Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 195: Wang Zhun saints won the prize

() The king scratched his head, what went wrong? It shouldn't be ah. This is the simplest summoning enchantment, plus your own rune and soul control. If this is wrong, too...

At this moment, a dead air emerged from the small enchantment hole, and there was a surging trend, Wang Zhong and Simba stayed together.

The sacrifice is the bone is absolutely very ordinary, but also summons no big things. After all, his enchantment itself is very weak, but the dead air is weak, but the grade is completely different, the cold is cold, there is a The stocks have no chill.

The most important thing is, how is this Nima so familiar? ? ?

this is……

The breath of the headless rider Bol Sanchez? !

That absolute oppression, the arrogant death scent, just like what happened yesterday, it is difficult for Wang to forget.

In an instant, Wang Zhong and Simba are all cool. They prefer to fail compared to the moths, but obviously this is not controlled by them.

It's not that the primary summoning is a spicy chicken. Is it impossible to summon a strong point? Brother just wants to call a younger brother to play, big brother, what are you running around? !

Wang Zhong only felt that he was careful that his liver almost stopped. The first reaction was to quickly destroy the enchantment. He flipped the table directly, and the sacrifice was broken. The rune matrix collapsed. Just opened to the enchantment hole that only the size of the bowl is also quickly closed, Wang Zhonggang loosened half of the gas, the eyeball almost popped up, Simba is also scared of a sly, this sad reminder.

Just when the enchantment hole was closed to about three fingers wide, a black and shiny thing suddenly spurted out from it, and the black breath continued to expand, making up for the summoning array. The soul beastmaster of Wang Zhong’s half-hanger knows what it is. Control, let the summoning enchantment continue to expand.

Wang Zhong’s heart instantly cooled down.

Is this OK? !

He wants to do something to stop, but he hasn't waited for him to think about a suitable countermeasure. The violent death has completely controlled the passage.

The violent death of the sky covered the sky, covering the dormitory a hundred meters, the black cloud top, lightning and thunder, instantly attracted the attention of the entire Holy Land.

I don’t know how many years ago, no outside creatures dared to invade the Holy Land, especially the dark creatures... The great mentor of the Holy Land had felt the location of the transmission for the first time, only to see the transmission trajectory in the air, and to know that someone was calling the darkness in the Holy Land. biological!

Where is the king, he still cares about those, when the time, the dormitory is dead and full of power, only feels a slippery foot, the ear hears the sound of the house collapsed, the ceiling of the head directly slammed down his head. .

The dormitory collapsed!

It turns out that this kind of thing, even if the soul of the soul encounters, there is no way, better than the average person is probably the body can hold things to the head, but still gray face.

The whole body lost weight in this moment, and as the collapsed floor fell, all kinds of nose and dust were filled, and the screams and roars around it accompanied the collapse of the rumbled building, like a noisy opening. Miscellaneous party.

But Wang Zhongke didn't have the mood to manage this. He wanted to go, but suddenly, all the feelings of weightlessness, all those noisy voices disappeared in an instant, and there was a strange power that completely shrouded. When Wang Zhong suddenly blinked, only Seeing that he was hovering in the air, not only himself, but all the things around him are at rest.

He can see the cups, tables and chairs floating in the air, can see the wall that is falling after being broken, and even a large splash of water in front of his eyes, it seems to be just the tea that has been knocked over, but it is still standing still in the air.

Time to stop? Unheard of power?

But he still maintains normal consciousness and consciousness. Wang Zhong has never experienced such a state. He feels incredible. He can clearly understand that this is not his own illusion. This stagnant space is like having some rules of law. The special role is playing its role.

Simba is an infinite spit. Is there any time to think about this? This Nima must have been the most hated of his headless ghosts. Why, they didn't take anything, why bother to play, here is the holy place!

Wang Zhong tried to move his body and break free from the shackles of the whole space. He found that he could not move. Only his thinking consciousness was able to move. The body was suppressed by a terrible force in this strangely stagnant space. The floating creatures around you, let alone do the self-rescue movements, do not even want to move even half of the fingers.

