Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 101: Weapon (4)

The m24 grenades are usually stored in metal boxes. Each box contains fifteen grenades. Why is it singular, because there is space for the fuse box of the grenades.

As mentioned in the previous article, the German grenades are separated from the fuze and the body during transportation, which can ensure the safety of transportation, because the tnt charge can only be detonated only when the detonator is used. Even when it is exposed to fire, it will only slowly Burning, which is why it is called "safe explosive".

Only before the battle did the Germans attach fuzes to the grenades and distribute them to the soldiers in need, but when the frontline ammunition was tight, only the veterans could get the grenades because they were more capable of playing this weapon than rookies. .

Some information in later generations showed that the throwing distance of the unhandled grenade was farther than the handle, and some data showed the opposite situation. In fact, it is very simple. The light things are always thrown farther than the heavy ones. The total weight of the US military's mkii grenades is 595 grams and the weight of the m24 is exactly the same. The distance thrown by the two is similar, but depending on the amount of charge, the German m24 is 170 grams, but the mkii is only 65 grams. , The difference between the two is more than twice.

mkii is a defensive grenade. The killing mechanism is different from m24. In fact, you should not compare the two. This is mentioned here to illustrate that under the condition of equal charge, the handle grenade is often thrown because of the special throwing method. Farther than the egg grenade.

Of course, this also depends on the user's physique and habits. For example, many Americans have learned to play baseball since childhood, so throwing grenades is better than the Germans. On the contrary, they are also uncomfortable when they throw German handle grenade. .

The Germans also have oval grenades without handles. The stereotype number is m39. It is also an offensive grenade. It uses a thin steel plate shell pressed by the upper and lower halves. The killing range is controlled within five meters like the m24. The weight is only 340. Ten grams, so the throwing distance is farther than m24. At the same time, because the charge is reduced to one hundred and twelve grams, the power also drops a little. Of course, the enemy soldiers who suffered a grenade might not agree. This view.

Xu Jun is going to make a substantial improvement is the m39 grenade. He wants to use a mechanical fuze to replace the original fire tube. In this regard, there is a bunch of designs that can be used for reference by the head of Xu Da, such as the mkii of the US military. Xu Jun found that the m39 equipped with a mechanical fuze and insurance film looks almost exactly the same as the m26 that the US military later equipped. It makes one wonder if there is anything in it Related.

Xu Jun expects that the Germans will face a brutal tug-of-war on the Eastern Front, mainly around various support points and strong defense lines, so the troops must be equipped with a large number of defensive grenades.

The production of m24 grenade steel ball or grooved wire nesting has been placed on the top priority. As for the improved type of m39, which has been designated as m40 grenades, it is still made of thin steel stamping, but there is an interlayer of prefabricated fragments inside, and each grenade is filled with 150 alloy steel **** of two millimeters in diameter. The punching steel plate with a thickness of two millimeters can be penetrated within the killing range.

The weight of this grenade is one hundred grams more than m39. The amount of charge has not changed. Soldiers can hang it on the belt around the waist, or use a special canvas carrying bag, and a three-pack canvas grenade leg bag , Can be used by paratroopers and mountain troops.

Xu Jun also equipped a batch of captured grenades in the German army, such as the Mills grenades mentioned above. The German army has a good impression on it, especially the insurance design, which can interrupt the throwing during combat. You need to do just Reinsert the safety plug and replace it with the German army's own m24 and m39. After pulling the string, it can only be thrown out.

The grenade has only these improvements for the time being. Of course, it will also develop some special bombs, such as the German smoker's favorite smoke bomb. This is the most commonly used weapon in the platoon offensive. The German infantry tactics emphasized the smoke barrier on the attacking side. effect.

After talking about grenades, let's take a look at the German grenades. The Germans currently have only two types of grenades, one is high-explosive anti-personnel bullets, and the other is anti-armored grenades. The former is about 30 grams, and the latter uses hollow charges. , Can penetrate 50 mm steel plate, the performance can only be said in the early stage of World War II, the original army senior was prepared to use this stuff to fill the gap in firepower between grenades and mortars, the result is that most front-line troops use only To attack some solid targets.

The existing German rifle grenade launcher is called smk (a grenade launcher with a sight at the muzzle). Note that m is capitalized, otherwise it will become a steel core armor-piercing projectile. This launcher is set on the bayonet card holder. On the muzzle, it is used to fire personal anti-personnel and anti-armored grenades. Because the grenade charge currently equipped by the Germans is only 30 grams, the power and range are quite touching.

What is even more surprising is that the number of such smk grenade launchers distributed to the troops is not very large, and the current weapon used by the Germans to launch grenade is actually a signal gun that was shaped in 1928.

And because the prototype signal gun is a smooth-bore barrel, it is not suitable for firing grenades. The German army also specially added five rifles to this gun. In order to distinguish it from the prototype, the gun was marked with a z-shaped mark, so the German army called this grenade pistol. "Z combat pistol".

The performance of this weapon on the French battlefield is very general, mainly because the power of the ammunition is too weak, and the long-range accuracy is too low. It often requires soldiers to shoot at the target, which is really not as convenient as the use of grenades.

In the history of Germany, the famous "shooting cup" grenade launcher was not invented at this time. In fact, this type of 42-type grenade launcher will not be fully equipped until 43 years, and each combat team can only Get one.

To tell the truth, the Germans are not very cold about the grenade at the moment, because they were appalled by the performance of the "z combat pistol" on the French battlefield, and the response of the smk was not very good. The residue and flame of the medicine will damage the muzzle of the rifle, so it is not popular with German soldiers.

Now that Germany has replaced its new head of state, the embarrassing position of the grenade in the German army is about to change. At this time, European countries were more or less equipped with some grenade launchers for launching special grenade or conventional grenades. It should be pointed out here that among similar weapons, Japan is at the forefront of the entire world. They designed and developed In addition to the unique toss barrel, both performance and power have surpassed those of European counterparts.

Before the Battle of England, the British made a grenade launcher like a dog, but this is just a rough emergency product. It is completely different from the Japanese professional bomb thrower.

Xu Jun also thought about equipping a tossing barrel in the German army, but found that the position of the 50mm mortar of the Germans overlapped. Compared with the tossing barrel that requires long-term training and accumulated experience, it has a full set of sights. With a mortar, it is easier for Xinding to get started.

Head Xu Da put his gaze back on the grenade launcher. He could directly take out the 42 shot cup system in history, but after seeing a large number of advanced models of future generations, His Excellency, the head of state, had long ignored this thing in his eyes. Too.

Finally, after repeated selection, Xu Jun finally determined a grenade launcher that he thought was the most suitable for the current German army. That was to let the Viet Cong guerrillas bleed to the ground in the jungle of Vietnam, the US military m79 grenade launcher.

Some later generations also called it the m79 handgun or howitzer. This weapon was destined to be covered with blood from the day of its birth. Until the 21st century, this weapon was still in service in the special forces of the US military. It was only discovered that this silly-looking black weapon had already fought for the United States for almost half a century.

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