Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 109: pier

The French only partially modified the Normandy, mainly for cabins below the first class, such as changing the double-layer wooden bed in the guest room to a four-layer steel frame bed, increasing the number of sanitary and water supply facilities, and the lower deck The installation of simple ventilation ducts expanded the size of the kitchen and dining room to meet the living needs of tens of thousands of French officers and soldiers loaded on the ship during wartime transportation.

However, the French did not change the facilities and layout of the rooms above the first class, and still retained the luxury facilities and interior decoration originally provided to the first-class passengers, and provided senior officers and VIP accommodation according to the level.

After all, the French have not been extravagant enough to transform such a world-class super-luxury cruise ship into an ocean-going troop ship. Super cruise ships of this level, like Normandy, are very few in existence today. The French are ready to wait for the replacement of her professional high-speed troop carrier and return the ship to its original appearance, and put it back into commercial operation.

However, before that, France still needed her to continue to serve the country, quickly travel between the mainland and the Far East colonies, and transport important materials, military equipment and soldiers to the east.

This ship can transport a light infantry division and its associated ammunition and equipment from France to Southeast Asia in one voyage. It only takes about fifteen days to complete the journey, two of which are still consumed by the port to stop for supply. Yes, the deployment speed in the 1940s should be quite amazing.

When the Normandy returned from French Indochina, the ship would of course not be empty. In addition to the resources and commodities produced by the colonies of various countries, the Normandy also carried the expatriates of various Asian colonies preparing to return to Europe, and the active troops dispatched back to the European mainland. And veterans who are preparing to return home.

When the European countries rebuilt their military, they found that the gap between the middle-level officers was very large. The formation of officers was a systematic project, and the entire cycle time was relatively long. So the high-level officers focused their attention on officers serving overseas, because these people accepted It is the most formal military education before the war. At the same time, they have accumulated a lot of military management tips for their long-term service abroad. So during this time, colonial officers were often transferred back to serve in the country. Basically, these people would be organized into reorganized troops to serve as middle-level officers.

The Normandy was not moored at Suez Port, but was parked on the military pier next to the Kibiritz (also translated as Kabilite) Air Force Base. More than a thousand passengers disembarked here and a large amount of materials were unloaded The supplies are all weapons and ammunition produced by the Indian arsenal.

The British are currently building a strong army in Egypt, prepared to respond to the anti-British wave that is spreading in the middle and lower middle of the Middle East. Those desert chiefs who are behind the waves think that they are hiding very well, but they are too underestimating British intelligence. The Empire’s military intelligence bureau is not a place to eat fish and potatoes. The British Empire already has sufficient evidence of these people’s activities. Only when the time is right will this group of **** be uprooted and wiped out. This time the British will not Will be soft-hearted, in order to maintain the stability of the British empire, they must use steel and blood to deter others.

Two German officers and their French female companions, mixed in the crowd of people, walked down the gangway of the cruise ship, followed by a few white cloth-wrapped Indian handymen, carrying their luggage on their shoulders.

"The weather is good today." Standing on a military pier covered with large prefabricated concrete floors, Krieger's hand set up a pergola and looked at the blue sky.

"It's a good weather to fly, we'll wait here first, the telegram says someone will pick us up here." Horne took out his wallet from his pocket and counted a few 5 Finney coins (one mark for exchange) One hundred Finney), stuffed into the hands of the leading Indian handyman.

Because the local Egyptians were really unreliable, the British hired some coolies from India to serve the army. These Indian handymen who help passengers carry luggage are one of them. These people are all Dalit (divided Untouchables outside the caste system, the so-called untouchables.) Ironically, they have learned a lot of modern knowledge from the British masters, and gained self-esteem that they have never felt in their hometown, so they work quite well Hard work and loyalty.

German soldiers were not allowed to own civilian currency when Hitler was in power. Soldiers can only use military currency issued by the army, which is notorious military tickets. They can use military IDs and military tickets. They can be used in the barracks of the barracks or designated as In a service store for soldiers, it is generally cheaper to buy a variety of goods for the military than on the market, and some are rations that cannot be bought from outside.

