Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 94: Famous base

Separated by such a close distance, with the sensitivity of the other's gods, as long as they wake up from the experimental platform, the soul is returned to the place, and the law Saint Sauron can be immediately detected. I am afraid it will take only a few seconds to rush to myself. In front of it, it seems that it is safe. It just seems that today, underestimating the law, it is that IQ is not online.

"There should be a chance." Wang Zhong Shen said: "He is not going to negotiate with the royal family. The octopus people can't have a good news. He can't let the royal family run his house to talk about it. This old guy is not so big face, he I will definitely leave this yard."

Simbaton shines in front of his eyes: "Right right! We can leave this stinking old boy when leaving the yard, and then leave! If he leaves a few miles away, the gods will be sharper, then it is impossible to know. You suddenly woke up on the test bench at home! The eight-clawed monster in the lab is a weak chicken. Pharaoh, you knocked him down with a stick! Yeah, the perfect plan!"

It was so excited that I could finally escape, but then I went to the face with bitter melon: "Wait, even if we escape from the yard, it is useless. The city is full of guards everywhere, and the city gate is there. Deep ditch high barrier, we can neither fly nor stealth, and look like octopus people, how can we go out? Pharaoh, hard cockroaches can never work, there are many powerful atmosphere in this city, you are I really didn't feel it..."

"No." Wang Zhong smiled and said: "You are not saying that the eight-clawed blame is the confidant of the sacred sacred, and will it be flattering? This kind of goods are generally afraid of death, we can hold him first, this guy's platoon comes in handy And, isn't there a lot of skins on the wall of this lab? I think we can make a makeup..."

"Pharaoh, you are a genius. After returning this time, I must confess with the goddess. It is too dangerous to follow you!"

Ignore Simba, Wang Zhong is also very emotional, this time is really a big play, if it is not a coincidence, plus a high latitude treasure, really do not know how many times, this cell cosmology is really not Copy, otherwise the degree of civilization like the Holy Land will not be untouched.

"Ximba, as soon as I noticed that the sacred priests should stay away, I will inform me immediately. This is our only chance, we must seize it!"

Wang Zhong is looking forward to the current strength, but blindly can ignore the law and the Juggernaut, because he is eager to live, eager to go back, there are many people waiting for him in the base, there are many people waiting for him on the earth. He can't die!

"Small eyes, don't care about these guys," Oscar's voice was a lot more serious than before. "Really fake."

The shackles of the weak, fair? fact? The king has been going to Shadowmoon Fort for more than a month. Until now, there has been no news back. The situation is very serious. This Shadowmoon Fort can be different from the Black Rock Mine, but it has been plunged into a large pit of more than 200 people. Even the top ten brigades such as the Explorer Brigade and the Blu-ray Brigade have suffered a big loss there...

Others do not have to be more realistic with the wandering brigade, anyway, it is a base.

George smiled, Odin was rushing to Oscar to raise a glass of wine. Here is a bar. It’s always impossible to let people talk. The attitude of the two is also to let the little eyes vent, and sit down and give yourself Filling in a cup, this thing is wrong, and there is no reason to talk about it, but suddenly heard the noise of the brigade outside the brigade.

These days, due to the base's suspension of the offensive, the task is released less, and more people are busy practicing the three major circuits. Therefore, the base brigade is really calm for a long time, but this is not a loud noise. It is getting bigger and bigger, and it has a tendency to sweep the entire brigade camp.

I only heard footsteps everywhere, and some people kept shouting: "Come back, God, they are really back!"

What is back? The people in the bar were all a glimpse. A brigade head who had a little friendship with Oscar rushed in and saw the three people sitting in front of the bar. The head of the brigade said nothing, rushed up and took Oscar’s arm and took him. Dragging out: "Is still drinking here? Go out and have a look, it's a big deal!"

The wandering brigade has been really embarrassed recently. When you hear about big things, the first reaction is not a good thing. Oscar is also full of guilt and doubts. The seal and small eyes are close behind, and a large group of people in the bar follow the crowd. George and Odin are also curious to follow.

As soon as I walked out of the bar, I saw that there was a crowd of people outside. At the entrance of the brigade department not far away, there were hundreds of thousands of people gathering around, surrounded by a group of people, and people around it heard the sounds moving to this place. Along the gathering, there are a lot of people who are excited and excited. The entire camp of the brigade is noisy.

"It’s Wade, they are back."

"The Explorer Brigade and the Vladimir of the Blu-ray Brigade."

“Those who are missing in Shadowmoon Castle? It’s back!”

"Really? It’s back a few, but it’s been missing for two months. I heard that it’s been caught by the octopus, and there is still life?”

"Hey, there is a dark bald head."

