Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 154: The first day of history!

A large crack in the ground cracked along the center of the camp. A horrible magma spewed out of the cracked ground. More than a dozen soul warriors were the first to bear the brunt. In the midst of crazy and mournful sorrow, it turned into coke, and at the same time, the sky was tumbling in the sky, the thunderstorm was in the air, and the aura between the heavens and the earth was insanely pouring. There was a great horror in which it was brewing quickly, and at the foot was a landslide. Cracked, shaken by the sky, like a catastrophe

"It is the curse of the octopus"

"This is to kill us all."

Even if you can't feel the realm of the soul of the heavens, the reality is that all human soul soul warriors will wake up instantly, what ambition, what revenge for their companions, what hatred of the world, in the face of the fear of death, everything is gone There is no deposit, and even the desire for life is extinguished by a strong, unreasonable crush.

Where did you run for twenty holy-level powerhouses around, and there was an energy crystal wall like a cage, even if it was powerful, such as the Aruto Master, there was no way to get out, and others could Have a little bit of life

The ordinary warrior shivered and his lips trembled. Even the iron man who was usually smashed at this time couldn’t help but fall to the ground. His face was scared. In the face of absolute power, the will seemed so weak.

Arude's face also became pale, and several large instructors behind him unwillingly and angered to make the final impact toward the energy crystal wall, and the power of the digital souls was also struck by the energy crystal wall. But it’s just shaking, and it’s just the kind of inertia that’s shaken, it’s not hurt, it’s not really shaken by their power.

Can see the octopus people who are surrounded by the sacred people, the words in the mouth, there are three law saints in the southeast to dominate the curse, the other holy level is only to cooperate and provide strength.

The atmosphere of the last days spreads infinitely, and the clouds in the air seem to be opened at once, revealing its true colors.

Arudo’s heart secretly sighed, this time the war between humans and octopus is not an ordinary mutual plunder, and even the feelings that have nothing to do with hatred are the big chess in the next game, with some unknown purposes, war The victory or defeat of the two sides seems to be not particularly important at all levels. Otherwise, the true strength of the octopus people known to mankind will not be able to send such a force at all.

This also makes many of the great mentors of the Holy City Army always feel that this war will be safe, purely as a trial of their own, but what Arudo did not expect is that he has become a victim of the war.

At this time, no one can save them unless they are shot by the Holy Divine Master.

There was chaos in the Enchanted Army camp below, and the cries of shouting and screaming, the landslides and the gushing magma have buried a lot of people, except for some of the souls who have been scared by the souls who are desperate to die, most of the rest. They are all rushing to run towards higher peaks, although they are certainly useless in the face of the catastrophe in this world, but at least for now, they don’t have to be swallowed up by magma. It’s a second to live more than one second.

In the air, several major instructors finally stopped their lives. They not only attacked the barriers of the energy crystal wall, but also tried to tear the space, even if they fled to the void, to face it. The unknown danger of emptiness is far better than staying here and being baptized by the curse of the Fa.

Unfortunately, the surrounding walls of energy are not only hard and have a solid space, just like the ban on the law, which makes it impossible to tear apart.

Several major instructors have tried their best to excessively extract the aura of the heavens and the earth, which has already made their bodies exhausted. Even a few faces have wrinkles quickly. They are breathing heavily, just barely controlling. The power is suspended in the air. They find that each other’s eyes are full of despair and unwillingness. They also have helplessness and fear. In the face of the forty octopus people who are prepared, they still have no intentions. They can’t do anything, even No chance to escape

Arudo closed his eyes, practiced the world, and lived for a hundred years. He had long been used to life and death. Although he was unwilling, he knew that he was already escaping today.


At this time, a crystal of light suddenly shone in the space, followed by the space that was clearly blocked by the energy wall, which was actually torn by a general trend.

Two crystal-clear, god-like figures stepped out from the torn sky, and the whole battlefield picture seemed to be a stagnation. The octopus's holy-level strongman’s eyes showed an incredible color, together with the air. The curse that is brewing seems to be one of them.

