Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 39: King runs

But before he got to the vicinity, there was a slamming chain of sounds at the foot, and then he felt the hot heat. A red figure suddenly appeared in front of Juggernaut, covering his eyes and winding. The burning flame on the chain of the circle has turned into a white color, as if to penetrate everything!

This thing came too suddenly. Even if Juggernaut didn't see how it appeared, it was definitely not a move, and it was not like the normal human image. There is still a certain amount of soul fluctuation. It can be alarming, but it is completely out of thin air.

The black iron chain around the circle has already completed the binding of the hand at the moment of appearance. The big hand of Sala Manda is pulled, and the chain of the four cloth shrinks in an instant. If you want to tie the other side, it is a pity that it faces. It is Juggernaut.

The sword in his hand is just a light glimpse. A sword light seems to break through everything, and rushing forward, the chain of defense is completely a joke in the face of such an attack, and it is shattered. Da was passed by the Jianguang, and was directly smashed into two halves, and Jianguang’s residual momentum was overwhelming, and the spurt was slammed into the position of Wang Zhong, who had just been banged to the rear wall. The film has already collapsed and the wall of the cave has been smashed with gravel.

Juggernaut's brow was slightly picked. He didn't feel like a human being. The mouse fled very quickly.

The first time God has locked the figure that has passed through from the left side of his own, and he can run so fast on his own feet. This human being is indeed extraordinary, not only fast, but also strong enough. The timing is very good.

But at the moment when Salamanda was split in two, the rapid figure clearly had a short pause, although it was slight, but it was really affected.

It wasn't ordinary crushed. Salamanda and Wang Zhong were knocked down many times in the battle. The body was broken into slag, and it was instantly restored, but the power was slightly reduced. But this time it was different. When it was split in two, Wang Zhong felt his head hurt and the spiritual connection with Shamanda was interrupted instantly. The power level of the opponent attack was too high. This is the damage of the soul seal, hurting the origin, not only the salad Manda instantly fell into a situation that can no longer be summoned, together with Wang Zhong’s own soul is also a heavy hammer, that is, his soul is strong enough to be replaced by ordinary soul. This kind of soul trauma, I am afraid that I have already spit on the ground.

But at this time, there was no time for him to think about it. He couldn’t care so much. He bit his teeth and took advantage of the instant chaos that Sala Manda was desperately trying to create. He was successfully smuggled from the side of Juggernaut. In the past, rushing toward the only hole.

Juggernaut’s mouth showed a sneer.


His voice is still so unscrupulous, as if he is in control of everything. He doesn't even use a sword. At the same time he speaks, the golden figure is slightly displayed. After the first arrival, as lightning, it has appeared in Wang Zhong, who is desperately running. Behind him.

speed? nonexistent.

Before, I was able to let the other side run so far. One is because there are too many roads in this energy mine. Although Juggernaut recently took a seat in the Black Rock Energy Mine, it does not mean that the Juggernaut will follow a pile of workmanship and become familiar with the filth. Dirty cave topography, he is more incomprehensible and more troublesome than Wang Zhong, and he has to be more unfamiliar and more headache than Wang Zhong, and to be able to locate each other all the way, plus a little bit of unhurried mentality. After playing cats and mice for so long, the poor ants really thought they could compare with themselves.

Jinguang explored, his arm was light and comfortable, and the five fingers became a mountain. Look at the rear ridge of Wang Zhong. He must swear at each other, and then torture him to see what he can get from the human beings who are different in this way of fighting.

But this is a must-have but caught an empty space, because there is another figure appearing out of thin air, stopped in front of him, it is a seemingly poor human little girl, weak open arms, like a The child who summoned the mother, 'Mom Hug'...

Strong emotional awareness, even a man will miss the feeling of being a 'mother' at this moment, but it does not affect the Juggernaut. Don't say that everyone has different races, and there are huge differences and loopholes in emotional expression, even if she is given to her. Blind, this weak illusion can't do anything for him at all.

