Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 84: Athens

Xu Jun loves the sea very much. When he was a Chinese college student, he often ran to the resort shrines along the coast of China to enjoy the sun, sea and beach.

After coming to this time and space, I came across Dunkirk. It was such a big beach, and it was full of people all squatting. I was so happy to raise my hands one by one.

Next is the Strait of Dover. He stayed at the base near Calais for almost a month and a half, where he can not only enjoy the special French style, but also look out over the famous Dover White Cliffs opposite the weather, or lie down The sun was shining on the beach while watching a large group of bombers passing overhead, which was not just a casual view.

After coming to Greece, Xu Jun found that the Mediterranean Sea is like a beautiful young girl raised in a deep bosom compared to the English Channel without wind and three feet. He has never seen such a clear and peaceful sea. The Greek officials on reception said that the Mediterranean actually had her violent side, perhaps to welcome the great heads of state, only to become particularly coy and shy in the past few days.

Xu Jun didn't care about these farts. He just regretted that the season was wrong and he couldn't jump into the sea to take a dip. He caught a few famous red mullet to try it and imagined that he had become His Majesty Napoleon. However, the Greeks quickly fulfilled his desire. Swimming was impossible, but there were still red mullet. The chefs sent by the Greek royal family had good craftsmanship and the fried fish pieces were very delicious. In the end, the head of state faced the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea, while tasting Napoleon's favorite dishes, while drinking the French Champagne wine that was also loved by the emperor. The German head of state cherishes the great monarch who once shaken the world. Soon he will face the old enemy of the French emperor. The invincible French army is defeated in that land. Xu Jun believes that he will never become another. A Napoleon, he will not make the mistakes made by his predecessor in history, and he is trying to make up for the loopholes proven by history. For the upcoming war, he has spent countless efforts, even utmost utmost He firmly believes that the final victory must belong to him.

The Greeks completely welcomed the German heads of state with a heroic welcome. As a result, they gave the German heads a grand triumph. The Greeks generously took out everything they had to treat benefactors from Germany.

Under the media propaganda, the Third Reich became a knight in the hands of the fierce Italian invaders, saving Greece and the fire, and the German head of state was a saint who upheld justice and benevolence and upheld justice and justice.

Originally, the Greek people's impression of Germany was quite good, but the high-level officials chose to go to Britain because of the marriage. The Greek royal family has the style of the Habsburg royal family on the issue of marriage. The country is not big but has a marriage relationship with most European royal families. The current king is one of the great grandsons of European grandmother Queen Victoria, and the Austrian and Prussian royal families. There is a certain blood relationship.

Compared with the surviving royal families in Europe, the Greek royal family has a relatively luxuriant population. Xu Jun believes that there may be a certain relationship with the Mediterranean diet. Several generations of Greek kings are full of descendants.

At present, the real ruler of Greece is Prime Minister Janis Metaxas. What is interesting is that he turned out to be a hard-line royalist party. After several abolitions, the Greek royal family has become a bird of surprise at this time. The Prime Minister obeyed his words, willingly reduced to a rubber stamp.

Since the end of World War I, Greece has been forced into the Republican system, the domestic political situation has been constantly turbulent. In just 23 years, there have been 13 coups. The most recent one happened five years ago. In the coup d’état, the Greek royal family was successfully restored again, and George II became king for the second time in Athens.

Xu Jun feels that this country is too ridiculous. The Greek political arena has been split into two factions, the liberals who support the existence of the royal family, and the republicans who support the republican government. Both parties are yours to sing and debut, taking turns to launch military coups, Greece The people watched the excitement with excitement, just like the spectators who stood in the grandstand. It was not until Metaxas took the stage that this chaotic situation changed.

The Metaxas military was not a person who was keen on power. Like he said before, he was a hard-working royalist who had followed the royal family in exile several times.

Some people say that he initiated a military dictatorship purely because of the situation at that time. At that time, the left-wing forces in the Greek society were very active. Trade unions and left-wing parties in various industries from time to time incited strikes and riots. Many discerning people can see that a The left-wing revolution is imminent.

The royal family and politicians are well aware that once the left is brought to power, the end of the tsar's family is their role model. Once the revolution breaks out, whether it is the king or the republican or liberal, all will die together.

