Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 33: 3 heavy strength vs round


The horrible soul force madly confronts, fights, and rotates under the force of the two, forming a whirlpool of airflow, shoveling the ground to slam, and it is a white-bladed battle!

All the fighters present are engrossed. For them, this kind of soul sea contest is threatening, but the control of these two monsters may be the first thing.

The eye with the blindfold smiled slightly, and the body let it go, the power of the opposite side came in, the body twitched slightly, with the right arm as the axis, while the body swayed, the hidden toes had already flew up and kicked, Wang Zhongmei brows slightly One pick, the moment of balance out of control is already in the hand, the dead button is in the left palm of the right fist, the soul force is madly poured, the five fingers are like a pliers, first the other's axis is buckled, and at the same time the power of the hand is retracted. Freely, the punching force like a sea has disappeared, and the body has followed the ink to the left side, and the head leaned back for the first time.

The tip of the toe is almost covered by Wang Zhong's chin, and the difference is a small one. But before the leg kicks to the highest point, there is already a turn in the air, and the kick is swept.

Wang Zhong has a right hand.


It was a wave of turbulence, a thunderous sound like a bombardment, a body that lost balance in the fight, and the huge anti-shock force that stretched the two to form a straight line, a huge earthquake. Force to force the two to bounce off.

The left palm and the right fist that are interlocked with each other have become the bonds connecting each other. The anti-shock force will pull the two of each other in an instant, and the entangled arms are all souls, then the force is stretched, and the recoil is transmitted. In order to pull the force, pull the two back and rush to each other.

The eyes of Wang Zhong and Mo Wen are undoubtedly with a touch of unprecedented enjoyment. The distance between the two feet and the gap without gaps is entirely due to the instant subconscious reaction. The choices of the two are exactly the same, and the knees hit the top.


The horrible sound waves swayed again, and the rushing airflow rewinded. It was as if the two human knees were not colliding with each other, but the two rushing comets, the impacting knees were simultaneously bounced off each other, and the two legs bounced at the same time. At the same time, the other hand of the two men also attacked at the same time.


At close quarters, both of them did not intend to retreat. The right hand of Mo Wen and the left hand of Wang Zhong have become a five-finger interlocking force. They are inseparable from each other and cannot be separated. No one wants to escape the attack range of the other party.

Boom ~ bang and bang ~~~~

Boxing against boxing, leg-to-leg, foot-to-foot, lightning-like blows, close entanglement, crazy confrontation, this almost crazy way of fighting style, but everyone is shocking, really, they are two If you change someone, you really have to be labeled as a dog. It is not an order of magnitude.

Everyone can see that the two people are pulling each other, standing on the offensive and defensive in the same place, but they can't see the movements of the two, the ultimate reaction of the human body, the switching of the attack and defense, the attack speed, the deployment of the attack power, In these two people completely violated the routine, or that there are so many obstacles, that is, the practice of other soldiers is not enough, and these two people have already broken the limit!

Not to mention the naked eyes of ordinary people, even on the large-screen cameras with high frame counts, they can only see the flashes of the two people’s positions, and their fists are turned into streamers and legs and legs into lightning. It seems as if there are countless meteors bursting out from each other and rushing to each other.

It is a single-handed offense and defense, mixed with leg attack, almost zero-distance melee is doomed to all tricks, imaginary tricks are useless, and with the pride and expectation of the two, these do not need these, and this understanding and understanding, It’s not enough for outsiders, just like you never know the emperor’s breakfast.

This is the purest melee attack and defense, only to see who is faster and stronger!

I saw that the two men’s fists were getting faster and faster, and the movements of the two people accelerated and accelerated again, as if there was no limit forever. Soon, even the shadows of the fists disappeared. Instead, there are countless The sound waves that blasted out of the air and the sound of air explosions.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the sound explosion in the arena has been ringing and reverberating. The voice of ordinary people in the stands has long since disappeared. The number of people in the player area has been holding back the breath. It is itself a master and a bystander from the perspective of God. Only a few people, such as Vladimir and Caroline, can barely rely on the perception to keep up with the actions of the two.

The qualitative change of the soul clearly enhances the outburst of the two bodies, causing their movements to jump directly to a step. The speed of such an explosion is unimaginable for the body, but the terrible thing is that their bodies can withstand and see There is no sense of disobedience, these two people really are the soul-making period?

The ink question of the Five Elements can be understood, but what is Wang Zhong?

To be honest, with this hand alone, it is enough to blow a considerable part of the soul of the soul.

Many players have seen it, they are all in front of the threshold of the soul of the soul. At this time, the more the mind is invested, the more doorways are seen, the more shocked the consciousness is, and the mind is completely blank.