The five fingers of the claws were pinched into fists without hesitation, turning into a golden streamer and slamming the past, and the movement did not stop.

He wants to fly this illusion together with the man hidden behind the fantasy!


The illusion of the little girl dissipated, and it was shocked in the face of strong power, but the fist did not completely penetrate the past. This fist was actually prevented!

It’s not something that’s hard to break, but a rule of judgment that makes power ineffective at that moment!

Juggernaut’s face finally showed a strange look. This feeling of being judged is even more incredible than the other side’s blocking of his sword and sword. How can such a weak ant ant have the power of God?

Juggernaut's face was slightly sunk, and at the same time he discovered that the human being in front of him had already rushed to the outside of the hole. Wang Zhong was also biting his teeth. Alice was the key to this escape. She really struggled. Time, but her situation is not much better than Salamanda, and the enemy behind him has already been killed.

Jianguang shook a little, and in the air, he rolled up a sword-like mangling, and strangled it!

This human being has a certain value, but it is just a degree of interest to you, dare to toss out the pattern, then kill!

The horrible sword is as light as the light, the power is unmatched, and the lightning is fast. It is more than ten times faster than the speed of the king! But Wang Zhong did not return, no matter what the terrible deadly threat behind him, just rushing forward. Behind him is a sudden flash of fog, covering the king's body shape, while an angry roar!

Still ~~ I ~~ head! ! !

The black light and shadow came out of the fog, with a strong momentum, and the sword of the strangled.

Rumble ~~~

This shot is unparalleled, the swaying swordsmanship, although the headless knight is strangling in an instant, but the headless knight is completely indifferent to the defense, and the sword saint is followed by a deadly shot! After all, it is the celestial lord, although limited by the strength of Wang Zhong, he can only play the power of the peak of the British soul, but he is good at attacking, regardless of gun skills, war, speed, etc., is absolutely the soul of the soul Level, this gun actually makes Juggernaut feel threatened in the shackles, and the subconscious side avoids it.

Followed by the smashing of the sword of the headless knight in this cave splashed.

Hula la la la ... rumbling rumbling...

Although the cave is wide, the destructive power of the headless knight and the sword is so amazing. The bursting moment has caused the cave to collapse. A large number of gravel piles are blocked, and the figure of Juggernaut is blocked. Gravel, dust everywhere, the lingering remnant of the rumbling, reverberating in this well-connected cave, the gravel blocked the hole, Wang Zhong really made the milk to run wild, the three souls can only do so A little block, this is the power of the Juggernaut, the gap between the realm is too wide, I really don't know how Muzi deals with this monster.

Can be followed by less than ten seconds, the white Jianguang has been transmitted from the silt that is blocked and blocked.

Two times and three...

boom! Jianguang smashed, the stone burst, and the dust was filled in the whole cave. A golden figure was shot from the splashing gravel and dust mites. It was a central cave, and there were seven or eight cave passages extending in all directions. It is impossible to tell where the kid fled.

Juggernaut's face is gloomy!

This is the first time, teased by such a lower creature! Even letting the other party escape from his own hands, although only temporary, but it is also an absolute shame!

The crystal of the tentacles on his head suddenly shone, and the powerful gods instantly extended, exploring the passage to the surrounding caves. The kid had already been far away, and the gods could not scan for a while, but they could find traces of his passing. , the kind of residual, disgusting, and unique human taste.

He did not rush to the exit, but instead continued to go deep into the cave. This human being is very clever. He knows that the export must have been heavily guarded. In that narrow passage, the guard outside the cave can intercept him for a minute or two. He will be caught up by himself. He wants to find other exits. Obviously, he has discovered the unusualness of this energy cave.


The golden figure swayed, and there was no flash along the passage that left the trace of the scent of the king.

Twice, this cockroach ants escaped twice from his own hands. Although the first time he was just teasing himself, but it was only three things. What he has to do now is to pick up the **** piglet and then Directly thousands of knives!


Wang Zhong’s speed loop has been rushed to the extreme, almost the means to slip out of the horrible guy, but the price paid is too great.

