Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 144: Combat plan (two in one

The German motorized reconnaissance battalion arrived in Suez City within the time prescribed by the superior and was unsurprisingly arranged by the British to move to Qibirit Air Force Base. This is the military base with the most complete facilities around Suez, and has been used for comprehensive purposes from the time of design and construction.

Barracks and garages are readily available. The British also provided two Indian servants to each barracks to provide the most thoughtful accommodation services for German officers and soldiers. Where did the German big-head soldiers enjoy this kind of treatment? There were two Indian servants with gray cloths on their heads standing in the corridor of the barrack. , Sounds chaotic and stylish.

This group of Britons is not very good at fighting. When it comes to enjoying it, it is really superb. Looking at the exquisite tableware and various recreational facilities in the officer’s restaurant, the German officers and soldiers feel for the first time that they have become dumplings.

The original base commander, Major General Richard, has been arrested by the gendarmerie at the moment and is said to be in private trial in a military court a week later. In general, this means that the military court has obtained solid criminal evidence in hand, Richard Major General De's end is already foreseeable.

Major Wicomb was warmly received by the new base commander, Major General Wilcom, because the German motorized reconnaissance battalion was stationed temporarily, so it was more obvious that the major general spent a lot of thought on this issue. Obviously, the new commander wanted to take this opportunity to narrow the relationship with the Germans. As for whether it was an order given by the major general or the superior, this was not a problem that Wicom could know.

"The fuel for the vehicle has been replenished, and we have obtained six tank trailers that can be towed by the truck." Lieutenant Wagner reported to the battalion commander.

"Before getting the next order, we were still in the second-level combat readiness. We didn't get the false note issued by the superior officer. It was strictly forbidden for anyone to leave the camp without permission. The company platoon leader must strictly enforce discipline." After folding the table, the name was signed at the bottom of a report.

"Send this telegram immediately. I will now go to the prep team to inspect. If someone finds me, take him to the lounge and immediately go to the prep team to notify me." Wicom passed the document to Wagner, and immediately Stand up and wear a military cap.

"Follow your orders, sir!" Wagner saluted the superior.

"Juergen, did you really decide to participate in this operation?" Randolph pulled a cigar out of his breast pocket.

"For me, this is a rare opportunity. I have long wanted to see a real war. Unfortunately, because of my professional relationship, I have never had such an opportunity." Jurgen leaned on the passenger seat Back, turned around and answered.

"Major, you should have seen many enemies, I mean captives." Captain Horne made a joke about the former Gestapo.

"Ah, you are right, I have participated in the interrogation of many prisoners of war." Jurgen replied with a smile.

"Which country do you think the prisoners of war are the most difficult to deal with?" Randolph became interested in this topic.

"It should be British, of course they will also succumb to violence. I am referring to the difficult to deal with. Some of them, especially the officers, are very clever and cunning, often pretending to compromise with us, and then Use false information to mislead our eyes. And this group of guys are thinking about running away almost every moment. The best way to deal with them is to not let them see any hope." Jurgen tells about him and British prisoners of war. The experience of dealing with each other.

British prisoners of war are usually very easy to manage. They still retain the original establishment and rank in the prisoner of war camp, and the officers still have the power to lead the subordinates. So if they reach a deal and consensus with the officers, they will be quite willing to obey the orders of the German guards. At the same time, the British are also the most favorite group of prisoners of war. Unlike the honest French prisoners, the British prisoners, especially the grassroots officers, are extremely keen on jailbreaking activities. They use thousands of strange tricks, many of them even in Yule. Roots are unheard of. In terms of imagination, this group of Britons completely crushed the German guards.

However, this phenomenon disappeared after the British surrendered, because the British mainland has been occupied, and they have nowhere to go even if they successfully escape from the prison.

"This time our public identity is a special investigation team of the SS. You must keep your responsibilities in mind. The battlefield report you have written will be submitted directly to the head of empire by me, becoming his first-hand knowledge of the war. Randolph warned everyone in the car with a serious expression.

