Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 68: pope

The Vatican is only one kilometer away from the widest point in the east-west direction, and it is compressed to more than 800 meters in the north-south direction. The total area of ​​the country is 0.44 square kilometers, which is even less than some larger blocks in Berlin.

The status and value of this country are mainly reflected on the spiritual level. It can be said that as long as the Catholic faith still exists in the world, the Holy City of Vatican will not die.

To say that the true founder of this religious country was the Italian Prime Minister Mussolini, who had just passed away. He personally signed the Treaty of Lateran with the Pope, which solved the religious problems left after the Italian Unity War. The Vatican is an independent national polity. In return, Pope Pius XI called Mussolini a "sage" and affirmed the Prime Minister in terms of religion.

Speaking of the Pope of the Vatican, its roots can be traced back to the time of the Roman Republic. Its corresponding identity is the highest priest in Rome. The most famous person who has held this position in later generations is the great Caesar.

After the religious beliefs of the Western Roman Empire changed to Christianity, the high priest also evolved into the Roman Archbishop. The Western Roman Emperor gave him the supreme status in the church, and was eventually recognized by the Eastern Roman Empire and the Orthodox Church.

Afterwards, due to the internal flipping of death and the alien invasion, the Roman Empire eventually fell apart, but the decline of the empire did not affect the status of Christianity in the folk.

After losing the repression of the Roman Emperor, the Pope has not only held the divine power, but also directly controlled the huge assets of the church. The authority of the Holy See once reached its peak in the Middle Ages, and even the marriage and funeral of the Western kings must be reigned. Only the blessing and approval of the Pope can do it.

This was also the darkest period in Europe. The church relied on religious authority, and the servants who collected religious taxes across Europe and collected religious taxes could take away the last piece of property from farmers without mercy. At the same time, the Holy See madly cracked down on any ideas that disagree with religion. In the darkest two centuries, the bonfire of the Inquisition has never lacked fuel. I don’t know how many great ideas and technological inventions have been regarded as heretics. Sealed and buried by the Holy See.

The predecessor of the Vatican was the Papal State that once occupied a third of Italy’s territory, and this land was legally donated by King Frank. Does this sound confusing? If the story is really detailed, it will be long. In order to avoid complaining about the author's irrigation, I will try to make it as simple as possible.

The land held by the Holy See at that time was actually a secret possession of the West Roman Empire. It was just that West Rome had died and no one had to worry about them. The real power ruler on this land was Lombardy, a branch of the Germans. people.

At that time, Piping, the dwarf of the Frankish kingdom, defeated his brother and seized the authority of the Frankish kingdom. Because the position was not correct, the dwarf felt guilty. To prove the legitimacy of his throne, he invited the Pope to crown him. Trying to add some divinity to the crown, that is, starting from him, opened the beginning of the monarchy in later generations.

In order to reward the Pope, the Frankish Kingdom sent troops to conquer Italy twice, and finally defeated the Lombards who belonged to the Germanic branch, and donated part of the Italian land to the Holy See as a reward. Based on this, the Holy See established the Papal State. Since then, it has clashed on the Apennine peninsula, and has spread across the European countries.

However, there is no immortal foundation in the world. In the nineteenth century, the national unification of Italy was unstoppable. Even Napoleon III, who claimed to be the protector of the Holy See, was unable to stop the demise of the Pope after the defeat of the Franco-Prussian War.

Emmanuel I commanded the troops to occupy all the territory of the Papal State. The Pope lost all secular power and could only take the Holy See personnel to hide in the Vatican City, followed by the Holy See and the Kingdom of Italy for more than half a century. Confrontation.

After Mussolini came to power, in order to gain the support of the church, he negotiated with Pope Pius XI at that time, and finally the two parties reached a settlement agreement. The Vatican exists as an independent country, and the property of the Holy See in Italy is protected. , No force is allowed to infringe.

From the moment the treaty was signed to the day Xu Jun visited, the founding of the Vatican City State was only 11 years.

At this time, the Pope was Pius XII, whose real name was Eugenio Pacelli. Before he succeeded to the throne, he served as the envoy of the Holy See in various European countries for a long time, and accumulated a wealth of diplomatic experience. The Vatican and Mussolini The reconciliation treaty was signed under his management. At the same time, he also visited Germany and signed the famous "Imperial Agreement" with the Nazis. On the condition that the Holy See does not oppose the Nazi Party’s control of the German regime, it preserved the power and power of the Holy See in Germany. interest.

