Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 163: Q&A

"The German government is very pleased to see that peace has been restored between France and Siam. This was originally a completely avoidable misunderstanding, and in my opinion it should not have happened at all. In addition, as far as I know, a few The German troops trained in Indochina were unfortunately involved in this conflict. I have ordered the headquarters to conduct a detailed investigation. Although I have not received a specific loss report, I can be sure that German officers and soldiers were killed or injured in this conflict. I would like to state here that Germany will not give up its power to pursue this matter. Someone must stand up and take responsibility for this tragedy." Xu Jun shook his right arm and made a split The gesture of chopping, part of a senior reporter in Germany, seems to see the shadow of the former head of state again.

This legendary Hitler’s gravedigger and successor, while trying to wipe away the traces left by the predecessor, on the other hand are trying to imitate some of the predecessor’s behavior patterns. I discovered that every move of the new head of state has a very strong purpose.

If history has been spiraling all the time, there are many historical figures corresponding to Reinhardt von Stadt, and the most similar one is the founder of the Roman Empire, Gaius Julius. Octavian, His Majesty the First Augustus Emperor of the Roman Empire.

Hitler successfully played the role of Caesar in this world. In his hand, Germany ended the political chaos, the severely damaged economy was restored, Germany quickly rose in Europe, and the defense forces were invincible.

Hitler could also commit the mistakes and more crimes in history in the future. He was a perfect and noble person in the hearts of the Germans, an undoubted great leader, and a leader of the rise of the German nation. But just as Hitler launched the European War and was about to build the dream millennium empire, it was unfortunately murdered by a conspiracy group on the French front, and finally fell on the eve of victory. It is not the copy of the Gaius Julius Caesar that has failed to make a fortune.

And this new head of state has kept a low profile to the outside world. Except for the high-level Nazi party, few people understand his original face. Just like the hidden Augustus, his age obscures his superior ability. , But as long as he is given a suitable stage, he will bring miracles and surprises to everyone around him.

Like what Octavian did in history, he quickly and experiencedly accepted the political legacy left by Hitler, gained the support of the army, and then ruthlessly and cruelly eliminated a series of potential competitors and held the power. Firmly in his hands. This is a true dictator, stronger than Hitler, his personal will overrides the entire country, and in the minds of the people he is equal to the country.

At this time, it was the turn of a Japanese reporter in the meeting room to ask a question. This Japanese man kept a handful of hygienic hus, wearing a gray three-piece suit, and looked very energetic when he was small. .

"Dear Honorable Head of State, I am Sjimodo Yasuo (Sugimoto Yasuo) of the Asahi Shimbun of Great Japan." Hygiene Hu introduced himself in German, although with an incurable accent, but miraculously Can be understood.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Sjimodo." Xu Jun nodded gracefully.

"Oh! It's a great honor to see you," Sugimoto bowed again.

"Do you have any questions to ask? Mr. Sjimodo." Xu Jun asked with a smile, this Sugimoto had already been registered at the Eye of Odin, and the person's identity was the Asahi Shimbun reporter in Berlin. , Actually working for the intelligence department of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency, the question I want to mention is the previous assassination in Shanghai. It is well known that Field Marshal Blumberg was assassinated by a special agent from China in Chongqing during his visit to Shanghai last month. On behalf of all colleagues of Asahi Shimbun in Berlin, I once again express my deep condolences to the Marshal. Now the Japanese people are very eager to know the German government and your Excellency, your attitude and views on this incident, and whether Germany is going to take any action to punish the violence. Such a despicable violation of an international diplomatic convention." Sugimoto once again bowed to his compliments, then stared at the German head of state with a look of expectation.

Xu Jun couldn't help laughing, although the skill of this nonsense is not as good as Goebbels, but it's not far behind.

"Before answering this question, I would like to ask Mr. Sjimodo, how long have you not been in contact with Japan?" asked the German head of state.

"Although it is thousands of miles away from the homeland, but thanks to Germany's advanced communication technology, I have always maintained contact with the country, Your Excellency." Sugimoto replied respectfully.

