Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1354: reed beach

"Okay, the only question, what to do with this man?" Sandro pointed to Alexei in the car. "What you said requires good mobility, and we can't do it with this wounded."

"But we have to take him away, this is the mission." Lin Rui shrugged, "The first rule of mercenary is to give priority to the mission. Although I often say go to the mother's mission, the work that should be done is still done. down."

"Yes, although this line of food is unpalatable, it still has to be eaten." Crazy Horse smiled and said, "I will be responsible for getting him across the river safely."

"Get in the car and hide it in the reed beach by the river." Lin Rui commanded loudly.

"But the car can't run anymore." Park Dong-sang waved the wrench in his hand.

He patted the shore on his shoulder and said, "Then hang it on the car in front with a rope, drive by traction, push the reeds when you get to the river, and then take cover, try not to let the pursuers behind us find us. trace."

"Well, that's the only way to do it." Park Dong-sang shook his head and quickly turned to the car with the tool bag in hand. Sergey hung the car on the front car with a leash. After ten minutes, they drove the car into the dense reeds by the beach, and covered it with camouflage nets and reeds.

These guys are all veterans of doing this, and they've done a great job of concealment. As long as the enemy did not get into the reeds and search carefully, they would never find a few camouflaged Humvees hidden inside.

"Bring enough ammunition and supplies, we must swim across the river." Lin Rui whispered, "Crazy Horse, take the wounded and follow me." Unbuttoning his collar, turning over his pockets, he rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs flat. To the appropriate position of the upper arm and thigh, adjust it, try not to be too tight or too loose. Equipment such as bullet bags, grenades, water bottles and pouches should be properly organized and connected tightly, and the gun should be on the back.

In fact, these preparations are also exquisite. This is to ensure that the weight of various items is evenly distributed on the body, so as to avoid concentrating on the lower half of the body, causing the lower limbs to sink during swimming, increasing resistance, labor and speed. In the upper part of the body, it can cause difficulty breathing. Swimming is also generally used in breaststroke or sidestroke, mainly to maintain body balance, observe the movement of the water surface, and make the swimming noise small.

Several people went into the water one after another, Crazy Horse's burden was heavier than the others, because he had to carry the injured Alexei.

"Damn it, I hate ponds in Africa so much..." Alexey said with a wry smile.

"Stay still, Russian, try to relax and let yourself levitate. Unless you want to kill yourself, or you think this filthy pond is worse than a militant's bullet." Crazy Horse wrapped Alek in his arms. Xie swam forward, whispering.

"I like the water here. Although there is often cow dung or other dirty things, it is at least pure natural. There is not so much heavy metal pollution, messy industrial toxins. By the way, that beauty, in the cow How does it feel to swim in the dung?" Lin Rui turned his head and smiled softly.

"Shut up!" Yelena said bitterly.

"Okay, okay." Lin Rui looked around vigilantly while swimming.

"Looks like we're safe." He swam to a patch of reeds on the other side of the river, opened the waterproof bag, took out the locator and communication device, and said in a low voice, "Lin Rui, judging from the satellite positioning situation. , we're more than four kilometers from that bridge. Did you really decide to risk getting close to them?"

"Of course. We swam across the river, but the current situation is not good. Without vehicles, we can't go further. And we are still in South Sudan, and the Americans can't help. So we You must approach them, even if you take risks. What time is it?" Lin Rui whispered.

"Four o'clock in the afternoon." Jiangan whispered.

"There are at most three hours before sunset. At that time, it will be our chance." Lin Rui whispered, "Where's Sergey?"

"Here, boss." Sergey waded over the water and said.

Lin Rui nodded and said, "Actuary, you are responsible for leading the team to rest in the reed beach. Sergey and I will go check the situation."

"Just the two of you?" Yelena whispered.

"The smaller the target, the safer." Lin Rui nodded and said, "You are hiding here. Sergey and I touched the riverside. These reeds can give us good cover. If we find that the front is safe, we will send you a message. Coordinate signal, you follow us again. Do you understand?"

Kishi nodded, "Okay. Then you all pay attention to safety."

Lin Rui put the gun on his back, turned around and continued to advance along the reed beach on the river beach with Sergey. The banks of the African River are covered with reeds, and the scenery is not bad. In the past few days, the river was probably swollen because of the rain in the upper reaches, and the river was muddy and turned into a yellow soup. It is also because the reeds here have grown fairly well shortly after the rainy season and can provide them with proper shelter.

"Shh!" Lin Rui suddenly crouched down, turned around and raised his hand to Sergey in a low voice. Sergey knew that Lin Rui had encountered a situation, so he left and slowly crouched down, and took out his weapon from behind. He is very experienced and knows that moving around in the reed beach is easy to expose, so he tries to be very gentle.

Lin Rui slowly touched forward, suddenly swooped forward, and held down a person. The black dagger pressed against the person's throat, but it didn't stab. He found out that it was just a black boy, about fifteen or sixteen years old, and was frightened by Lin Rui.

"It's all right." Lin Rui breathed a sigh of relief, put away the patted the child, smiled and whispered, "Let's go, don't tell anyone that you have met us?"

The black boy refused to go, stubbornly squatted among the reeds, and kept saying something in the African dialect that Lin Rui did not understand. Breathlessly. He was **** in a pair of shorts and a pair of tattered open-toed sneakers, probably a local.

"What is he talking about?" Lin Rui frowned.

"I don't understand either." Sergey said strangely, "He seems to want your gun."

"What a joke, you might as well just say he wants my life." Lin Rui shook his head.

"No..." Sergey gestured, "He seems to say something happened there. Why don't we go and see?"

Lin Rui frowned, "You're crazy, people from the secret society are nearby. If we go out, it's very likely that we'll be discovered."

"But he seems to be telling us something, and we are out to scout, we have to figure out what happened ahead?" Sergey frowned.

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