Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 150: Take over

Adil is a Sheikh (Arabic tribal leader) and an Emir (Arabic commander). In addition to the administrative positions granted by the Saudi government, he also holds a tribal armed force.

At that time, the population of permanent residents in Yanbu City was about 20,000. If Adler can bring out sufficient pay and weapons, he can even pull up a civilian army of more than 5,000 people. The Zhuhaina people have been active in the surroundings of Mecca and Medina. Among the Bedouin tribes in Saudi Arabia, they belong to a relatively strong tribe, so the Saudi royal family hired a large number of young warriors from the tribe. From the looks of it, this is the trust of the Saudi family to the Zhuhaina tribe. In fact, this is disguised to weaken the Zhuhaina tribal armed forces in disguise.

Adil’s tribe is a subordinate branch of Zhuhaina, claiming to have two thousand people, it seems to be strong, but eight of them are old and weak women and children, and there are currently no more than four hundred qualified warriors.

This is also the reason why administrative officials are eager to make money. In this situation, maintaining a tribe is no longer an easy task. To grow and develop, it requires more wealth to support it.

The so-called "thrifty into extravagance is easy, but the extravagance into thrift is difficult." If it was Zhu Haina thirty years ago, the ministries were all brave and brave, the women and children grazed the camel flock, the men wielded sabers across the desert and the sea, even if they lived In the dusty felt tent, everyone ate together and ate sweet dates.

But today's Zhuhaina tribe has been exposed to the decay and enjoyment of too many people in the city. Administrative officials worry that if they return to the desert, these people will still be able to live as before.

In order to show his noble identity and authority to the smugglers, Adler specially wore a brand new white headscarf, wearing a traditional white Arab robe, and a black embroidered gold silk coat on the outside The length of the collar robe covered the foot of the leather boots. A wide belt with a large number of amber, ruby, and coral beads was tied around his waist. An ivory-handled Arab dagger and a revolver with gold and silver insets were inserted into the belt.

The administrative officer looks like a Pasha of the Ottoman Empire, standing on the steps of the mansion with great enthusiasm. The open space in front of him is lined up with his heirs, and there are two hundred Bedouin elite cavalry.

"Are you really not going to inform Riyadh?" Hasem asked under the bureaucrat's heart.

"I have the right to deal with this kind of small matter." Adiler had a selfish thought. He didn't want the royal family to know about it at all, so that he could embezzle all the seized materials in a stately manner.

"It would be nice if they delivered arms, if it was a luxury item, it might be harder." The bureaucrat thought to himself.

"Master, your guard is ready to go." A warrior reported loudly standing on the steps, holding a white Arabian warhorse in his hand.

"Very good, Farooge." Adler walked down the stairs vividly. A servant beside him had already kneeled down on the ground, serving the nobleman, riding his horse on the back of the horse.

"Do you know what we're going to do? Faroug!" Adiler rode on the snow-white Arabian horse and reached for the Arab scimitar handed over by Hassem.

"Know, Master, I swear that I will catch these wicked thieves for you." The Samurai leader Issam Farug respectfully raised his master's chest.

"Catch these smugglers and nail them one by one to the stakes. This is Abdul Aziz (Ibn al-Saud)'s will." Adile hangs the machete on the buckle beside the saddle , Took the reins of the warhorse from Farug.

"I'll be back soon, ready to celebrate the banquet, Hassem, at noon I'm going to eat roasted whole sheep!" The bureaucrat shook the horse rein, his boots slammed on the ventral side of the war horse, and the Arabian horse spit out With a sniff, he started jogging in small steps.

"Don't forget to prepare iced grape juice!" Adler smiled and waved his whip to his heart, and then rushed out of the door.

The two hundred cavalrymen all ridden precious Arabian horses. This is one of the two treasures most valued by the Bedouins. The other is the camels they breed.

As a matter of fact, Adele is the fastest corrupted person in the tribe. The Bedouins are a people who strictly follow traditions and advocate unity, selflessness and fairness. These ethical principles are that they survive in harsh deserts The foundation of any Bedouin who violates ancient rules will lose all honor and will be spurned by everyone.

The chieftain of the Bedouin tribe is no higher than ordinary people. His tents are no bigger than others. There are as many sheep and camels as there are. There are no special food and utensils. He is recognized by everyone. The leader, relying on wisdom and experience to lead the ministries, he has no power to dispose of the ministries at will, nor can he force the ministries to obey his instructions.

However, these traditions have undergone tremendous changes in the Adil generation. With the rise of the Tsarist Russian royal family, they have brought a new lifestyle and political ideas to the Bedouins who have lived a closed life for thousands of years.