Hey, hehe...

The hooves sounded louder and closer, and Wang Zhong had the feeling of scalp tingling, just like waiting for death.

Immediately followed by a force, it quickly penetrated into it, the dark shadows emerged, the dark armor, the horrified rifle, and the lingering temperament around his body could not be opened at all, as if it were a sticky center. Pulling the entire space, maintaining the entire space in a state of static time.

The headless knight, really is him!

Wang Zhong is also completely speechless. Even if he is an apprentice, he also knows how difficult it is to cross space. Especially this kind of lord is bound by the law. A primary summoning array in his own district can give him such an opportunity? ? ?

The headless knight emerged from nothingness, and then walked slowly, like the king and even the master of the heavens and the earth. The collapsed and still things around him gave way to him, and the fluttering sides were separated. .


The hooves stood still, the long guns were raised, and the horrible breath of the headless knight Bol Sanchez was close at hand, and Wang Zhong could even feel the coldness of the bones from the gunpoint.

The primary summoning can actually summon the lord. This dog-like luck is really no one. If you still hold a glimpse of luck, then he has no longer had a glimpse of it.

In the face of death, I thought I might have fear, but my heart was surprisingly calm at this moment. There was no fear or depression, and some were just some regrets.

Where is Wang Shu and Xue Yu, but there is no chance to say goodbye to them, but I believe that there should be nothing to them with the strength of the two. It should be good for Scarlett to have a mentor, but don’t worry, there is blue .........

Wang Zhong was a little surprised. The last scene that appeared in his mind was actually Blue Lan. The tutor was really sexy. Her eyes were very beautiful, but she had to try one less.

The messy thoughts flashed through my mind. Although death was doomed, it was not his habit to sit still and wait for it. Although the body could not move, the law could be manipulated without any hindrance. Wang Zhong’s eyes suddenly condensed, and the power of dominance spread instantly.

Frankly speaking, Wang Zhong did not hope, but struggled and did not think about the result. The strength of the headless knight is not much worse than that of the empress. In the face of the balance rules that the queen has no effect, it is obviously not in the face of the headless lord. What role it might play.

Just when Wang Zhong was ready to let go, the rifle that passed through a cold chill did not cut his head as you imagined, but just gently put it down, followed by the headless knight from him. The horse jumped down immediately.

In the wrong time, Wang Zhong felt that the body had a reaction, it was the stone of destiny!

With the headless knight dismounting, it is like connecting a part of his body, the second side of the destiny stone begins to shine in the sea of ​​souls, this light comes very fast, a circle, a wave, through the soul The sea spreads out of the body and is shrouded in the headless knight.

I saw that the dead air around him was quickly dispelled by this light. The headless knight did not resist at all, and even showed a kind of piety and tranquility. At his feet, there was a large rune array formed under the glory of the stone of destiny.

It was a contractual law, and Wang Zhonghao studied a few days of enchantment. Some features of the contract enchantment can still be seen, but the headless knight shines under this, the highest level contract he has seen in the library. The enchantment is much more complicated, and it has only taken shape in an instant.

Perhaps from the beginning, these monsters are staring at themselves. Accurately speaking, it is the stone of destiny. Wang Zhong does not believe that these guys can directly see through. After all, even the queen can not perceive it. Only when they enter the soul sea will they be afraid. They can only say that they It was attracted, but it was really rare for this headless knight to catch up.

When I got here, Wang Zhong and Simba knew that it was a false alarm, and stared at this magical scene.

The dead air on the headless knight was instantly absorbed by the contract law, and the golden circle was transformed into black, and the second side of the destiny stone that was originally in a fuzzy state became completely clear.

The contract is completed!

The headless knight and his squad are all turned into a body of flashing light, and Wang Zhong can clearly feel the connection with him, and the connection between himself and the Flame Elf King Salamanda.

This is... Wang Zhong Zhang opened his mouth and became his second law?

