Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 103: Firepower (1)

The German head of state has a special insight into the future, and it has become a well-known secret in the German headquarters. Of course, this is a topic that can only be discussed in private, otherwise it will not be called a "secret." Too.

The headquarters is relatively optimistic in overall strategy, because the National Defense Force has never been stronger than it is today, and it is constantly steadily strengthening at all times. If Germany is given sufficient preparation time, the red giant bear in the East will be very Almost no longer is a threat.

But will the Soviet Union give Germany this time? If Stalin’s mind has not been spoiled by vodka, he will definitely feel that the pressure that Germany is putting on the Soviet Union is increasing. He is an egoist like Hitler, and he will never let this go. This situation continues.

The Soviet Red Army has always advocated active offensive. The creators of the Red Army firmly believed that offensive is the best defense. What is interesting is that the root of this idea came from the Prussian Army. After the destruction of Napoleon's French army, there was no more aggressive army in Europe than the Germans. If any, it was also trained from the German school.

The judgment of the head of state and the headquarters is the same, that is, war will inevitably occur between the Soviet Union and Germany. This is not a problem that can be solved by one or two agreements or a memorandum of settlement. The two sides not only have a fierce conflict in the national ideology At the same time, in terms of geopolitics, the contradictions between the two sides are difficult to reconcile. Stalin wanted to expand his sphere of influence in Europe, but Germany blocked his expansion, which the proud Georgian could not tolerate.

Stalin also had a trace of vigilance against Germany in history, but it was not as serious as it is today. According to the information obtained at present, the Soviet Union is launching a spy war against Germany, and from the strength of its operations, it is clear that the Soviets have begun to regard Germany as a The first threat.

At the end of 1940 in history, Germany was still facing England on the Western Front. The National Defense Forces were busy building submarine caves and coastal forts on the French coast. The Navy was fiercely engaged in breaking engagements on the Atlantic. It was a way to prepare to die with the British guys, so the Soviet Union believed that before the settlement of the Western Front, Germany would not completely tear the face with the Soviet Union, and with the deployment of the German troops on the eastern border, it was completely unable to deal with the powerful Soviet create a threat.

But the situation has changed dramatically. Germany has conquered the whole of Europe, and is integrating the powers of European countries at an alarming rate, pulling them into their new political system and establishing a solid military alliance. Imagine that once they complete this project, the Soviet Union will face not only Germany and his weak servants, but an extremely powerful Europa alliance.

If the Soviet Union does not want to succumb to the pressure of the European Union in the future, it can only initiate a swift, devastating, pre-emptive campaign aimed at crushing the enemy alliance before the opponents have accumulated enough power to destroy the Soviets. Lightning war. The most effective way to crush this alliance is to defeat and even completely destroy the foundation and core of this alliance, the powerful German Third Reich.

The Soviet Red Army has a good understanding of the German blitz theory. Don’t forget that the Soviet Union and Germany have had a long-term military cooperation. A large part of the German armored soldiers and pilots were trained on the Soviet territory. During the honeymoon period of cooperation between the two countries, the senior commanders of the two sides also carried out many substantial exchanges in the use of armored forces and air forces. The Soviet Red Army is no stranger to the German air-to-ground joint strike method. .

The Soviet Union also has its own theory of large-depth warfare. In fact, at the tactical level, it has many similarities with the German blitz theory. From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as a Russian enhanced version of the German blitz.

The Soviet Union itself had excellent conditions beyond the reach of the Third Reich at that time. She had a vast territory, a huge population, and uncountable energy and mineral resources.

The Soviet Red Army never had to worry about its lack of military strength and equipment, let alone worry about fuel and raw materials. Soviet weapons will not give up mass production because a certain part needs rare metals, let alone brainstorming for replacement materials, resulting in a decline in weapon quality.

The huge population base brings to the Soviet Union’s almost endless reserve soldiers. Just like the Germans encountered in history, if you destroy an infantry division of the other side, two will appear in the back, facing this endless tug of war. The war, even a veteran German veteran who had been through a hundred battles, had to feel pessimistic.

At this time, the Soviet Union not only completed the industrial transformation, but also formed a considerable scale. She has enough labor and resources to create an iron army in a very short time.

She is one of the very few countries in the world that can be self-sufficient. The long border line also makes it difficult to be completely blocked. Even if Europe is blocked by Germany, she can still find a breakthrough in the Far East.

These congenital conditions possessed by the Soviet Union, combined with the technical and economic support of Germany and the United States, have enabled her to build a large Red Army whose number exceeds that of any European country. At the same time, both technical and tactical levels have been established. Has a mid-to-upper level in the contemporary era.

The performance of Soviet weapons has approached or even surpassed some mainstream European countries. This has been clearly shown in the Spanish Civil War, that is, the Soviet Union’s intervention in the Spanish Civil War and the left-wing wave that extended to the Balkans have caused the whole of Europe to start. Be alert to threats from the East.

The huge scale of the Soviet Red Army is the most important condition for realizing the theory of large-depth combat. To put it plainly, it is to rely on almost endless soldiers to launch a large-scale blitz that continuously advances deep into the enemy.

However, due to the limited number of infantry and equipment troops, the Germans could only focus on the armored forces to launch a point-to-point raid, and then the infantry would consolidate the occupied area and encircle and clean up the enemies, although they can successfully break through the enemy’s defense line. However, the armored forces were limited by the consumption of fuel and ammunition during the battle, and soon lost the ability to continue to advance in depth.

Compared with the delicate and fierce Blitzkrieg of the Germans, Soviet tactics are quite simple and crude. If the Soviet Red Army is allowed to attack the targets faced by the Germans, what will happen?

Soviet commanders can easily assemble four or five times more armored forces than Germany, and then divide these armored forces into several clusters, each of which has a combat capability comparable to that of the German main force.

When the attack begins, the Red Army will use the first cluster to break through the enemy's defense line and open a gap in the enemy's position. Then the cluster will no longer move forward, but will cooperate with the infantry unit to consolidate the combat results on the spot and defend the enemy. The counterattack blocked the breakthrough again.

Next, the Red Army will make the second armored group in the rear to pass through the breach and attack in the direction of the enemy's depth until it reaches the enemy's second defense line. Then the second group launches an attack to open the breach, and the morale is unscathed. The third armored group continued to assault in the depth direction through the breakthrough, followed by the fourth and fifth, until the strategic reserve team was put into combat.

This continuous armored assault will theoretically completely disrupt or even destroy the enemy’s command and logistics system, causing the enemy to lose unified command and supply throughout the entire depth area, and eventually be divided by the Red Army Infantry Forces with absolute military superiority Surrounded by annihilation.

Of course, the actual combat is not as simple as the author said. This is a fairly complicated theoretical system of combat, which requires the coordination of the arms of step, frank, artillery, and air. It is not clear in two words.

In fact, most Soviet commanders did not really understand the essence of this theory until the end of World War II, because the battlefield situation on the Eastern Front was too complicated, and they rarely had the opportunity to accumulate the power to use this tactic, but also lacked The material conditions of this tactic are used, so most of the time they still use the most conventional Soviet tactical operations.

PS: The first chapter is served. After eating the second chapter of the meal code, it may be later. Friends who go to bed early do not have to wait.

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