I saw that at the center of the fierce battle between the two men, a missed fist suddenly rushed out and passed, and the fists were strong and leaking on the ground.

boom! ! !

Only heard a huge shock.

In an instant, the stone broke!

Countless gravel smashing, a large pit half a meter deep, concave into it, oh... followed by the ground and quickly cracked along the seam!

All the people present felt that the entire arena was swaying at this moment. Whether it was the scene or the news, it was a little scared at this moment.

What is this ghost?

The two men docked against each other, and the strength of the fists almost completely offset each other, so that many people only noticed their 'fast', but until this is obviously a missed punch, it directly splits the ground, and all the talents realize at the same time. What kind of confrontation between the two men is doing!

It’s not that the strength of the two is not strong, but the two monsters are still controlling each other in the process of the bombing. That is to lock the power in the scope of their own attack. This kind of contest, this kind of madness, let the scene The ones who watched it... I want to find a place to draw a circle.

Really, this Nima is the final of CHF. Can you consider the feelings of others? ? ?

The player area has long been a stunned, silent voice, only to hear the subconscious squeaky voice, even Caroline and Vladimir, who have never lost their color in front of their eyes, are also a bit embarrassed, and also very incomparable. Yearning and envy, this is the tacit understanding of Wang Zhong and Mo Wen, both of them recognize each other's strength, and both of them believe that the opponent is an important springboard for their own march into the soul period.

This kind of sorrow and sorrow transcends the game itself, and Carolyn and others can feel the pressure more and more. They are a level person. In the face of such an opponent, how to catch up in the future, how to go Beyond?

The people in the stands were full of emotions. The series of sounds in the field did not stop for half a second. The waves were constantly swaying, the air blasting, the unpretentious fists, and the nearest distance. There is no exaggeration of the imaginary tricks. The extremely short strain distance is only one aspect. Both of them also know that the other party has the most essential mind.

Don't talk about the ordinary fancy warfare skills, even if Napierel is called the ultimate dance of the assassin's ultimate skills, when encountering the eyes of the ink, it is also a nemesis. It is not that the shadow dance is useless, but it is faced with such a The mind-eyed warrior can at most play half the power.

Returning to the truth, it is Wang Zhong and Mo Wen who are now fighting. They pay attention to the change of acceleration in speed, the details of the attack, the strength of the soul, the toughness, strength and so on of the body for this high-intensity attack. This kind of combat literacy, what moves are at your fingertips.

The same is true of the mind, naturally also know the pros and cons of the opponent.


Both of them sent sex.

The accumulation of soul power is very stable. Even if it is such consumption, no one can keep up with the soul. It must be known that any one who makes such a soul characteristic is slightly reluctant, in this high intensity. The consumption will immediately reveal the original shape, and every link can not be mistaken.

This is the test of the question of Wang Zhong in the ink question. See if Wang Zhong is really qualified. It is just a silver-like rifle. This is also the counterattack of Wang Zhong.

The speed and strength of the two sides made the defensive difficulty of both sides rise sharply, and the attacking bangs became more and more difficult to control perfectly. The fists that were missed each other began to ravage the stadium, and the entire arena was banged and roared. The cracks on the ground are all over and the pits are everywhere.

The left and right hands that have been entangled and pulled at the same time in the theoretical confrontation, finally forced to collapse under the power of such a level, like a steel bar that was forcibly broken.


The huge collapse force is just a simple collision in the thousands of fists. The two figures are shot like bullets.



At the same time, the two men landed at the same time, the stadium was shocked, and the ground cracked like a smashed ice surface. Even with the strong bursting of the two figures, the distance opened up made the combat technology finally come into use. .

Wang Zhong’s eyes are as good as electricity, the soul is running, and the visible silver soul of the body surface is trembled, forming a jagged surface ripple.

The opposite ink question is actually the exact same choice. The serrated soul ripples reveal a kind of dark power transmission.

Double strength!

Fist and punch.

The same speed and the same soul power as before, but because of the difference in the operation of the soul force, the power of bursting is completely different from the Japanese. There is no sound, no normal wave of power, and a light that distorts the space. Halo, from the center of the two crashing fists, spread like a sharp edge.


The protective cover of the entire arena shines with violent light, as if it has withstood the most terrible attack, which has been upgraded to the level of the heroic warriors, and until then, the terrible impact is too late.


The diffused halo even distorted the rippling sound waves, which made people feel heavy and stuffy, and still trembled.

The audience in the stands opened their mouths, and the mind couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the battle. They didn't realize what was going on. The two figures in the air had been staggered like a stagger in the collision.

The position has not been completely staggered, and the two are the first time to reverse the punch, with the soul of the sawtooth ripples swaying on the fists of the two, and instantly collide.

