Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 247: Stauffenberg and Matsuoka

"I believe that what happened this time is not what the Japanese government wants to see. The head of state is satisfied with the position held by the Prime Minister of the Guard. At the same time, he asked me to ask Mr. ) The Prime Minister’s greetings and thanks.” Stauffenberg finished and took out an envelope from his briefcase.

"This is a personal letter from the head of state, and I hope that you will pass it on to Prime Minister Noah."

"Hi! This is my honor, Your Excellency." Matsuoka extended his hands solemnly and took the envelope from Stauffenberg.

In addition to his respect for the German head of state, this attitude of the foreign minister is also due to the identity of the German major.

After the Meiji Restoration in Japan, although the old secretaries’ grade system was still preserved, it also began to use the European noble titles to classify the old and new nobles. In Japan, the title of Earl is quite noble. Generally, it is only given to members of the royal family who have left the royal family. In the old shogunate, they served as the court secretary of the Zhong Nayan and above, or the name of the lord of the middle class, and established a special honor in the Reform Revolution. Heroes of the reformists. The prince of the princes above this is entirely based on seniority and lineage. It is not the royal family, the public family, the great name of the big fan, the direct family of the royal family or the flow of the royal family of the foreign fan.

Matsuoka also specifically investigated the identity background of Major Staufenberg and learned that the other party was born in the oldest noble family in Bavaria. Of course, this foreign minister will pay tribute to the other party.

Staufenberg today wore a brand new army dress, which was customized after he arrived in Shanghai at a French concession fashion shop. Because he was on the bv222 seaplane when he rushed to Shanghai, he did not carry much private luggage. The earl's only army dress made his Vietnamese servant accidentally forget it in his dorm in Hanoi. After the Earl transferred to the German headquarters in Hanoi, he hired a Vietnamese servant to take care of his daily life. This is very common here in French Indochina. The officers of the French colonial army hired a group of Annan servants in almost everyone's home.

Stauffenberg is not the kind of poor European nobleman whose family business has failed. He never worries about economic problems. The price of custom clothing in French concession fashion shops is not cheap. From ordinary clothes to dresses, all require the use of the best fabrics. At the same time, he pointed out that the most technical tailors were required to make it. As a result, Earl customized five sets in one breath.

Now Stauffenberg has worn the rank of major in silver wire, and at the same time, his loyalty to the head of the empire has also been mentioned. In order to complete the task the head of state has delivered to himself, he can contribute without hesitation Out of everything.

"About the transfer of criminals" Matsuoka handed the envelope to the secretary behind him, and then took a thick file from the other party's hand.

"We still have some questions to clarify." Matsuoka put the folder on the table.

"These people on the list are indeed imprisoned in the headquarters of the Japanese Gendarmerie in Shanghai, but a few of them can already be confirmed as red elements, and the military police have obtained their own confessions. In view of the previous signatures between Japan and Du Yizhi "Anti-Communist International Agreement," Matsuoka said with a finger on the cover of the folder.

"That agreement has in fact lapsed automatically, is my memory correct? Mr. Foreign Secretary." Stauffenberg raised his hand and stopped Matsuoka.

As a Japanese-German anti-communist agreement signed against the Soviet Union, it clearly stated that neither of the contracting parties should sign any political treaty with the Soviet Union alone, but only three years later this content was torn by Hitler, and Germany and the Soviet Union signed The "Soviet-Germany Non-aggression Treaty" left Japan alone on the kang head, just because of this incident also triggered the resignation of the then President Hiranuma Cabinet.

"Yes, your memory is indeed true, but in my personal opinion, the interests of the Great Japanese Empire and the Great Independence Empire are the same on many international issues. Perhaps some unpleasant incidents have occurred between the two countries before. , But the friendship of the Japanese Empire to Du Yizhi has not changed in the slightest. If you visit Japan this time, I believe you will feel the heartfelt enthusiasm of Japanese nationals. So, Lord Count, even this The treaty has lapsed, but in the eyes of the imperial government, the only country is still the most reliable ally of the Great Japanese Empire." At this point, Yoshinori Matsuoka bowed his head slightly.

