Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 238: Big fire (4)

Seventy-six is ​​a magical spy agency, not to mention its ability, but refers to its history of making a fortune. Some warlords boasted that when they first debuted, there were only a dozen people with seven or eight guns, but when the so-called Wang Puppet Headquarters was first established, there were only five or six people with a broken gun.

At first, Li Shiqun was able to receive 3,000 French dollars from the Japanese as a fund every month to live in a place like Shanghai. This money could not have done anything. However, you must not underestimate the resilience of these traitors. In order to win the trust and favor of the Japanese, they can deal with their fellow citizens more cunningly and cruelly than the Japanese invaders.

Starting from No. 67 Daxi Road (present-day Shanghai Yan'an West Road), then to Yidingpan Road (which is actually a dialect of Edinburgh Road, now Shanghai Jiangsu Road) No. 10, Lane 95, and finally to Ji Sifei The traitor agents such as Li Shiqun and Ding Mocun, No. 76, Erlu (now Wanhangdu Road, Shanghai), developed a "chrysanthemum" with only two or three miscellaneous soldiers into a hundreds of agents, with more than 1,000 outside personnel It took only two years before and after the "special agent headquarters of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee Special Service Committee".

Because of the rapid expansion of the organization in the past few months, the original office rooms and dormitories are no longer enough. On the 76th, a new reconstruction project is underway. Li Shiqun plans to build a building on the open space beside the office bungalow on the north side of the main entrance. Small two-story building.

"Several people squatting over there are all subordinates in Dingmo Village." Shaozu Makogen of the Gendarmerie pointed to a few men who were squatting by the work shed and introduced them to the boss next to them.

"Are you sure?" the other party asked.

"Absolutely not wrong, I have a very reliable source." Muyuan replied confidently.

"Xie Xi, it seems that this village of Ding Mo is indeed a capable guy, even under such great pressure, he can continue to expand his power." Mori Kentaro Daisuke nodded slightly, throwing away the cigarette butts in his hand.

"Sir, I personally don't understand the decision of the superior this time. These people did make a big mistake, but according to the practice, it is only necessary to punish the person directly responsible, as easy as now." Seeing the superior is in a good mood, Muyuan Drummed up the courage and presented his ideas to the chief.

"Are you doubting the command of the headquarters?" Dasa frowned.

"No, sir, I just feel it's a pity to do this." Shao Zuo explained bitterly.

"Red deer! Makino, don't forget that you are a military police officer, an officer of the Imperial Japanese Army. When you were in the military police school, did your instructor ever teach you? Don't easily question your superior's judgment and think independently. Ability is right, I always encourage subordinates to do this, but when thinking independently, you must have a big picture. Now it seems that you have stayed with these people for too long, and there will be sympathy. Their ridiculous thoughts surprised me a lot. Muyuan, you must remember that as a soldier of the Imperial Army, you cannot lose the root of the Yamato nation at any time. The Yamato nation is the best nation in the world and will rule Asia and even The whole world." Moradazu scolded seriously.

"Ha! Tosadono. (Yes, Master Dasuo)" Makara hurriedly made a look of panic and fear, and took a step back and bowed to the other party to admit their mistakes.

"Fat man, what do you think the Japanese are doing over there?" Wang Sanzhi poke the hole with the elbow. Wang Sanzhi didn’t only have three fingers. He used to be a pickpocket in Zhabei. He claimed that no matter what pocket your wallet is in, he only needed three fingers to steal it. So he gave him a three-finger bandit.

"Who knows, this time they even pulled a large number of people from the top, and I heard that even Miura Daisuke had arrested them, and said that they might be sent back to Japan to be shot. Now they have a new boss. The days of Muyuan are not easy to mix." Fatty Kong spit out the smoke in his mouth.

Someone Kong was sent to study in Japan at home. After two years, he didn't get any diploma, but it lit up skills such as prostitutes and gambling. Although he didn't get a diploma, but with a bit of unfamiliar Japanese, just after returning to China, Kong Fatzi was quite moisturizing on the beach. He had worked in a commercial bank, had a comprador, had broken stocks, and had broken production. When he was down, he did a Japanese translation for a tabloid newspaper for a while.

