Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 30: tongue

To destroy the main force of this wave of scattered pieces, other scattered individuals are not enough to fear. Another big swordsman over there has seen the general trend, and he can’t eat the squad anyway. It was also quickly retreating with a few fighters and sporadic people.

The wandering brigade did not pursue it. It was the first time to complete the reunion with Wang Zhong and Scarlett. At this time, there are two masters to join, and the flat resistance has become more and more effective. Everyone is also facing the frontal battlefield. The position of the main force quickly moved closer to the past. After all, there were fewer people, so as not to fall into the encirclement of the small battlefield.

At the front of the battlefield, the Holy City Army has completely controlled the situation. The airship in the air has completely occupied the air control rights. The flying squadron that the Miso Buda is proud of is not visible in the air at this time. The airships and horned hawks of the Holy City Army are flying, supporting the local battlefield on the ground with strong firepower and mobility.

Wang Zhong’s group army on their side first landed and attacked. At this time, the entire suppression of this area has been completed. The other party has turned from a defeat to a defeat, but it is only a matter of two or three hours after the main force of the legion begins the general attack. The main battlefield has almost been emptied, and more are still some sporadic resistance. In other major battlefields, the Holy City Army also has obvious advantages, and as the existing forces that have solved the battle continue to join, the overall defeat of the other side is only a matter of time.

From the tearing space of Raytheon, the Holy City Army began to attack when it was only rising in the morning sun. In the afternoon, the resistance of several of the most powerful areas of the other side was completely disintegrated, and no effective large-scale counterattack could be formed. But the sporadic battles are still going on and on. With such a huge battlefield, it is not an easy task to completely eliminate the living power of the other party and complete the regional occupation.

In addition to the frontal plain battlefield, there are many high mountains on the left side of the terrain. The final resistance and sporadic battles of the other side are mainly concentrated here, constantly using the mountain terrain and the holy city army, and It is said to be a sporadic enemy, but in fact, the number of Misobudaby troops that have been retreating from the battlefield and gathered here is quite considerable. If it is not completely cleared, no peace of mind can be achieved. The saint brigade army is the main force in this Qing dynasty. On the small-scale battle, every saint can be said to be the real elite in the soul of the soul, regardless of strength or equipment, compared to the ordinary main force of the holy city, personal strength Still have to be a lot stronger.

It was a long night, the sound of gunfire, the brilliance of various arcanes continued in the mountains, and the Miso Budaby people were obviously familiar with the mountainous terrain of this area, plus the long night, to the holy city. The final battlefield clearing of the army created a lot of trouble, and the night of Misobudabi was exceptionally long. They had twenty-eight hours a day, and at least sixteen hours of it were spent in the dark. It also gives the further increase in difficulty.

Until the next morning, the sun re-lighted, and the Qing dynasty work gradually entered the final stage. The brigade of the powerful army was driven from all sides, and the main force of the 50,000-city holy city completed the last one from several directions. Wave-clip, when the last cannon came to a close, and the melodious echo echoed in this mountain, the last group of Misso Budabi resistance who left behind and harassed also fell, and had been exhausted for a day and a night. The holy city soldiers cheered together, and the Raytheon Corps was thus completed a strategic full landing.

At the back of the plain battlefield where it first landed, it was the holy city army that had already selected a good base through various investigations before the departure. As the general headquarters and launching point of the southern battlefield, it was built on the mountain, behind A steep cliff, the plain in front of the plain is wide, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At that time, the master of Kesuen who helped Wang Zhong was the logistics chief of the Thor Corps. He was fully responsible for the infrastructure work of the entire camp.

This is a resolutely hard-working man. At the same time as the encirclement of the mountains in the mountains last night, the construction of the base here began to be carried out intensively, waiting for Wang Zhong to re-enter them with the winning brigade and the main force. At the time, the entire base has begun to take shape.

As the main body of the temporary command center, the trust carrier hovered over the base to monitor all the movements on the surrounding cliffs.

At the bottom, a white standard-style camphouse camp has been lined up in a row, which is a puffed house, made of a special kind of alchemy material, including the already fixed beds and tables in the house, etc. The changing low temperature will shrink into a ball, only the size of the ordinary wheel, and will expand by a slight warming, expanding into a standard ten-square hut, which is also a place of humanity, when pursuing power, also Legionization and efficiency have been pushed to the extreme, which is why landing wars can be so smooth.

In addition to the ordinary military camps on the periphery, there are also command posts and specially-deployed camps on the inside. At the same time, tall towers are also quickly set up around the tower. The towers are full of runes and the top chains are sparkling with energy chains. This stuff is not good-looking, it has a strong attack power, and it can automatically identify creatures outside the Holy Land and will automatically launch an attack.

It’s just a night’s change. The war base in the northern battlefield has been established, strong technical support, and meticulous individual division of labor. It is very old with a system of civilization. The most powerful place for human beings to emerge from the dark age is Absorption and summary, all good will be used, and all bad will be eliminated, never because of hostility or contempt for a certain civilization, to dispel the excellent part of the other civilization.

The power of the Holy City is not only reflected in the firepower of terror, but also in the combat power of the high-end St. Mentor. Even if you only see the details of these constructions, you can see the essence of a civilization, a hearty victory, plus This nightly miraculously built military camp prototype also allows all the warriors to feel a sincere peace of mind and strong confidence and recognition of the Holy City.

Innocent and imaginary world, another huge fleet is stagnant in the darkness of nothingness, and each other's lights illuminate each other. The sacred warriors of a team are preparing for the war in an orderly manner in the airship.

