Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 176: Grievance

“Some of the more powerful divisions in the Holy City are from the abbey. The main occupational studies of the soul and the arcane have allowed them to accumulate a lot of experience on the soul and dimension. These two aspects are the divisions. The most needed qualities, enchantment and soul and arcane have a very close relationship."

"And we are the cradle of alchemy, the alchemy union of the Holy City, at least half of them are from our hegemony, the most powerful of them, like the master of Kesuen, the master of Murphy, are us. A member of the tyrants! Our tyrants study the body, transform the body, especially the smelting system, and the contact and demand for various alchemy materials cannot be compared with any other profession, and this is our advantage. I believe that everyone here has already had a certain understanding of alchemy. Some people may fear the high threshold of alchemy. They think that resources are too expensive and they dare not start. But this is completely wrong, and I will never allow Appears among my students!” Arudiba looked around at everyone: “You can get in touch with other deputies because you have other talents, but if you are afraid of the difficulties of the previous period, then troubles get out of my classroom. The Patriarchs will never take up waste that is afraid of difficulties."

Surrounded by a quiet, but I can see that many apprentices have a burst of excitement on their faces. Arudiba always has the ability to inadvertently mobilize the emotions of the students, unite them and give them They belong to the glory of the hegemony.

"Of course, such difficulties will not be permanent." Arudy Barton paused and said slowly: "Alchemy, if you can get into the business, you can easily earn back your previous investment. It is also in the three major occupations. For jobs with the highest interest rates and demand, you never have to worry about your product without a market, as long as it is a good thing."

"The last is the recorded martial arts, the foodies are their standard," said the recorded martial arts, Arudiba's face clearly brought a little smile, frankly, the tyrants have always looked down on the recorded martial arts This is a long-standing understanding of the bone marrow: "The entrance threshold for gourmets will be slightly lower than the other two deputies. Of course, don't look down on foodies. Any foodie is a poison expert. A must-have standard for a mature team. At the same time, gourmets will also develop unique food poisoners and gourmet pharmacists. Their ability in making and refining pharmaceuticals is excellent. We also have derivative alchemists among our alchemists. Pharmacists, the difference is in materials and refining methods, so there is a certain difference in toxicity and treatment. Of course, this is very partial, and you will know something about it in the future."

"The details of the three deputy positions are like this, but the choice is mainly to look at yourself. It is not that the apprentices of the hegemons must have achieved success in learning alchemy. Nor can they not have a good teacher in the hegemony. It is only relative. It will be a little harder, and it will vary from person to person. Therefore, you don’t need to make decisions immediately in the deputy. This is related to the source of resources in your long years of practice. You have to try everything and practice specific practices. In order to pick the one that suits you best, I won’t say more."

"Today our main task is to choose our own weapons." Arudiba said as he took out a red crystal from the podium: "I believe this is more important than the deputy choice. Everyone will be more urgent."

"Let's say that, although it is the first thing that newcomers should do to achieve the peak of the soul, some newcomers can reach the peak of the soul in just one or two years or even less, but it will inevitably consume a lot of resources. Do you think these resources will fall from the sky out of thin air? You have to take your own life to fight for it, otherwise it will only slowly accumulate day after day, waiting for the long three or five years and even more time to be consumed, then You will lose more. So, the theoretical first to reach the peak of the soul of the soul is the best choice, but in fact there is a precondition, that is, you have to live until that time, choose a weapon that suits you. Undoubtedly can greatly increase your survival rate in the brigade."

Arudiba’s voice just fell, and the originally quiet hall suddenly sounded a lot of excited whispers. It’s not daring to whisper, but it’s okay to say a few words when excited.

The topic of weapons has long been a new topic in newcomers, but there are quite a few people who are hotly discussing and groping. After all, most newcomers have now joined the hostel, regardless of their status in their respective brigades, but have heard of too many legends about the various high-level sacred devices. A good weapon is that the saints can be on the mission. The key to survival.

Many of the newcomers present are already considering their first Horcruxes, but the direction that Arudiba is talking about obviously does not refer to the grade of weapons: "Like you choose a deputy, you can't just pick it up. Get up, but choose the right one for you to maximize your strength."

The choice of weapons also has a fairly iconic boundary among the three major forces, even more obvious than the definition of deputy.

The saints of the monastery often choose long-range weapons or arcane sacred devices, such as some staff or scrolls, accommodating crystals, and the Oscar-like 'Trison's disaster vest' belongs to the Arcane Horcrux. This depends mainly on the direction of the monastery's practice, and the focus on soul power and arcane research is doomed to their weapons.

The Patriarch is dominated by melee cold weapons, and the weapon is only regarded as an extension of the body. In the end, the hegemony still depends more on the body. As for the recording of the martial arts hall, when Arudiba talked about this part, he used the words ‘may ignore it’. It is obvious that Arudiba really looks down on the recorded martial arts.

It’s really hard to explain that the weapons selection of the recorded martial arts is rather complicated. The long-range weapons, the arcane weapons, the melee weapons and even some hot weapons are all involved. There is no clear definition, but in the eyes of most powerful people, No feature means mediocrity. Frankly speaking, the difference between the recorded martial arts and the Earth Federation in their eyes is not very large. Whether it is a hegemony or a monastery, individual militants will even exclude the recorded martial arts from the so-called three major forces of the Holy City.

The red crystal on the podium is a prop prepared by Arudiba. It is said to have a certain psychedelic effect. As long as it is focused on the eyes for about two or three minutes, the crystal can judge the fit of each person according to the fluctuation of each person's mind. What kind of weapon.