As for how he entered the 76th, it was not the rumor that he took the Japanese route. The reason why Kong Fatzi was able to enter this special agency was purely because he was acquainted with prostitutes in Yao Er Tangzi, Baoxingli, Aiduoya Road (present-day Yan'an East Road). Long money Xinmin.

Don’t look at this fat man’s mixed life in the first half of his life, but the social experience does accumulate a lot. He can speak fluent Japanese, and the secretary is more diligent, especially because the background is very clean, so he quickly drew the attention of Ding Mo Village. Last month, he was promoted to spy team leader and led a six-person spy team.

Ding Mocun has fallen out with Li Shiqun at this time, but the two sides have not officially torn their faces. In the final analysis, it is because of the power struggle that Ding Mocun's personal ability is too strong, so whether he is a Japanese or Wang Puppet authorities, his influence is gradually surpassing Li Shiqun.

As the founder of the secret agent headquarters, Li Shiqun certainly would not tolerate the incident of Yue Ling's generation. He used the relationship between the Wang puppet government and the Japanese side more than once and wanted to expel Ding Mo from the secret agent system.

In history, Li Shiqun finally won the fight in this fight. Ding Mocun was transferred to the headquarters of Wang Puppet Agents, and then served as a idler in the Wang Puppet regime until Li Shiqun was poisoned by the Japanese.

However, there have been some changes in history here. Ding Mocun, who should have been transferred to Nanjing for a long time, is still staying on the 76th at this time. Because of this, the contradiction between him and Li Shiqun is more than in history. Seriously, now both sides are still called brothers and brothers in the face, but they are ambushing dark lines beside their opponents in the background, intending to collect the other party's deadly handle.

"Did you see that Gendarmerie Daisuke? He is the new captain of the Shanghai Gendarmerie of Japan. He wiped out the cheap special mule (Mori Kentaro) Daisuke. This time he is also a fatal one." Kong Fatzi is on the way inside and outside the secret service headquarters. Very wild, always get a lot of gossip.

"Which of them can still be happy? (How do you still smoke here?) No more seats if you cut it in again." A thin and tall agent, Wang Pseudo, hurriedly ran from behind, loudly Greeting the smoking companion.

"Director Ding hasn't come back, it's still early, what are you going to do now, smell the group of flat feet?" Kong Fatzi smiled and shook a cigarette out of the cigarette case, and threw his hand to the thin Tall agent.

"The head and brain are almost all together. Now wait for Director Ding and Director Li and Secretary Wang Yila to be a few more quiet. Go in and sit down early. When Yila comes, it will look better." The thin man caught the cigarette. , Took the match from his pocket.

"Everywhere is here, aren't the two brigades in the action still have more than a dozen Guangning yet to come?" Wang Sanzhi twisted a cigarette from the fat man's cigarette case and lit it on the previous cigarette butt.

"I heard that it was a temporary incident, and the red guy knew what Ella was doing, and I heard that the two teams of newcomers from the old northeast led the team." The thin man squatted down next to Kong Fat and said with breath.

"The old Northeast leads the team? The two teams are gangsters, and the grid machine is suffering." An agent interjected, the suit and leather suit had a standard white face.

"Nong knows the fart, Dongbei Ning leads the team, it's better than Lu Genfa to lead the team." said the big man next to Xiao Bai's face.

"How can the port? Nong Ma listen to the port of Ella, last time Lu Genfa took someone out, seven dead and five injured, and the other party's hair was not injured."

"Henah, there is a case of sect! There is no way to know the nest, hurry and help me talk about it." Several Wang Puppet Agents crouched in the shade beside the construction site, smoking cigarettes and chatting about the sky, not knowing this Agent headquarters is about to face a catastrophe.

ps: Thank you for your support. Today's update is offered. The author will take a break to eat something and wait for a short article.

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