Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1136: waiting

A day later, Lin Rui and Yelena entered St. Mary's Stadium together. With fake ID cards provided by MI6, they managed to get in. Lin Rui and Yelena became maintenance workers, wearing blue overalls and carrying two large toolboxes.

There are still four hours left until the start of the game. Neither the spectators nor the players have entered the field, they are left to do the final preparations.

"Stop, check," a voice shouted. "That's you two. I need to see your toolbox. Can you open it?"

Lin Rui stopped, but without a trace of panic, he turned to look at the man in the suit in front of him, and shrugged, "Can you stop playing?"

The man in the suit was Jiang An, and he patted the security card on his chest casually, "Please cooperate with my work."

Lin Rui gritted his teeth, "I really can't stand it. It's just that these British guys have faked their identities. Why are we the maintenance workers, and you are the security personnel who can yell at us?"

"Relax and act so others won't be suspicious." The shore pretended to look at their toolbox, nodded and said, "Okay, you can go. Take the stairs on the right side of the stand, as if you just heard Said the lights in the ceiling need to be replaced." Then he turned and walked elsewhere, and he behaved professionally.

Lin Rui sighed, turned to look at Yelena and said, "Let's go, let's go and check the ceiling of the stage."

He and Yelena quickly came to the maintenance escalator on the side of the stand, and then climbed a row of iron bars on the top floor of the stand. This place is usually closed, and few people come except for maintenance personnel. There's no decoration either, just rough concrete walls and lots of electrical wiring and plumbing, and it's dimly lit.

The two quickly reached the predetermined location with the toolbox. The one here has a row of small windows through which maintenance personnel can lean out and replace the stadium lighting outside.

But now these small windows have simply become the most suitable sniping points. Yelena quickly opened the toolbox and assembled the firearms. She was so familiar with this type of sniper rifle that she could disassemble and assemble it even with her eyes closed.

The Russian-made osv-96 large-caliber sniper rifle, although heavy and poor maneuverability, is still a sharp killer with its excellent shooting efficiency and excellent accuracy.

Yelena quickly completed the assembly, opened the gun's bracket, placed it in the window, and tried to aim. She frowned slightly and said, "The location of the windows is not flat, which will reduce the accuracy of shooting. Moreover, the gun has a lot of recoil, so the support points must be reinforced to ensure the accuracy of shooting." Indeed, the platforms of these small windows are somewhat rough and uneven. .

Lin Rui shrugged, "No problem, we are maintenance workers." He took out an electric drill and quickly drilled holes in the erection position, and fixed the bracket to the window with two rivets.

Yelena set up the gun again, tried to move it, felt very firm, nodded and said, "It's much better now."

"Are you sure?" Lin Rui looked at her and asked.

"Of course." Yelena nodded, she looked at Lin Rui and said, "You know I rarely miss."

Lin Rui stretched his hand around her waist, brushed her blond hair lightly, and whispered, "Be careful, you only have a chance to fire one shot. Whether this shot hits or not, you must evacuate immediately. Go to our plan. A good meeting point is waiting, understand? If there is an accident, remember to keep in touch." He tapped Yelena's earphone with his finger.

Yelena smiled slightly, "I understand, you should be careful too. It will be more dangerous down here than here."

Lin Rui let go of Yelena, turned around and left with the toolbox. For some reason, he always had an ominous premonition in his heart, as if something would go wrong in this operation. But so far, everything is going according to their predetermined plan, and there is nothing wrong. Lin Rui shook his head, throwing away these annoying distractions. He must maintain a high degree of concentration when in action.

Grace's voice came from the headphones, "Mr. Rick, I hope you are all seated."

"Already in place, finished." Lin Rui whispered.

"Very well, we are also ready. In the next few hours, the satellite will target the 30-kilometer radius of St. Mary's Stadium. The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft has also been activated and will be watching everything in real time above you. Dynamic." Grace said calmly, "Trust us, everything is under control. Do you still have a mobile computer?"

"Take it." Lin Rui took out the tactical tablet from his body.

"We will send all monitoring information to your portable device through the network, and each of you can view the monitoring video of each entrance at any time. I hope it can help your actions." Grace whispered .

Lin Rui slid the touch screen with his hand, checked it, and nodded, "Yes, the image transmission is very clear."

"We have a team watching for you, I hope you don't miss out, I wish you good luck." Grace closed the communication after finishing speaking.

Lin Rui pretended to be a maintenance staff again and checked the stadium everywhere in order to find out the surrounding environment. Although he knows that once the game starts, the environment will become very messy and completely different from usual, but he still wants to have more control over the surrounding environment as much as time is passing by, fans The admission is already starting, and there are huge crowds. While St Mary's isn't the hottest home in the Premier League, Southampton isn't the hottest team either. But this is an important and crucial game, and a large number of fans still enter the stadium early. The excitement of the scene is not lost to any English Premier League team.

This is a country with a century-old football tradition, and the lively atmosphere at the scene made blood boil. Except for Lin Rui, he had already put on a home team jersey and sat in the crowd of fans, but his eyes were incomparably cold and clear. He didn't come to watch football, he came to work.

The VIP seat was still empty, and the game was about to start. But Vasily still did not appear. Lin Rui was among the cheering fans, but his eyes turned to one side from time to time, looking at the empty seats in the VIP seats.

Suddenly a voice came from his earphones, "The target appeared, there are six people in total, except the target, they are all bodyguards, they are getting out of the car, a bodyguard walking in front is in front of the target, they should be walking 2 channel."

"Received." Lin Rui took out the tablet, quickly switched the screen, and whispered, "Actuary, the target has entered the stadium, report the target location, and confirm the target's identity again."

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