They are incomparably aware of the power of this energy crystal wall condensed by the power of all the people. It is even more difficult to understand how difficult it is to tear this space from the inside. The thing, unless it is the **** who has spent the day

Is the human sacred sage master

It may be that the lower layers of human beings may not know, but the octopus people are very clear in their hearts. No matter what the level of the battle is, the combat power of the two sides will definitely not be taken in the war. They know the appearance of the sacred mentor, but the two guys who came out of the torn space are not him at all.

Arudo also felt this wonderful atmosphere change, the sudden pause of the cursing power in the air, let him open his eyes from the closed eyes for the first time, then he saw the two shining figures .

This is definitely two human beings undoubtedly, and, still incomparably young, etc., that person seems to be

Arudo's gaze suddenly gathered. He recognized Wang Zhong. No one didn't know him. No matter human or octopus, a new saint made a big noise, and he was already advanced.

Didn't he enter the helpless world of debris? That's where the big mentor can't come out, but what about this? His luck is really bad.

But here, even the team and the other five great souls can't solve the dead game. This is a hard time for Wang Qiang to escape from the fragmented world. He even stepped into the mortal place. This luck is also true. Arudo was also a little confused in the persecution of life and death. He didn’t even think that he and the five heavenly souls could not tear the void space and could be torn by Wang Zhong. What does that mean?

I have to say that Pharaoh still has a great reputation in the battlefield of the North District. Not only is Arrudo recognized him, but the forty of the Holy Powers surrounded by the air also recognize him. No way. The fame is too big, and the notice of the old man is always in the world of octopus. It’s hard to know if you don’t know.

It turned out to be this guy.

If you change to ordinary times, these holy-level powerhouses may have to move their minds and think about what they will eat and see, but unfortunately they can’t do it today.

This is a big chess game for the octopus. It’s hard to get the chance to sacrifice the sacrifice of 100,000 people in the world. You can easily give up because of a human being.

The eyes of those holy octopus strongmen are not greedy, but anger. They are both annoyed that they have lost the opportunity to capture this huge treasure, and even more angry that Wang Zhong once passed the octopus's phoenix temple.


It seems to be the sound that is squeezed out of the teeth. Twenty holy people look at Wang Zhong’s eyes as if they have a hatred of the sky. The sparkling energy of the crystal wall shines, and the curse in the air is even more It is condensed in an instant

Rolling fire clouds, thunder and thunder, the end of the catastrophe

Everything seems to solidify at this moment, whether it is the following soul hunters who are escaping, or the two people who suddenly appear, or the six souls that are attracted to the attention of the two.

Everyone feels the great horror from the top of the head, just like covering everything, destroying everything

Cursing the law

The boundless fears came, and every man who was shrouded was shuddering. They were afraid of the open mouth, but they seemed to be blocked by a thick mouth in their throats, and they could not make any mourning before death.

However, in this boundless fear and solidified silence, the young man who had just taken the void had a left hand and a sword appeared in his palm.

I didn't see him condensing the sword, and he didn't see him brewing or preparing. He just erected the sword to his chest.

"Sword one."

A faint, soft voice sounded like a broken solid air, like a guide in the boundless dark night, awakened all the people who feared to die, pulled back their fearful soul, lit up They have already gray eyes

It’s like the tremor of the long sword, and it’s like the breathing pulse of this world.

The whole world seems to have trembled for a moment. The air is tumbling violently, as if it is going to pour down the clouds of magma and thunder, as if it was shocked by this earthquake, the original fluid energy is cut off by this vibration. So that it was supposed to be a big trick to pour down, but for a long time, it just leaked some little sparks.

Following the instigation, the second shock came quietly.

If the shock is just a strong intervention, then at this moment, the second shock is like having controlled the world and guiding the whole space.

In the air, those clouds that have been condensed by the energy of the elements have stopped rolling and stopped erupting. The three sacred sacred sacred sects have changed their faces. They feel that the curse is suddenly not under their control. The energy of the collected elements was forcibly guided into the rhythm of the horror.