In the messy voices around, everything is said, Oscars and small eyes are still stupid when they are pulled out. After listening to these words, the whole person is excited in an instant.

Shadowmoon Fort, is not the task that Wang Zhong is going to perform! Black little bald head, isn't it Muzi, is it Wang Zhong, are they coming back?

This time, without the leader of the brigade, Oscar bravely moved forward and squeezed into the crowd.

It’s the Huaide and others who came back. After fleeing from Shadowmoon Fort, according to the original design plan, they didn’t stay in the same place and waited for Wang Zhong. So many people have too many goals, so it is easy for everyone to be in danger for the second time, so they It is a direct return to the base, and of course the result is a sensation.

I have been missing for two months. This group of people has already been dead in the eyes of everyone. Even if they are stubborn and unwilling to believe, they have already had judgments in their hearts. When I came back, the excitement of the high voice quickly attracted other people. As a result, a group of talents had just walked to the entrance of the brigade, and they blocked the countless surrounding audiences.

There are many acquaintances in the crowd, who know Vladimir, know Huaide, and know the dozens of rescued dimension people and the Blu-ray Brigade. Everyone is screaming and excitedly asking.

A bunch of keywords listen to countless onlookers are stunned, law holy? Thousands of defenders? Two people attacking the city? That black bald head is so powerful?

"More than that, the sword saint that Wang Zhong killed last time seems to be the royal family of the octopus. The octopus is everywhere to pass him. The Shadowmoon Fort is full of his wanted orders."

"He is relying on this to attract the sacred sacred, otherwise where to save people."

"Leading the law... relying on..."

"I have seen timid, I have never seen such a fatality, and lead to the law of San? How to lead? Isn't it a three saints of the Holy Land?"

"Oh, you have never seen Wang Zhong's powerful, he invented a new practice system, and also taught Wade and Norah White, super fierce! Far beyond the ordinary English soul."

George and Odin are also in the crowd. At this time, the face of the audience is quite different. Before the Wandering Brigade said that Wang Zhong was the creator of the soul circuit, it was not convincing, but the effect was completely complete by Huaide. Not the same. As a result, Huaide itself has a low prestige and status among the dimension people. The impression of the dimension itself is real people, and it is impossible to help a federal person lie. Second, Huaide, they just returned to the camp, and they still don’t know what the base announces in the soul circuit practice.

The king is heavy, is it really so fierce?

In addition to those who have been reunited for a long time in the excitement of the dimension, there are a lot of arrogant arguments around, and frankly, although I don’t want to see the wandering brigade, I don’t even have to wait for the luck of the hero, but if it’s really Wang Zhong The Soul Circuit was invented, and all that was present was the beneficiary. People will go to jealousy and have a good luck with their own level. That's because they feel that they can do it. They just have a little luck, but they will never go to a strong enough to be alongside the great man, let alone everyone. I practiced the soul circuit and I was blessed.

"Wang Zhong? Why didn't you be with you?" Oscar finally squeezed in and saw Napier and Muzi in the team, but he did not see Wang Zhong.

The original elated person suddenly calmed down.

"Is the deputy head of Oscar?" Wade came forward.

He also just knew that Wang Zhong did not return to the base. He thought that if Wang Zhong was out of danger, it would definitely arrive in front of them. It seems that the situation is different from what everyone thinks: "Wang Zhong has opened the law for us. Saint, everyone is saved, now he... life and death is not clear, but I believe he will be able to come back." The word, Huaide is also pondering for a long time, from the time he just knew that Wang Zhong did not return to the base, he was thinking about how to wander The people of the brigade gave an account, and this matter cannot be concealed.

He paused seriously watching Oscar and the women of the two wandering brigades behind him. As early as on the way back, he had already learned about the wandering brigade from Napier, and then In addition to some of the situations I have just heard from other people's words, a brigade with only four or five people left, the head of the group, Wang Zhong, is no longer there. To be honest, it is hard to get along.

"Before Wang Zhong returned, my part, I will bear, I will join the Wandering Brigade." Wade’s words are loud and sound, he has no other way to repay Wang Zhong, but he can’t repay, he can only help him. Do what you want to do.

"I also joined."

"There are us." The words are Vladimir and Nora White.

Surrounded by silence, Vladimir and Nora White, although Vladimir’s identity is extraordinary, but after all, he came from the Federation, and the Blu-ray Brigade is not the home of their Ivan the Terrible. It’s not uncommon for you to break away from the blue light and join the wandering in order to repay you. Different from Huaide, the Dimensions have always been based on the Explorer Brigade. Wade is the focus of the Explorer Brigade. He chose to leave the Explorer and join the Wandering Brigade established by the federals.

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