At that time, Pacelli, who had become the Cardinal of the Vatican, saw the crisis that the Holy See would face from the changes in the political trend in Germany. The speed of the development of the Nazi Party made him frightened, so the cardinal believed that the Vatican must Only by signing an agreement with this tough dictator can the Holy See's interests in Germany be safeguarded.

But what the church did not expect was that after the Nazis were full, Hitler directly tore up the agreement, and then something happened that worried the Holy See.

In fact, before Hitler came to power, he had thought about letting the German Catholic Church out of the control of the Holy See, so that the Nazi Party could use this as an opportunity to eventually control the religious rights of the entire Germany.

Less than three years after the treaty was signed, the Nazis began to exert pressure on the German Catholic Church, not only forcing religious people to swear allegiance to the head of state. And began to arrest anti-Nazis in the church, while stepping up the persecution of non-German Catholics.

This kind of act of killing and killing donkeys immediately touched the scale of the Roman church, so the Pope Pius XI at that time began to publicly attack the Nazi party, resulting in the Nazi party and the Catholic church there. Serious opposition over time.

Hitler was well aware of the power of religion. Germany may have many atheists, but most Germans are very devout believers and have to say the attitude of the Vatican. It has indeed caused some damage to the Nazi Party's foundation in German folk.

Hitler certainly would not blame his decision, but instead believed that as the Pope’s chief diplomatic adviser, Cardinal Pacelli was behind the Vatican’s and Germany’s flip-flops, so when Pachelli entered the pope, Germany expressed clear opposition.

It was just that Germany was not strong enough at that time, and the head of the head was not so long, and could not exert any influence on the election of the Holy See. In the end, Pacelli was elected the 260th pope of the Catholic Church.

Then interesting things happened. After the pope succeeded to the throne, the attack of the Holy See on Germany came to an abrupt halt, and the relationship between the two sides showed signs of relaxation. This sudden change in the style of painting, even the German side He also dropped his glasses.

Pius XII is a shrewd pope, and his diplomatic skills are smoother than those of his predecessors. He had long understood the determination of the German head of state to revitalize Germany, and he knew what kind of evil consequences would eventually result from the appeasement policy of Britain and France. He had to consider the attitude of the Holy See to Germany. At this time, it was really a wise decision to be hostile to Germany.

Although the Nazi Party violated the power given to the Holy See by God, at the same time he also saw that the Nazis were beneficial to the Holy See, that is, the head of state who had the actual power in Germany, from the bones of crazy hostility to the Jews.

The use of national power to combat and suppress Judaism is the most popular thing since the establishment of the Holy See.

The struggle for faith between Western religions has always been full of cruelty and blood. The Jewish people who have been obeying Jewish teachings for thousands of years have always been regarded by the Holy See as the most insidious enemy of the Catholic Church.

This is also one of the reasons why the Holy See clearly holds a large number of reports of Jewish massacres in the hands, but it has always pretended to be nothing. At the same time, there is some evidence that the Holy See even participated in the German persecution of the Orthodox Church in the Soviet Union. Because in the eyes of the Holy See, the same Orthodox church is even more threatening than pagans. And vice versa, in order to **** the so-called orthodoxy, the two will never be soft-hearted when they realize that they have a chance to hit the other. If there is anything in this world that allows them to reach a consensus, it is how to clean up the Jews.

Pius XII had visited Germany and met with a bunch of Nazi giants. Of course, this "Apostle of God", the most capable little friend of Hitler's side, the deputy head of the Nazi Party, the younger His Excellency Reinhardt von Steide.

It was just that he met Jack at that time, a biochemical who stole from the future. To be honest, the deputy head of state did not leave a deep impression on the future pope except for the amazing value. Before Xu Jun replaced Jack, the deputy head of state had no sense of presence in the outside world.

Pius XII never thought Hitler would finish so soon, nor did he expect to replace the strongman, even the blond deputy head who had shrunk behind Hitler.

Standing in the center of St. Peter's Square, Pius XII glanced at the bishops around him, then at the SS soldiers with guns standing around the colonnade, His Majesty the Pope sighed secretly, and squeezed the long handle of the crucifix , Rubbed the white wool shawl straps on his chest.

At this time, the crowd in the distance made a noise. The pope looked up and saw a majestic convoy that was heading towards himself along the famous Concorde Street.

ps: It's okay to watch the time. It's not eleven o'clock. Thank you for your consideration.

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