Becilico is not far away.

In the boundless wilderness, a griffin fell, splashing large swaths of smoke.

Xin Zhao rolled over and jumped off the griffin expressionlessly, and skillfully lit the candlestick in his hand.

The faint blue fire was blown by the breeze and swayed gently, making it extremely mysterious.

After about a while, the candle flame suddenly became vigorous, and the coquettish flame continued to climb upwards.

The runes, which are nodes, light up faintly, and the candle flames connect them together, bursting with intense light.

This beam of strong light is enough for everyone in Becilico not far away to see.

The woman in the Noxian general's armor stood on the tower, staring absently at the glowing blue light.

She has beautiful long yellow-brown hair, and the position of her right arm is empty. She was Quiletta, the general stationed at Besilico.

"There should be a break today."

She sighed and shook her head, picked up a dagger in her left hand, and handed it to her adjutant, a rugged-looking woman with short black hair.

"Infertia, take it."

The adjutant looked complicated, but he still took the dagger and promised:

"There's only one chance."

"I'll create opportunities for you, and I'm sure you'll take them."

Quiletta smiled brightly, but there was sadness in his eyes.

Above the wilderness, a tall figure slowly walked out of the rune formation.

The blood-red cloak fluttered in the wind, and Darius stepped forward step by step, the giant axe in his hand shining coldly under the direct sunlight.

On his other hand, the Noxian flag was raised high with the Empire's new coat of arms.

"This is our first time working together, General Xin Zhao." Darius said flatly.

He stared at the towering stone walls not far away, and the city like a stone fortress.

In the center of the city, like the rest of Noxian cities, is a huge black gate that symbolizes the empire. But it was different from other cities, and it lacked the flag in his hand.

"Later, we may have to face thousands of troops." A trace of contempt hung on the corner of Darius' mouth.

Xin Zhao's old-fashioned face was still expressionless. After placing the candlestick on the Griffin's back, he stood side by side with Darius, clenching the spear in his hand:

"But ten million people, General Darius is afraid?"

"Hahahaha, I've been in the army for more than 20 years. I've killed more people than the ones living in Besilico. The number of times I've been surrounded by people is countless."

Darius picked up the giant axe and walked forward step by step, with anger and puzzlement on his face:

"Come on, let's see. Why did Quiletta betray the Empire!"

Xin Zhao silently followed behind him with the spear in his hand.

At the same time, Swain and Ryan were sitting opposite each other in the Trifali Assembly Hall. There was no picture in front of them, but they both knew what was happening on the other side.

"Quilleta, Draven, and Darius, the place where the three of them were born did not belong to Noxus. The Empire conquered it, and they joined the army with a colonel of the Empire."

Swain's face was flat, as if he was narrating an ordinary thing.

"Many members of the Noxians are similar to them. The continuous integration and tolerance of races and civilizations has led to the current prosperity of the empire." Ryan said.

"After they joined the army, they quickly gained a place in the army with their extraordinary martial arts. Among them, Darius was the most outstanding."

With memories in his eyes, Swain continued:

"Due to his extraordinary martial arts and military exploits, Darius was named the Hand of Noxus by Darkwill, symbolizing the empire's most powerful force. He lived up to expectations, and was highly respected for pioneering the empire along the way. "

"Quiretta was originally with Darius. But a few years ago, they had a disagreement. Quiletta was also transferred to the Eastern Front."

Ryan tapped his fingers lightly on the round table with mockery in his voice:

"As a result, she was transferred to Imistan. Tricked by fate, she was used as a bait in a baiting operation, and her arm was injured by her own alchemy bomb, and she was eventually forced to amputate."

Swain nodded slightly: "That's the time, she was not suitable to stay in the front line because of her injury, and instead became the garrison general of Becilico. She has a good reputation, and the local people there are very satisfied with her."

"The power and glory of the empire can't be as it used to be. Unscrupulous, indiscriminate, what kind of thing." Ryan shook his head, "We don't mind using dark methods, but only if we can't use them on our own people. "

"Every Noxian is precious, and we won't repeat the mistakes of Darkwill," Swain assured.

The empire relied on military exploits and contributions, and this has not changed.

But since Darkwill came to power, a group of people will do whatever they can to get the upper hand, sacrificing their own people to get promoted. Not only was this not stopped, it was greatly encouraged by Darkwill.

Just because the former emperor didn't want able people, but obedient people.

Disobedient generals like him and Ryan have instead become the targets of abandonment and removal. It has to be said that this is an irony to the empire.

"Countless people suffered because of this, and we need to heal the wounds in their hearts. They themselves, their dead souls, their relatives and friends, all need us to stand up for them." Ryan shook his head.


You have a good idea. ' Swain said.

"The concept of the military power point has gradually become clear. As for the spirit, Xiao Sa and Orianna have recently walked the streets of the Immortal Fortress. She already has an idea for what she wants to do." Ryan smiled.

His apprentice has been feeling a little unhappy every day recently, as if he had heard the dirge of the soul in the immortal fortress.

Inside the Immortal Fortress, there is an unusual story in everyone's home. Mostly associated with glory, but also filled with sadness.

"Wait and see..."

Sway came to an end because of the chat. One of them has scarlet eyes, and the other is full of blue light, while watching the stories happening in the distance.

At this moment, Darius had already walked to the tall city wall. He inserted the flag in his hand straight into the soil, raised his head and shouted at the city tower:

"Quiretta, don't you want to say something?"

Darius' battle-worn face became extremely ugly, especially when he saw the figure above.

He asked himself that he had devoted himself to the great cause of the empire, and that maybe he was doing something wrong, but this was the responsibility of the sons and daughters of Noxus.

fight for the empire.

Once he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but when the bloody warriors fell by his side and watched a group of slaves stand up in Noxus, he had a completely different feeling for the Empire.

This is his final destination. As long as this empire exists for a day, everything he has is willing to offer it.

That includes his life, his family and even his children.

After a while, the city gate made a heavy creaking sound and slowly opened to both sides.

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