Battle of the Two Cities: Begins with the Mage

Chapter 133 Meredith's Four Soul Scroll

At one time, whether in Jarvan or within the kingdom, Demacia had always been thought to be evenly matched with Noxus.

If it weren't for some things within the kingdom involved in the experience, they would have counterattacked each other long ago.

But now, Noxus is far superior to them.

Jarvan could hardly imagine the panic and panic that would be caused in Demacia after these announcements were made.

Not to mention, they have seen with their own eyes today that the divine power of the flying wing protector is also a kind of magic in essence.

And some of the things Kyle has done have been heard by many people.

The emergence of these contradictions is far more serious than the consequences of the Noxian invasion.

At the very least, Noxus needs some time off.

"With you and me inside, we will resist all difficulties with one heart." Galen said sternly.

He doesn't understand politics, but after listening to his aunt's description a few days ago, he also has his own simple judgment on the severe situation in Xiongdu in the future.

"I even wish there was an invasion of Noxus." Jarvan sighed.

If there is an external enemy at this time, it is the best way to adjust internal conflicts.

"I can now understand why Noxus did that, picking out a being called a god to establish his majesty." Jarvan shook his head.

"So we were deliberately put back by him to promote their glorious deeds?"

Galen clenched his fists, unwilling.

Not only is he ineligible to fight, but when he comes back, he has to passively publicize the opponent's record of defeating himself and others. What kind of thing is this.

"Can we hide today's battle situation from the outside world?" he said bitterly.

"You can let your soldiers keep secrets, and your father and grand marshal can let them tell the truth." Jarvan shook his head.

The current situation is almost insoluble.

What's more, whether they keep it secret or not, Noxus will hype it up.

Noxus desperately needs a great victory to cement the power and position of the new incumbent.

And their Demacia and the defeated God of Flying Wings became the spoils of war for the opponent to show off their achievements.

Demacia would have to question them when they heard the wind inside Noxus, and they had to say it at the time.

What's more, Jarvan understood.

With Galen and his own character, there is no denying this failure.

They have always grown up accepting Demacia's brightest qualities, and would not be the coward to escape.

"Then what should we do?"

Garen dropped his epee in annoyance and let the heavy blade plunge into the soil.

He is now a mess in his mind, and it's okay to let him form an army. He has no idea at all when he thinks about these things.

"Let's take a step by step, we don't need a large force to be stationed here. Old General Laurent stays behind, and I will lead the army back to Xiongdu immediately. You lead the fearless pioneer first."

After Jarvan finished speaking calmly, he looked at Galen and said seriously:

"Remember, be quick, before Noxus spreads the word."

"it is good!"

Galen's expression turned solemn, but he didn't go out the door in a sloppy manner.

He wanted to assemble the soldiers of the Fearless Vanguard immediately and set off overnight.


"Teacher, is she a star spirit?"

Above the immortal fortress, the floating castle reappeared, and the black and blue light once again enveloped this thousand-year-old castle.

Under the floating city, Seraphine looked curiously at the imprisoned Kyle.

Kyle's limbs were pierced by iron nails turned into four dark orbs, and his body was nailed to a stone bed made of Forbidden Stone.

She looked miserable now, and even fell into a coma herself.

"Justice Protoss - Kyle, that's her name. Can you hear the unconscious murmur of her soul?" Ryan asked.

He had a guess that he would need Seraphine's talent support.

"There is a holy and ethereal song coming from her soul. It's so strange. Normally, I shouldn't be able to hear the soul of the Protoss." Seraphine tilted her head.

"Then it seems that my guess is correct. Each Protoss is not an independent individual. Like the Darkborn, there is a distinction between the host and the Protoss itself." Ryan smiled.


Seraphine's face was even more confused.

"You can't understand these for the time being. You should be able to understand a little bit when you finish reading that book of Darkborn Souls." Ryan said with a gentle smile.

"Ah...that book is all about nebulous knowledge," Seraphine complained.

"The mage who wrote that book should have been a slave of a certain darkborn, and he should practice blood magic. Understanding the above knowledge points requires a lot of other knowledge, which is available in the library." Ryan explained with a smile. .

Magic threads continued to extend from his hands, and different runes flew up and slowly merged into Kyle's body.

Kyle is their only living Protoss experiment, and it is the best way for them to understand Protoss.

A month was enough for him and Syndra to study it thoroughly.

At the same time as the operation, he also reported a long list of book titles, and Seraphine's face was drooping and painful.

"Okay okay, looks like it's time for me to read a book."

Seraphine appeared to have no love for her life, but she wrote down every book that Ryan said.

She sees nothing to do with her here

, also turned and walked upstairs.

After a while, she walked to the top of the Mage Tower.

In the library on the top floor of the Mage Tower, the vast magic reverberated in it, and dozens of books were held up by magic and surrounded by Syndra.

"Oh, two madmen who study magic, no wonder..." Seraphine pouted inwardly.

Just after the battle ended tonight, her two teachers began to study Protoss non-stop, as if not feeling tired at all.

She could vaguely hear the voices of the souls of the two of them. Although the two were not defensive against her, it was also a manifestation of their excessive consumption.

However, except for the male and female voices, the singing of the two is almost the same, both of which are the fanatical pursuit of magic, which made her pouted.

"Seraphine, take the book on shelf 1."

Syndra's cold voice entered her ears, making her think that her inner monologue was discovered, and she shivered with fright.

"it is good!"

She heard that she was not looking for trouble for herself, and hurriedly pressed her messy mood to the bottom of her heart.

Controlling the stage to hold himself up, he flew towards the No. 1 bookshelf, the tallest in the mage tower.

The higher the serial number of the bookshelf, the higher its importance.

Seraphine remembered that Ryan and Syndra never used magic to access the books on the first 10 shelves, but pulled them down and picked them up by hand.

Flying to the top, she saw the No. 1 bookshelf that she had never paid attention to before.

The structure of the bookshelf is very simple, with only 4 compartments for books.

However, unlike ordinary bookshelves, these grids seem to prepare books for opening pages, not like shelves for stacking books at all.

There are only 2 books on the shelf, and there are two empty compartments.

When she saw the vacant seat at the bottom, her expression froze slightly.

"The Stealing Soul of Meredith"

There was a nameplate next to the grid with her familiar name written on it.

The book that should have been stored here was the gift she received on the teacher's day.

"Second book!"

Syndra's urging voice came, and Seraphine responded subconsciously:

"it is good!"

She carefully closed the book called "Meredith's Soul Dividing Scroll", slowly descended the stage, and carefully handed the book to Syndra.

Before coming down, she glanced out of the corner of her eye.

In the other empty space, there is also a nameplate that reads:

"The Seduction of Meredith"

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