Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1409: Gunfire and Fireworks

Lin Rui breathed a sigh of relief, "You're still alive, and the bulletproof shields are all broken." Lin Rui pulled Crazy Horse to the side while shooting. As the team commander, he is now forcing himself to calm down and think about what he is doing now. the situation at.

Judging from the enemy's current firepower equipment and combat plan, the enemy is quite old and vicious, and has quite high special operations skills. It seems that he has encountered a person with white gloves. His Deyang mercenaries are an armed organization composed of retired special forces members from various countries, all of whom are battle-hardened old fritters. They have the best special warfare skills honed from the war, and the most ruthless means of confronting the enemy.

Judging from the confrontation just now, the mercenaries encountered this time are definitely stronger than ever before. The attacking formation and skilled attacking techniques just now, as well as the use of the nearby narrow areas, all have strong traces of the US special operations forces.

This ambush was an elaborate trap designed by White Gloves. Although Lin Rui and the others discovered them, they were led by their noses and made dumplings by these mercenaries on the third floor. Now it seems that they are completely exposed. And they must have another gang besieging that room in Aladdin.

Lin Rui wanted to take the risk and rush out, but Crazy Horse rushed out and knocked him down. A bullet whizzed past, and Lin Rui only felt a burning pain in his left arm. Crazy Horse looked back and saw that the blood on Lin Rui's left arm had dyed his combat uniform red, and hurriedly shouted, "Be careful!"

Lin Rui shook his head and said softly, "I'm fine, I just scratched my skin."

"Damn, what are you thinking, that's not quite your style." Crazy Horse frowned.

"They should have controlled the monitoring system, so they know our every move. Even when we approach the walkway, they will prepare in advance." Lin Rui whispered.

"You mean, that?" Crazy Horse pointed to the corner and went to the camera surveillance.

Lin Rui nodded, pressed the earphone and said, "Kebain, you have another job to do."

"Needless to say, I'm monitoring you all the way. And obviously, I'm not alone in calling the monitoring program. Relax, give me a few minutes, and I'll find these people and send them a virus message. The virus is small. , only less than two trillion, but the power is huge, as long as it is activated, it will make a mess in a short time. By the way, no thanks." Cobain said with a smile.

"I won't thank you either, you **** tech guy. I knew they were using surveillance video, but they didn't give us any hints. You know, the two shots on Crazy Horse's chest should be yours." Lin Rui was helpless. typical.

"Okay, don't be so serious, we're doing our best," Cobain replied. "After half a minute, rushing out their system will be in a state of collapse. You have enough chances."

"Hey, boss, are you okay?" The voices of Jiangan and Yelena came from the earphones, Yelena was especially anxious.

Lin Rui endured the pain and grinned: "It's okay, it's just a little bit broken. This time we met a tough one. White Glove is ready to give it a shot, and it should be the elite of Deyang Company. Actuary, what about you? Like?" Others also knew that they had encountered very tough mercenary fellows.

"There are no less than 20 people on the other side, with excellent weapons and ferocious firepower, and there may be backups, but they have not been able to break into this area so far. Aladdin's guards are very powerful." Jiangan whispered, "And cruel."

Aladdin has changed into a group of guards, all in black clothes, with a black turban wrapped around his head. Kind of like the legendary Assassin Assassin. They are checking one by one whether the mercenary attackers on the ground are still alive. As long as there is no breathlessness, they will cut their throats with a knife. Looking at their appearance, it is normal to kill pigs and sheep.

"Okay, don't worry about these. Our only goal now is to get rid of this hungry dog ​​stuck behind us, and cut off its two paws." Lin Rui said easily: "We will save Aladdin. The winner. Do you understand?" "Understood!" Several neat voices shouted in unison.

"How many enemies are in the aisle now?"

"I don't know the exact number of people. They are hiding in a dead corner, but judging from the sound of gunfire, there are six." The voice of the snake's eyes could not tell the taste of excitement. Keeping a calm mind at all times is the most important quality of a sniper.

Lin Rui spat out a mouthful of phlegm and said in a low voice, "Pay attention to cooperation with me. Crazy Horse and I are starting to break through, and I need you to cover the three o'clock direction. Move in battle formation!" Lin Rui gave the order and Crazy Horse at the same time When the fire was fired, the two mercenaries fell under the flames of the muzzle because the communication system was invaded and they did not get the signal in time.

At the same time, Lin Rui and Crazy Horse kept rolling over, changing positions to let each other's strafing be a waste of bullets, and they couldn't find a more suitable time to start. Sergey rushed out suddenly, and Snake Eyes also rushed to the predetermined position when the enemy was temporarily suppressed by the firepower of Lin Rui and Crazy Horse.

When Sergey and Snake Eye arrived at the position, they also opened fire to suppress the Lin Rui and Crazy Horse were waisted, running the snake-shaped route in the swish rain, retreating to Sergey and The snake eye opened fire from twenty meters to the side. Snake Eye killed a mercenary with one shot, and as soon as he turned over, the opponent's bullets roared past his ears.

Snake Eye didn't even change his expression at all, he pulled the bolt to move the rifle, raised the gun and another enemy fell, and then rolled to aim and shoot. Snipers don't have an advantage in such close-quarters combat, but Snake Eyes doesn't even need a sniper scope now. Lifting the gun and aiming straight, three points and one line, relying on the most basic shooting instinct, his marksmanship is still superhuman.

The two groups of people crossed for cover and went to the meeting point. The other party also seemed to realize their intentions. The fire became more intense. The flames spewed by the ak47 made Lin Rui, who was so far apart, seem to feel the heat. The enemy became active again, and the bullets rubbed Lin Rui's scalp several times and flew over. Lin Rui was so frightened that he was in a cold sweat again. let

He is different from Crazy Horse's infiltration team. The infiltration team is a veritable heavy-duty body, with helmets and body armor. However, apart from a robe and a mask to hide his identity, Lin Rui had no body armor. If he was shot at random, there were only two blood holes that could kill him.

The mercenaries left five or six corpses, but they didn't mean to stop at all. It seems that their only purpose is to eliminate the squad in front of them. And they are getting more and more aware of their tactics, and under the cover of firepower, they are constantly approaching the distance from Lin Rui and the others. Lin Rui's team seemed to be stuck with a piece of candy and could not get rid of it.

The worst thing is that the white gloves and black pearls have not yet appeared, and no one knows what other tricks they have. The downstairs of the Jade Parrot is brilliantly lit, the music is deafening, and the fireworks falling all over the sky are really beautiful. On the third floor, with the doors and windows closed, gunfire was flying. One is heaven and the other is hell. ()

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