Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 82: Deliberate

The wall lamp on the corridor of the embassy's basement exuded a dim light, and Merkulov glanced at the pendant guard standing by the door and raised his chest, and then took the door behind him. Hanging on the coat rack near the door, he then pulled out the aluminum cigarette case with the red star logo from his pants pocket. . The fastest update

"How is it going? Vsevorod. Nikolayevich." Dekanozov sat at the conference table in the middle of the room with a steaming cup of coffee in front of him.

"The doctor is looking for a way to take out the film. If these two people are telling the truth, this will be the most significant discovery in recent years." Merkulov opened the cigarette case and took out a filter with a filter Cigarettes.

"They have been rigorously trained in the country, and I believe in their professional abilities." Dekanozov picked up a small spoon and stirred the coffee, and then took a sip from the cup.

"I haven't doubted the authenticity of their report, of course, the content is indeed unbelievable." Merkulov took out the lighter and lit the cigarette.

"When will the film be taken out." Dekanozov pushed the glass aside and put a document in front of him.

"There were some technical problems, but the doctor said that he had some experience with this kind of thing. Don't worry about this in advance. Now we should consider how to report this discovery to Moscow." Merkulov sat at Jie Opposite Kanozov, dragged the ashtray in the middle of the table to the front.

"Is this a reply from Moscow?" Merkulov pointed to the document on the desktop.

"Well, both people are very innocent, they are staunch Bolsheviks, and they have excellent training results." Dekanozov pushed the document to his colleagues.

"There could have been no problems. They came to Berlin with us. They could not be the spy bought by Germany." Merkulov looked at the document hastily and then threw it away.

"I think we need to confirm the authenticity of the information again. We can't put an unconfirmed report on the desk of Comrade Joseph Vsarionovich Stalin in such a risky way." Dekanozov tapped the table lightly with his fist.

"Vladimir Kiralgievich, you mean, there are doubts in the reports of these two people? You didn't read their files. Can these two people trust them?"

"That happened before, I am now skeptical of everything. Vsevorod. Nikolayevich. For example, today's things, there are so many unexplainable coincidences, don't you I didn’t feel that the Germans behaved abnormally, and Marshal Kettle’s attitude was strange. It’s like they rehearsed for a long time. We must be careful. This may be another trap set by the Germans. Our people got into it, and the equipment in that warehouse was probably seen by the Germans on purpose." Dekanozov leaned back with his arms on his back.

"I understand what you mean, Vladimir Kiraljeevich, but my opinion is exactly the opposite of you, I don't think this is a trap for the Germans, if this is deliberately leaked to us by the Germans Intelligence, so what benefits can they get from it? I can’t think of it at all. Don’t forget that the Germans have just won the European War, and they are now at a time when they are satisfied, and their performance today proves this point, The German ** team became arrogant because of victory, and at the same time became slack because of arrogance, which is very logical, because these arrogant Germans do not believe that someone can touch their secrets." Merkulov Expressing his different views, he spit out smoke and retorted.

"There are some truths to what you said, but there are still a lot of suspicious places in their performance today. Why did they let the reporters who entered the restricted area so easily go. This is completely inconsistent with military practice."

"Maybe they don't want to stimulate the mighty Soviet prematurely."

"So why do they have to arrest so many Soviet agents, which is obviously more serious than arresting journalists."

"Perhaps it was because they belonged to two departments. Yes, that should be the case. It was the German General Security Agency that arrested our agents. It was the Nazi SS. And the German Army was the host for our visit. Their high-level has always been in conflict with the SS. We have already mastered this situation." Merkulov is confident in his findings.

"I used to be the person in charge of the Foreign Office for a while and knew that the dirty deal between the German Army and the Nazi Party, the contradiction between them was just a dispute of rights and interests." Dekanozov agreed with his colleagues in disguise. view.

"Actually, what you said makes sense, Vladimir Kiralguijevic, we can't just pass the unconfirmed information to Comrade Joseph Stalin. If it's like what you said, This is a German trick. I dare not imagine how serious the consequences will be." Merkulov's expression became very serious.

"Then I still deal with it according to my initial opinion. We will not submit a report to Moscow for the time being. During this time, we will use all means to find ways to collect more evidence as soon as possible." Dekanozov said .

"Dear Vladimir Kiraljeevich, I think we can actually go in two steps. We first report some verifiable information, and then we have reason to request more support from Moscow. Don’t forget Our intelligence network in Germany was severely damaged. We are now seriously understaffed, and the remaining people also need to be re-screened." Merkulov suddenly had a new idea. He put the cigarette **** in the ashtray in.

"Indeed, we have some shortage of manpower." Dekanozov scratched his forehead helplessly.

