Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 115: Great fusion

The technology in the holy city is quite developed, but the people here, especially the strong ones, are more willing to use the dimensional creatures to show their status and strength, and a good dimension of the beast can give the owner a lot of help.

Listening to Moore's early talk about the 'inclusiveness' of the Holy City, technology and mythology coexist, it is only when you are there that you feel this way. Humans on Earth seem to get a little bit wrong, but here, human beings are moving toward The direction of the ruler is moving forward, but there is also a question in the bottom of the heart. The Holy City has such power, why it is not spread in the Federation. If it is used in large quantities, except for some limited restricted areas, most people can expand and get a better living environment.

Obviously, this problem is not the current Wang Zhongneng. I saw a few idle "carriage" on the corner of the street. These creatures have six legs, and the upper body is also a kind of human upper body, but the face is more like a monkey, and it is lazy from time to time. Pouting.

Wang Zhong feels like something like a "taxi". Inquired, the other party is really happy.

"Haha, is the apprentice of the Holy Land?" The driver's face of the car was awkward and looked very heroic. He had a faint silver soul and was full of talk. If such a person saw it on the earth, no one could. Put him down with a "car driver". "You can't use the embossed aircraft in the city. You have to go to the place of 50,000 federal coins. Of course, you are willing to give two holy coins."

Wang Zhong smiled, "Five thousand, thank you."

The coachman whistled, and the lazy monkey shook his body. "Sit steady, and come soon!"

The geographical area of ​​the Holy City is quite wide. The rootless continent floating in the sky has at least 50,000 square kilometers. If it is placed on the earth, even the largest city is far from being comparable to it, and the entire holy city is The geographical planning is also very detailed and hierarchical.

In the outermost zone, they live in different or dimensional people. They are responsible for the infrastructure construction and maintenance of the Holy City. They do a lot of ordinary but indispensable work. Of course, there are also slave areas and criminals. prison. The area of ​​this area is quite large, occupying the outer periphery of the entire holy city. After going deep inside, there is an inner city area separated by a light blue hood. The enchantment in the holy city is many, and the area is also based on enchantment. Divided, so it is not allowed to enter.

Unaudited vehicles and people of different ethnicities and ordinary dimensions are not allowed to enter the inner city. Unless they are licensed, flights are not allowed in the holy city. For example, the tutor is not allowed, but the big tutor can.

It can be seen that these streets near the blue isolation hood are quite prosperous. There are many people or idle people gathered here. Occasionally, the apprentices or mentors who go out to perform tasks in the inner city often need to make some calls. Manpower, that is the opportunity for these idle people.

As long as you are picked, even if you are lucky, you can earn a lot of commissions. Although it is not possible to earn the holy currency, the federal credits, the big men in the inner city are quite generous, and if they are lucky, they can The missions that follow follow the unexpected gains of the dangers they could not enter, the achievement of extraordinary images or the availability of some very valuable dimensional resources, and it is impossible to go to heaven.

The vehicle stopped at the edge of the area. The identification system that comes with Tianxun can be certified by the blue protective cover. After entering, it is the inner city. Open the map navigation function on the sky news and enter the inner city Saints area. A31, the clear path has been marked in the three-dimensional image, walk along the navigation side to see, through the map you can get an idea of ​​the inner city structure.

The entire inner city is roughly divided into five areas. The outermost area is the saint area, which surrounds the inner city edge and is divided into saint a and saint b areas. Area a is mainly the accommodation of saints. From a1 to a39, scattered throughout the periphery. The Saint B District is a cultivation and learning area established by major practitioners. From b1 to b72, it represents various subject areas opened by major forces, such as alchemy, unlimited pharmacy, chemistry, jihad, etc. Simple symbols are quite simple and straightforward to look at.

Inward, it is the Grand Instructor District, the Holy Mentor District, the Presbyterian District, and the most central Santa District. These are not shown in detail on the map. The entire area is in a gray scene, only to reach the corresponding The permissions will be unlocked. These places must not be chaotic, with clear warning signs.

The inner city looks much cleaner than the outer city, and the sky does not have flying horned eagle. In the inner city, unless it is the high-rise standing on the top, others are strictly prohibited from flying in any way, but on the street. There are quite a few pedestrians, especially the Dimensional Brigade, which has been seen on several streets. A mercenary-like organization is very popular here, and it can be seen in almost every other street. Departments, the spacious halls are full of people inside and outside. This is the main way to earn holy coins in the Holy Land. Tutors, master tutors and even the Presbyterian Church will have a huge number of tasks to be released here.

In addition, there are many shops on the street. Many of them are things that Wang Zhong has not heard on the earth, such as alchemy products, synthetic chemicals, technology shops and even so-called dimensional resources. Shop, Wang heavy sidewalk, no matter what is new to him, if not Lola and Scarlett even ten reminders, it is estimated that you can go directly for two days.

It’s hard to follow the map to the Saint A31 district. This is basically the accommodation for the students. It seems that the environment is quite good. The single-family homes, mostly with a small front lawn, should be official saints. The residence is completely different from the big dormitory.

The sky has gradually darkened, looking for the past address given by Molden, only to see that the small villa is brightly lit, thinking that it will meet with old friends, Wang Zhong is also somewhat emotional, cursed land for two months, then The desert was a lonely experience for many months. Then came to this bustling city crowd. He had a feeling of being separated from the world. He took a long breath and put the little travel backpack on his shoulder and strode away. Go in.

At this time, the villa is full of people, unlike the very formal banquet, the people who come here are more casual, and the atmosphere in the hall is quite relaxed. This is a private gathering of several brothers in the monastery for Molden, welcoming this privileged class that has gone through more than a year. In the eyes of ordinary students, Molden is definitely a strong presence, allowing the big mentor to help him sign the holidays for many years, and also can return directly to the earth, which shows the importance.

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