Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 99: Weapon (medium)

With good bullets, there must be a rifle that fires such bullets. Xu Jun doesn't have many choices. After all, until the end of World War II, there was no automatic rifle with excellent performance. What Xu Jun wanted from the beginning was an automatic rifle, not an assault rifle that fired medium-power bullets.

Now because of Xu Jun’s decision, the famous mp44 in history has disappeared, and the supporting German 7.9233mm short bullet will not appear again, which will inevitably affect the invention of the Soviet 7.6239 bullet. The Soviets can only use 7.62nato for reference. Bounce, which means that the ak series has to be delayed for a long time before it appears, and it will not even be designed at all, unless the history of Hugo Schmeier is repeated again, and now it seems that this is obviously unlikely.

The weapon chosen by President Xu was the first automatic rifle equipped with the famous g3 automatic rifle after the post-war Federal Republic of Germany rebuilt the National Defense Force.

To say that the g3 rifle was developed in the early 1950s, it is actually beyond the scope of Xu Jun's database. The problem is that Xu Jun has a complete set of drawings of its design prototype ceam.m50 automatic rifle, and more importantly, Xu Jun once disassembled and assembled this rifle.

That private military museum not only collected World War II equipment, but also a lot of Army equipment during the division of East and West Germany. Of course, the famous G3 rifle was indispensable. As the main technician of the museum, Xu Jun once dismantled and maintained the entire g3 gun family (it was so fun to play at the time o(*≧▽≦)ツ), he knew the parts and structure inside, and even he could draw with nothing. Come out a gun structure diagram.

At that time Xu Jun would never have thought that this rifle would become his own "invention" in another time and space.

The semi-rigid roller lock gun is not a technical secret. It only has some improvements on the roller lock gun. The latter is mg42. Now it is called the lock form of the mg40 machine gun. This structure can effectively reduce the gun. The recoil produced.

The semi-rigid roller lock gun is a new type of lock structure developed on the basis of the roller lock structure. Historically, it was not until the end of the war that it was invented by the gun designer Ludwig Grimler of Mauser. On this basis, the last assault rifle stg45 of Nazi Germany was developed. It should be pointed out that this weapon still fires 7.92 short bombs.

At the end of the war, Grimler was captured by the Allied forces. The Stg45 was assembled for the British in a Dutch prisoner of war camp. After his release, he was sent to France to begin the development of assault rifles for the French.

At that time, the French Mulhouse Machinery Studio was developing a new assault rifle for the French Army. The technical prototype was stg45. The French who did not change their deaths even asked this new automatic rifle to develop three models that fired different caliber ammunition. In order to compare with the Ministry of Defense, one is the German 7.92 short ammunition, the other is the 7.6535mm intermediate ammunition developed by France itself, and the third is the 7.5mm carbine bullet.

As a result, Grimler came up with a design that satisfied the French. This is an automatic rifle with a tripod and a folding stock. The performance was quite excellent at the time. The problem is that at this time, France is suppressing the uprising in French Indochina. The military expenditure is not enough to make ends meet. In addition, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is being established. The French army's demand for new weapons is not very strong. The French finally canceled this weapon project.

However, the design of the ceamm50 has been completed. This weapon is very similar to the g3 rifle at this time, only there are slight differences in the heat protection handguard and the magazine.

After the project was dismounted, Grimler lost his job, but he quickly received an invitation from Spain to ask him to design a standard rifle for Spain. Grimler immediately left for Spain and was hired by the Spanish Setema organization (Spanish Technology and Special Materials R&D Center), a government agency specializing in the development of light weapons.

Grimler brought French ceamm50 design drawings (Spain called it ame49 type), and on this basis, he developed a Scitech rifle that fired 7.6251mm bullets. It is only at this time that Spain uses reduced ammunition. It was not until G3 appeared that it was improved to a model that can fire fully loaded ammunition.

Subsequently, the Federal Republic of Germany signed a weapon purchase contract with Spain. In addition to importing a batch of such rifles, it also required that the German-designed rifle could be produced in Germany. In the end, Grimler returned to his motherland with a Settmai rifle, and further improved Settmai in the famous company hk (Heckel and Koch), which was finally finalized in 1956. G3 automatic rifle.

But history has changed now. This rifle will appear in this world 16 years earlier, perhaps 15 years, depending on how efficient Mauser's work is.

The Mauser company has been numb to the incessant inventions of the heads of state. They are even more confident than the heads of state. They have no doubt about the feasibility of the design. Now a group of Mauser factory designers are redesigning the structural drawings. There was the original designer of this gun, Ludwig Grimler.

Xu Jun just drew the design sketch of this weapon, as well as the structural details and technical parameters. The rest of the work and production drawings need to be drawn by the technical staff. However, Xu Jun has already produced the most critical drawings of the casing and the gun machine. The remaining work is almost not difficult for this group of experts. Because the required data heads are already very clear, they only need to add some details.

The firearm technicians at the Mauser factory directly made metal parts by hand and conducted a series of mechanical tests. As a result, they found that the design of the head of state was very good and the gun machine operated smoothly.

The technicians at the Mauser plant were completely fascinated by the weapon, not only because of the design of the head of state, but also because of this automatic mode, which opened a new world door for them.

In addition to this roller structure, can other modes be used? Is deflection locking possible? Will semi-free guns work? Many people began to devote themselves to the design of automatic weapons.

The Mauser plant tried every means to fully understand this advanced design, and at the same time began to build special fixtures and molds for this weapon, and made initial preparations for the final establishment of a production line.

This weapon uses a large number of stamping parts and castings. There are not many parts that require manual cutting. It can be expected that the production time spent is quite small, and the cost is easy to master. It can basically be controlled at about 50 marks, according to a mark of 70. Calculated by the purchase price, Mauser can get a profit of 40%. Although it does not seem to be much, it can’t hold it. The amount is large. If you follow the plan of the head of state, the first batch will be prepared to purchase 200,000 pieces, and the head of state The ultimate goal is to completely replace the original Mauser rifle with this rifle, which will be a big business involving tens of millions of marks.

This rifle is only a part of the heads-up replacement plan. The heads-up also developed a new submachine gun based on this locking mechanism to replace the original mp38/40 series.

This new submachine gun uses 9mm Bella Bloom bullets, with a front handguard and a pull-down folding stock, and a curved magazine with a capacity of 30 rounds. You guessed it, this is the future. Terrorists b31 bashed with fear and fear! It should be an mp5 submachine gun.

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