Don't look at Randolph's serious appearance on the surface, but he is cheering and joyful in his heart. With the name given by the head of state, he can blatantly go to the battlefield to spread his joy. Randolph had served as the special envoy of the head of state several times and participated in many fierce large-scale battles, but he fought against nomads in the Middle East desert, which was his first time since joining the army.

"This is our honor and our responsibility, Lieutenant Colonel Randolph. Thank you very much for agreeing to my application." Jurgen took the opportunity to tap the fart again.

"To tell the truth, letting you participate in this investigation group is entirely the meaning of the head of state. I just recommended you to him." Randolph once again declared his close relationship with the head of state.

"This mission has a certain degree of danger. You, we will follow a motorcycle reconnaissance battalion to penetrate the enemy's territory. There are ninety-nine percent of them that may be besieged by the enemy. According to the information I have at present, the enemy The comparison of the strength of the two sides may be as high as one to five." Captain Horne couldn't help pouring some cold water. The thought circuits of the group of SSs could not understand it in his life, but as the only combat staff in the investigation team, He must make his companions understand that this time the task is not as simple as imagined.

"In front of the powerful German Wehrmacht, the strength is just a simple statistic. We are only facing some guys riding camels in the desert, captain." Randolph said with a smug face.

"I think you should be reminded that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has more than just camel cavalry, lieutenant colonel." Horne reminded solemnly.

"We are not just facing camel cavalry, gentlemen." Wicom said, knocking at the blackboard on the wall of the combat room.

"The intelligence obtained by the Legion Command has confirmed that our opponents are not ready to take the fight and the third battalion may encounter fierce resistance that has never been seen before." Lieutenant Wagner said with his hands behind his back.

"Information shows that Saudi Arabia currently has more than 20,000 regular troops, but if the king issues a general mobilization order, they can gather 200,000 armed forces in two weeks." Wicom walked to the side of the hanging map.

"At present, 30% of the Saudi armed forces are deployed in the Hanzhi region, which is the Red Sea coast on the west side of the peninsula. This is the most economically developed region in Saudi Arabia. There are many important port cities. As you can see, this is the A long and narrow coastal zone, because the east side is protected by multiple mountains, if we attack this area from the desert according to the command of the command, we will need to compete with the enemy forces for these mountain roads one by one. The combat strength is very unfavorable. This should be the field of combat of mountain troops. It is well known that the main forces of the legion are all conventional infantry units. In these mountain valleys, tanks and armored vehicles are also difficult to exert their power. Passing on these small mountain roads, they are very vulnerable. The enemy ambush is high." Wicom pointed his pointer at the mountains and hills of the Arabian Peninsula along the Red Sea coast.

"It reminds me of what happened to the Italian Army in Ethiopia." Captain Kot, the immediate company company commander, wiped his chin.

"The terrain does have some similarities, but we are not Italians," said Captain Heinberg, the second company commander of the armoured reconnaissance company.

"It would be impossible to replicate the victory of the Ethiopian army, not only in terms of command and tactical use, but also in terms of weapons and equipment." Captain Schmidt, the company commander of the three companies, expressed his thoughts.

Just as Major Wicom and his men began to discuss the battle that was about to face, the German African Army was set up in the interim headquarters in Cairo, and senior African generals were having similar discussions.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen! Colonel Coulson mentioned Ethiopia just now. I'm going to talk about some personal opinions here." Admiral Küchler took the pointer and knocked on the table.

"In some ways, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia at that time have many similarities. The king is not the head of state in the traditional sense, but only a tribal group, the chief of the most powerful tribe, playing more like The role of a leader and arbiter. The reason why Ethiopia can win the battle of Adua, in addition to the correct tactical choice and occupying favorable terrain, is also directly related to the unanimous support of the war by all the tribes at that time. Ethiopia is in Forty years later, why failed to reproduce the last victory, in addition to the differences in weaponry between the two sides, but also because many of the tribes in Ethiopia at that time chose to surrender to the Italians." Cuhillel turned Walk over to the map.

"The core area of ​​the Saudi tribe is in Riyadh. It has the most precious water resources and a large oasis in the desert area. It can graze livestock and cultivate crops. Historically, it has been the home base of this Saudi tribe. The rapid rise of modern Saudi tribes is to regain control. It started after the Riyadh region." The artillery general pointed to the map.

