Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 250: Big fire (fifteen)

The Japanese Army's strategy of attacking the city in the Central Plains has occupied many Chinese towns, giving people a sense that the Japanese Army is very good at street fighting. But in fact, this is completely an illusion. The facts are completely different from what everyone thinks. The Japanese Army is very unsuitable for fighting urban street battles.

Because the Japanese army’s original imaginary enemy was the Soviet and Russian troops in the Far East, the main training subjects have always been plain field operations. Occasionally mixed with some mountain combat subjects, the content of urban street fighting is actually very little. . One is that there is no suitable training site, and the second is the lack of targeted tactical teaching materials. Therefore, in the early days of the War of Resistance, the Japanese army has been trying to avoid close street fighting with the Chinese army.

Usually the Japanese army is used to consuming the main force of the defensive force in the outer periphery of the city. After attacking the Chinese city, they will use machine guns and artillery to block the main road, and then use artillery, explosives or poison gas to remove the Chinese army from the barricades of hiding. And drove out of the building. Sometimes, in order to prevent stalemate, the Japanese army even deliberately withdrew the encirclement and allowed the Chinese army to leave the city.

And each time the Japanese troops are caught in street fighting, the results are often disastrous. The front lines of the two sides are often intertwined, forcing the Japanese troops to not use heavy support firepower such as artillery. The soldiers on both sides can only use infantry light weapons or even cold weapons to fight each other. The Japanese army gave up their advantages and was pulled to the same level. If you encounter elite Chinese troops who have received close combat training, the proportion of casualties on both sides will become extremely close, so after the **** street battle, the Japanese will sometimes use words like "corpse mountain blood sea" in the combat report. To describe.

It is a pity that the number of such elite troops under the government is very small, and they are often given the task of "main guard" by their superiors, and they are regarded as the capital of personal power by the master.

Therefore, among the resistance forces encountered by the Japanese army, more than 90% are ordinary or even miscellaneous Chinese troops. The soldiers in these troops are often ordinary farmers a few weeks ago, and have only received a few weeks of simple queue training. There was no chance of shooting, so he was driven to the front by Shangfeng.

They don't understand any doctrines or ideas, but simply serve as soldiers to eat food, and shout to them about the tall propaganda slogan, it is better to add two or two pigs to the sorghum rice to make them more tempted.

Most of these men are illiterate and do not understand the principles of the chief, but only know that once the charge of the assault sounds, those who remain on the position will be shot by the chief.

The topic is far away, let us return to the battle on the 76th. This group of secret agents is indeed like the words of Shao Zuoyuan, all of them are a group of people. On the 76th, at least 70% of the agents were recruited by the society, 20% of the remaining 30% were rebels from the military and central systems, and the remaining 10% were agents trained by the Japanese intelligence agencies. personnel.

At that time, the training of the agents of the Central and Military Commands was not as high-end as everyone imagined. Usually it was conventional military training plus some "special skills" such as picking and locking the tail to send and receive decoded telegrams. Occasionally, a special training class for a few weeks was held. I also learned the experience of anti-red organizations in certain departments.

In addition to the specially trained assassin killers, most of the remaining agents in this group of people usually have a combat power of less than five. This value can also be substituted for loyalty. The personnel on both sides have changed and changed like a company employee. , Anyway, change the boss still mixed rice.

Compared with the group of Chongqing’s rebellious agents, the Shanghai Gang’s gangsters are more combative. There are many gangsters with several lives on their hands, and the worst follow the boss to bully the city and go to the tiger stove to collect management fees.

In general, the gangsters on the beach rarely use guns. This group may be an exception on the 76th. In order to increase the strength of the agent’s headquarters and use it to fight against the military assassins in Chongqing, the Mei organization specially sent troops from the Chiana’s armory, Five hundred revolvers were brought out. This was not a free gift, but was provided on loan for the 76th.

The Japanese did this mainly to control the use and whereabouts of these firearms and prevent them from flowing into the hands of anti-Japanese organizations. It seems that the Japanese are well aware of the character of this group of dregs, and they dare to trample on all laws for a little money, even if it was made by the Japanese.

In addition to the pistols, the Japanese army also provided fifty rifles and six machine guns for use by the 76th security forces. These people wore unmarked Wang puppet uniforms and were only responsible for the outer defense of the secret service headquarters. Directly participate in foreign spy operations.

The use of pistols on the street can still be confused. If military equipment such as rifles and machine guns are used, it will definitely cause strong protests in the concession. If both parties can’t step down, this is not what the Japanese want to see. of.

A few minutes before the time, seeing that the military policeman Cao Changshan was pulling out the 95th saber, Wang Sanzhi immediately noticed that something was awkward. This was not intended to meet the enemy's posture, but it was obviously directed at Kong Fatty. So when Yamamoto was slashing his sword, Wang Sanzhi quickly rushed forward and flew a foot to kick the hole fat man, let him escape the deadly knife.

"Yamamoto Sang, what are you going to do." Wang Sanzhi didn't talk about his character, at least he was very particular about the spirit of the rivers and lakes. Although the fat man was a little more frivolous, he was the brother of his Wang Sanzhi.

"Red deer!" Before waiting for Yamamoto to answer, Ozawa Juncao suddenly pulled his knife at Wang Sanzhi's finger.

"Shenna Niangge is a Japanese tortoise!" Wang Sanzhi was unable to dodge for a while and was cut on the shoulder with a knife.

"The Japanese are murdering!" Xiao Baixiang exclaimed loudly.

"To die, everyone run quickly!" The large piece of hair felt that the situation was not good, and quickly jumped and fled towards the main building.

"Spicy your mother's not blooming." At this time, Kong Fatzi had just reacted. He saw that Ozawa was preparing to make up for Wang Sanzhi's knife, and quickly turned over and jumped and hit the back of Yamamoto Jun Cao.

"Kunaroo!" Yamamoto was accidentally knocked over to the ground, and he was almost gasped by the fat man.

Hearing his companions exclaimed, Ozawa turned his head, just to see the fat man Kong who was fitting himself at him.

"Nani?!!!" Ozawa Jun Cao was really taken aback by the bravery shown by the fat man.

Ozawa and Yamamoto have had many dealings with Fatty Kong, who knew that he was a greedy, lustless, timid and shameless guy. They thought that with the skill of both of them, they did not need to use a gun to clean up these agents. The other party had the guts to resist.

Before waiting for Ozawa to react, he was suddenly overwhelmed by Kong Fatzi, and then a series of combo strokes hit his face, suddenly turning dizzy.

After playing a set of Wing Chun towards Ozawa's face, while the other party was still guilty, Fatty Kong jumped up and dragged Wang Sanzhi to the main building. It's not that there is a way out of the main building, but simply because there are no Japanese at this time.

The Gendarmerie was busy collecting the weapons of the two guards at this time, but no one noticed the problem.

On both sides of the gate of the two gates, machine gun perforations were purposely built, and on the machine gun platform after the perforation, two eleven-year-old machine guns were driven.

Many of the agents on the 76th did not understand why they had to engage in so many tricks in the second gate. They didn’t find the answer until today, because there were really enemies coming in from the main gate.

However, at this time, the two-door machine gun did not play any defensive role. The two Japanese military policemen easily opened the latch and pressed the switch of the door-opening motor.

"Get started! Advance!" With a German password, a group of murderous SS soldiers came in from outside the door.

ps: Chapter 2 is here. Thank you for your support. I wish you all a happy National Day.

The monthly ticket for the new January is doubled during the National Day. The author needs your encouragement.

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