Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 152: End

The Arab warriors are only loyal to the tribes who raised them. This rule has not changed for thousands of years. Even though there have been several heroes in the Arabian peninsula in history, they still cannot reverse this tradition. In the history of the caliphate, they spent a lot of money to build a private army that was completely loyal to themselves as a guarantee of force to maintain their rule. The once famous Mamluk was originally established for this purpose. In the eyes of the caliphate, these slaves were more loyal than the warriors in the tribe.

All members of Adil’s guards are fighters of this tribe. He himself only paid for some weapons and military pay, so when the fighters found that the loyal objects abandoned themselves and fled, they could imagine what kind of entanglement they felt in their hearts at that time. .

German machine guns were still whining, and bullets flew across the wilderness like swarms of locusts, overturning a powerful Arabian warhorse, and taking away the lives of one and two Bedouin warriors.

The Arab cavalrymen who lost their command and morale fell into a panic. There were a dozen or so quick-responding soldiers who immediately followed their administrative officer, turned their horse heads and fled towards the mountains to the east. There was a small rocky hill about one or two hundred meters away from the highway. If they ran there, they could escape attack.

The relatively slow-reacting fighters, when they found that the situation was wrong, had already turned too far forward and could not turn back. So some people roared desperately and continued to charge forward, and part of the morale collapsed completely. The soldier chose to jump off the horse, kneeling and raising his hands to pray for forgiveness from the enemy.

There was chaos in front of the German positions. Because there was no unified command, several units actually fought each other. No one would stop their weapons before receiving the exact ceasefire order.

The Bedouin cavalry who continued to charge towards the Germans quickly lost their lives. They did not break through the guard distance of 15 meters before the German positions until their death. When the Germans carefully cleaned the dead cavalry corpses on the battlefield after the Battle of Yanbu City, they discovered that many of the Bedouin cavalry’s saddle bags were loaded with German-made m1918 grenades. At the German Front, many people were shocked by the possible consequences.

These grenades were products of the German World War I. Obviously they were seized from the Ottoman army that year. Germany once supported Ottomans with a large number of light weapons and arms. After the war ended, these materials were all cheaper for those Arab tribes.

The reason why Adil escaped is mainly because he found that he underestimated the strength of the enemy army. The opponent was not only those armored cars, but also follow-up infantry troops. The firepower exerted by these people far exceeds any army he has ever seen.

The administrative officer has determined that this is not an enemy he can confront. Although he does not know where these troops are sacred, it is clearly not coming from him personally. These troops should be preparing to attack Yan Pucheng, and they are just a brash. The poor worm that hit the iron plate.

Adiler asked himself that apart from the Italian expedition, he had not offended any Westerners. He had seen the British army, and these people were obviously not Italian. If he guessed right, he was facing a target. If Saudi Arabia's invasion is defeated in the war, this land will change to another owner.

After Adiler ran all the way, and finally rushed to the stone hills, these were the continuation of the Hanzhi Mountains towards the seaside. Most of the stone hills were buried in yellow sand, and only a small area at the top was exposed by the sea breeze. Into the dark rock muscles.

At the foot of the largest rock mound, Adile rolled over and rolled down his saddle, and then climbed up to the top of the rock mound. He remembered that there was a natural rock cave there, enough to accommodate a dozen people, he was going to stay There to avoid the enemy. Adler believes that the target of these invaders is Yanbu City, and he should not stay too long on the battlefield. He only needs to crouch quietly in the hole, waiting for those intruders to leave automatically. As for what to do in the future, Adler had no time to consider, the tribal armed forces lost most of the place here, and the fall of Yanbu Port was a foregone conclusion. When he chose to abandon the guard to escape alone, he was already destined to continue to be chieftain, because He abandoned his compatriots and gave up his responsibilities.

As Adil climbed the mountain, a messy gunshot suddenly sounded on a rocky hill on the side. The administrative officer looked up in panic and found that five Bedouin fighters in guard robes were lying on the top of a stone mound and were shooting at the enemy hundreds of meters away.

"This group of idiots is really going to be killed by them." Adiler turned around angrily and began to climb down the mountain. This place has been exposed. These guys will definitely lead the enemy troops and even escape obediently. Not at all, why didn't I find that there are such idiots under my hands.

"Ali! McGid! Nourdin! Assal! Abdul!" The bureaucrat shouted his subordinate's name breathlessly, struggling to climb the hill.

"Captain, this is Lord Adil." A cavalry turned his head and saw their commander.

"Regardless of this despicable coward, continue shooting, I must avenge my younger brother Mehmet." Ali, the leader of the ten-man captain, said aloud.

Ali's mind has been very useful since childhood. From the start of the cavalry charge, he has focused on the actions of the administrative officer. It is not that he is vigilant against Adler. It is only after following the chief officer this year that he can make a contribution.

So when Adler fled, Ali was also one of the first people to react. At that time, he didn't think much about it, just greeted his younger brother Mehmet, and chased down against Adler's back.

Now there is only remorse in Ali's chest. It was this decision he made that killed his brother who was dependent on himself. If Adler fled alone, it would not attract much attention from the Germans, but if more than a dozen cavalrymen fled to the east together, the Germans would certainly not let them go easily. These cavalrymen were hit by a round of salvos from the Randolph SS, and as a result, when they finally reached the hilly area, a dozen cavalrymen, including Ali, only escaped five people.

Mehmet's mount was shot by a machine gun. Before he could struggle out of the saddle, a bullet hit his head. Ali watched his younger brother, his brain split in front of him, and his death was miserable.

The Bedouin warrior completely gave up the idea of ​​running away. Only revenge was left in his mind at the moment. Ali took the two fighters from his ten-member team and immediately returned to the enemy after he arrived at Shiqiu. I don't know what the results were, but it is clear that they successfully attracted the attention of the Germans.

At this time, the gunfire on the battlefield had gradually stopped. The Bedouin elite cavalry had been basically wiped out. There were more than 150 people who died in battle, and another 23 people surrendered or were captured.

In the end, only Ali was left on the battlefield, still fighting tenaciously with the Germans. These five Bedouin fighters successfully attracted the attention of all Germans.

"These people are a whole bunch of people!" Sergeant Merkel paused a little, then pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle. The sharpshooter will not know that he just killed Ali's brother, Mehmet, if he falls into Ali's hands, he will be peeled alive by the other side.

"They are dressed in the same color as the rock, sir." A gray sword crew member held the **** of the mg40 machine gun and shot a long shot at the distant stone mound.

"This is the army of Saudi Arabia? It really opened my eyes." Jurgen wiped the dirt on his face with his cuffs and reloaded the pistol with a magazine.

"No, these are just conventional tribal armies, major." Captain Horne pulled out the lighter and lit the cigarette in his mouth.

"Stop shooting, the battle is over!" Horn raised his fist and gave orders to the SS officers and men.

The armored reconnaissance platoon is slowly approaching the Rock Hill. Two of the heavy armored vehicles are detouring to the back of the hill. These people on the Rock Hill have no way to escape.

ps: Thank you for your support. The first chapter is served, and the second chapter is finished after the meal.

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