Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 254: The end of the cave (2)

A Japanese woman wearing big sleeves, gracefully pushed the room sliding door open, kneeling in the corridor outside the door, bowing her head to salute the general.

"Your Maeda, there is a phone number in front of you," the woman said softly.

"Oh, it turned out to be Sachiko. I haven't seen you for a long time." Major Maeda put the glass on the table and stood up with one hand.

"Hi, Your Majesty Maeda is still the same, I just came from Tokyo." The woman sat straight, showing a dignified and soft face.

"Yuga, this guy in Nogawa is really supportive, how can I get you to come and notify me. By the way, where is the call." Maeda strode to Sachiko and asked.

"Hi, the other party said Mr. Bendo." The woman replied respectfully with both hands.

"What's this? I know." Maeda turned and greeted Ding and Li who were sitting at the table: "Sorry, I'm going to answer a call. You will wait here. If you need to add food, just greet Nogawa. Don't Be polite with me."

"It doesn't matter, you are light." The two traitors nodded in unison.

"Xie Xi, that's lost." Maeda nodded with a smile, and stepped out of the room.

The woman kneeling in front of the door bowed to Ding and Li, and then gently pulled on the sliding door.

"Lao Ding, do you know this woman, what is the way to go?" Li Shiqun drank a lot of sake, already a little bit boring.

As the so-called liquor is the medium of color, in the status of Li Shiqun, the Japanese side is not hesitant to use female colors to envelop. In the past few months, he has also tasted a lot of pure Oriental flavors. The unseen Japanese beauties didn't feel a little moved in their hearts.

Ding Mocun is interested in playing with the Japanese wine glass in his hands. The boss’s business is getting bigger and bigger, and the utensils he uses are gradually becoming more upscale. The glass in his hand looks down at first glance, but it is actually The finest Mino-yaki, such a set of wine set, cost almost a month's salary for a rookie Japanese army lieutenant.

Hearing Li Shiqun's question, Ding Mocun's face showed a mocking smile: "Lao Li, I advise you not to inquire, this woman is definitely not something you and I can covet"

In fact, Ding Mocun has never seen this Saeko, but his sense of smell has always been sharper than ordinary people. Just seeing the attitude of Major Maeda just when he answered, I know that this woman's identity is definitely not simple. In fact, Ding Mocun already regretted the words as soon as they spoke. He really shouldn't remind the other party. Li Shiqun's self-expansion during this time was so powerful that he should let him hit the iron plate to know the severity.

"How is the plan going?" Maeda stepped along the corridor of the hotel while unbuttoning his kimono belt.

"Except for some resistance encountered by the Secret Service headquarters, the rest of the area is proceeding smoothly." Deputy Shao Zuo reported immediately.

"Everyone is here."

"Yes, all waiting for you, sir." The adjutant caught up a few steps and opened the sliding door for the general in advance.

Maeda glanced at the guard standing at the door facing him, and then strode into the banquet hall that had been transformed into a command headquarters.

This is a 40-tatami-sized Japanese-style banquet hall with tatami mats on the floor. Everyone took off their long boots and only wore white socks. When he saw Commander Maeda coming into the door, he was arguing fiercely. They stood up and bowed quickly.

"Matsui, what's the situation now." Maeda took off her bathrobe (simplified kimono), and the adjutant quickly stepped forward to take it.

"The headquarters of the three operations brigades have been annihilated, and the fighting at the secret service headquarters has ended, and it is now being finalized as planned." Nakasa Matsui, the intelligence chief of the military command, reported.

"Where is Hangzhou?" Maeda wore a white shirt button, and the two service soldiers knelt aside, helping the general to fasten the buckle on the leg of the breeches.

"The operation was very smooth. After encountering some slight resistance, the prisoners followed your orders and were all executed on the spot." Matsui Nakasa's attitude was extremely cautious. After this incident, the pronoun in front of the commander’s title should be erased soon. In view of the fact that he still has to spend some time with the 13th Army Command, he will pat the army more in the future. The major general's bullshit.