Everyone in the class quickly entered the test, and Wang Zhong tried to do something about what kind of weapon he was suitable for. He didn’t really know what he was. To say the most convenient thing, it should be a cross, but frankly, the cross is always on the personal label of Laforge, not anyone else, and Wang Zhong’s love for it is more because of its complexity, and It is infinitely superimposed on the two souls of Grasso, which is very suitable for the soul that was too low at the time, but now it has entered the soul of the soul, and the powerful soul base of the body may have caused the essence of the battle to happen many times. Change, and the cross wheel is just a pure physical superposition. Even in the English soul period, it can still have good combat power, but it may not be able to continue to adapt to higher-level battles, especially the feelings of the last two secret missions. Let Wang Zhong realize this more deeply.

As Lan Yuer said, he should not be confined to the thinking of the soul-making period, and should jump out to see the new world.

I can wait for Wang’s expectation to sit on the test. The result is a bit speechless. I don’t know if I am too resistant to the illusion. Or is this so-called weapon selection method not suitable for myself, staring at the red crystal for a long time, I didn't even see the kitchen knife, and there was no reaction at all.

Instead, sitting next to Wang Zhong, Mo Ling looked like a surprise. He closed his eyes and seemed to have seen the direction of future battles.

"What weapon?" Wang Zhong was a bit curious. He remembered that Ling Ling used the kind of nine-ring tin on CHF.

"Gloves." Mo Ling returned to God, looked down at his fist, squeezed hard, the fist is his most familiar weapon, and the choice of crystal did not disappoint him, quite fit his inner thoughts: "What about you?"

Wang touched his nose and spread his hand: "Air."

Inkling groaned, and it took two or three seconds to react, but it was obviously misunderstood. There was a slight smile on his face, and he did not continue to ask. There are too many Wang Zhonghui’s. It seems that there are also shortcomings that are easy to pick. .

The time for class has arrived. Today is just an attempt. Arrudiba did not let everyone say their choices, but only assigned a homework assignment for everyone: "Give you two weeks, next time. In one lesson, I want to see the weapons of each of you, whether it is bought or made by myself."

In the afternoon, it was a small gathering of the newcomers of the Wandering Brigade. I had already made an appointment before. Mo Ling and Wang Zhong could just go all the way. Just came out from the lecture hall. Some people were hurriedly chasing after them: "Pharaoh! Small ink!"

Listening to this inexplicable title, you don't have to look back to know who it is. Nola White's favorite thing to do is to help people get the nickname.

"It’s very busy lately. I heard that you followed the stray brigade and got out of the task? Oh, you have to make money to treat you!” Norah’s voice is as big as ever, but obviously ask these words and It was not his purpose. While he was screaming at the same time, he lowered his voice and said quickly: "The tyrant may have someone looking for trouble. Pharaoh, you seem to offend people, be careful."

Both Wang Zhong and Mo Ling are very fast-reacting types. They are eager to learn from the heart, and they have a few words with his unnutritive guests, and they quickly parted ways.

Nola Bai is a good mix in the new generation of the hegemony. This guy’s savage temper is quite right for the brothers to have the appetite of several brothers. These brothers treat each other differently, and the treatment of the tyrants is natural and other. The newcomers are different, and the circle of dimensions will also accept him. If there is any news in the hegemony, the first thing that the newcomer knows is Nola White. He wants to say that some of the hegemons want to deal with Wang Zhong. That is certainly not a hole in the wind.

"It doesn't make sense." From the side of the hegemony, Mo Ling frowned. Wang Zhong, although not very popular in the hegemony, is not too annoying. The time for this guy to come to the classroom is definitely for all newcomers. At least, I have not heard that he has complained with whom: "Is it because the newcomers qualify for the competition?"

When I think about it, it seems that there is only one such thing as Wang Chong and other people in the hegemony will have an intersection. But this is still a full few months. Besides, the promotion is just a matter of being a weak and strong food. If anyone has already offended someone early, then it should never be the weight of the challenged party.

Wang Zhong is also a bit confused, but there are many people who have all kinds of weird habits in the holy city. They often socialize normally, and they have already offended people inadvertently, perhaps because of the last time Okuyama’s business. I heard that he is a cadre of the alchemy union, and the alchemy union obviously has an inextricable relationship with the hegemony. But what about him, the trouble is really to find the door, and then he is, and I didn’t care much before, but now it won’t.

Wang Zhong did not put this matter in his heart, and he talked with Mo Ling a few words and then had an understatement.

When I arrived at the Queen's Bar, Glee and Shermi had already arrived. The task that had been run before obviously made this group of people live a lot of moisture, one by one, and in the Holy City, as long as there is holy currency, many things are still very much. It's easy to solve, at least for the grades that most newcomers face. Napier has changed back to the costumes of the former clown. This dress seems to make him feel most comfortable. Abandoning some of the self by the family and the brothers of the recorded martial arts, and now the existence of the wandering brigade is to get rid of these constraints. As long as the economy can be independent, it is still quite free in the holy city, not to mention its own It is the identity of a second-class apprentice. On the watch list of the big mentor, the family is also not overly persecuted. Recently, he has let him go completely.

Next to Mario and Shermi is a glue-like look, it is simply a dog abuse on the scene, Shermi's chest seems to be bigger, it is said that the woman's chest and soul power is directly proportional, it seems that the recent progress is not small... ... As for Mario, who was still ashamed of pulling a small hand some time ago, it is now a well-tested look. Sitting there and wearing the style of Charmi is not too skilled, no matter how the cultivation results, but As long as Shirmi is there, it is a paradise for Mario.

Everyone always feels that there are some changes. The only thing that hasn't changed is Gle, sitting there quietly drinking beer, and from time to time, he echoes the jokes that Shermi said, quite leisurely. Sometimes Wang Zhong admires Gry's self-identification, which is soaked in the big dyeing tank of the recorded martial arts every day, but it has never been influenced by anyone. This is indeed a very powerful skill.

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