Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 137: Insider (below) (monthly pass plus change

"Do we now have solid evidence that the messenger behind this incident is this Holy Brotherhood?" Randolph had little interest in these religious groups, and he just wanted to know how to report to Yuan.

"The evidence is not enough at the moment, there are only some letters and confession from Lamu, but we still have four Bedouins arrested. According to Lamu, they were sent by the Brotherhood, and at most three days, I will be able to pry Open their mouths." Jurgen rubbed his hands excitedly, and he didn't believe that there were tough guys in the world that he couldn't manage.

"It's all yours, I look forward to your success, Major." Randolph agreed with Jurgen's request.

Horne and Krieger’s case can be closed. Should we inform the British of the investigation result? "Randolph put the olive pit in the ashtray.

"I suggest that you first report these findings to Yuan and ask him for the next move." Jurgen suggested.

"Of course, the yuan must be reported first. In addition, I remember you said that there was a big conspiracy. Is this referring to this?" Randolph asked.

"Did I not report to you? Oh, sorry, Lieutenant Colonel, it seems that he hasn't mentioned this yet." Jurgen touched the back of his head with some embarrassment.

"According to Lamu's confession, the Brotherhood has already contacted the local anti-British organization in Egypt. They are planning to start a riot in Cairo." Jurgen lowered his face and reported with a serious look.

"Egypt's local anti-British organization? Is that the waffle party." Randolph put his finger on his chin and made a look like an expert on Egypt.

"This should be the waffle party, Lieutenant Colonel." Jurgen corrected quickly.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I just made a mistake. I know it's the waffle party. This sound is very interesting, hahaha." Randolph sat up straight and started haha ​​without changing his face.

"You just said, this waffle party, they want to riot in Cairo? Wait in Cairo and so on! Are we not in Cairo?" Randolph finally reacted.

"Jurgen, such important information, you should report it to me as soon as possible. When are they going to act? How many people will participate? How about the weaponry? We must be prepared early. This is not enough. I have to request reinforcements from my superiors. Yes, I can ask Yuan Telegraph for support. At least send me an infantry regiment first. There are artillery soldiers and tanks. Yes, we still need Air support, it would be nice if there was a wing. I remember a naval aviation wing is now on the island of Malta.” Randolph stood up excitedly and started walking around the room.

He is not worried about his safety. History has long proved the theorem with the blood of countless brave men. In the face of a regular army with preparedness, any armed uprising organized by civilians is a suicide. Most of the success stories are due to the internal response of the rebels in the regular army.

"Wait a second, Lieutenant Colonel, please calm down. I haven't finished my words yet." There was a drop of cold sweat on Juergen's forehead, and he stood up awkwardly.

"Hey!?" Randolph stopped and turned to look at Jurgen.

"Regarding the riot, we now know that the other party has this plan, but it is unclear at what time, the specific number of participants and the equipment." Jurgen pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his forehead. .

"So how much information do you have now?" Randolph asked with some disappointment.

"Few, but I can be sure that this news is true and reliable. I have obtained the names and addresses of some of the organization's backbone and senior leaders, and established an immediate secret arrest operation against them, and then tortured them to be able to dig out what we want. The necessary information comes out," Jurgen answered with a straight chest.

"I agreed to your request, but it still needs the cooperation of the British side. I will give the yuan report later. Are you ready for a detailed written report?" Randolph walked back to his seat and picked up one on the table. folder.

"All are ready, right in the folder in your hand." Jurgen replied respectfully.

"Oh, great. I'll take a closer look later." Randolph shook his eyebrows.

"By the way, did you say that the Brotherhood collaborated with the Waffle Party."

"It's true, Colonel Randolph. The brotherhood's motives are suspicious. I think that in the near future, there will be some major events in the Saudi Arabia." Jurgen sat down.

"Oh? What kind of judgment did you make?" Randolph put the folder at hand.

"This is my personal hunch. At the same time, combined with the information currently available, I think this prediction is highly likely. Lieutenant Colonel Randolph replied," Jurgen replied, then pointed to the map on the table with a pencil.

"The territory of Saudi Arabia has expanded to the limit. The south borders with British Hadaramao (Yemen) and Oman, both of which are British protectors and occupy the coastline at the southern end of the peninsula. Saudi Arabia lacks maritime power. Direction, challenging the traditional British forces." Jurgen drew a line on the border between Oman and Hadaramao.