Not only that, but by the sound of the shock, there are even more than a dozen of the holy powers who joined forces to condense the energy crystal wall is also shaking, with the strange sword sound, smashing

And it’s followed by the horror of the sword’s horror



The energy cloud in the high air continued to bulge with this rapid sound, and a large mass appeared in the east and a large piece in the west. This pull back and forth caused the entire energy cloud to collapse quickly and blast in the sky. The elements of countless tyrannical energy are overflowing, and the whole sky is red and colorful.

Everyone looked at it, not to mention the soul soul warriors, even if it was a few great mentor, such as Arrudo, this time they were all stunned and their eyes were falling.

What kind of ghosts and things just seemed to feel a pressure in the pervasive, in the rhythm, followed by the whole piece of heaven and earth, they were all mobilized by the pressure, and then the rhythm is only the pressure, it can affect Heaven and earth, is this the right thing, is it

"Lead, field" Arudo only felt that the whole heart was hot, and even the voice of the speech was a little trembling.

That is what he has been pursuing all his life. Even dreaming is eager to be the realm of the soul of the soul. It also represents the highest achievement that a soul can achieve, although not everyone who can survive the big robbery. Can control the field, but if you can control the power of your field in the heavenly world, then you can definitely survive the big robbery, and you can definitely achieve the Holy Master, without exception.

Yes, it is the king who he entered the world of debris, but it took only two or three months, and it was only a half-step soul when entering. How can this be human?

Not waiting for Arudo to wake up from that shock, the second victory has already appeared.

I saw the wall of energy surrounding the entire mountain range, and it was something that Aruto and others could not do anything with their strength. At this time, in the constant shock of Jianwei, they trembled. It was driven by the rhythm of Jianwei. The frequency of shaking was getting faster and faster, and the amplitude of shaking was getting bigger and bigger. The more than ten holy-level powerhouses tried their best to stabilize it. Ten seconds.


The crystal wall of the energy emits the kind of glass-like cracking sound, and numerous cracks appear on the energy crystal wall and spread quickly, then

La la la la

The entire energy crystal wall burst into blast, turning into the aura of the sky, dissipating invisible, and the whole world was completely quiet in an instant. Just now it was avalanche, like the end of the world, but it was incomparably silent. The feeling of sacrifice at the top of the head disappeared, and the mountains no longer trembled. The entire piece of heaven and earth seemed to be back to normal, except for the huge cracks that had been cracked before, reminding everyone of what had just happened.

But now people don't care about the surrounding environment. Everyone is open-mouthed. Whether it is human or octopus, the sword is holy, there is some confusion in the mind, and they are not convinced. Their eyes are all held by the sword. The figure in the air was stunned and could not be moved at all.

This, what happened, even if it was broken by one's own efforts, it was a dazzling attempt to break the 20 swords and saints.

After a full seven or eight seconds, those octopus swordsmen who were in shock were finally awake, and a great credit was destroyed by this young human boy.

Several old sages from Jianzong suddenly recognized that this is the inheritance of the Nebula Excalibur. The sect of the Swordsman is the only skill that the lord can practice. From the world they are extremely eager for, the power is boundless, but only this trick.

"Kill him", a stunned sword saint broke out: "Recapture my sword to the treasure"

With one order, all the Juggernauts were ignited in an instant. Yes, they regained their Excalibur. Each of them has traces of the heavens and the earth. Every movement is in harmony with the heavens, and drives the aura flow filled in this world. Even if it’s just a rush, it’s like a brilliance, like the power of heaven and earth.

The masters of Arudo and other great men have only returned to this time. The shock that Wang Zhong brought to them is too big to make them unbelievable. But at this moment, countless sacred powers have risen on Sunday, and they also know that they must To work with Wang Zhong, not to die, or to die

But before they could rush to meet the enemy, they saw that Wang Zhongzhong in the air had put his hands on the hilt of the Nebula Excalibur. There was a great potential that spread from him when he held the hilt with both hands. It is filled into a few kilometers of the square, as if the space of several kilometers was completely solidified.

