Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 114: landing

The airflow stirred the plywood skin of Xunlong, and the facilities in the cabin collided with each other during the tremor, and a worrying "dongdong" sound was made.

This is a short-distance passenger aircraft with excellent performance. It is a star product of the British company "De Havilland". Since its birth, I do not know how many British celebrities have ever used this aircraft, and it is due to its excellent handling and safety. Familiar to the British public.

The German pilot did not understand this. He was flying this British aircraft for the first time. Although he said with full confidence, he was only trying to appease the emotions of passengers.

The flight started very smoothly. It seemed that the British Air Force Lieutenant picked them a good plane, but when the voyage was more than half, Krieger found that the right engine made a strange noise. After a simple visual inspection, the final judgment should be that the oil pipeline has failed, and the engine on his right side is slowly leaking out.

Fortunately, the lubricating oil tanks of Xunlong's two engines are independent of each other, and a leak on one side will not affect the work of the other engine. According to Kriging’s estimate, the remaining lubricant was not enough to support their return to Qibirit, and he had to make a decision immediately, whether to make a forced landing on the spot or continue to Cairo.

Krieger chose the shortest route when he set off, not flying along the desert road from Suez to Cairo, but flying straight across the desert center. At this time, under the plane is the famous Arabian desert. If Kriging calculated correctly, their position at this time is still 70 kilometers away from Cairo. Even if the forced landing on the desert was successful, Kerry did not have fresh water and supplies. Grid doubts whether they will be able to complete the journey alive.

As for waiting for the rescue of the outside world, Krieger never expected it. Especially when he discovered that the radio station also failed, he could only receive the letter but could not send it out. The Lieutenant of the German Air Force believed that this was a deliberate destruction. All this is probably a conspiracy under the British Air Force Lieutenant.

Of course, these speculations Krieger will not tell the passengers in the rear cabin, because this will only cause panic and will not help the current dilemma at all.

So Krieg simply told Horne about the problem of getting off the plane's engine, and said that it would not affect the next flight. He was confident enough to take everyone safely to their destination.

Xunlong's foundation is quite good, and De Havilland is indeed proud of the capital. Even if one engine fails, the aircraft still has enough power to drive her to continue to fly forward.

This aircraft uses two "Gypsy Queen iii" engines of two hundred and five horsepower each. It seems to be incomparable to those of fighter engines that can move up to seven or eight hundred horsepower, but considering that the aircraft is fully loaded The weight is only 2.5 tons, which is enough power to allow her to reach a speed of 250 kilometers per hour. This is a very good record for a six-seater passenger aircraft designed in the 1930s.

"Don't worry, it's just a little shaking, and it will be better when it descends to 600 meters." Krieger comforted the passengers behind with a loud grip on the joystick with a distinct British style (a symmetrical top) The ring-mounted structure is convenient for pilots to hold and exert force).

"I believe you, Caruz, come on." Miss Duvally replied loudly with fear.

The performance of the two French girls surprised Captain Horne. They could see that they were scared, but they insisted on not crying and screaming like ordinary girls. These two strong-hearted women remind Captain Horne of his hometown. The beautiful girl wearing the Hitler Girls' dress was once so brave and strong.

"Be careful, it's all yours, Lieutenant Krieger." Horne looked at the earthy ground below and turned his face and shouted to the pilot.

"It's no problem, it's all up to me." Krieger raised a hand to let the passengers in the rear cabin see his thumbs up.

"Sir, the plane didn't answer. It should have been a communication failure." The Royal Air Force Major reported to Colonel Henry.

"Is this kind of thing common? Major Whitewood." Sir Faye chimed in.

"The temperature difference between day and night is very large, and there are often some glitches in the radio equipment." Whitewood replied.

"Can't you contact them by other means?" Colonel Henry frowned.

"We can use flares or smoke, but sir, is this necessary? They are about to land in a few minutes." Major Whitewood asked. That Xunlong was the Royal Air Force's own aircraft. How to say it is all its own The same robe.

"The problem is the German," Colonel Henry just said here, and the lookout screamed outside the awning.

"Sir, the Xunlong engine on the right has stopped."

"What? What the hell." The Royal Air Force major hurriedly rushed out of the awning and looked up at the Xunlong who was entering the landing route.

"You're right, the right propeller is feathering at a slow speed." The major lowered his telescope and turned his head to the star officer behind him, asking: "Is the fire truck and ambulance in place?".

"Yes, sir." The answer is yes.

"Let them immediately go to the runway to stand by, hoping they won't be used."

"Follow your orders, sir." The star official was saluting, then turned and ran to arrange.

"Sir, another plane flies to the west, at a height of 700, is a big guy." another lookout yelled.

"This should be the special plane of the German special envoy. Damn it, it all hit a piece." The Air Force major picked up the telescope again.

"Sir, the tower reports that the German special envoy's special plane has arrived and they are ready to enter the landing route." The radio operator in the communication convertible reported loudly.

"No way, let the Germans wait in the air first and let the tower guide them to turn a few more laps." Major Whitewood ordered loudly.

"What happened?" Colonel Henry ran over and heard the sound.

"The German plane is here, right there." The Air Force Major pointed to the sky.

"What should I do now, can we wait for that plane and let the German plane land first." It sounds like Colonel Henry is consulting the opinion of the major, but the actual tone is not the same.

"That Xunlong engine failed, and I don't know if it will last." Whitewood explained.

"Hum, since you insist, then it's all up to you, Major Whitewood." Colonel Henry frowned tightly. In front of so many Air Force officers, he couldn't issue a mandatory order.

"If something goes wrong, throw this Whitewood off to blame." Colonel Hunter turned and walked into the awning, making a secret decision.

Xunlong entered the gliding route, less than one kilometer from the top of the runway. At this time, even with the naked eye, it can be seen that the right propeller of the aircraft is not rotating normally, and a faint white smoke tail is dragged behind the nacelle of the engine.

"Everyone is ready, we are about to land." Krieger informed the companion loudly. The **** have been put into the landing gear, and the aircraft's speed has dropped to 170 kilometers per hour. For this biplane, the landing speed is still slightly faster.

"Relax, promise to succeed once." Krieger cheered himself and his companions loudly.

The German pilot gently moved the joystick back, and the Xunlong nose began to lift high, and the aircraft's speed was further reduced. At this time, the wing could not bring more lift, and the landing gear began to approach the ground.

"Ten feet, five feet, three feet, pretty good job!" Whitewood couldn't help applauding the driver's skill at seeing the velociraptor's three-point landing gear touching the runway almost simultaneously.

"It's a textbook-like perfect landing. The pilot is a veteran, and I don't know if it's someone we know." The Royal Air Force major said to the star officer.

"It doesn't seem to be necessary for a fire truck." The Star Officer said with a smile.

"Send a few people to stop her on the runway and move to the taxiway immediately. We have to clear the runway as soon as possible and let the German plane land." Whitewood has no time to joke, he still has the most important work not complete.

"Follow the order, sir." The star officer was ordered to salute.

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Thank you all for your support, tomorrow's plot will be more exciting.

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