Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1046: shoulder gun

The mercenaries such as Lan Qilin and Pluto rebuilt the convoy, leaving the damaged vehicles and wounded people behind on standby, while they continued on the road with the rest of the vehicles and armed personnel. )

The attack was so severe that at least half of the vehicles in their convoy were damaged to varying degrees, and they were unable to move forward on Route 24. Seeing this scene, the corner of Lan Qilin's mouth twitched, and he had the urge to scold his mother.

But he still held back, after all, he knew that the most urgent task now was not to curse here, but to quickly cross this **** highway and send Tim Marlow to Liberty City. With a gloomy face, he waved into the car without saying a word.

Pluto waved and directed the convoy to continue on the road.

There was a lesson, and this time they were a little more cautious than before. The convoy was cleared by several medium trucks, the container truck that held Tim Marlow, with vehicle protection on the flanks and rear to provide cover at all times. All Deyang Company's mercenaries are also very vigilant to observe the surrounding situation.

After Lin Rui and others successfully conducted a raid on the transport convoy, they all retreated to a small town more than 50 kilometers away from Liberty City, and arranged a second ambush.

Put anti-tank mines there, I don't want to see any chance of their cars going off the road! Lin Rui instructed several Heidao Company mercenaries to set up mines on the side of the road, and turned to Snake Eyes, Snake Eyes, have you and Yelena chosen a sniper spot?

Snake Eye nodded and pointed to the small corridor on the second floor in the distance. There is no problem. The place I chose has a good view. And it's hard to find. Yelena will provide assistance shooting on the other side.

Well done, the rest go to familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment and give those guys an ambush lesson. Lincoln, I want your men to lie in ambush there. Form a second line of defense, and once they rush through here, it's up to you. Remember, all vehicles except the red truck can shoot at will. Lin Rui gave orders loudly.

Hey actuaries, how long do you think they will be there? Wang Haoze asked Jiang Andao in a low voice while playing with his machine gun.

We've already hit them quite a bit, and it won't be too fast for them to set up the team and start again. That means we still have at least twenty minutes to prepare. Kishi replied.

Why is the boss so nervous? And Zhao Jianfei, they seem to be very concerned about this action, is it because our enemy is the secret society? Wang Haoze frowned.

They were so nervous, naturally because of the secret society. Due to the conflict with the secret society, we lost several brothers, and we couldn't get rid of the Liangzi of the secret society. Kishi shook his head. Not to mention the secret society and our previous festivals. This time alone, if they were successful, they would have robbed us of our first business in Africa after the reorganization. After our headquarters in Black Island was withdrawn from the United States, the state has been relatively sluggish, and everyone urgently needs a hearty victory to boost morale.

Jiangan said slowly that if this operation is successful, it will be very beneficial to the cohesion of the entire team.

OK, I get it. Wang Haoze shrugged.

Lin Rui turned his head and said, "Wang Haoze, use a camouflage net to wrap your smashing machine gun. If you don't want to be exposed in advance and become the opponent's living target. Better do what I say!

Got it, boss. Wang Haoze was in a hurry.

Actuary, don't be idle either. Help me find out what's wrong with the fire placement on the right. Lin Rui made a gesture to Jiang An, everyone made me nervous, move! The battle just now was beautiful, but let's not slack off because we have more work to do. We're going to beat those Deyang **** back to grandma's house! When it's over, I'll have a drink!

The o2 players responded with a bang.

It seems that I really have to thank the Secret Society and White Gloves, it's rare for the boss to be generous for a while. Sergey shrugged.

Do your job. Lin Rui scolded with a smile.

The o2 mercenaries are all good players, Lin Rui Jiangan and Lincoln have their own set of team command and deployment. In addition, the original preparations were sufficient, and relying on this abandoned town, a pretty good blocking position was constructed.

The cross fire on both sides, plus the armed pickups hidden in the town at the rear, formed the first blockade. RPG rocket launchers and recoilless guns are placed in the second line of defense as offensive weapons. Their role is to destroy the lead vehicle, leaving the entire convoy trapped in the town. Exposed to hidden fire on both sides of the town.

The sniper team of Snake Eye and Yelena is not responsible for killing people, but for sniping vehicles. This time Jiang An and Zhao Jianfei brought them two high-level anti-material rifles from San Kaizer. American x09 25mm large caliber sniper rifle.

For some long-range sniper missions, the common 127mm bullet is not powerful Barrett, as a pioneer in advocating the development of large-caliber sniper rifles, recently designed and manufactured a 25mm x09 type The sniper rifle is surprisingly powerful. If it is renamed the shoulder-fired gun, it may be a more vivid name.

This X09 sniper rifle with the ability to destroy light armor is a semi-automatic 25mm rifle with a barrel of 176 inches long and a total length of 46 inches. It weighs about 46 pounds and comes with a 5-round capacity magazine. But when playing this kind of gun, don't even think about holding it for high-speed exercise. It has only one function - to destroy the target!

The effective range of the lethal armor-piercing x09 sniper rifle is about 2000 meters. The 25mm bullet used, high-explosive dual-purpose. Good against armor and personnel, able to penetrate at least 50mm of armored steel plates, capable of destroying light armored vehicles scud launchers and other equipment.

This 25mm bullet is the real horror, it's more effective at destroying targets, delivering over 25 times the power of a 050 caliber armor-piercing bullet.

Even in order to supplement and enhance the accuracy of the x09 sniper rifle, a very advanced computer data processing sight system, called the Barrett optical distance correction sighting system bors, is used. This correction sighting system can be applied to 1,000 meters and beyond, are specifically designed for long-range shooting.

Collecting data related to target measurement and correction, such as air pressure, temperature and weapon angle, is processed and calculated. Correcting all of these factors precisely increases the accuracy chance that the first bullet will successfully hit the target. Able to calculate the impact point of the first bullet, the shooter simply uses the dial to aim at the target at a distance, select the type of ammunition, and align the crosshair on the target.

Even the weapons expert Snake Eye was stunned by the power and huge recoil of this gun.

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