Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 167: news

At that time, the Western European Line was in a subtle sit-in war. The three countries of Britain, France, Germany and Germany declared no war. On the surface, it seemed to be turbulent, but it has already been surging under the water. Hundreds of thousands of elite confronted each other across the Maginot line. The conflict between Germany and Britain and France is no longer a diplomatic mediation. At this time, only a few people believe that Hitler’s military adventure will be successful. Most people believe that Germany will Will replicate the failure of the last war.

This time, Britain and France will never give the Germans a chance to rise again. The Germans will eat the bitter fruits they have brewed and obediently accept another Versailles agreement. It was impossible for Germany to win the final victory. At that time, it almost became a consensus. The navy of the British Empire and the army of France will soon let the crazy Austrian corporal understand what is a real European power.

The mysterious man who came to visit Kuhnberg first preached a similar argument. He vigorously exaggerated the risks that Germany will face. Germany is not strong enough, and the National Defense Forces have not done a good fight against the British, French and their allies. Preparation, Hitler will fail anyway, and the consequences of the war will be borne by the German people.

This man, who claimed to be Sir Hank, handed out the olive branch to Kuhnberg. He hoped that the count would join them and work together to save the future of Germany.

This man has quite good eloquence, and his views are also endorsed by Kuhnberg. Although he has been wandering for many years, the Earl never forgets that he is a German. What attracted him most in the other party's words was that the Jazz declared that it would rebuild the Second German Empire and establish a constitutional monarchy in Bavaria.

The Kuhnberg family is an old Bavarian nobleman. He has always been cherished by the overthrow of the kingdom. In his view, this is completely a group of shameless politicians, using this method to shirk the war responsibility that they should have assumed.

"So he agreed to join the other party's organization. The name of this organization is the Black Hawk Knights, and the logo is the eagle emblem of the Prussian royal family." Weyler took a sip of brandy.

"I'm afraid this is not their true face, Weierle." Xu Jun picked up the pen on the stationery rack and pulled a blank piece of paper from the briefcase.

"You guessed this wrong, Kuhnberg discovered that the opponent was really a group of old nobles who wanted to restore the Second Empire, and the leader of the Knights was His Majesty Ruprecht von Byrne, the former Bavarian prince. "Weirler put down the glass.

"Ruprecht? Crown Prince of Bavaria? Isn't he in Italy? Remember we met him when we were in Rome." The head of state just smeared two strokes on the paper, and was shocked by the news of Weiler. Not because this problem is too serious, but because this problem is too absurd.

"I believe that His Royal Highness just hangs a false name, maybe he doesn't even know that there is such a Blackhawk Knights." Weiler put forward his views.

Ruprecht von Byrne (also translated into von Bavaria) The full name is Ruprecht Maria Liutpod Ferdinand. The King of Bavaria, the prince of Bavaria, Franconia and the Earl of the Rhine Palace in Swabia, can be said to be born and precious, the eldest son of the last king of Bavaria, Ludwig III.

This Crown Prince is a good carpenter and an excellent commander. When World War I broke out, he led the German Sixth Army stationed in the Lorraine area, and stubbornly blocked the offensive launched by the French army. The left wing of the revolving door successfully ruined the last chance of success of the Schriffin plan.

Of course, this is no surprise to the army marshal. He was just following the orders of the staff. The prince could only behave quite well in the war, but compared with the pit fathers of the Prussian royal family, the performance of the Prince of Bavaria It was really glorious, and the military prince considered the most reliable general among a group of royal commanders.

The prince’s first wife, Mary Gabriel, died of kidney failure before the outbreak of World War I. She was born in the family of the Duke of Bavaria. Her aunt is Princess Sissi, the famous queen of Austria. After the war, Ruprecht lost his throne but regained love. He married his cousin, Princess Antevanette of Luxembourg.

The prince was an anti-Nazi, not because of a series of Nazi policies, but because Hitler did not agree with his restoration of the Kingdom of Bavaria. He was determined to restore the Bavarian royal rule, even if it was only the constitutional monarchy. For this reason, he even secretly contacted the old enemy British government, hoping to get the support of external forces.

