline.

Caroline smiled a little. "Let's lay the eggs, but still have to admire their courage."

Tivilland glanced, "What are you talking about...?"

"Dikapo’s identity has been detected. The former grandson of the former speaker of the General Assembly, as for the other members, has similar identities, and the civilians have accepted the support of that faction."

Caroline said faintly.

Although the former speaker has not taken control of the power, but led by him, has formed an interest faction, and is very energetic, the election of the next president is a way, and through the giant peak, through the chf, break the monopoly of some aspects of the family Status is another kind of appeal and form.

I have to say that it seems to be very successful and bold at the moment. The talent and identity of Dikapo, if it is in Stuart, should have a broader prospect, so it’s so quiet in the giant peak. It is more than two years.

Tiweilan paused for a while, "If this is the case, should you call everyone?"

The giant peak is still good, but the meaning behind this thing has to be reminded that the top ten families compete with each other, but only if outsiders can not destroy the system.

After the first day of various earth-shaking events, the next day's battle obviously changed, especially some a-level strong teams with metamorphic strength. Once the s-class invincible myth was broken, their confidence was also In ascension, it is also full of the desire to rise.

No matter how far the Tianjing team can go in the future, they will all be included in the history of chf, a true model of rebellion.

And this is exactly what the federation wants to see. For the whole system, what is needed is a hundred flowers, not a monopoly on the resources. The chf is a chance to re-diverge the resources of the giants. The same is also an opportunity for other forces to break through, like Tianjing and Jushen Peak have done it, it is difficult to find such a chance to become famous in the world.

In a small chat room, one after another appeared, the Iressi of the Torres family, the ink of the Mohist, the Vladimir of Ivan the Emperor, the Twilan of the night, the Musk family The scorpio Muske, the family of Porter's Lola, the people who appeared in the form of images just waited quietly. Not long after Zhao Zhaolong of the Zhao family and the ghosts of the ghost family entered, Ghost Hao smiled and smiled. Sitting in his own position, the last one appeared was Caroline.

This small conference was initiated by Caroline and Ghost. They have such a meeting on a regular basis. Of course, it is rare to meet at this time. After all, everyone is an opponent.

For various reasons, everyone still recognizes Caroline's status. Ghost and Vladimir clearly do not give each other. Ink asks and inherits the neutrality of Moh. In contrast, Caroline's female identity is very large. The extra points, plus now in the home of Stuart, are to give some face. Apparently everyone has seen the empty position. The people of Baila Deen did not come here, or did they invite?

The failure of Bharadion sounded the alarm for all the families. Of course, they did not think that this kind of thing would happen to them.

"Caroline, let's just say something. It doesn't seem that we have such a meeting during the contest." said Scorpio Marcos.

"Scorpio, you are very calm, your Rockets team is now the next target for the civilians." Zhao Yilong laughed, "Don't step in the footsteps of Ladyan."

Scorpio Musk frowned. "Winning and defeating is a common practice, and your Shenlong Academy is not invincible."

Caroline smiled slightly. "You don't want to quarrel yourself. This contest was originally a resource allocation reference for the younger generation of our top ten family practices, but it seems that we think too simple. The Federation has been here for more than a decade. Actively cultivate potential strength, this time chf is also their opportunity to perform, such as the giant peak, this c-class team name is not true, is the arrow of that power."

"Our one of us whoever comes to see the ability, but the overall situation does not allow others to destroy, I hope that everyone will be uplifted, don't overturn in the gutter, but if you lose to outsiders, the distribution in the next five years will not Participated." Ghost Hao laughed. "It is my words, I can't take my face."

Ice prince Vladimir smiled slightly. "Ghost Hao, you are so extreme. Perhaps this is the intention of the federation. As far as I know, DiCapo of Jusheng Peak is the grandson of the last speaker. The whole team is also assembled. Elites, in addition to the giant peaks, there are seven or eight teams that have received their support and want to form an impact on us. It is normal to have certain challenges. The more we are, the more we should calm down."

Apparently Vladimir did not intend to give Ghost Hao face, and would not follow the rhythm of the ghost, and several other people were also a glimpse. I did not expect the giant peak to have such a background.

In the early days, the federation was only the shackles of major But with the development of the system and the support of the people, the parliament has also formed its own power and resources, not at the mercy of the family, and the two sides formed mutual Dependence, of course, the top ten families are still deeply ingrained, but once the new forces rise, they will not stop. They are also breaking the monopoly of traditional giants through various forms. Chf was originally a dish of the top ten families. They were stared at them, and they were hidden deeply until this time of the 100th anniversary ceremony.

"In fact, the problem is Tianjing." Mo asked suddenly.

Everyone stayed, it seems that after the giant peaks and several a-class teams showed great strength, the major families immediately launched an investigation, and more or less saw the power of the parliament, including the blazing angels, the flame team, and the federal flower. After a lot of time to cultivate, to form combat power, but this day Beijing is not within the scope of training, but it is him who breaks the balance.

This makes the top ten families somewhat inexplicable, saying that it is necessary to target it. This guy has nothing to do with the parliament. It is really unpleasant.

(The Chinese New Year is desperate to eat, slammed and slammed, and it was ten pounds long. The result is somehow. After the end of the year, I lost four pounds, what a ghost, I have not dared to approach the scale recently. ,, ask for a monthly ticket, soothe!)

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