Salamanda, Alice, the headless knight, and now the strongest killer, the three soul guards have all been hit hard in the instant, involving the wounds of the soul print, which is the injury that directly points to the origin of the soul guard, and It is totally two concepts to be dispelled by ordinary physical attacks. Wang Zhong now feels that he has lost contact with them now. I am afraid it will take a long time to recover.

There is no way to fight, and there is no way to compete. The other party is really powerful and outrageous. It has been mixed with the Oscars for a long time. I often hear a group of people in the Queen’s Bar boasting which devourer has a mentor against the Soul. The strength of this, although this kind of thing will have a judgment in my heart, but listening to it will always feel that there is not such a big gap between the soul of the soul and the soul of the heavens, including several battles in the dimension of the secret, There are always other main forces competing. He always can't understand the most direct horror from the side, but now he is really facing the real face. The horrible level of squash is simply not giving you the chance to despair. The gap between the imagination and the imagination is too great.

Only the full force to escape, the exit is impossible, followed by such a terrible thing, as long as there are two or three big swordsmen at the hole, they will be slightly blocked, that minute is the rhythm to be whipped.

The previous run, but found that this energy cave is unusual, too big and too deep, as if there is no end, this can never be artificially excavated, otherwise there is no reason to put so many sides on the wall The ore is not mined, but it is dug inward.

I can find other outlets here. This is my only vitality, but at least it can't be caught up. The other person's knowledge of the gods is temporarily opened, but the threat that hangs over the head still does not disappear. This is by no means an illusion of being scared. With the king of the clown mask, the sixth sense is unusually clear.

The only way now in front of him is to find another exit, or be killed!

When the speed loop is fully open, Wang Zhong does not dare to stop at all, turning into a shallow gray shadow, which is as fast as a wind in the cave.


The rain that had been poured out of the land for a whole night was finally slowly stopped. The people of the wandering brigade had been reopened. There was a rest for a night. No monsters slept, and there was a new one. The goal, everyone is now full of spirits.

The swamp after the rainstorm is also unusually calm. The world is not only mesobuda, but the wildlife seems to continue this style. Many horrible dimensional creatures have not been from last night' Skyfury's slowed down, and most of them are still crouching.

This gave the Wandering Brigade a good opportunity to hurry, ample spirit and a tranquil environment, so that everyone's speed was more than doubled in the previous two days. It was originally expected to be able to cross the entire swamp in the evening. In the center of the area, as long as it reaches the periphery, it will be much easier, but it is only at noon, and there is a blood-red shadow on the horizon that is rushing toward the team.

"Be careful!" The small eyes responsible for the alert reminded everyone that the pace was stopped.

Oscar saw the coming, and his face suddenly changed: "It's Gly!"

Rushing out of the energy cave, the blood that was first used for sucking is really giving him great energy, but this energy is not infinite, and it is impossible to repair his sword wound. The sword samurai remains on his chest. The gas is forcibly dispelled by his own blood, but the wound is still unable to heal, and it can only be adhered by the rich blood gas to keep the wound from cracking.

Just a sword, the sword saint is so powerful.

Grae has always insisted on biting his teeth. The energy that has been sucked has been slowly consumed on this road. It is only full of strength to support the speed loop in the soul sea, so that it does not scatter, and then strides, he does not even Dare to think more about other things, for fear of displacing this tone.

Until the eyes finally appeared in the wandering brigade figure ~ ~ his heart is loose, followed by feeling it is bad, the speed loop that has already reached the limit has collapsed in an instant, the whole body with the inertia of the forward Before falling.


Oscar caught him: "Gray! Gly?!"

"Come on, trap, have, Juggernaut..." As if with a sense of mission, Grae finally spit out these keywords from the mouth, he has no strength to finish a complete sentence, and until the 'sword St.'s most important message was conveyed, and Gly's eyes were black, and the wound that had been stuck in the chest by blood was suddenly cracked. The blood that had already left in the body rushed out, and the whole person finally lost consciousness completely.

Everyone was shocked.


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