"As for the follow-up treatment of the assassination in Shanghai, I have sent a plenipotentiary envoy. For details, you can ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country. As for Germany’s attitude towards this matter, I personally condemn this despicable crime of blatantly assassinating a country’s envoy. The German government regards this matter as an insult and provocation to the German Empire. As for the means we are going to use to punish the behind-the-scenes messengers, this is an internal matter of Germany, and I am not going to discuss these things in public here." Xu Jun There was no public puncture of each other’s lies. On this issue, the two countries have reached an agreement, but Xu Jun doesn’t like to be used by the Japanese. The Empire’s head of state secretly decided to send a telegram to Shanghai over there, and he must kill the Japanese again. Relieve yourself.

"I'm very sorry, Your Excellency, I have no problem." Sugimoto heard the voice of the German head of state, where did he dare to continue to struggle, and quickly withdrew the press seat.

"Dear Excellency, this is Harry Burt of the Associated Press. I want to ask about the US presidential election. How do you feel about Mr. Dewey winning in this election." The Associated Press There is a reporter station in Berlin, this Harry Burt is a newcomer just transferred from the local.

The head of state also saw the first two movies before crossing here. The reporter's name suddenly evokes the head's memories. When he is ready to go to the UK next time, he must go to Oxford for a tour and take a look. The prototype and location of Hogwarts College.

"When I learned that Mr. Dewey won, I sent a congratulatory letter the first time. The American people elected an excellent leader. I believe that Mr. Dewey will become a great president." Xu Jun's face With an elegant smile, after a little thought, he continued: "The Great German Empire attaches great importance to the friendly relationship with the United States of America. Previously, due to the European War and the provocation of certain ambitions, Germany and the United States There have been some unpleasant and small frictions, but this does not hurt the traditional friendship between the two countries with a long history.

Today, there are 20 million German diasporas and their descendants living in the United States. They have contributed to building this great country in various fields. There are no conflicts of interest between our two countries. On the contrary, we share common interests on many issues. Especially after the end of the European War, in the reconstruction of Europe, Germany and the United States have launched extensive cooperation, and now the goods produced in the United States can be bought everywhere in Europe, and American companies are increasing their investment in Europe. I believe that all of you here Witness these changes with my own eyes. Xu Jun glanced at the reporters present. People nodded involuntarily no matter where they looked.

"I hope that under the leadership of President Dewey, the cooperation between the United States and Germany will continue to develop in-depth. In addition to industry and agriculture, business and finance, we can also develop closer medical, educational, and technological aspects. Exchange and cooperation. Here I take this opportunity to announce a message to you. I have entrusted the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the United States, Mr. Niu Wright, to present an official invitation to President Dewey, hoping that at some future time he thinks fit, Come to Germany for a state visit." Xu Jun continued.

"Thank you for your answer, Your Excellency, I have one last question. Does the cooperation matter you mentioned earlier include the military field?" Burt asked.

"Of course including the military field. As we speak now, the German navy’s ocean-going fleet is crossing the Atlantic Ocean. They will pay a week-long friendly visit to the United States, during which the German navy will carry out a series of exchange activities with the US Navy. "" Xu Jun answered with a smile.

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency, I have no more questions." Burt got the answer he wanted and greeted Xu Jun politely.

"Okay, gentlemen, today’s meeting is over. Your head of state has prepared some small souvenirs for you all. After you go out, you will get them from the receptionist in the corridor." At the venue, clap hands to announce the successful conclusion of this press conference banquet.

Xu Jun didn't say much. He was walking towards the door surrounded by the guards. The reporters all stood up and stood standing watching the head of the Third Reich leaving.

In the personal channel of the head of state, Weierle walked beside Xu Jun and whispered to Xu Jun: "I have initially figured out what happened, my head, but I think you will not believe this. ."

The expression on the face of the chief of staff looked strange at this moment, and the emperor's head frowned slightly.

ps: Thank you for your support, the author will continue to work hard.

Things are finally done, it can be said that it went smoothly. Thank you for your understanding of the author. The chapters that are owed will be added one after another.

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