Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 119: Someone wants to behave

This time, the incident was unexpected, but it did not hinder Wang’s re-pacing. He didn’t have time to work with such a group of guys and the snakes, otherwise the troubles in the future would only be more, the horses and horses coming over, the strength to speak, the one that could threaten him was the mentor level. But obviously not here to the extent of the mentor.

There was soothing music in the hall, crowds of people on the crowd, drinking or dancing. Someone wanted to invite Scarlett to jump on the song. After being rejected, no one would take care of it.

After all, the circle of saints is still a circle of saints. They all understand the rules and practices in the holy places. Here is the incomparable level of attention and respect. This is called Wang Zhong’s kid today is a big play, but it doesn’t matter, today’s surface is To Moore's face, it is actually because Scarlett makes these seniors feel a bit tricky, and soon he will pay for his words and deeds, which is inevitable.

Moreover, Scarlett has just entered the Holy Land and has some feelings for the friends on the earth. She can reach the height she can reach in the future, and those people will gradually drift away. At that time, she naturally knows herself. As for which side, it is not necessary to go to the eager to win, but it will be resentful. These things, the old saints have seen too much.

It’s just that this is happening. It’s boring to stay in it again. Wang Zhong and Mooreen greeted each other. There were two sentences on the other side, and there was no need to stay. To be honest, although he has a good impression on Wang Zhong, he only stays at the level of good feelings. Even if he is brought to the Holy Land, in fact, he still looks at the Lola and Muzi, but this kid is too ignorant of being a man. If you come to the Holy Land or stink on the earth and think that my eldest son is the second child, then I am afraid that he really has to suffer a lot.

Wang is important to go, Scarlett, Gry, Shermi, Mario help naturally follow, Lola also wants to go, but Moore is dead and alive, this relationship has not been laid for her.

Osantang is smiling and watching. As the owner of this villa, it is also the saint of the monastery. The metrics and demeanor are absolutely lacking. Even if there is previous unpleasantness, it is completely invisible from the face. Just like not at all. This made Scarlett feel a little relieved. After coming to the Holy Land for more than a month, I have gradually become familiar with some of the hidden rules here. Although the Austrian Mountain Church has been the focus of Scarlett’s heart, but In this way, the Saints who have made a name for themselves can never have any good things. Ghost is a good example of the car. Fortunately, after all, Molden and Scarlett are in the room. He does not seem to plan to care about these two faces. .

Watching Wang Zhong and others leave, the songs and dances in the villa are still going on. Osantang smiled and walked to the side with a glass of wine, and glanced at him. A moustache saint immediately came to him with respect and respect: "Doo brother. ”

The face of Aoshantang can't see the slightest smoldering fire. In fact, the newcomers like Wang Zhong who have tempered their temper are seeing too many things every year in the Holy Land. There are always some lessons, usually in their own capacity, to teach new people this way. Things don't need to be shot by myself, but today, I am the host, and this surnamed Wang is too mad, so cute.

He said faintly: "Some newcomers need to learn the new rules of the Holy Land, don't play dead, and let him give me a distance from Scarlett."


Out of the villa, the hearts of Shermi and Mario are still jumping wildly. Just now, they are out of loyalty. If they don’t think about it, they will stand by Wang Zhong’s instincts, but when they think about it, this thing is special. ...... It’s been a long time since I came to the Holy Land. I understand the rules, but I have never heard of any newcomers who can be wooed with the old saints. Ghost is just offending that the individual has been miserable. Now Recording Wutang basically did not dare to speak loudly, but Wang Zhong this guy is offending the individual, this is purely a map cannon, too special sharp.

Scarlett and Gry are indifferent to the face. Grenada is kind of indifferent to it. Scarlett really doesn't matter. Don't say that there is a big backer behind the master, even if there is no such thing? For the king, even if the knife and the sea are not wrinkled.

Wang Zhong is still hungry, and Shermi and Mario claim to be rushing to drink.

The catering industry of the Holy Land is not as scarce as imagined. Before Wang returned, he thought that all of them were madmen of cultivation, and they would not spend too much time on eating. Only then did they know that this is a world of food.

In terms of the federal government, it will provide sufficient resources for the Holy Land. It can be said that it is very expensive in the outside world. It is very common here, including the Kabofeier cattle, 80% of which are holy places for supply, and not only only to the extent of deliciousness. At the same time, we must pay attention to the intake of energy. The fifth dimension has never lacked high-quality ingredients. The high-order dimension of life itself contains a variety of powerful energy. Through various cooking techniques, not only can these energies be preserved in the cooking process to the utmost extent, It is even possible to combine and modify the energy to make it more suitable for human body absorption and to eliminate the harmful components contained in it.

Under such demand, the career of the Dimensional Gourmet is born. This is also the auxiliary occupation in the Holy Land. The delicious food is only the basic basic. As a dimension foodie, they are the foods that are best at conditioning the world of dimension and put this The ambitions of the various dimensions of the ingredients come out, starting from the food, but far more than the food, not only can obtain the dimensional energy, treat the injury, and even reach the point of comprehending some power.

Of course, the Dimensional Gourmet is another realm, let alone the federal currency. Even if there is a holy currency, you must see that people are willing to take care of you, and can become a dimensional foodie, either talented or senior. No matter what the ingredients themselves are or understand, it is not something that ordinary people can do.

Of course, this is something that everyone has already eaten very It feels that the treatment on the earth is pig food, especially Wang Zhong, who has been so hard in the desert for so long, they may not be greedy Gourmet, but as a normal person, will not refuse food.

Whether it is the federal or the practice of the earth, it is not abandoning the nature of human beings. On the contrary, it is to exert the nature of human beings. The reason why people are human beings is to communicate the laws of the world with human characteristics, and finally achieve perfection. Otherwise, at most, Monsters only.

"It's delicious!" Wang Zhong couldn't help but admire. The previous incident did not affect his mood. His experience was not a primary school student.

"It's nothing," Shermi couldn't help but scream. "Take you to the canteen of the martial arts hall tomorrow, oh, it's not that I blow, the whole body pores that I can eat are open to you. I feel that every pore has energy in transmission. This lady has come to the Holy Land for more than a month, and she is most satisfied with eating!"

"Congratulations, you have been promoted to the Holy City to eat goods, and receive the Medal of Honor." Scarlett was joking around, and laughed and laughed at the stall.

(The two are finished, the partners, in the happy holiday, support Zhang double the monthly ticket, soothe the classmates who work overtime, thank you!)

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