He publicly claimed that Hitler was an arrogant maniac, and he did not conceal his aversion to former army corporals. Speaking of Hitler's reason to join the army, it was also because of the approval of his father Ludwig III. Otherwise, how could an Austrian civilian with a former conviction refuse to be allowed to join the glorious Bavarian army.

At that time, Hitler was full of blood and was not willing to fight for the corrupt Habsburg royal family, but he was willing to die generously for the German nation.

Hitler never concealed the contempt and dislike of the former crown prince, because the other party was unwilling to support the coup in the beer hall, and regarded the Nazi activities as a joke. On the small book, just wait for the opportunity to calculate the new debts and old accounts.

After the Nazis came to power, the prince’s life was sad. His restoration was met with firm opposition from the Nazi government. Hitler did not allow any more empire under his rule, even a constitutional monarchy. In order to teach these stubbornness Ling left behind, the Nazis began to nationalize the royal family’s territory and property. On the eve of the outbreak of the Western Front in 1939, Hitler suddenly ordered the confiscation of the Bavarian royal family’s palace in Steinburg and took the prince. He drove out of the last castle.

The Bavarian crown prince lost his last territory and knew that he could not be mixed in Germany. Fearing that Hitler might take revenge, he dragged his family and fled to Apennine, taking shelter of King Emmanuel III of Italy.

"This organization may have used the prince's name, because everyone knows that Ruprecht has never given up his idea of ​​restoration." Weiler explained.

"I think it's explained in this way. Prince Ruprecht's personality is indeed stubborn, but I don't believe that he can manipulate an underground organization behind the scenes. Obviously he lacks imagination and talent in this regard." Xu Jundian As he said, the pen turned back and forth at his fingertips.

"Kunberg believed in each other's words, and he started working for the Blackhawk Knights." Weyler reported: "There are indeed many frustrated old nobles in this organization, which are inextricably linked to the army. This is also inevitable. We cannot monitor every officer’s social circle."

"He got the intelligence inside the army?" Xu Jun asked with a frown.

"It's all general intelligence, and they still have no access to the high-level secrets of the headquarters. But they have integrated some anti-government organizations and built a complex underground intelligence network." Weiller reported: "Odin's I have long been aware of the existence of this intelligence network, and I have cracked several of its subgroups, but the clues were quickly interrupted. Before today, our investigation of this organization can be said to be completely clueless, and now We finally learned the general appearance of this organization.".

"So why should he tell us this, and why not continue, this Earl of Kuhnberg." Xu Jun asked with a frown.

"He didn't expect Germany to win the war. The changes in Germany made him feel very excited. He had no reason to overthrow such a country. After all, he was still a patriot, hoping to see the country become stronger and more prosperous. In addition , He found that the top level of the Black Hawk Knights had lost their minds. They were cooperating with the Soviet intelligence department. If he continued to work for the organization, he would be completely reduced to a traitor. He believed that these hostile and sabotage operations would definitely Incurring failure, he did not want to destroy the honor of the Kuhnbergers." Weiler picked up the crystal bottle and added a little more to his glass.

"Soviet intelligence service?" Xu Jun stopped the turning pen.

"According to me, it should be the General Staff of the Red Army." Weiller reported.

"Is Odin's eye completely unaware?"

"I'm sorry, it was our dereliction of duty. We didn't expect them to resurrect so quickly." Weierle bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"What does Kuhnboge want from us?" Xu Jun put the pen on the paper.

"He wanted our asylum and brought his wife and daughter back to Germany safely." Weierle replied.

"What happened to his wife and daughter?" The head of state was a little surprised.

"It's still safe, but when the Illuminati discovers Kuhnberg's abdication, their situation will become very dangerous," Weiler explained.

"Then let you do it, this is not a very difficult thing." Xu Jun casually shook his hand.

"Follow your orders, my head of state." Weiller bowed his head.

"Wait for the meeting, don't mention Kuhnberg." Xu Jun stood up.

"Aren't you going to let Schlumberg and Mueller intervene in this matter? My head of state." Weierle quickly stood up.