The chiefs of the tribe began to seize power like the officials of the Ottoman Empire, and the ministries began to accumulate private property. Give them a firm belief, and at the same time turn them into a sharp sword pointing to the pagans, the plentiful rewards obtained by plundering, so that they began to indulge in this life for nothing, the food, wealth and women robbed, let The brave soldiers degenerated into shameless robbers.

And everything happened only under the acquiescence and even promotion of the chiefs. Adil should take the main responsibility for the status of his tribe. The chieftain was expecting the ministries to return to the simple days of the past while enjoying the golden clothes and jade food, and it was a whimsical thing to look at.

The horses flew along the coastal road towards Sotim Beach. Arabian horses on this land are a symbol of speed and endurance. Some horse dealers in later generations will often use the results of the Mongolian grassland endurance race to degrade the strength of the Arabian horses. They will not tell you about the adaptation of these sensitive animals to the environment. Instead, they are touted by the horse dealers as the Mongolian horses. In the arid and hot desert of the Arabian Peninsula, I am afraid that it is equally impossible to obtain good domestic results.

Arabian horses can reach a speed of more than 80 kilometers per hour, but if it is a long-distance attack, experienced riders will strictly control the speed of the horse. But now Adler is worried that he has gone late, the smuggler has fled his jurisdiction, he has been delayed for an hour, and there are many routes opened by smugglers in the Hanzhi Mountains.

"Speed ​​up, we're going to catch up with the moths!" Adiler shouted to Farug, who was beside him.

"Got it, Master." Faroug raised Lee Enfield in his hand and lanced, sending a signal of acceleration.

And when the administrative officer of Yanbu Port took his elite cavalry and rushed to the beach in a murderous manner, the eight-wheeled armored vehicle of the German armored reconnaissance and search platoon was also increasing the throttle to kill Yanbu Port.

"Something, sir!" the senior soldier of Hank standing in the hatch of the loader's hatch shouted loudly. The Germans with advanced observation equipment discovered the coming enemy in advance.

"It's cavalry, the number exceeds one hundred." Hank shouted, holding the hatch to the cabin.

"The platoon leader, the enemy cavalry was found three kilometers away, and was rushing towards our army along the road." Sergeant Snell glanced at the captain's control tower and looked at his glasses, then grabbed the microphone on the headset line. To alert the platoon leader.

"Full parking!" There was a clear command from the platoon leader. Snell turned around and made a stop gesture to the No. 324 Sabertooth Tiger behind him. Sergeant Klein, the captain standing on the 324 command tower, raised his hand to respond.

Six eight-wheeled armored vehicles began to decelerate rapidly, and then stopped on both sides of the road in twos. The SS task force behind the heavy armored vehicle is completely unprepared. If the driver of the car is skilled and responds quickly, it will almost cause a serial rear-end accident.

"Damn, what's the guy in front of you doing!" Luckily, Randolph questioned loudly as he grabbed the door of the car without turning over from behind the windshield.

"What the **** happened?" Jurgen got up from the gap between the front and rear seats, covering his forehead with his hand.

"Possibly discovered the enemy's situation." Captain Horne's combat experience is much richer than the previous two, and he immediately made his own judgment.

"Lieutenant Colonel, you ordered the troops to be alert first. I'll check it out in front!" Horne carried his mp40 on his back and reached out to open the door.

"Lieutenant, war alert!" Randolph stood up from his seat and shouted to Lieutenant Wenzel who was running forward carrying a Thomson submachine gun.

"Observe, Lieutenant Colonel, war alert!" Wenzel made a salute to Randolph after setting up, and then ran back at a faster speed than he had come.

"Fight alert!" SS soldiers passed orders to each other. The soldiers pushed the barrel truck and motorcycle to the side of the road. Using the vehicle as a bunker, they set up their weapons and pointed at the bushes on both sides of the road.

Soon Horne hurried back: "They found a cavalry force is approaching us." The captain ran a little anxiously, he swallowed and continued, "Fettel pretending to search The second lieutenant planned to block the cavalry on the spot, and he asked if we were going to fight."

Randolph's contingent is directly under the headquarter of the head of state. Most of them are from the German Security Bureau. They are not affiliated with the African Army. Not to mention Lieutenant Felt, even Major Wicom has no power against Randolph. With the order, the SS task force can move freely on the battlefield. But Randolph did not show his privileges everywhere as the army officers thought, but said that if necessary, the SS contingent would be happy to work side by side with the army.

"Cavalry unit? Arabs? Of course we are going to fight." Randolph was excited immediately after hearing this.