Wang Zhong’s action seems to be slower this time. The same reverse punching action, five cents apart, Wang Zhong only swings to the position of four points, the double fist has touched, a simple truth, the same Under the speed and strength, Wang Zhong’s attack has not yet reached the peak. The details of this difference, the ink question has the upper hand, only the weak details.


Another loud noise, the sound wave burst, the slow half of the beat broke the balance between the two sides, so that the strength of Wang Zhong is at a disadvantage, the two are wrong again, by the collision of each other's anti-shock strength, ink asked Has already grabbed the advantage of half a position, the whip leg swept, the second wave of attacks came first!

One step slow and slow step by step.

It was only the gap between the beginning and the beginning, and it was a thorough first move to bring the ink to the question. At this time, it was too late to fight the legs. Wang Zhong timely and his arms were upside down.


The horrible leg sweeps and sweeps the whole person like a volleyball. He flies out to the ground and has not waited for him to land. The ink in the air is in a hurry, and the first one arrives, and the moment catches up and alternates. The right whip leg is empty!

The body loses balance and the action loses its first hand.

However, Wang Zhong’s eyes suddenly swelled in the eyes.

The third punch!

The two of them flashed in the air.

Heavy punches on the whip legs!

The same is the double strength, the strength of the leg should be greater than the fist, but at this moment, the soul ripple of the king's heavy sawtooth seems to have undergone a wonderful change, just like there is a long-running inner spiral, at this moment From the inside, the duality that was supposed to be divergent was aggregated in an instant.

Huge power bursts out from Wang Zhong’s fists, layer by layer, as if there is no end.


The ink under the impact asked the whole person to fly directly, and the high-throwing shot out, hitting the protective cover around the tens of meters, and hitting the entire protective cover again.


The protective cover is in the whine, the stadium is in shock, the people on the scene, the squatting, the collision of the attack, it should be the first hand of the ink, and regardless of the angle and the attack, the ink is dominant, but the result is It was unexpected.

"Adding the inner rotation of the soul force on the basis of the double strength, accumulating step by step, and making a stunning punch, can be called triple strength!" Longmeier could not help but admire, the tricks of these two people, even the legend The soldiers looked at them with some emotions, because they were not at this level at this age.

It’s not that every soul warrior is famous in the soul-making period and the spirit period. In fact, it’s often not the case. Everyone has different encounters at each stage. The more you praise the level, the more it is equal to one appreciation. Why do everyone attach great importance to it? Generally speaking, before the promotion, it will not be bad after promotion, but it will be weak before promotion. It may not be weak after promotion. The power in the human soul is sometimes mysterious. Of course, this is Relying on the sky, as oneself, practice is still the first. After all, luck is not controlled.

Like the ice system of Vladimir, the sword of Caroline, and even the **** identity of today's Glei, and even the silver soul of Wang Zhong and Mo Wen, who are forced to cross each other at the beginning of this battle, can make Rommel recognized, but they are not enough to make him move, but Wang Zhong’s hand really makes him praise. The double strength is basically the ultimate in the spirit of the soul. No one will waste power and spirit in a deeper level. The skill, too difficult, too painful, to study the skills of practice, simply said that one person is in the midst of a hungry half-dead suffering, but also considers human peace, but Wang Zhong did it.

In addition to Longmeier, there are also no shortage of masters. The observers of the major families are also constantly nodding. The principle of the double strength is to withstand the power of the opponent’s counter-shock when attacking itself, and then bounce back, it is its own strength and The superposition of the opponent's power.

Simply put, it is how much power you can use yourself, and the double strength can help you double the limit. Basically, it belongs to the ultimate use of power, at least in the soul-making period and the soul period. Double strength, as long as you understand the principle, as long as the body can withstand, practice it and use it.

Wang Zhong’s triple strength is based on the double rebound, adding the inner rotation of the soul force. This internal rotation will be released immediately, but will be pressed like a spring. When the key strikes, the aggregate will be carried out. Explosion, the power of the third layer!

It seems very simple to say, but it is obviously a big test for the physical body, and the more terrible is the burden of the soul sea. This kind of pressure accumulation needs to keep the sea of ​​the sea, very dangerous, but Wang Zhong is completely Ignore this.

The ink question that has been shaken has already landed, but the huge force inertia still impacts him, making him fly like a gyro on the ground for a full seventeen or eight laps, unable to balance the body, the speed of the sharp turn, let People feel that their heads are dizzy.

Just in a flash, the two sides became inferior and changed their hands.