Historically, after conquering more than half of Europe, the German army arbitrarily used military tickets to purchase foreign goods in the occupied area. This military ticket is also called the occupation mark, because it does not require any reserves and collateral. The currency of the credit guarantee.

At the end of the war in history, German soldiers with only military tickets in their hands began to use this kind of paper money to shop in Germany, causing serious confusion to the economic activities of Germany.

In fact, after the Allied forces occupied Germany, they also issued military tickets. They were called the Allied Marks. They could be exchanged with the Imperial Mark and the Leiden Mark on the German market at that time. You should know that the Imperial Mark is the gold standard currency, and the foreign exchange rate did not depreciate much until the defeat. The cause of domestic inflation in Germany is the extreme shortage of commodities, not the national currency. The Imperial Mark still maintains its original gold content. The Ledenmark is a currency issued with land as collateral, and the exchange rate of the gold mark is maintained at one to one. It can be said that the Allied forces rely on the issue of the Allied Mark, which is indeed a fortune.

However, after Xu Jun came to power, he ordered that German soldiers be prohibited from using military tickets in the occupied territories. All officers and soldiers serving outside Germany are allowed to own and use locally issued or international currency.

Of course, when the German soldiers are serving in the country, the original regulations must still be followed. The German military issues internally used military currency, mainly to allow soldiers to reduce contact with the civilians, avoid problems such as economic disputes, and facilitate the military’s ability to fund Recycling and management, the control of soldiers' shopping channels alone, can give the Army a stable source of money.

Horne’s military expenses during his overseas service were all imperial Mark cash. When he set off, he also received an additional special grant from the command headquarters. A thick stack of new French francs was eaten and lived in French Indochina. In the military camp, he didn't spend much money. On the contrary, he also got a lot of oil and water in the jungle. He does not have any financial pressure at present, but the frugal habit he has developed on weekdays cannot be changed in a short time.

"It seems that the guy who picked us up is late." Lieutenant Krieger looked at the busy scene around him. Most of the passengers who had disembarked had left. Now only the sailors of the cruise ship and the dock staff were left on the dock, and they were busy getting cargo from the boat. Military supplies are unloaded in the warehouse.

The two French beauties were sitting side by side on Lieutenant Krieger's suitcase at the moment, playing together with a white parasol with lace, and the style should be Miss Dewar's personal belongings.

"Perhaps because something was delayed, a little patience, Krieger." Horne took the cigarette case out of his pocket and handed it to the two ladies first.

"You are a gentleman." Miss Dewar picked up a cigarette from the box without seeing it.

"Thank you, I don't smoke." Miss Bron declined with a wave of her hand.

"Relax, it shouldn't make us wait too long." Horne pulled a lighter from his pocket and helped Miss Duvale light the cigarette.

"The temperature is quite comfortable now, if in July and August, the outdoor temperature can sometimes be as high as forty degrees or more." Horn handed Krieger a cigarette.

"Wouldn't it be dried into dried meat."

"No problem at all, if you can't add water in time."

"How about the water in Egypt, is it delicious?"

"The water quality is good in some places, but there are some wells in the desert. The water quality is so poor that people cannot swallow it and can only use it for drinking animals."

"Have you encountered that high temperature last time you went to Cairo?"

"How to say, I went on a summer vacation." Two German officers were smoking cigarettes while chatting with the two beauties about non-nutritive topics.

"Look at the captain, is that coming to pick up our car?" Miss Bloom said suddenly, pointing in a direction, and several people quickly turned their fingers along their fingers.

Only found that a classic convertible car was slowly approaching them. It was really a few years to see that style. With the gasp of the engine, the exhaust pipe at the rear sometimes sprayed black smoke from time to time.

ps: The first chapter is served. After eating the meal code, the second chapter may be later. Friends who go to bed early can read it tomorrow.

At the end of the month, continue to ask for monthly tickets, the author needs more motivation, thank you for your support of this book.

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