Matsuoka was once a firm alliance. He firmly believed that if Japan wanted to conquer Asia, it had to join hands with Germany, Italy, and even the Soviet Union to unite against a powerful alliance of powers such as Britain and the United States.

At the moment, however, the pattern of the entire world has undergone tremendous changes. The old powers such as Britain and France have been defeated by the powerful Germany. However, the situation facing the Japanese empire is now even more sinister.

Today, Japan not only faces the threat of the Soviet Union in the north, but also faces the increasing pressure of the United States across the ocean. The Army’s coveted southern colonies are more likely to provoke a terrible counterattack by the new European Union led by Germany. That is the largest and most complicated national alliance that has occurred in European history after the anti-Napoleonic alliance, which almost includes All the old European powers, angering such a group, in Matsuoka is basically a suicide action.

However, although Matsuoka is a foreign minister, the lack of powerful allies in the cabinet can be said to be lonely. Perhaps Wei Weiyu can understand his concerns, but even the prime minister is unable to do anything in the face of the aggressive army and naval valve.

The army and navy are making every effort to plan the southward advance. This war will erupt no matter what. Now the only way to save Japan is to establish a military alliance with Germany. As long as Germany nods in favor of Japan’s plan to control Asia, then those Asian colonies will no longer be a problem that plagues Japan. Only by pooling the resources of the entire Southeast Asia, then challenging the US’s Pacific Sea power can truly become a possibility.

In any case, to form an alliance with a single country, even under difficult and demanding conditions, you must find a way to satisfy each other. This is the policy established by Matsuoka for the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Matsuoka already has this kind of consciousness, even if it is misunderstood as a traitor, even if it was stabbed by a red deer one day, as long as His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister of the Guard can understand their own pains, he is right. Willing to smile on the Kudan-saka, and bless the imperial martial arts for a long time.

"I understand, I appreciate your friendly views on the Great German Empire. This will be very important for the future development of relations between Germany and Japan. I will attach a special report to the head of state, I believe he will be very happy with this." Staufenberg's right hand flicked over the placket, and the first-level iron cross beside the button was as red as blood.

The earl's words revealed an important message to Matsuoka. He had the power to independently submit a report to the German head of state. In other words, it was called Jane in the heart of the emperor. Facing Staufenberg's heroic face, Matsuoka's gaze became more heated, and he immediately made a decision. At all costs, he must find a way to catch the opposite line.

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency, as for the people you need on your list," Matsuoka gave a slight pause and pushed the folder to Stauffenberg.

"Just make an appointment here, and I promise to hand them over to you."

"These are the people named by the Berlin side. I hope that they will not suffer any damage before they are investigated by the General Security Administration." Stauffenberg opened his first page, which contained an identity registration form. Several black and white photos were pinned with paper clips in the corners.

"I can guarantee that all the prisoners will be healthy when handing over, and there may be some minor injuries, but definitely not fatal injuries." Matsuoka said vowedly.

"I never doubted your promise, Mr. Foreign Minister." Staufenberg smiled and closed the folder.

"The action on the 76th is almost over now." The count raised his wrist and looked at the time.

"I have told Lieutenant Colonel Sifang that he will send someone to report the situation to me at any time." Matsuoka raised his hand and immediately a captain officer stepped forward.

"Our army and the friendly army of the One Kingdom have now captured the 76th headquarters, and are currently in internal crossfire." The captain reported in Japanese.

"Is the resistance received fierce?" Matsuoka was a little surprised.

"Yes, sir. These people are all desperate. They occupy the main building of No. 76 and resist, and now the situation is very fierce." The captain replied with a nod.

ps: Thank you for your support, the author will continue to work hard,

Tomorrow will be suspended for one day as usual, the day after tomorrow the author can only change one thing, only to make up for the day after tomorrow. 19

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