Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 241: Big fire (7)

"This?" Maeda slowly lowered the glass, hands inserted into the sleeve of the kimono.

Here I must introduce this major general Maeda Masuda. He graduated from the 25th Engineering Department of the Japanese Lu Shi, and the 25th Advanced Department of the Japanese Army Artillery School (the Japanese Army’s technical school for training artillery and engineering officers) An excellent student, a thirty-fourth graduate of the Army University. From this resume, it can be seen that he is a standard professional and technical officer, and a member of the school hegemony group in the Japanese Imperial Army.

The army major general started as an engineering specialist, mixed up with senior staff in the staff headquarters, and also sneaked into the Philippines as a professional surveyor to carry out secret topographic surveying work (whether it seems a bit familiar). He worked as a team payer for the First Railway Wing, and worked as a staff member in the Personnel Bureau of the Ministry of Military Affairs. As a result, he was also fancy by the then Army Secretary General Akio Araki. Perhaps it was because of this experience that Maeda was promoted from the engineer Shao Zuo to the engineer Da Zuo, which only took two years. After he was promoted to engineer Dazuo, he was sent to the Kanto Army for training by the Ministry of Military Affairs. At that time, senior officers wanted to take a step forward. The service experience of the Kanto Army will be of great help.

Qian Tianqian was still the engineer's old bank. He served as the commander of the Kanto Army, and his position was the squad leader of the fortification department. The fortification department here is of course not the literal meaning in Chinese. The "fortification" of the Japanese military refers to the construction of various defensive fortresses and barracks buildings, so this department controls a lot of manpower, material resources and funds. At the same time, he is also in charge of the examination, approval and subcontracting rights of various military projects, which can be said to be a major shortage within the Kwantung Army.

In order to prevent Soviet attacks in history, the Japanese built a large number of forts and permanent fortresses in the Northeast. Among them, the most famous 17 large fortresses such as Dongning and Hutou were all built under Maeda’s tenure, so it can be said that Maeda His hands were covered with the blood of Chinese laborers and prisoners of war.

In thirty-nine years, Maeda finally got his wish and was promoted to major general of the Japanese Army, thus becoming a member of the valuable "Your Lord". Just in March of 1940, he was transferred from the Third Army Staff to the Thirteenth Army by his superiors, where he served as the head of the spy agency. As mentioned earlier, Major Maeda has always been a technical bureaucrat. He is a layman in intelligence work. God knows how to send him a major general of engineering background to serve as the chief of this important secret service.

There are some rumours in the rumor that it would be Ying Zuozhenzhao’s idea to bring a layman over. The big promoter behind him is Tu Feiyuan. They feel that sending a layman to Shanghai is more convenient for them to continue to control the Shanghai secret service agency, because if they change one Professional intelligence officers, such as a gangster from the Kanto Army Intelligence Department or the Army’s Chief of Staff’s Intelligence Section (the latter is obviously more dangerous than the former). The risk of complete exposure.

They are not worried that the methods used are subject to criticism by superiors. As long as they do not poke out the international basket, senior army officers usually close their eyes. They are worried about the pile of illegal business under the guise of "gathering intelligence funds." Once the real profits of these trades are discovered by the superiors, they will definitely be asked to take a slice of the soup. What is more likely to happen is that a senior executive simply pried the entire stall over, then put his own heart in the position of the chief, and kicked the original master out of the game. This kind of thing has not happened in the Japanese army. To say that the struggle between power and interests within the Japanese army is more brilliant than the battle between the Japanese army and the navy, and it is also more cruel and dark.

In history, Maeda worked in the position of the secret service chief for ten months, and then was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general. After a few more months, the 13th Army Chief of Staff was finally transferred to the 14th Army Command. When the chief of staff went. Frequent transfers like this are not very common in the Japanese army. If the superior does not specifically want to cultivate someone, it is to prepare someone to fill the hole.

It was difficult to tell clearly which one he belonged to when Maj. Maeda Maeda died. He ushered in the outbreak of the Pacific War under the command of the Chief of Staff of the Fourteenth Army. In the battle of the Bataan Peninsula in the final stage of the Philippine battle, because the U.S. troops were defensive The battle progress of the 14th Army was unfavorable. Maeda was transferred from his post and was immediately transferred to reserve service. At this point of time, he was transferred to the reserve. This lieutenant general obviously took a big pot for the person. The superior should actually be very clear about Maeda’s resume. He has been in technical positions since joining the army, and has never commanded the army. Actual combat experience.

I don’t really know how to evaluate Maeda Maeda’s experience in history. As a Japanese officer, his career is over, but at the same time, he also escaped the liquidation of Japanese war criminals by the US military after the war. You should know that if he successfully defeated the Bataan Peninsula at that time, then the commander of the famous "Badaan Death March" may be the Maeda Chief of Staff. The pot is much larger than the one he is carrying now. By the way, all the senior Japanese generals who have been involved in the crimes will be sentenced to 10 years or 8 years in prison. If they are serious, they will have to swing on the gallows of the Americans, such as his boss, the 14th Army of Japan. Commander Yaqing. Because Maeda was ordered to retire before the fall of Bataan. As a result, even the responsibility of the Philippine campaign was dumped cleanly.

Now let’s turn the topic back to Shanghai. At last, Ying Zuozhen underestimated the technical officer. Maeda was mixed in the Kanto Army fortification department. The place is more like a military department than a military department. Flying **** workplace, because the interests of military engineering are too entangled. Some people say that there is no corruption in the Japanese army, that is, they have never read the black materials written by the Japanese veterans themselves. At that time, the Japanese army made financial frauds, and they were as good at making false results as they did, even as early as during the Sino-Japanese War. After doing it, it can be regarded as a consistent tradition of the Imperial Army.

Maeda clearly realized that Ying Zuo and his men had concealed themselves, but he didn’t care too much. He knew that he knew nothing about intelligence work. As long as he could safely pass his tenure, he would not be interested in this group of sneaky people. What conflicts do the agents have. Besides, the oil and water in Shanghai Beach is also very sufficient. Every day, we are sent to Huatianjiudi, and Maeda is also a little bit reluctant.

But he never imagined that Ying Zuo and his running dogs would have brought him such a disaster. If he could not make an effective remedy in time before the military gangsters remembered himself, his personal There are eight or nine prospects that may end.

What makes Maeda even more angry is that just before the superior started the investigation, Ying Zuozhenzhao secretly left Shanghai Beach. It is said that Chongqing’s work has been broken. He wants to go to Wuhan to check it well, for good reasons, words The shimmering, so that he could not find any reason to block.

ps: The first chapter is presented. Thank you for your support. Take a break and continue to the second chapter. It may be later.

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