The Greek upper class absolutely did not allow this kind of thing to happen to themselves, so Metaxas came to power, used force to dissolve the parliament, arrested and exiled the left-wing leaders, and completely suppressed the signs of the Greek left-wing revolution. When the situation stabilized, this The dictator immediately turned the gun to the Republicans, suppressing the biggest political opponents, and only then continued the Greek royal government to the present.

If according to the original history, after the failure of Italy’s invasion of Greece, Germany, which has long been unable to see on the side, decisively shot. The Greek army, which had beaten the Italian army, had just gained a little self-confidence, and then it was beaten back to the prototype by the German Defense Forces. The Greeks saw what was called real blitzkrieg and what could be called a mechanized cluster. , And was eventually occupied by Germany.

However, the prime minister did not see the Nazi iron hooves ravaging his beloved land. He had cellulitis in his throat. This is a terrible bacterial infection. At that time, there was no cure at all. The bacteria quickly infected the blood Septicemia was triggered, and he died in the Athens Hospital on January 29, 1981. Because of the merits of this dictator's backward investment in the Allies, he was also pursued by the government as a lifelong prime minister after the war, which caused a lot of controversy among the people.

However, when Xu Jun came to history, he was just turned to look at the direction. In a sense, it can indeed be said that the intervention of the German head of state saved the sad fate of the king and the prime minister. In history, this king will be abolished. Standing once, assuming the throne three times in his life as king, and finally died on the day of April Fool’s Day. As for the dictator, with the special effect antibiotic penicillin, cellulitis is no longer a terminal illness, he can live a long time, see How the German head of state changed the world.

Xu Jun really didn’t have too many demands on the Greek government. He just wanted a stable Mediterranean environment. After the alliance with Italy and France, the entire Mediterranean is already under the control of Germany. Greece is not good for Germany. Not even chicken ribs.

This country has no minerals and energy resources, no developed industry, and even agriculture is only below the general level. The national character is scattered, and the illiteracy rate is extremely high. The northern part is a bit of an unruly mountain, but it is quite difficult management.

Greece can neither provide the raw materials needed by Germany nor qualified workers, not even farmers. In Xu Jun's plan, it can only be used as a dumping point for industrial products, as well as a European tourism and trade distribution center.

Greece’s position on the Mediterranean route has certain advantages, but it has not reached an indispensable point. Especially now that the German Army has occupied the island of Malta, the transport fleet can not stop at Greek ports.

Today, there is no country on the entire Mediterranean coast that can pose a threat to Germany, and the value of Crete has become insignificant. As a result, German paratroopers did not have to sprinkle Crete, and the Greek male residents on the island also escaped a disaster (detailed in the previous article). Perhaps the German Airborne Division can organize a large-scale airborne exercise on the island to make up for the regrets in the real history. Xu Jun is going to go back and discuss with the headquarters. If there is such an opportunity and time, he is very interested to get there. Take a tour on the island.

This time Xu Jun came to Greece. One was invited by the Greek royal family and government to participate in the celebration of the end of the Greek War. The second was that he was going to meet with the leaders of several Balkan countries in Athens. Xu Jun wanted to renew To establish the order in the Balkans, the order established by Germany, he must show his absolute authority, so this Athens meeting is somewhat similar to the ancient Chinese princes' union.

At the same time, Xu Jun is ready to sign a series of secret agreements with these countries. He needs Balkan countries to provide some of the resources that Germany urgently needs, and at the same time agree on a joint defense strategy for the Eastern Front.

Speaking of this group of Balkan dregs, I don’t know where the many **** enemies come from, and which one of them will be involved in the meeting, and it may cause trouble. Who knows whether it will come up with the second Sarajevo incident. What happened was the mutation.

At this time, it can be seen that the skeleton of Greece is out of nowhere. This country not only has no enemy in the Balkans, but has had a marriage with most of them. The meeting was held in Athens, and no one raised any objections.

At noon on November 16, in the warm cheers of hundreds of thousands of Athenian citizens, the German head of state stood on the two rounds of horse-drawn chariots specially prepared for him by the Greek government and took his guard flag team into the city of Athens .

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