In this moment, as strong as Arudo, they all have a feeling that they can't move at all, just as time stops, but his consciousness still exists.

Not only Arudo, but the forty siege saints who were besieging also had similar feelings at the same time, which made them shocked in their hearts, and an ominous premonition shrouded their hearts.

Immediately, I saw that the figure that appeared to be the center of the heavens and the earth moved slightly. The hands of his sword slowly moved, driving the whole world. Everyone had a sense of heaven and earth and the movement of stars in this moment. Let their consciousness and soul shock, as if they were frozen in the space and time, watching the air lapse, like a sharp blade will cut through their bodies, but they can not move at all, can only watch the urgent

"Sword II."

It was the faint voice, as if it was a **** who despised all beings and was high above it. In that tone of judgment, it has defined the life and death of forty swords.

The swords and shadows are moving, the heavens and the earth are homing, everyone seems to have experienced the illusion of that, and they don’t know what happened, but soon, everyone will see the twenty swords and holy sacred They were all settled, and there were still horror and trepidation on their faces. Their eyes were round and their bodies were slowly falling down. They were slipping, and the upper half and the lower half were separated.

Oh la la la

Countless blood and rain burst, 20 sacred swords in the air, in addition to seven or eight strengths, the powerful and powerful Fashen barely avoided, everyone else, a sword killed

Even the seven or eight sacred sects that avoided the critical attack, at this time, all of them are all hanged, and the defensive means they once proud of are just as fragile as the paper in front of the sword. That is to say, taking advantage of the mastery of the law and the super-strong sense of the sixth, I just forcibly avoided the key points, but it is difficult to avoid breaking the broken foot.

Their faces are full of fear and fear at this time.

They can't imagine a human soul that can be forced to such a degree. Even if they don't know what they know, they will pull out all the most powerful sacred powers in the history of the octopus. height.

This is what the **** of heaven, this is simply God.

Wang Zhong’s breath is steady, this blow is the sword of the righteousness. This group of people has no way to run him. However, the fact that he is so unprepared is just a dish, but it’s better.

After completing the leap of the soul of the heavens, it is not like the time when the soul was robbed. At that time, a sword two would let him stop, but now, Wang Zhong feels that he can at least have two swords.

No loss is the octopus, the law has an unusual sense of smell, avoiding the judgment of the avenue in the midst of a thousand miles, so you can forcibly dodge, and those who do not understand the avenue can only resist, then of course not The second opponent of Sword II still has some loopholes, mainly not familiar enough.

However, the overall situation has been determined. Although the seven or eight law saints still have a strong fighting power, their fears have been split, and although they are very expensive, they can at least have another sword. What's more, there are also Gilles, Arrudt instructors and others, and even the headless knights, Alice and other soul guards who have advanced after the robbery.

Wang Zhong’s gaze shifted and settled on a French sage closest to him.

The French sacred book is also a person who is used to the high level, but at this time the star is staring at it, but it is like a mouse being stared by a tiger.

His body shook involuntarily, his lips trembled fiercely, his face instantly became white, just a second gaze, and the saints collapsed directly. What is the glory of Misobuda and the Holy Spirit? Sacrifice for great merits, and what kind of swords to treasures have to have their own lives, it makes sense

He suddenly turned back, his body was shining with golden light, the space was folded, and even the teleport was used. He fled and fled, and his escape was like triggering all the feelings of the sacred presence.

What are you running?

Twenty sacred-level powerhouses came to the forefront and couldn't be alive. When they left, they only had three or two kittens left, and the wolf was dead and gray.

A lot of age, but Arudo actually felt tears in his eyes, it was because of the tears of excitement and excitement, he was so excited that he could not speak.

In just a short period of time, Wang Zhong has fully grasped the situation, such an opportunity can not be let go, the nebula sword pointed to the enemy of escape, "human will win, kill"

Sword three

The sky is out of the sword, the holy level is running fast, but other people?