It is the Holy Land Corps led by the Demon St. Mentor who left the Holy Land earlier than the Holy Divine Master. In front of them is the virtual south of the world of Misobuda!

In the center of the Legion, the Rays of the Mounted Carriage is particularly embarrassing. This light carries a blessed enchantment, which stabilizes the void around it, and is connected to an airship full of soldiers of the Holy Land.

In the cabin, the tense atmosphere is pervasive, and they have been here for too long.

Caroline looked at the virtual world outside the window, not far away, Solomon was also meditating, the two imperial courts and listeners, as one of the best brigades, this time was assigned to the Legion of the Demon St. Among them.

"Carolyn, are you ready?"

Caroline turned back and smiled a little and nodded. "Sound brother."


The voice nodded, thought about it, and confessed: "Remember, keep the formation, don't force it."

Caroline smiled slightly, not arguing, this is the number one listener in the Holy Land, the master is like a cloud, until now she has not seen the head, it is said that it can be a positive killing of the existence of the soul warrior, here All her auras have become dull. This war is a proof of opportunity, a vase, or a king.

Not far away, Solomon, who sits in the Imperial Brigade, is different from the "predecessors" who are in the Holy City. These are the backbones of the long-term experience of the imperial court. Everyone is filled with the best but still suppressed. Solomon is excited, and he will grow faster with the strong.

Among the trust carriers in the center of the fleet, the machine **** saint is retreating, and around his body, there are a lot of strange silver ripples. These ripples are not light and shadow, but extend from the body of the machine **** saint. Spiritual ripples.

The extension of these corrugated tentacles is deeply rooted in the virtual world, like the roots of the tree, invisibly and invadily invading the Mesobuga than the phoenix world.

And in his will, a powerful barrier is against him, and the star-like spiritual power protects a powerful and powerful life world.

Miso Buda is like the phoenix world, the breath of life is so embarrassing, and the rules leading to the holyness are hidden in this endless vitality. This is the life of the world, the spirit of the world, under this will, powerful The civilization was born, and the power of civilization fed back the promotion of the world spirit.

Perfection is like art. It is not his specialty to directly tear the defense of the world consciousness, so he is waiting.

Suddenly, the spirit of the machine demon sergeant rushed sharply, and suddenly opened his eyes. The world consciousness has just become weak. It is obvious that Raytheon has started to work. Only when Ray’s attack becomes the focus of world consciousness, he The defense here is naturally weak.

The savvy eyes of the machine, see through the void, see through the outer shell of the world, and see the Misobudabi wrapped in infinite vitality! The three-level civilized world that was given the flame by the phoenix.

"It's time to let them feel the fear of the Holy Land."

The machine demon steer took a step forward, and in the silver light, the whole machine of the enchanted sorcerer disappeared.

At this time, the combatants in the aircraft carrier are all in abrupt manner. In their surroundings, on the walls, in the air, countless patterns are surging. Those patterns are like fish in the deep sea, so large, but with The incomprehensible law, as if the complicated laws of heaven and earth are suddenly and simplistic, is exposed to the eyes of the world. However, everyone in the aircraft carrier turns a blind eye to this.

They know that this is the Wan Rong body of the sorcerer!

The driving controllers of all the aircraft carriers stood up from their positions in an orderly manner. In the place where the runes rushed, a layer of faint metallic luster penetrated in and the inner wall was filled with a liquid metal texture, even Have a breathing rhythm.

When the last rune infiltrated into the trust carrier, the void seemed to pause for a moment. The scale-like piece of metal grew from the outer shell of the carrier, and it was flexible and shaking like a dragon scale, which stirred the energy in the void. Bringing a mysterious force, the flight of the aircraft carrier is no longer a mechanical flight, and the huge hull is like a whale shark in the virtual air.

The entire trust carrier survived! The front end slammed open a gap, and the cold sawtooth shone with dangerous cold light in the void, and a silver light rushed out of it...

Caroline and Solomon held their breath and watched the sky with horror. The huge trust carrier was no longer an aircraft carrier in their perspective, but a claw-and-drum, exuding the extremely dangerous abyss dragon!

A wet, greasy voice, from the void, was heavily introduced into the ears of everyone, in front of the portholes of countless airships, the chins of the soldiers who were staring at the trust carriers were instantly drawn. Exaggerated to be dislocated, can be stuffed into their own fists.

There is no hot picture they The huge crack in the seemingly dangerous torus aircraft carrier spit out a silver tongue! ! !

This tongue squats above the world coordinates in the void, which is the weak point of Misobuda than the phoenix world, and countless space runes are smashed out by this huge silver tongue, blooming a lot Silver saliva!

"This... is it... the machine demon sect?"

"My chin..."

Caroline was stunned. Her strength was different from other people. What others saw was the appearance, but her heart showed her another picture!

In the void, a great world, because of the silvery tongue, trembles, in her perception, not because of how strong the tongue...

The silvery saliva is getting more and more, floating in the air, constantly condensing, like the elemental magnet, is separated from the world by the blockade of the world, and gradually takes the color of the Miso Buda than the world. .

The consciousness of the world's consciousness instincts the loss of the elements of the world, but every time it is forced back by the silver tongue...

Carolyn really looked at her, and gave her 10,000 chances. She couldn’t imagine that the enchanted mentors would go through the blockade of the world consciousness in this way, looking at the tongue, she felt herself People are inexplicably uncomfortable...

It is not the absolute power to open the door of the world, it is more like grasping the fluctuations of the world consciousness, and then open the door with the key on the spot.

Can only say that the weak limits the imagination!


A huge world gap, in the silver saliva, is drawn from the color of the ocean.

In the next moment, all the airship battleships made a sound.

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