"Actually, Saudi Arabia's occupation of internal governance extends to the Red Sea. Since then, the British have been vigilant. If Saudi Arabia shows its maritime power, it will definitely affect the safety of the sea route from the Mediterranean to India." Major SS points to the Red Sea coastline Speaking.

"So the British will not allow Saudis to show their maritime power anyway, and Saudis are well aware of this. They seem to have ambitions in this respect, but they want to build a modern navy from scratch, for a nomad-based This is an impossible thing for the nations in the industry. Therefore, Saudi Arabia can choose the expansion direction only in the northern region, which was originally the territory of the Ottoman Empire. Outside Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait, all are currently British. Protected country." It is clear that the former Gestapo has done some research on the geopolitics of the Middle East.

"Saudi Arabia is a poor country, most of its territory is desert, and it is difficult to develop agriculture. There are some mineral resources here, but the production technology is primitive and the output is very low. Their current main source of finance is to sell camels and dates to neighboring countries. "" Jurgen shrugged his shoulders when he said this.

Jurgen’s statement is not exaggerated. At that time, the oil exploration technology was extremely limited. Saudi Arabia sold the exploration concession to Standard Oil Company of California in the United States as early as 1933. Standard Oil established a branch in Saudi Arabia. Named Saudi Arabia Standard Oil Company. At first, Standard Company was confident and invested a lot of manpower and material resources to carry out exploration on Saudi territory. It did not know how many oil wells were drilled, but it did not see a drop of oil being extracted.

By 1936, Standard Oil of Saudi Arabia sold 50% of its shares to Texas Petroleum Corporation, and the cost of exploration and extraction was shared between the two, but it took only 1938 to finally With the insistence of Xi's geologic engineer, the first oil-producing well was drilled, for which the royal family of Saudi Arabia received a product advance payment of 50,000 pounds.

Although oil has been extracted, it can only show that Saudi Arabia has oil resources. How much oil there is is only known by God. Until 40 years, the scale of production of Saudi Arabia’s standard oil was still semi-cold. When the European war broke out, because the six places and the sea transportation channels were cut off, the extracted oil could not be transported out. The oil wells are in a state of semi-stoppage.

If oil cannot be transported out, Saudi Arabia loses its most important source of income. As a result, as Jurgen said, they can only pick up their old business and make a living by selling camels and dates.

Before the oil resources, how poorly Saudi Arabia is. Here is a statistic. During the honeymoon period between Ibn Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom, he received 5,000 pounds in aid from the British government every month because he claimed The British blockade of Ottoman affected his camel and date palm business. If he did not enter the account, he would not be able to feed his army. At the same time, Saudi herdsmen might be smuggled into Turkey for military supplies.

Now it seems that this is blackmail, but Britain agreed to his request, which shows that the British Empire has a full understanding of Saudi Arabia’s national financial situation. As a result, this subsidy took ten years until the United Kingdom in 1924. It seemed that the cabinet had just woken up and stopped the aid funds. Ibn's army was built entirely on British money.

Now that Saudi Arabia has lost its financial resources, it has focused on two wealthy neighbors, namely, Outer Jordan and Iraq, and the monarchs of these two countries all belong to the Hashemite family of Ibn Saudi’s deadly enemy. Ibn Saudi is not only for the wealth territory and population of these two countries, but also to complete the ambition to dominate the Arab world. As long as the Hashim family is eliminated, only the Saudi family is the only one in the Arabian Peninsula.

And the only thing that is preventing him from achieving this goal now is the protector behind Jordan and Iraq, the former world hegemon who never dies.

But even knowing that the British empire was no longer the same as the sun set in that year, even if it were the world's weakest hegemon, it would not be possible for him to challenge a nomadic country. Saudi Arabia is well aware that the gap in military power between the two sides can no longer be covered by the number of people.

When the European war broke out, Saudi Arabia still wanted to take advantage of it as before. As a result, no one took care of him this time, and a bunch of powers were all in Europe.

Until the news of the defeat and surrender of the British Empire arrived in early September, the territorial expansion ambition that Saudi Arabia had buried in his heart finally began to burn up.

ps: Today’s chapter of Gagaing is here. Thank you for your support.

Finally climbed back to the fourth place in the classification ranking, but the gap with the back was actually a single digit. I don’t know if it can be maintained until the end of the month. It is really uneasy.

Thank you for the generous rewards and monthly tickets of several book friends. You are the important motivation for me to continue to write down. I will continue to work hard.

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