Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 119: game

"We can be sure that the deployment of the Soviet Union's troops on the eastern border will not change much by next spring." Yodall finished and handed the pointer in his hand to the deputy chief of staff.

"Is this the conclusion drawn by the combat bureau?" Xu Jun supported the desktop of the map table with one hand and looked down at the military map on the table.

"Hald, what is the opinion of the Army General Staff?" The head of state raised his head and looked at the Army Chief of Staff.

"I agree with General Yoder. We don't need to take risks now." Halde leaned slightly.

"I understand, gentlemen, I'm glad you can reach a consensus." Xu Jun threw the red and blue pencil in his hand on the map.

"Today's meeting is here, everyone go back and think about the problem I just raised. We will continue to discuss at the regular meeting three days later. Now disbanded, gentlemen" Xu Jun straightened his waist.

"Hi! Reinhardt" Marshals and generals raised their arms to salute.

"Ketter, please come with me." Xu Jun glanced at the chief of staff, and then turned back to the main entrance of the meeting room.

It was found that the door was opened from the inside, and the general adjutants and staff who were waiting in the corridor quickly stood upright. It was found that the head of the empire turned out to be shocked. The unprepared officers were startled. The scene was still for almost two or three seconds. Finally, a staff member responded and quickly raised his arms to pay tribute to the head of state. .

"Hi! Reinhardt!"

"Hi! Reinhardt!"

The slogan was somewhat jagged, but it was still strong.

"My head, where are you going to go?" Kettle followed Xu Jun in a hurry. The chief of staff of the Headquarters did not understand why the head of state did not go through the private passage specially established for him today, but chose the main entrance of ordinary officers.

"Walk with me casually, Kettle." Xu Jun did not look at Kettle, but continued striding along the corridor.

"Okay, my head." Kettle nodded quickly and agreed.

"Again? Okay. I see. No problem. I went to him immediately. You told the Guardian Flag Team. That's it." Weyler put down the phone and threw half of the documents in his hands on the desk. on.

"I'm going out, don't move the documents on the table, wait until I come back and sort them out." Weierle said to Kirsten, who was flipping the file beside the filing cabinet.

"What happened? General."

"The head of state slipped away from the front door of the meeting room."

"Who is he dragging this time?"

"Marshal Kettle, he just arrived here today." Weiller waved at Kirsten, and then closed the door.

"Wish you a good time." Looking at the closed door, Kirsten shook his head with a smile, then lowered his head and continued to read the documents.

Xu Jun’s trip to Greece was completed smoothly, meeting with the leaders of several Balkan countries one by one, and convening a joint meeting on the last day to finalize the diplomatic relations guidelines for the countries in the region and signing Germany as the leader Secret military covenant.

To tell the truth, if it was not the German head of state who was in the middle of everyone's fear, for another occasion, this group of people would have been in a mess all the time.

Xu Jun has no time to whistle against them, blood feuds and feuds, and territorial disputes. All contradictions must be conceded in front of his strategic conception. Which guy will dare to defy the evil will be regarded as sacred to the Third Reich and the Balkans Due to the dual provocation of the Covenant, Xu Jun did not mind uniting other Balkan countries and directly divided up this unremarkable commodity.

In view of the fact that Germany already has several previous convictions, Poland and Czechoslovakia are still cold, and no one in the Balkan **** dares to take the threat of the head of state as a joke. And the Soviets in the east have started to move around. Just a few months ago, the two provinces of Romania were cut off. The territorial ambitions of the red giant bears became obvious. Once the Soviet power began to expand westward, it was their Balkans that bear the brunt.

Although the Balkan barbarians have strange ideas, they still understand the truth of the cold lips. At this time, who is still in the nest, that is, the Soviet dog's running dog. In the face of resistance, it may die, but if they do not resist, they will die. If they want to survive, they can only unite by the powerful third empire.

With little effort, Xu Jun let everyone agree to his strategy. After signing a series of cooperation and alliance treaties, the German head of state gladly left Greece and successfully completed his visit.

However, instead of returning directly to Germany, he went to Vienna, Austria. He planned to stay in the Eastern Theater Command for a few days to inspect the deployment of the Eastern Defense Line.

For security and confidentiality, the head of state was stationed in the Eastern Theater Command outside Vienna, which was originally a permanent fortress built by the Austrians. The popular design in the late World War I was as strong as the fortress on the Maginot Line. Comparable.

The problem is that although the internal facilities of the headquarters are complete, it is a building for pure military use, and the head of state is bored for two or three days. This guy has just played around in Italy and Greece, and he has been playing wild outside for a long time, especially here is less than five kilometers from downtown Vienna, which is a few minutes drive

Xu Jun has long been fascinated by the famous music and art capital. He has always wanted to find an opportunity to stroll through the streets of Vienna, admire those gorgeous and elegant classic buildings, and recall the splendor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

However, the head of state's attempt was immediately obstructed by all close friends. They said that if the head of state wanted to enter Viana, he must bring the entire guard flag team and clear the local garrison early.

Vienna has always been mixed, even under German control, there are still spies from almost all European countries, and of course there will be no shortage of Soviet Soviet intelligence personnel.

At the same time, it is not uncommon for Austrian remnants who are dissatisfied with the annexation of Austria by Germany. God knows what crazy things they will do when they find the trace of the German head of state.

This time Xu Jun did not have a stubborn opinion, and he did not know whether it was a whim or a premeditated plan. He made a bet with his men. If they could slip out of the base without disturbing the guards, then they must agree to him. Proposal for a private visit to Vienna.

So Xu Jun was in this base, and he played a game of wit and courage with his adjutants. Although each time ended in failure, the head of state seemed to have some fun from it and began to deal with this. The game is fun.

"Oh, you caught you again, Weierle." Xu Jun leaned against the wall and said to Weierle outside the wall.

"I'm curious now, how exactly did you climb up, my head of state." Weierle looked at the imperial leader on the wall with his arms on his hips.

"Kettel, the plan failed. Hold the ladder steady, and I will go down immediately." The head of state lowered his head and whispered to his feet.

"Wait a minute, you won't let Marshal Kettle help the escalator." Weyler slapped his head to his head.

"Where there is such a thing, don't talk nonsense, Weierle." The head of state rarely showed an embarrassed expression.

"Okay, come down quickly. I just received Randolph's telegram, where he encountered an interesting thing."

Weierle took out a telegram from his pocket and waved at Xu Jun.

ps: The second chapter is presented. The number of words may not be large. It will be added in the chapter tomorrow.

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