At this time, the human warrior suddenly realized that he was full of strength, just aggrieved and shameful. This moment is the time to pay off.


Countless holy warriors chasing the sky, the holy sword, rushing to the octopus

The mentor or officer who owns the army counts the losses and places the wounded.

Wang Zhong did not rush to the base of the North District for the first time. Once the North District resumed the air ban, the commander will sort out the lost ships over there. No matter how big the loss is, it will definitely be able to piece together. One or two can be used. It is already on the south side of the Valentor Mountains, spanning the entire stretch of thousands of miles of mountains, far from the base, and using an airship to hurry, it is certainly much faster than flying this day.

In addition, before he went back, he also wanted to see a person, and this person happened to be in the frontline military camp.

Bokang, the younger disciple of Sofia, the master of Scarlett, who has been with the army since more than three months ago, Wang Zhong and Glein talked about the process of his fall into the fragmented world. It is not difficult to see that Bokang has a lot of suspicions in this. In addition, since Wang Zhong felt that Scarlett was in danger, since he felt that it was related to Sophia, before getting Sophia to confront and completely tear his face, he first got some clues about this matter from Bokang, it must be a profit. No harm. At least let yourself know more about the situation, don't bump around like a headless fly, maybe it will be counterproductive.

And Arudo said this matter, of course, it was immediately full of promises, but unfortunately now the various messes in the camp, the original orderly departments have been completely disrupted, whether this Bokang is still alive, whether it is still It is temporarily unknown in the military camp.

He sent the most effective cadres around him to go to the military camp with the guards to find this person named Bokang, and asked them to act carefully, so as not to let the stunned snakes let the other party escape to Aruto a lot of age, and see the ability to see the color of He Qiangqiang When Wang re-examined the tone of this person, he knew that Wang Zhong’s search for Bokang would never be a good thing.

At the same time, he was also very excited to personally invite Wang Zhong and Ge Lai into the temporary construction of the headquarters.

I can't be excited, I just experienced a life and death, witnessed the birth of a soul who is called the first day of history, and this super soul has saved the lives of countless people and his own, even if Arudo is usually No matter how hard you can hold your breath, you can’t calm down at this time.

I thought that young people can achieve this achievement at a young age, and it is still a young man who is a savior of the frontline military. It must be arrogant. What makes Arudo feel comfortable is that this young man is not posing in front of him. Respectfully and courteously, like the younger generations who are usually excellent in front of Arrudo, he is both happy and loved.

Arrudo knew that there should be some things that should not be asked. He did not ask Wang Zhong and Gle's experience in the fragmented world, but only asked how they suddenly got out of the space.

This is something to say.

The original entrance and exit of the Fragmented World was in the north of the Valentor Hill, when the humans had just invaded this Wang Zhong and Ge Lai fell into the position. Perhaps it is this fragmented world that reflects something in reality, and the collapse of the fragmented world itself, leading to chaos, and the entrances and exits move around and open everywhere.

Since then, since the world of debris has been recovered by Wang, the original entrance and exit has naturally lost its effect. Wang Zhong only perceives the location of the fragmented world originally connected to the outside world, so as to open the passage, so although it is also near the Valentor Mountains, However, it is inevitable that there will be a large position error with the previous entrance and exit.

As for the space center that just appeared in the curse, it is no coincidence.

The curse is displayed, and the twenty holy powers mobilize the power of the heavens and the earth. The space will naturally have a vision. In fact, Wang Zhong can easily locate the entrance and exit accurately to the world of Misobudabi. The light is attracted by its tyrannical power in the void.

Arudo is stunned. He also has a fragmented world. Of course, he knows what the **** is going on. It’s just a few emotions: “Just set foot on the soul of the heavens, there is such a strong strength, even the soul’s perception is so powerful, can Directly from the distant void to locate the outside world, even if you look at the entire human history, you may be the first person of the soul."

Big chapter, partners, ask for a double monthly ticket, thanks

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