Now the two men they can trust are no more than 20, most of them are security officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have mixed with them in the delegation and come to Berlin with them, and there are several others under the intelligence department of the Red Army General Staff. That is the legendary "Gruu" agent.

"Gruu" and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not affiliated, but under the circumstances that the domestic cleansing has not stopped, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which holds the power of life and death, is obviously more powerful. The "Gruu" in the embassy in Berlin is responsible for the military officer first. He softened his knees, so these highly trained Red Army agents are now under the control of the Director of the National Security Agency.

"If I am not mistaken, this secret heavy tank of Germany cannot be developed in just a few months. This must be a huge project over several years, so it is impossible not to leave some clues. All we have to do is to re-excavate the hidden traces of these Germans, who is the R&D unit and manufacturer of this tank, where is the construction plant, and how much specific output is there. We also need to figure out this tank The specific data, the thickness of its armor, the strength of firepower, weight, speed, maximum travel, etc., as well as the actual use, these must be understood." Merkulov seemed to suddenly Entering the state, this is a feeling he had never had before, and he found himself starting to think about the problem with a spy leader.

"Dear Vsevorod. Nikolayevich, as you said, this is a huge project. The Germans must have put countless human and material resources on it. So we want to get what you said. This kind of intelligence is not easier than making a tank of this kind. I agree with your suggestion that we need immediate support from the country, so which of the confirmed intelligence reports are you going to prepare first? This is enough. Only the weight can attract the attention of Comrade Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria." Dekanozov asked.

"What we saw at the test site today, the steel plate targets, and the t-34 in the hands of the Germans, I believe it was enough to attract the attention of Comrade Lavrenti Beria." Merkulov clicked again. A cigarette. "This is indeed surprising, and it is necessary to find out how these latest Soviet Red Army tanks fell into the hands of the Germans." Dekanozov's eyes shone coldly, the anti-worker felt Itchy palms.

"As far as I know, the t-34 has not yet been put into mass production. The current number is extremely limited. We only need to find out where each tank is going. It should be easy to find out where the loophole is." Merculo The husband sank his face.

"I think it is unlikely that it will be lost from the Red Army. It is more likely that it is from the manufacturer. The Germans should have obtained accurate equipment data. These are secrets that only the factory or the research institute can master."

"If your guess is correct, it means that the Germans have entered our research and development institutions, so they may not only have t-34 equipment in their hands." Merkulov Take a sip of a cigarette.

"Vsevorod. Nikolayevich, you forgot, White Club." Dekanozov said with a frown.

"Do you think this is what the White Club did? Indeed, it is very possible. If that is the case, then it will definitely alarm Comrade Joseph Stalin." Merkulov swallowed.

"You and I know that if the clues really point to the white club, then we should report to Joseph Stalin at the first time."

"I think it's better to discuss it with Lavlenj Pavlovich Beria first." Merkulov suggested.

"Yes, or you are more thoughtful than I thought." Dekanozov twisted his neck.

"It seems too early to draw conclusions. We must first get those photos to prove that the Germans do have t-34 in their hands."

"Yeah, why hasn't it been dealt with so far, it's been an hour, would you like to take a look with me?" Dekanozov raised his wrist impatiently and looked at the time.

"A whole bottle has been filled, and if it doesn't work again, then it can only be operated on." Military Medical Captain Valentin Danielilovich Pavlov of the Ministry of Internal Affairs shook an empty glass bottle in his hand.

"This is the method we usually use in "Gulag", where it has always been effective." said a national security major with a frown.

"I've seen it with my own eyes, a bottle of castor oil will go down, and everything will come out." An agent nodded in agreement.

"The problem is that the two aluminum tubes are stuck in the **** now. I don't understand where the problem is." Captain Pavlov said with a shake of his head.

"Misha, hold on, it will be fine soon." An agent carried a bottle of saline and comforted his companion sitting on an iron bucket.

"It won't work like this, continue to drink water for him, otherwise there will be danger to his life." The military doctor reminded.

"Strengthen again, suck, hold on, Misha, you can do it, hard! For the motherland of the motherland, for the Soviets, for Stalin!" The agent encouraged his companions loudly.

"No problem, Vega, I can hold on!" Misha firmly grasped the companion's hand, his face full of perseverance.

"I believe you, Misha, you're good, drink another sip." Vega's eyes were filled with tears, and he picked up the water bottle in his hand.

ps: At the end of the month, ask for the last monthly pass of the month, and at the same time beg everyone to vote for the guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month.

In April, the author will continue to work hard, and the chapters owed will work hard to pay off.

thank you all. (To be continued.)

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