Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 86: White club

"The game has just begun, Weierle, it has just begun." The empire's head sent Kettle's telegram to the chief of staff, and picked up warm black tea from the table.

Xu Jun chose the name "fluffy bear", which has two meanings, one is "toy" and the other is "gift". The "fluffy bear" is only a sub-link in the entire huge plan, and the ultimate goal is only one, that is to defeat the powerful Soviet Union.

Four months ago, this was still an impossible goal, but after four months, Xu Jun had already seen the dawn of hope, and victory was no longer an unrealistic dream.

He has mastered the entire Europe. Although the loyalty of these countries is extremely suspicious, when facing the red giant bear, I believe that no country will have both ends.

Xu Jun found that the threat of the Soviet Union was the best catalyst that could help Germany to firmly unite this group of allied babies. Regardless of the type of government, the constitutional monarchy, or the republic, these countries all believed in capitalism. The most feared thing for those in power and the upper classes is the outbreak of a left-wing revolution like Soviet Russia.

The Soviet Union advocated the destruction of the old class and the old order. These politicians and capitalists will surely lose everything in the revolution, even the lives of their wives and children. As long as they think of this possibility, no one will be willing to die.

This is also the reason why fascism is popular in Europe, because only extreme nationalism can fight the left-wing ideological trend welcomed by the grassroots, and only the equally organized Black Shirt and Nazi parties can fight a large number of left-wing political parties. Italy has won, Germany has won, the left wing is quickly eliminated, and the kings and politicians no longer have to worry about being dragged out and shot, but the price the country paid for these choices was completely unexpected. .

Xu Jun’s arrival does not change this pattern. European countries’ fear of red power even exceeds that of Nazi Germany. Now, under the guidance of Germany, these countries may be the first real unity in history. They Be united with the enemy, and even put down the contradictions and hatred accumulated over the centuries, and jointly fight the threat from the East.

Xu Jun produced a lot of evidence, true or false, to prove the Soviet Union’s ambitions for European territories. The Russians never gave up their dream of cannibalizing Europe. These Slavs did not change at all. From Tsarist Russia to the Soviet Union, they just changed a new coat.

Xu Jun convinced these prime ministers and presidents, dictators, kings, and regents that the Russians were preparing for war in full swing. He even provided a large number of coordinates of military bases and factories to the intelligence systems of these countries, allowing them to go in person. Verify the authenticity of this information.

Xu Jun believes that they will see the continuous flow of tanks and aircrafts going down the assembly line, and they will see hundreds of fortress bases and barracks, the elite Red Army soldiers who are almost countless. They will also see the tragic cleansing and see how the red regime can calmly and efficiently wipe out the enemies. This scene will surely frighten those politicians, and then they will devote themselves to resisting the eastern threat with greater enthusiasm. At work.

This is how the British are now. They reckon that if Germany cannot stop the Soviet attack, the whole of Europe will fall completely in four to six months. With the power currently retained by Britain, there is simply no way to stop the red giant bear from swimming across the strait.

If you ask the United States to participate in the war, you may be able to stabilize the front, but the British are well aware of the nature of the cousin.

The British have never dreamed of it. They will one day pin their hopes on the Germans. The evidence produced by Xu Jun obviously frightened the British. What is more terrible is that these evidences have also been confirmed by the intelligence department at this time. Even the most determined anti-Nazi politicians have abandoned their ideas, because the Nazis are certainly fierce and in their eyes are not comparable to the red Soviet Russia.

In the eyes of capitalists, dictatorship is not a problem at all. They themselves are small dictators in their own companies. The Nazis and the Black Shirts rarely violate the interests of capitalists and chaebols. They are even willing to cooperate with capital. Cooperation to share the dividends brought by state power.

The red regime will not only seize their wealth, but also wipe out their class, deprive them of power, and even completely wipe out their **. In the face of this threat, they will of course make instinctive choices, chaebols and politicians We will stop this terrible thing from happening to us at all costs.