Ink asked the left leg to force the support to stop the rotation of the body. The picture of the whirlwind was just stable. Wang Zhong’s fist had already been grabbed. In the soul, the fist like a casserole was quickly enlarged, and anyone who had just turned sharply turned seventeen. Eight laps, the brain must be forced, the eyes must be spent, but the ink is never used.

As soon as the body rotates, the mind has already observed all the actions of Wang Zhong. The path of the rush and the fist of the attack are invisible under the eyes of the heart.

The body has just stopped, the left and right hands have been pulled forward and swayed, and a white light suddenly shines, and the shape is rounded, just like the natural softness and the strength of the earth, the whole body swayed slightly.

Mo School - Round!

The heavy air around the body is alive, forming a cylinder with a radius of about two meters and a hood. Wang Zhong only feels that his sprinting fist suddenly falls into a mire with a strong stickyness. The sprinting fist is trapped by this mire. The stagnation was slightly stunned.

Followed by the palm of one hand, the palm of the hand was cut naturally, and the line of Wang Zhong’s fist marched, like a lever, gently and steadily directly biased his fist, closely following the ink. The cheeks slipped over.


The punching light shot, the sound of the piercing sound in the empty position, followed by a flash of push hands toward Wang Zhong chest.

Compared with the speed of the two people, this can be regarded as a very slow pusher, but Wang Zhong at this time half of the body is in the round of the gas field in the ink question, the quagmire is deep, and it is like a torrent of air. Pull.

Avoid it.

Wang Zhong suddenly inhale, the soul force instantly gathered in the chest.


Not too big a hit, but it made an unspeakable collapse, sweeping Wang Zhongyu.


Wang Zhong retreats, the moment of landing on both feet has once again pulled up. The Mohist's round strength has long been known for a long time. It belongs to the core secret of Mohism, and even few people from the Mohist family can comprehend it.

The lasing figure suddenly dissipated halfway through, splitting into two and two into three.

Shadow split!

The three kings were separated in an instant and gathered in the same time, killing them from three directions at the same time.

However, Wang Zhong seems to have forgotten that Mo Wen is a scorpion, but also has a heart!

The two false avatars did not even have a slight effect on the induction. The ink asked that the air would not exist, and the round pusher had already slammed the positive body.

Just in the blink of an eye, Wang Zhong’s fist has been pushed by the arm frame file, and the fist is handed over. It really is a physical one!

Can not wait for the thrust of the ink to ask, the physical touch of the moment disappeared instantly, threatening from the left rear, strong through the back!

Dimensional combat skills - virtual and real switching!

Ghostly Heart's combat skills have been played more perfectly and perfectly in the hands of Wang Zhong. The instantaneous switching has passed the human consciousness, and it is impossible to respond accordingly.


The heavy fists licked the vest in the ink, but did not imagine the heavy blow.

Wang Zhong only felt that his fist was shackled on a sandbag that was weak and slippery, and the strength was directly swayed and slipped off.

Round body!

The punching force is like a muddy sea, and it is instantly absorbed by the round gas field, adding a heavy force to the cylinder-like airflow quagmire. Even with the rotating cylinder airflow, it seems to become more A thick circle ink asked the side of the body, the left foot as the axis, the right leg as the rule, the body twisted like a torto, the first time backhand buckle.

Hey, Wang Zhong’s wrist was caught, but at the same time, the dimensional space around him was slightly swayed, and Wang Zhong’s true body disappeared again, and he instantly cut into the third avatar.

Ink asked early, and the whole round of the gas field seemed to be slightly concealed by the manipulation of his will, while the left hand was rounded up.


This time, before he even got the shot, he has been forced to retire. The virtual and tangible switching can't confuse the other's mind. Excessive attention to the body and the reduction of attack power can't break the defense of Yuanjin itself.

Out of the scope of the circle of the gas field, Wang Zhong's feet are padded, the whole person is more than ten meters high, and the body is slightly raised when it rises to the extreme midair. The silver soul is shriveled at this time. Translucent, Wang Zhong’s nephew, the silver in the light.

The uptrend has been exhausted, the body is reversed, and the head and feet are free to fall.

The support of the soul force is urging, by the downward momentum from the sky, the faster and lowerer the momentum, and the accumulation of two double-strengths.

Backward momentum - triple strength!

Under the rushing Wang heavy body surface of the sawtooth soul force in the air under the rapid friction of the instant wiped out the spark, like a flying down the fireball, with a strong momentum!

The ink can still be asked, and the thick, red eye mask obscures all his eyes and expression changes. What people see is that the moment is as cold as a machine.

The palms are only slightly hugged, making a closing action, which has spread to a circular gas field of three or four meters wide and five or six meters high. It instantly shrinks more than half, the rotating airflow solidifies, and the fluttering air seems to be there. The field became heavy.

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