If there is no false report in Hangzhou, this “Southeast Trading Company”, which keeps high-ranking soldiers in the army, is no longer in existence. All relevant personnel have been executed on the spot. All books and documents have been burned. Someone will use this company again to find trouble in the army.

"Also...Sir, Wu Sibao is dead." Matsui continued to report.

"Oh?!" Maeda stopped holding his uniform collar.

"When did it happen?" The general's voice was excited.

"Fifteen minutes ago, but we just got the report ahead." Matsui replied.

"Xie Xi!" Maeda's face, which had been stiff since he entered the door, finally showed a satisfied smile.

When he was only the head of the Shanghai secret service, he conducted a special investigation on this dangerous man. It turned out that his worries were not unreasonable. This person was indeed a mad dog that caused headaches.

This is a brutal professional villain. For money and power, he can trample on all laws in the world. Judging from his thick criminal history, this person has never done a good thing in his life. If it is not needed by the secret agent, pure scum garbage like him, even the Japanese will feel disdain.

Not to mention the patriotism of the gang, these guys who oppress their compatriots, except for the gangs and leaders who love them, don't care about anyone at all, so talk to them about what kind of nation and country is playing the piano with cattle. They did indeed do the right thing with the Japanese, because the leader of their leader gave orders, not for any patriotic enthusiasm. I don’t believe you look at Shanghai’s isolated island. Most of the people who participated in Wang Puppet’s work for the Japanese have a gangster background. If the gang boss is a traitor, the following brothers must of course follow suit.

Wu Sibao is a pure Chinese gang. In order to stand out, he took the initiative to turn to Li Shiqun. He is the captain of the security guard on the 76th. He is also the number one hitman in this devil's cave. Yes, ninety-nine percent are Wu Sibao's people.

This person is also good at sabotage and assassination. Of course, compared to many professionals, he is better at destroying that one. Historically, he has planned and directed the terrorist operations that fired on bank quarters.

The Japanese side is very clear that this person has a strong atmosphere of rivers and lakes. In fact, it is difficult to really control it. If he is not careful, he may be backfired by him. Maeda is not particularly concerned about the life and death of the other running dogs on the 76th, but for Wu Sibao, he has made a strict order to kill.

Originally, Wu Sibao should have come to the banquet with Li Shiqun of Ding Mo Village today, but I didn't know why on the way, and suddenly left midway. Li Shiqun said that he was his immediate superior. Wu Sibao also obeyed the lord, but today he did not know what evil he committed. The rogue didn't even save the director Li's face, and he didn't even tell the other party any reason, so he just drove away. Too.

Maeda was still worried that if this dangerous person leaked the net, it might set off a **** storm on Shanghai Beach. Now it seems that this evil dog has not escaped the number of hits after all.

"Which squadron killed him, I want to report to the commander." Maeda was in a good mood, he asked with a smile. Immediately, the army general took the saber held by the serviceman and fastened the chain of the knife belt.

"Your Excellency...this...who killed Wu Sibao was a soldier of the Guards of the Head of the One Kingdom." Matsui looked awkward and scratched his nose to report.

"Nani?...Changga... Okay, so to say, now only those two are left."

"Yes, all the strongholds on the 76th have been captured, and now everything is under the control of the Imperial Army, and the people they brought are also disposed of, confirming that they have no knowledge of our actions and no longer need them. Hold them down again, sir." Matsui echoed.

"These two dogs have lost their value, and keeping them alive is a serious threat to the Imperial Army." Maeda took the military cap and solemnly put it on his head.

"Lieutenant Renke, Lieutenant Hatano." the general greeted loudly.

"Hah!" The two young lieutenant staffers stood up and bowed to the commander.

"Are you ready?"

"All ready, sir."

"Xi Xi, Ru, wait and follow me to blame!" Maeda countered with a saber scabbard and gave a serious expression.

PS: Thank you for your support, the author will continue to work hard.

After shedding the skin, her face was so full.

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