Wang Zhong and Simba face each other, this is...?

I haven't waited for him to understand the key. With the disappearance of Bol Sanchez, the stagnation of the space suddenly collapsed, and the flow of time returned to normal, followed by the collapse of the building that had previously shaken the mountain. There are countless things in all directions, and the body is out of balance again, oh la la la...

The violent vibration lasted for ten seconds, and Wang Zhong felt that he was buried in the ruins. He pressed many heavy slabs or walls, and he jumped out of his face.

At this time, looking up, the violent shock just not only collapsed his dormitory, but also the two dormitories next door collapsed, the whole scene was a mess. The alien dormitory here can't basically see anyone, but now it is very lively. There are many aliens who are constantly crawling out from the ruins. Naturally, they can't help but squat, and they slept well in the middle of the night. Suddenly the building collapsed and buried himself alive, which could not stand anyone.

"Who is fucking?! Fucking this midnight?!"

“There is room for fluctuations. Someone just made a summoning enchantment in the dormitory?”

"Which madman is going to your X?! In the dorm, use the summoning enchantment? Is the brain teasing?"

"Laozi's runic crystal! It's all broken!"

"Rely, don't say that I haven't noticed yet, I put the potion on the table yesterday!"

The surrounding voices are constantly screaming, and the group is indignant. In the Holy Land, they are basically very cautious. They obviously do not qualify for a single villa. If they live in groups, don’t play big. As a result, some people even dare to provoke public anger.

Although I just escaped from the dead and even accidentally harvested the second image, it should have been a surprise. I can see this scene, but Wang Zhong can’t help but hold his forehead. This should not let Does he pay for it?

How much does this special cost? The whole three buildings, and the loss of these hundreds of people, Wang Chongguang thinks that they all feel big, and they only came back for a few days. Finally, they took advantage of Muzi’s reincarnation and made some capital on their bodies. It’s hot... What’s more depressing, is it enough to lose a fraction?

"That's wearing white clothes!" There was a drink in the air.

The people who dare to fly in the holy city are definitely not ordinary people. The noisy people around them immediately stopped squatting, including Wang Zhong, all of them look in the sky. The people in the land can wear more white clothes. Who knows Is it called yourself?

I saw two figures in the air, exuding the horror of the soul of the soul, the star of the two men's chest highlights their identity, this is the two great mentor!

Their eyes are all in the same direction, and in that direction, a gray-faced guy who is wearing white clothes and has just climbed out of the ruins is looking at his smile.

Many students have recognized it. This guy is not the one who frequently makes funny news. Is it the tenth disappointment of the Holy Land? Was this **** building collapsed by this guy?

Wang Zhong helplessly stretched out his hand, how is the mentation of the big mentor? Wang Zhong did not want to squat in the past. The traces of the undulating space circumstance around this time were too obvious. Even the ordinary saints who just woke up could see how they could get too big in the eyes of the mentor, and they were in them. I am afraid that the taste is just after the enchantment. The sophistry is just a stupid act.

Sure enough, he!

In the surrounding moments, I was indignant. The murderous eyes were highly concentrated. If the two masters were on the top of the head, this group of people could immediately give this daring fool to the local Fa-rectification.

"Admit it just fine." The two big mentor's faces don't see any extra expressions. It's too common for novices to experiment with alchemy or experimental enchantment to make accidents. It's just that this time is a bit big, this kid is not only It was only an unexpected problem, and it was obviously suspected of violating the rules. In the absence of the qualification certificate of the enchantment, he dared to swear by himself in the dormitory. This has already touched the law of the Holy City.

"Let's take a trip with us!"


The waste materials of the Ba nationality are out of the news. The self-learning enchantment teacher has dared to swear in the dormitory without getting the qualification certificate. This is an absolute violation of the rules. Even if there is no accident, it will be discovered or reported. Faced with a small fine, not to mention directly collapsed two buildings...

The new circle of the entire holy city is speechless, this guy is really a toss.

(Partners, happy weekend!)

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