Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 54: Promotion loop

"Wang Zhong, Oscar is not an impulse. We all have such hopes. Even if one day is killed, we also believe that our head will definitely avenge us. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, please don't quit!" Said.

She opened her head, and other people said at this time: "Pharaoh don't hesitate."

"That is, if you let the head of the squad take back the words, it’s much more!"

Everyone is screaming and looking at the eyes that everyone expects, Wang Zhong still has no sentiment.

"Okay, please advise a lot later, head." Wang smiled and reached out.

"It’s the former head!" Oscar laughed, and the two hands were firmly held together.

When Wang Zhong came back this time, in fact, he already had some ideas, especially the matter of Shirmi, and further exposed some problems. The overall strength of the wandering brigade is still too weak, not only because few people. This time, all of the more than 50,000 holy coins and military merit points have been spent. It seems that some problems have been solved. Actually, the problem is still not solved. The seal is not a combat type, and the brigade is not only Oscar, Grae and small eyes. The three players have the strength to fight, and others can't. When carrying out tasks, don't say that you can use the power of everyone, and even let a few main players take care of them. This is very unfavorable for the development of the team.

When the new official took office, Wang Zhong’s speed of integration into the role was very fast. The next day, the small eyes were squatting to let the new head of the team quickly pick up a few big tasks. Everyone went out to cool off, grab the holy coins, grab the military, or Was directly vetoed by Wang Zhong.

"The progress of the exploration of the Holy City Army is still seemingly stable. There should be no major wars in the near future. Those scattered tasks, one of our wandering brigades will not pick up."

"Ah?" Everyone is wide-eyed: "What are we doing recently?"

Wang Zhonghe smiled: "cultivation, a new battle system."

"The new combat system?"

"The soul circuit."

"Call... what Dongdong..." Everyone is not aware of it.

Although Glei told you in detail about the passage of him and Wang Zhong to the black rock energy cave, but did not get the permission of Wang Zhong, he would definitely not say a word about the soul circuit, and then close Friends are not good either. This is the most basic rule of being a human being, so everyone naturally knows nothing about it.

"The advantage of the British soul is that the soul is huge, but the disadvantage is that it is too large for the soul, which makes it difficult to control. The so-called soul-making skills can't be used in the soul of the soul, just because the too large soul force makes the user unable to control the soul. It’s so fine.”

"The so-called soul force circuit is a way to manipulate the soul force in the body to make it easier to use. The detailed soul force is refined, and the complex soul force operation is formulated and simplified, such as..."

Wang Zhong will bring together the concept of the soul circuit, and tell everyone that this is not the same as the original Gloria. Not everyone has the understanding ability of Gry, Wang Zhong is as detailed as possible, can wander The brigade is a good guy who has a good talent. If you don’t understand it, there are still a lot of people.

"This... is it a soul rune?" He was puzzled, asked questions, and she was an expert in Rune.

"You can understand this, but because of the limitations of the manipulation of the soul in the body, the soul circuit can't bend like a rune, and it tends to go straight."

“It feels like a Soulmaster skill. It’s directly brewed in the body through the manipulation of the soul.”

"Not the same, Soulmaster skills..."

There are too many problems. Everyone has their own different opinions. Wang Zhong answered them one by one. Some questions are very idiotic, but some problems are even more interesting. He even thinks that he views the problem quite interestingly. Let him Think deeply. This is just the beginning of the question raised by everyone who is completely ignorant of the soul circuit. If they are more familiar with it, then there may be more interesting questions. Wang Zhong began to feel that such teaching is not just for people. To confuse the preaching, it seems to be of great benefit to oneself. The birth of a genre is often not just the merit of creating one person. The creator is the complete majority of the main frame, but the real fullness is countless. The people were piled up in the future.

Asking the theory of a big pass is not as good as the impact of practice. Grae is actually an alternative, accepting the power of the table, Napier is thoughtful, others can not understand from the Holy Land system, Wang Zhong, of course Give everyone a clear understanding, this is something that changes the fighting power of the British soul, a big innovation!

Wang Zhong’s body has a power loop, and several simple superpositions form a hegemonic state. The whole person seems to be in the state of chicken blood. There is such a medicament in the holy place, but it is basically used in the last life, and the side effects are obvious. However, Wang Zhong’s action was actually a move, and the presence was not a white one, and immediately felt a strong difference.

"This, this is the soul circuit?"