"I changed my mind. It was not necessary for the General Security Administration to know this, and it was the responsibility of Odin’s Eye. Schlumberger and Mueller could follow up on the investigation of the Illuminati. Teng went to deal with it, and I want to see the result as soon as possible." The emperor's head rubbed his cheeks and put on a majestic look.

"Now let's see this Earl of Kuhnberg, I have some questions to ask him personally." The head of state put the remaining half of the cigar on the ashtray.

"Then you can only find another chance, Kuhnberg has now left the capital." Weyler replied respectfully: "Because he was prevented from being exposed early, he must return to their hiding place before midnight. ."

"Cindy Rila?" Xu Jun looked at his chief of staff.

"My head of state, he is already under our surveillance." Weiler replied with a bow.

"Anyway, this is your job, I just see the result." The emperor's head plucked his temples and picked up the military cap from the map table.

"Go to the meeting room, Schlumberger they should have been waiting there." Xu Jun said.

At this moment, the main entrance of the office was pushed open, and I saw Colonel Dougan walking in with a serious face.

"You came just right, Dougan, and you will have to attend the meeting after a while." Xu Jun picked up the Field Marshal slightly.

"I'm sorry, my head of state, there must be a message to inform you immediately." Dao Gen slightly bowed to Xu Jun.

Realizing that Dao Gen's expression was a bit wrong, Xu Jun slowly lowered the Field Marshal's staff, and he lowered his face and asked, "What the **** happened? Dao Gen.".

"My head, the headquarters just received a telegram from the African Army Command, and the plane that Lieutenant Colonel Randolph was missing on the front line." Dogen replied with a trembling voice.

"When did it happen?" Xu Jun's face also changed.

Although Randolph would sometimes get into trouble and make a few jokes, but as everyone knows, this SS lieutenant colonel is a **** confederate to the head of the empire, and he knows no less state secrets than Dougan a bit.

"Noon today." Dougan replied.

"Why report now." The head of state asked sharply.

"The headquarter explained that the African Army Command sent a reconnaissance plane and a search team. After they originally wanted to get conclusive information, they would report to their superiors." Dougan replied: "But the reconnaissance plane and the search team sent later also Disappeared together.".

"It's unbelievable and unheard of! It immediately ordered the African Legion to search for it at all costs and must find Lieutenant Colonel Randolph at all costs." Xu Jun said, smashing the map table hard.

"Obey, my head! In addition, I have a request here, I hope you can agree." Dogen said with a chest lifted loudly.

"Speak, Colonel." Xu Jun already had a sense of what the other party wanted to say.

"I ask you to allow me to participate in the search for Randolph." Dougan said aloud.

"Dougan, don't be impulsive, even if you rush past now, it won't help." Weyler reminded.

"Randolph is my subordinate, and I have a responsibility to find him and take him home." Daogen's attitude has never been so firm, and Xu Jun vaguely saw the gleaming glory from the corner of the colonel's eyes.

"I agree, Dougan." Xu Jun turned and strode to the desk, picked up the pen and wrote on the white paper.

"You depart now, take my plane, and you will arrive in Cairo tomorrow at noon. I will give you this warrant, you can mobilize all the resources you think are necessary, whether it is equipment or personnel, which is authorized by the head of empire "" Xu Jun signed the name and the bet on the warrant, and the eagle emblem was stamped underneath.

"You took this warrant to find Disenhofen and asked him to arrange the plane for you. Do you still need anything? Colonel." Xu Jun used the ink pad to absorb the excess ink, and then took the order to go In front of Dougan.

"Enough is enough, my head!" Dougan took the order with excitement, which was not just an order, which meant caring for his staff and unconditional trust.

"Colonel Dogen, bring me the guy Randolph back." Xu Jun patted Dougan on the shoulder.

"Observe! My head, I will definitely bring Randolph back. Hi! Reinhardt!" Dougan boots bumped and solemnly saluted Xu Jun.

ps: Code early and post early. The four thousand word chapter is a little compensation for everyone. Thank you for your support and consideration.

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