"Head to head? That's exactly what I want. Tell me, what should we do now!" Major Jurgen's mouth twitched, pulling the mp40 bolt.

"It's too late to formulate a combat plan. We only have to adapt to the situation. Let's focus on the machine guns and see that there is a natural shooting position over there." Captain Horne said, pointing to a section of naturally formed soil on the right side of the highway.

"Car No. 1 and No. 3 go to the left, No. 2 and No. 4 go to the right, and No. 5 and this car remain in place." Lieutenant Feitel stood in the machine gun tower of the armored communication car, watching with a telescope Target action.

The distance between the two sides is close to 800 meters. There is a flat wasteland around the road. There are no other shelters except for low bushes and desert bushes. Even if the Arab cavalry's eyes are worse in this distance, you should see German.

In fact, at a distance of one kilometer, Adler has already discovered the team on the road, but because the distance is too far, he did not see the details of the team.

Until close to the distance of 500 meters, Adler's mood was still joyful, he raised his head to thank the true God, thanking him for sending these foreign smugglers to himself.

Like the trader, Adler had never seen a German armored car. The strange appearance of the 231 series plus the desert paint successfully confuses the administrative officer's eyes.

Adler only worried that these trucks didn't look very big, and they didn't know how many items they could carry.

Just before the Germans started to attack, Adler realized that something seemed wrong, because he finally saw the machine gun tower on the roof of the armored vehicle, and the two saber-toothed tigers pointing to his muzzle.

"It's a tank! This is a trap!" The administrative officer is not a complete bun. He has seen the Vickers wheeled armored vehicle purchased by the Saudi royal family from the British in Riyadh, and then he was fortunate to see it in the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The Vickers mkii light tank that passed the British Empire Army, the few weird vehicles in front of them are obviously not trucks they think they are, but real military vehicles.

"Whether these are British or Italian, why did they send troops to land in Saudi Arabia." At this moment, the phrase "aggression" flashed through Adler's mind.

"Are Western pagans finally going to the Holy Ghost? Must we warn Abdul Aziz!" The bureaucrat thought of this and reached out to draw his scimitar from the saddle.

"In the name of the true God!" Adler raised his machete and pointed forward.

"True God is the greatest!" The cavalry responded with a rush, they started shooting with their rifles in their hands, praised the gods they believed in their mouths, and launched a charge towards the German armored vehicles.

"Have you finally figured it out?" Lieutenant Fittel put down the telescope and picked up the microphone.

"Vehicles are free to shoot, don't let any one cavalry go."

"Three rows, did you hear that?" Feister changed the frequency.

"We are in place." The three rows of headphones answered loudly.

"You can start acting."

"Understood." The three-row long answer was simple and clear.

The three rows are equipped with a total of eight four-wheeled armored vehicles, four are sd.kz221 armored vehicles equipped with a mg34 machine gun, and the other four are Type 222 carrying a 20 mm machine gun. Because of the flat terrain, the Arab cavalry only saw the four armoured vehicles in the front, and did not know that there were eight armoured vehicles hidden behind.

The three-row armored vehicles expelled two frontal and rear impact formations in a flat area near the sea. Each arrow consists of four armored vehicles. These armored vehicles, with full throttle, rushed up to the enemy at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour.

"Open fire!" The captains' orders were issued, and the machine guns and muzzles of the heavily armored vehicles sprayed bright orange tongues at the same time, splashing bullets on the Arabian cavalry.

In just a few seconds of short firing, the German armored car gave Adler’s elite cavalry squadron, causing the heaviest loss since becoming an army. Thirty Arab soldiers and their mounts overturned on the impact road, and the subsequent cavalry had to evade both sides of the road in order to avoid obstacles. The strict assault formation was torn into two pieces.

"True God!" The cavalry cried out to cheer themselves up and continued to sprint forward.

These cavalrymen have experienced hundreds of fights, and the battlefield experience is extremely rich. They have encountered opponents equipped with machine guns. It is very clear that if the cavalrymen turn around in front of the machine gun position, what will happen to the end of the encounter. Assault, if good luck can penetrate the enemy's defense line, then they have a 50% chance to break through from behind the enemy.

At this time, no one in the team believed that they had the chance to win. What kept them going was not the belief and honor, but the survival instinct of a Bedouin warrior.

The soldiers did not have time to consider other issues in their minds, otherwise they would have guessed what ugly things Admiral did to cause such a powerful enemy.

Until now, the Bedouin cavalry, including Adil, did not understand who these people were fighting with.

ps: Everyone is really awesome. In a blink of an eye, 500 monthly tickets will be put together. A two-in-one chapter will be presented. I hope you will like it.

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thank you all.

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