"How is it possible, how can the Rune Array be emanating from the body?" To be honest, this has had a huge impact on the three views of the seal. Any saints gain strength in the Holy Land and are brainwashed. The downside is that it can't be broken, but now a saint rookie has overthrown it all.

"Head, are you the reincarnation of the Holy Master?"

Wang Zhongxiao smiled and stopped everyone's exaggeration. "The biggest effect of the loop is to improve the utilization of the soul. In the straightforward point, we can transform the soul sea from simple soul storage and output into an efficient one. Engine, just this is just the basic effect of the power circuit, I call it the hegemony, can increase the soul attack and defense, of course, the efficiency of the move is completely different, the skill can achieve the effect of the soul-making period, such as the body The loop will raise the normal attack of Soul Force to around 15,000, but if you can superimpose some combat skills, such as this."

Wang Zhong’s three-pronged strength immediately blasted out the soul effect of more than 30,000 Grasso, and the things around him were messy, but the most messy was the world view of the people, completely innovating, and all eyes were green. They see not only power, but also an opportunity to let them jump from the bottom of the Holy Land to the elite.

And Wang Zhong, if you are lucky, you can even create history. Of course, it is feasible to have this set of theories, and there are no aftereffects.

You can shoot about 30,000 Grasso's combat power with one punch. You know, if you can reach 20,000 or more Grasso, it is definitely the peak of the soul of the soul, and most of them use the skill of the soul to make such a high damage. The hegemonic effect formed by this power loop can be directly achieved.

Even more frightening is that there is no gap! No pauses! No preparation time!

This is the most shocking point in the Soul Loop system. If you can do this, let alone 30,000 Grasso, even if it only has an average peak of 15,000, it is enough to blow up the vast majority of the Holy City.

"In my system, regardless of the direction of practice, the essence is the use of soul power."

Others continue to be crazy and pleasantly surprised, but to be honest, after the surprise, it is also feeling that Wang Zhong is too selfless! In the holy city, whoever is a master, who does not hide and hold the two hands to make a living? If someone discovers his tricks, he will hate to kill and destroy his mouth, so that he can continue to keep his own cards without being known. How can he directly teach people like Wang Zhong?

"Wang Zhongyou, you want to create a genre," Feng Feng was the first to wake up from that huge shock and realize the significance of the soul circuit is far greater, no matter what the final result, Wang Zhong's talents and events The power has far exceeded them.

Everyone else laughed: "Then we call the vagrants!"

"The circuit is right!"

"What is not sent, the soil is slag," the little eyes said loudly: "Let's call it back!"

"What are you going back to?"

"It's ‘back’, a word! A genre of words, super-powerful, and more!”

The brains of these people are also open to make Wang Zhong cry and laugh, and build his own power in the holy That is an important starting point for the revenge of the ghost family Zhao family, but now the eight characters are not yet a glimpse. I haven’t thought about it in that respect. If he can only practice it himself and does not have widespread popularity, it will not achieve the effect of causing the attention of the Holy Land. Because there is no shortage of genius here, but it can broaden the routine of the Holy Land combat power. According to the rules of the Holy Land, there must be a representation. Of course, the real core of the circuit is the soul core. The hegemony and the flying shadow are only the foundation. The more complicated circuit must require the soul core as the axis, and this is the secret of his bottom of the box. It is universal, because the process of building a soul core is absolutely something that ordinary people can do.

"Okay, this great thing, you still have to talk after dinner." Wang Zhong has taught the basic teachings of the loop system: "I will probably leave for a while, returning to the earth, this time. The recruitment order is just to find a helper. I hope that everyone can use this time to build the model of the loop system in their own soul. When I am not there, I can ask Grae if I don’t understand anything."

"Go back to Earth to find a helper?" Napier rushed and asked: "Head of the team, lack of errands? Take me together, anyway, you can practice on the road."

He hadn't finished talking yet, and the other people next to him stared at him with a big eye, and Napier was inexplicable: "Why are you..."

"Cough, I heard that Scarlett has already requested leave today."

"??" Napier was confused.

The small eyes are simply violently knocked down: "Pig, this is a private business, and you have a honeymoon, you have to go to the light bulb!"

Napier suddenly realized that immediately the face of bitter melon, the single dog who had not talked about love did react relatively slowly, and could not afford to hurt.

(Three more, partners, ask for a monthly pass, thank you, update during the New Year as usual, a lot of support!)

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