Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 128: Review

Screwing in the old brass faucet, Jurgen drew his handkerchief from his pocket and dried his hands, adjusted his tie to the mirror on the wall, and the SS major nodded in satisfaction. Walking out of the well-decorated bathroom, a SS senior soldier waited by the door, holding Jurgen's walking stick and a large black brim hat.

"Sergeant Ludwig sent someone to inform you just now that he is all ready." The soldier's boots bumped and reported to the major.

"Very good, Victor." Jurgen took the big brimmed hat from his superior soldier and put it on his head, then picked up the black cane with a silver head.

This building originally belonged to the British garrison. It used to be the headquarters of the army’s Cairo depot. When Egypt was semi-independent, the British army reduced the number of garrisons in Cairo, and the depot was cancelled. The diplomatic quarters and the diaspora club of the Cairo embassy.

After the outbreak of the European War, many British expatriates and diplomats were recalled to the country. The British mainland urgently needed to recruit soldiers to resist the imminent aggression of the evil Nazis. Many people are still stranded in the UK, waiting for the decommissioning process. It is not the Germans who are preventing them from returning home, but the British bureaucracy, which is really a crying thing.

A large number of personnel returned to the country and the building was eventually vacated. After the end of the European War, the German intelligence agency settled in Egypt and immediately took a fancy to the house. The German embassy immediately appeared and bought it from the British. A total of almost 150,000 pounds was spent, anyway, this pair of wool is still on the sheep.

The foreign name here is the Military Attache’s Office of the German Embassy in Egypt, but it is actually the headquarters of Germany’s intelligence agency in the Middle East. This is already an open secret to the intelligence agencies of various countries, but everyone is silent in official exchanges. Not to mention.

The main body of this building is a four-storey building with brick and wood structure, with some simple Victorian decoration, with a huge front yard and back yard, connected by an arched corridor that runs through the center line of the whole building.

The architectural style of the British in Egypt is somewhat practical, because after experiencing several armed riots by the locals, the architects first considered the defensive role when designing. Each window of this building is equipped with iron fences, and the windows on the first and second floors are also equipped with thick wooden sashes with iron skins. There are four-by-two-inch square shooting gun holes on the windows. In the event of an accident, this building Can become a defensive fortress at any time.

During the period when they served as the headquarters of the garrison, the British army transformed the basement of the building. They renovated and expanded the underground structure, built a row of warehouses for military supplies and food, and set up dungeons to hold important criminals.

"Captain Dietrich, I am very curious about the real purpose of this building in the hands of the British. This is obviously not what they call a temporary detention point, but more like a fully functional military prison." Jurgen knocked with his cane Knocked the solid granite block on the wall.

"You're right, I also think there is a water cell under a barracks headquarters, which is really puzzling." Captain Horst Dietrich nodded.

The captain's public identity is the second-class military attache of the German Embassy. In fact, he is the person in charge of the Eye of Odin stationed at the Cairo intelligence station. He is solely responsible for German intelligence gathering activities in the Cairo region.

Seeing the arrival of the two officers, the Army soldiers in the corridor turned and opened the iron door on the wall, and Jurgen and Dietrich stepped into the interrogation room.

This is a standard nineteenth-century cell, surrounded by sturdy and soundproof granite walls. The walls are inlaid with rusty iron rings. Several old handcuffs wearing thick iron chains are hung on the walls and concrete floors. You can see dark stains everywhere. I don't know whether it is the blood of the interrogator or the traces of other liquids.

"Let you wait a long time, gentlemen." Jurgen walked into the room and greeted the men who were waiting in the room.

"Good evening, sir!" The executioners at the scene greeted the chief in unison.

"Can you start? Sir," Chief Ludwig put a folder on the interrogation table.

"Let me read the report first, can they send a pot of coffee? Ludwig." Jurgen sat down at the table and opened the documents on the table.

"Please wait a moment, sir." The sergeant sighed, then stepped back.

"Have you not read the report yet? The Grey Sword team's arrest was very smooth. These people barely had time to resist." Captain Dietrich pulled a notebook from his pocket and put it on the table.

"Are you smoking? Major?" Dietrich pulled out another cigarette case.

"Now don't smoke, you can do whatever you want." Jurgen waved his hand and continued to read his report carefully.

"Those Bedouins, have you interrogated?" Jurgen turned his face and asked the captain.

"After a preliminary trial, these people have very strong bones." Dietrich answered.

"I don’t have any hard bones in my eyes. Many people just don’t find the right way. These Arabs are not as strong as they thought. In history, the Romans, Turks, Mongolians, French, British, this land once Once again conquered by the aliens, which of these people did not bow their heads to allegiance to the new master." Jurgen's eyes were scornful in his speech.

"Have you ever seen what Grey Sword found from their station?" Major SS continued to ask.

"I've seen it. To be honest, I was quite surprised, major." Dietrich lit the cigarette with a lighter.

"What do you think about it." Jurgen asked.

"If I'm right, Henderson may just be a small character, with a bigger black hand hidden behind him." Dietrich replied.

"Then let us confirm your guess now, Captain. Ludwig, bring the prisoner in." Jurgen turned his face and said to Ludwig.

"Follow the order, major." The sergeant made a gesture to his men, and a SS member walked to the side door and opened the door.

A chunky man with a black cloth over his head was dragged into the interrogation room almost toelessly under the aegis of two strong soldiers. The two executioners stepped forward and skillfully pressed the man on the wooden bench in the middle of the room and handcuffed and shackled him.

"Reveal the cover." Jurgen commanded to take the hot coffee from the serviceman.

The headgear was removed, and Captain Henderson narrowed his eyes irritated by the sudden light, and it took a few seconds to get used to it. He sat on the wooden chair in panic and looked around with wide eyes.

When the Grey Sword team rushed into the courtyard, he was sorting the accounts and documents that he needed to carry with him in the room on the second floor. When he saw these Germans, the black hole's muzzle was almost on his head.

At that time, Henderson already knew that he was finished, falling into the hands of the British team may still have a ray of vitality, and fell into the hands of the Germans, so there is only one way to wait for him.

He really began to regret why he was so obsessed with it that he made that stupid decision. If you did not provoke the two Germans, you must still be comfortable in the base of Qibirit, enjoying the services of professional servants and fine wine and food.

Henderson is convinced that he will have a bright future. He spent five years to promote from an ordinary non-commissioned officer to a second lieutenant, and successfully entered the noble officer class. This is a lowly Dalit who dare not dream At this height, he only needs to share some wealth and feed those greedy bosses, and he can be promoted smoothly in the army until he enters the upper class and becomes a respectable and noble family.

At that time, he can marry a noble British woman and continue his family blood. His child will no longer be a lowly Dalit, but a noble citizen of the British Empire.

But now everything has become a bubble, and all of my struggles and efforts, in the end, are only a fantasy.

ps: Thank you for your support. Continue to seek monthly tickets and subscriptions.

The book friends really gave their power. Now that we have reached 2186 votes, of course I have to keep my promise. After dinner, I will start to add a chapter.

Continue to inform, I hope everyone will tell each other, from today to the end of the month, every two hundred monthly tickets added to this book, a special chapter will be added. In order to recover the ranking, the author has made a cut.

The number of votes needed to be added next time is 2,296 votes, which is currently only 110 votes away from this goal.

thank you all.

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