"80% of the troops directly under the Saudi royal family are stationed in Riyadh. This is the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It gathers the most important government and religious institutions of the Kingdom. Over the past ten years since the founding of the country, the Saudi royal family has carried out large-scale operations in this city. The reconstruction of the city has strengthened the city’s defense system. Judging from the forces in the hands of the tribes in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh is completely an unforgettable stronghold." Küchler shakes the pointer in his hand.

"However, the premise is that the opponent is a tribe armed with similar fighting power." The chief of staff of Hasay took the admiral's words.

"We didn't know much about Saudi Arabia's military strength before, and German intelligence did not pay special attention to this desert country. The intelligence in our hands is mainly from the military spy agencies in Turkey and Italy. There are many errors and Missing." Chief of Staff of Hussein picked up the document in front of us: "But now we have the intelligence support of the British intelligence agency and have the most intuitive understanding of Saudi military strength and equipment. Just like Colonel Coulson just now As said, our opponent is not just a camel cavalry." Major General Hussein stood up after speaking and walked to Admiral Küchler.

"The core strength of our opponent is a force trained by modern methods. The number is about 2,000. In addition to the conventional infantry, this force is also equipped with cavalry and artillery units, and also has a small scale. Armored Car Force." Major General Hassaid took the pointer from General and pointed to the location of Riyadh on the map.

"They are the close guard of the Saudi royal family and the elite armed forces of the family tribe. These people are loyal to the royal family and it is absolutely impossible to betray their master. In order to defend the royal family, these people will fight to the last minute." Added.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. In addition to this elite guard, the Saudi royal family also possesses an air force. According to information provided by the British, they had the most harmonious relationship with Saudi Arabia as early as 1923. During the period, it helped Saudi Arabia build a small air force." Major General Hassai said indifferently.

"The Air Force had only a total of ten aircraft at the time, six of which were s.e.5 fighters, and the remaining four were r.e.7 two-seater reconnaissance aircraft."

"S.e.5? Hasay, that's a really nostalgic name." Quhillel made a rare joke.

"It's true, Admiral, both of these are models used by the Royal Air Force in World War II, which had already become the remaining materials of the war." Hassai echoed with a smile.

"At first, Saudi Arabia wanted to buy a bomber from the United Kingdom, but it was rejected by the British government. The reason given by the British side is that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is protected by the United Kingdom and does not need to be equipped with an offensive weapon such as a bomber." The pointer said.

"At first, this mini air force was driven and maintained by retired British Air Force personnel. Saudi Arabia paid them high fees every week. In addition to performing combat missions, these people also helped Saudi Arabia train its ground handling and pilots. It was three or two years. Saudi Arabia declared independence, the relationship between the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia turned into a trough, the British Air Force personnel in the Saudi Air Force successively returned to the United Kingdom, but at that time they had trained a group of pilots for Saudi Arabia. In the following days, due to lack of maintenance Coupled with natural aging. According to our latest information, there are only four se5s left in Saudi Arabia that can continue to fly. In terms of the performance of this aircraft, it is impossible to pose a substantial threat to our troops." Hasay The major general turned to look at Küchler.

"We should pay attention that these aircraft can still play a certain role in the ground investigation, so the anti-aircraft fire warning of the troops can not be relaxed for a moment." Küchler took the pointer in the hands of the chief of staff.

"We already know that Saudi Arabia has deployed some tribal armed forces on the border between Jordan and Iraq. In fact, these Arabs do not have any concept of borders, so there is no full-time border security force. These tribal armed forces are only stationed nearby. On the oasis, the main task is to collect taxes from the caravans.” Kuhiller pointed to the border between Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

"These are the real camel cavalry, not equipped with heavy weapons, there may be a small number of machine guns." Major General Hasse said.

"Saudi's regular army is only 20,000, equipped with some British light field guns, which are backward products during the World War. Their ammunition reserves are not much. Since the withdrawal of British advisers, these artillery units have been seriously lacking in training." Speaking.

"Now I believe that everyone has a preliminary concept of the opponent they will face. Specific information will be sent to the commander of each regimental command by the headquarters." The chief of staff of the regiment walked back to his seat, lightly Tap on the desktop.