In order to cope with the threat that is bound to come, Xu Jun formulated a complex and huge plan, code-named "Winter", and "fluffy bear" is only one of the important links. Once this plan is successful, the fighting power of the Red Army will be If it is severely weakened, it will win more chances than Germany.

Xu Jun knew that during this time period, the latest Soviet medium-sized tank t34 had been successfully finalized and was gradually being put into mass production. The performance and data of this classic tank are everywhere, and the author will not elaborate here.

The designer of T34 Kostin died of illness in mid-September 1940. The current person in charge is his deputy Alexander Molotov. At this time, he is leading the Kharkiv Tank Design Bureau to drive the T34. The system is further improved. The initial production of this type of tank was not smooth, and most of the parts were outsourced to other units. As a result, the levels of production plants around the country were uneven, and the defective rate of parts was very high. Even if the sample cars are added together, the total number cannot exceed 100.

At this time, the designer is still making various subtle adjustments and improvements to the tank in accordance with the feedback from the troops after use. According to the real history, it will not be until mid-forty-one years before the production of t34 is really on track. The total production of such tanks has soared to more than 2,800.

The "fluffy bear" plan was formulated for the Soviet tank replacement plan, with the goal of creating a false impression for the Soviet Union. The new tanks they were proud of were not only mastered by the Germans, but also by the Germans. Powerful products can easily destroy all tanks of the Soviet Union.

The most crucial point of this plan is that regardless of whether the marshal generals believe it or not, as long as Stalin believes it alone, every link in this plan is closely intertwined, and the leader's doubts are targeted.

Stalin was cold and cold by nature, and would not believe in anyone. He could betray his own right for power, and he believed that other people would be like him, and they would not believe in absolute loyalty.

He only believed in what he saw, and extremely despised the so-called expert authority. He was just stunned and rude and rude. He was fierce in dealing with dissidents. At this time, the entire Soviet Union was firmly in his hands, and the society almost Not to dare to criticize his voice.

But Stalin has a heart disease that has been entangled with him. His most stubborn and most threatening enemy is still living somewhere in the world. As long as the person still lives in this world, Stalin can’t sleep peacefully. .

Toloski, the founder of the Soviet and Red Army, and the founder of the Third and Fourth International, has been ousted by Stalin, even expelled from the party and exiled abroad, but Stalin did not feel safe at all.

If he had the power that he has today, then Trotsky had long been dragged to that mountain and executed, where could there be such trouble now. But at the time, Trotsky still had a huge network in the country. After so many years of work, this old Bolshevik party leader and students had long spread throughout the Soviet Union. At that time, Stalin had not been able to cover the sky inside and outside the party. This person is so prestigious, so he can only exile the other party out of the line of sight forever.

Where is Trotsky who is easy to lose, since he left the Soviet Union, he has not stopped his activities against Stalin, not only wrote an article from time to time to scold Stalin as a **** dog, but also often sent followers back to the Soviet activities to expose With propaganda Stalin's shortcomings and **.

Most of the major cleansing in history was to eliminate the Trotskyists in the country, because Stalin suspected that Trotsky's partisans and believers were secretly organizing a plot to overthrow himself.

If Trotsky and his party are not eliminated from the world one day, Stalin's doubts will not be relieved. In history, after the assassination of Tolowski on August 20, 1940, the domestic cleansing in the Soviet Union came to an abrupt halt. If there is no necessary connection, it is too coincidental. Because Stalin knew very well that he would no longer be able to pose any threat to him if he lost his Trotskyist.

Now, the **** guy is still alive, and there are signs that his contacts and activities with the country have become more frequent, and it seems that he is planning a big conspiracy. As for any conspiracy, what else can Trotsky do, of course, wanting to murder a great loving father and stealing Soviet leadership, it is really unreasonable.

Therefore, the domestic cleansing in the Soviet Union not only did not stop, but intensified even more.

At this time, Trotsky and his "secret organization" were crowned with the code name of "White Club" by Beria, and requested that once they discovered the clues of the organization's activities, they must immediately report to Stalin himself.

ps: Chapter 2 is delivered, thank you for your support,

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Thank you for your support. (To be continued.)

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