"The Army Staff has prepared a detailed combat plan. It is now in the hands of each of you." Küchler made a gesture, and a deputy chief of staff held a stack of documents. Distribute to the participating officers.

"You take a closer look first." Küchler sat back in his seat and picked up the glass in front of him.

After drinking water for a while and seeing that the officers below stopped whispering, Küchler stood up again.

"Well, I believe you have seen the combat intentions of the Legion Command." The artillery general walked back to the map with a pointer.

"The terrain of the Arabian Peninsula, in addition to the Red Sea coast area, is very suitable for motorization and armored forces for mobile operations." Knocking on the hinterland of the peninsula, Küchler continued: "Our plan is divided into two steps, the first step is The 26th Infantry Division and the 21st Armored Regiment entered the Saudi territory from the outer Jordanian border, along this longitudinal main road, quickly launched an assault on Riyadh. You must maintain the fastest advance speed, in the enemy Before the army gathers the surrounding tribes, smash them one by one. You must destroy all forms of resistance of the locals. As long as you raise the gun to our army, you are the enemy of the Third Reich."

"Sir, is there no distinction between civilians and soldiers in this order?" Major General von Foster, commander of the 26th Infantry Division, stood up and asked.

"Do you know what a Bedouin is? They have no distinction between civilians and soldiers. As long as there is a need, every member of the tribe, regardless of age or sex, can become a warrior. These people before learning to write their own names , He has learned to shoot and kill." Major General Hasse replied with a frown.

"I have no problem, sir." Major General von Foster took his seat back.

"When the 26th Infantry Division launched an attack from Jordan, one of our motorized task forces would cross the Red Sea and land directly on the west coast of the Arabian Peninsula. The landing point chose a beachhead near Yanbu Port. Immediately after landing, they will attack Yanbu Port and occupy this important port. Subsequently, six infantry battalions of the British Army and four infantry battalions of the French Foreign Corps will land in Yanbu Port, and two French battalions will join Together, the contingent advanced along the road towards Medina, and occupied this important Saudi town, holding the mountain pass, and blocking the enemy reinforcements from the direction of central Bryday and Rice." Küchler marked on the map A line.

"The rest of the British and French troops will advance south along the coastline, first taking Chittagong and then occupying the Holy Land Mecca."

"Sir!" Major General von Foster raised his hand again.

"If you attack Mecca, it will cause dissatisfaction with the local believers. I worry that it will cause a jihad against the pagans." The major general frowned, revealing a worried expression.

"I can understand your concerns. The Command has indeed considered this issue. If a foreign army attacks the Holy Land, it is likely to cause enemies throughout the Arab world. So, in this operation, the British will beat the Hashemites. Banner, this family ruled in Hanzhi for more than 1,300 years, but was kicked out of the land where ancestors thrive. Saudi Arabia wanted to send home to their dreams. The Hashemites have agreed to send two princes as representatives to participate This British strategy on the Hanzhi area, so in the eyes of the Arabs, this is a battle of revenge against the Saudi family." Quhilar put his arms around his arms and looked like they were all on the chest.

"It turns out this way, I have no doubts, sir." Major General Foster felt that his brain was a bit insufficient.

"As the general reserve team of the 31st Infantry Division, we are always ready to provide support to the 26th Infantry Division and the 21st Armored Regiment, and to ensure the safety of the supply line." Kucherel continued to introduce the plan.

"We will receive air support from the German Army Aviation First Wing and the Royal Air Force throughout the journey. The Army Air Force will also launch air strike operations against the main strategic targets in Saudi Arabia. The specific plan will be launched by the Legionary Department after the operation begins. Unified notification to all units." The artillery general took the pointer.

"This plan has been approved by His Excellency the Head of State, and soon you will get a written order from the headquarters." General Hassai added.

"So, what's the name of this battle? Sir," asked Lieutenant General Rudolf Kampf, the commander of the 31st Infantry Division.

Küchler replied with a smile: "The head of state clearly indicated in his reply that he named the operation "Desert Storm".

ps: The two-in-one chapter is presented, I hope you will like it.

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